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  1. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join BNHA: the flotsam lot

    I’m here I’m sorry for not being here that much I’m usually on in school hours. Then manly everyone is posting after I go to sleep or I’m not home .
  2. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join BNHA: the flotsam lot

    Can someone explain what I missed I would reread but I’m manly at school and I’m falling behind
  3. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join BNHA: the flotsam lot

    I’m sorry ask but I can’t find the list again so can I get it again I want to see the teams
  4. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join BNHA: the flotsam lot

    I’m sorry just don’t have a life’s or friend group in School
  5. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join BNHA: the flotsam lot

    Reeee moblie hates me
  6. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join BNHA: the flotsam lot

    @JPSomeonesomeone help idk what to draw right now I only have the colors red orange and purple
  7. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join BNHA: the flotsam lot

    Yep I’m on mobile plus I’m upset to being lashed out at my parents do it all the time when I come over. But hope you and your baby come out fine in the long run.
  8. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join BNHA: the flotsam lot

    It was a joke ;-; I didn’t mean it in a bad way I only aid it beause he like everything and everyone’s posted and never posted - cries in a corner again-
  9. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join BNHA: the flotsam lot

    Come one Type don’t just lurk up there @Merciless
  10. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join BNHA: the flotsam lot

    Oof I’m so upset to using “u” I kinda forgot to change it back
  11. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join BNHA: the flotsam lot

    Flora held her head lightly from boredom and light headed a little. The vine around her suddenly grows a rose and flashes a blood red as it returns to normal. As she let her head go she stood up and walked over to the rooms doors and left quietly and swiftly. After she got a good distant down...
  12. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join BNHA: the flotsam lot

    Flora quietly stood up and said “ I’m Flora my last name I wish not to say. I My quirk is Blood thorns.” As she said that as she removed the vine brett holding her ponytail. She lays it on her hand as her eyes glow yellow, the vine bret reacted as started to wrap around her hand pricking her...
  13. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join BNHA: the flotsam lot

    Np I wasn’t planning on using him for awhile anyway but also am I able to respond now or did I miss my chance
  14. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join BNHA: the flotsam lot

    XD I know what you mean mean but that’s why I said intil I can find a way to make the quirk work I won’t use him. But anyway Ryu cant phcisally poison intil death because of the backlash of it being based on his blood. But the poison from the Spider Lilli is one of the most poisonous flowers...
  15. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join BNHA: the flotsam lot

    No his quirk is actually not that powerful it’s manly just his physical strength with the poison being added like a samurai with his weapon its only a add on that helps them be more deady Plus it was a thrown toggle to fit the story Ryu’s real oc is a demon snake that is the protects my other oc
  16. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join BNHA: the flotsam lot

    Okay but ima still make him just Incase if things go uneven again. But I won’t bring him in-till things go uneven again to keep it simple ;-; or I might just switch in between Flora and Ryu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Ryu ( what where floras last name was) Hero Name (Optional)...
  17. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join BNHA: the flotsam lot

    Ima make another character so it’s even I make make flora a twin or sibling
  18. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join BNHA: the flotsam lot

    Can I make Flora a spectator for the game or whatever it is an if we want to if we have more rounds of the game if we don’t have all people playing?
  19. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join BNHA: the flotsam lot

    REEEE I’m so lat elm so sorry I haven’t been ative I got caught up in school that I had even more family drama pile up I broke down and left all my games but anyway can I still join rn
  20. Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX

    Ask to Join BNHA: the flotsam lot

    Can someone tell me when I can join in