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What Should Happen Next?

  • Field trip!

  • All-Schools (all schools in the area) competition


  • Skills training (focusing on developing actually skills for quirks)

  • More competition?

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I'm waiting on the seven characters who have yet to introduce themselves. If you just don't want to respond, let me know either in this thread or private message- but if you don't contact me then I'll assume you want us to wait for your post. Those of you who have yet to post, please go ahead and do so soon.
Okay but ima still make him just Incase if things go uneven again. But I won’t bring him in-till things go uneven again to keep it simple ;-; or I might just switch in between Flora and Ryu
Name: Ryu ( what where floras last name was)
Hero Name (Optional): Poison Trap
Age (Year): (same age as flora)
Appearance (Detailed please): He looks almost identical to Flora but but instead of green eyes he has piecing gold / yellow snake eyes that glow like a ranging wild beast in the wilderness. His bangs are messily brushed over to one side of his face, as his long hair is in a ponytail that reaches to his mid back.He wears a tight black chest high tank top that hugs his muscular chest. And into a pair of slightly baggy shorts tight shorts. He wears a jacket around his waist and a pair of old fashion Japanese Ninja Sanders.
Hero Costume (Optional): His hero custom is much like his normal outfit but the tank top is a long sleeve half turtleneck that leads into a mask. Which makes him put his hair in a man bun. Aswell as have a custom spear made himself that has a thorn pattern on the blade and handle that glows when he’s close to his sister that is like a tracker for her.
Personality (Detailed please): He is a lot like his sister but he is the ying to her yang as he is the more calm and clear headed on of the to. But when pissed off he get a lot more deadly as he’s temper boils over.
Major Malfunction (Why are they part of the rejects club?): Do to his relationship with his sister and his quirk they thought that even tho the to balanced another out is would be to dangerous alone. Also because his quirk is so deadly to his body and other people.

Quirk (Type): Poisons Spider Lilli
Since the spider kilo is know as the flower of hell it produces a poison that was used to kill people. Ryu can turn that poison in to a gas that can kill a herd of elephants and more. Doe to him not fully controlling his quirk he uses his spear as the release point of his poison. Much like his sister but instead of controlling it, he makes his poison throughout his blood stream where it’s produced naturally makes him stealthy like a ninja. But if his blood is used in the right way his blood can cure any poison that’s as deadly as his
Setback: Do to him having to use his spear he has high stamina and speed he can get tired and slow down his body to keep the poison in his body stable. After awhile of using his poison for awhile his blood can’t keep up with the amount of poison and blood produced by his bod. and he slows down and eventually passes out from blood loss or exhaustion.
- Poison blade infuse- Ryu spear drinks some of his blood and his spear blade turns into a blood red color as it infused with the poison
-Flowers Poisoning Field- He releases a large amount of poison which just like his sisters Ticker field it gives him long range attacks. But it’s manly used as a distraction and a stealth boosted.
-Spider Lilli explosion- As is name says Ryu can form his poison into a spider Lilli that explodes seconds after it’s given form. But do to the poison amount it takes Ryu usually faints afterwards.
-Poisons 2 Seal- Doe to his massive amounts of poison he can use a skill that leads to sealing a certain amount onto a person, that after awhile untreated can kill a person. But Ryu only uses this on people who hurt his family and as punishment for people.
-Poison Snake- Since his eyes are of a snakes shape he can transform his poison into a snake giving it part of his vision. Do to the shared vision he’s able to control the snake but it shares the damage done to the other.
@Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX everything looks good except a few parts of the quirk. Form my understanding it is a bit OP- but also I may not be interpreting it correctly. If you want you can edit your post more clearly and I'll let you know whether or not you have to change it. But as of right now, I'd say releasing poisonous gas is a bit to much to have such a minor set back. Either change it so that the gas can only kill when exposed to for hours, or add some setback like that to even out the quirk a bit. Also, solidifying the gas in the form of a snake seems like a bit too much.

@Zenhu that's what I'm here for.
No his quirk is actually not that powerful it’s manly just his physical strength with the poison being added like a samurai with his weapon its only a add on that helps them be more deady

Plus it was a thrown toggle to fit the story Ryu’s real oc is a demon snake that is the protects my other oc
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I think what they're saying is it seems a bit much for a measly hero academy under a bridge. I think the character is neat and all, but maybe scale it back a bit. For example maybe just lower the versatility of the quirk and the character, as there is currently long range and short ranged attacks, as well as increased vision and a quirk enhanced spear and the ability to poison someone to the point of death. I'm not trying to be a stickler but it just seems like a lot. But hey you do you :D
XD I know what you mean mean but that’s why I said intil I can find a way to make the quirk work I won’t use him. But anyway Ryu cant phcisally poison intil death because of the backlash of it being based on his blood. But the poison from the Spider Lilli is one of the most poisonous flowers from ancient japan which with a large amount can kill a person so I kinda based it off of that. And how people would poison there blades with it when women wanted to kill other coucubimes and people, or put it in there tea
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Oof, I really left y'all hanging. Sorry. I'll just assume, at this point, that everyone who wants to post has posted and I'll try to get a reaponse up in the next few hours. My post will just be Mr. Hami giving out the partners and explaining the directions or whatever. So you can start preparing your post (which will be finding your partner, and intorducing yourselves to them).

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
May I remind you, yet again, that discussion threads are for discussion of the RP and not for memes, SPAM and other conversational garbage that has little to do with the topic at hand?

Or that "u" is not a word and chatspeak isn't allowed here, "Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX"?

Back on topic, folks.

Multiple posts have been removed as a result of this.


Please be calm @Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX we're already aware of when we have to post. I'll let you know now, we definitely aren't the fastest moving RP on this site, and being apart of it requires a lot of patience. If you think that we're taking too long, you can always leave and come back when you're ready.

That's because there is no point to me posting until everyone else has posted. XD and I'm a girl. But assuming you are on mobile, you can't see my signature (since it states that I'm pregnant). But it's also stated on my profile if you click on my name and view the pop-up. XD

And I do that. I like everyone's post to let them know I see it, but when I post, I do it when I have the time for it. It's difficult to post from a phone, and I am not always on a computer to make posts.

Plus, you didn't have any emotes or anything on your message, so I couldn't tell if you were joking or not, so I took it that you were upset that I wasn't posting (which would be a stupid reason to be upset about because I have time to read stuff, which I can do in under a minute, but typing a response takes between 5-10 minutes. Pretty sure that is the same for everyone else).

But I was the first one to post to Mr. Hami saying to do the icebreakers. So, I was likely not going to post until after everyone else has posted. It's a courtesy thing that I do, so that when people get back from their life to make a post, they won't have to read through a bunch of messages so they could catch up. It's from being on Discord where everything is treated like a chat thing, and everyone takes turns to make a post, and there is a posting order. I get that a forum like this won't have a posting order (especially with how many people just stop RPing abruptly for days or weeks and never come back until a month later), but I will always have that courtesy thing, unless I get put into a conversation I need to be more active in.

Asking me to post, whether it's a joke or not, irks me slightly because I have a job and I need to take care of my needs first, and I'm stressed as all hell. It just sounds inconsiderate, whether you meant it or not. I know it's difficult to joke on the internet because there is no possible way to really show that you are joking, but that's usually why I have ECKS DEEES everywhere, to show that I'm not serious about what's going on. Otherwise, I take things with how they look like because there really isn't a whole lot of anything I could really do. I either take it as a joke and possibly anger someone who was actually serious, or I don't take it as a joke and possibly upset someone who wasn't being serious. It's a fine line that nobody can really effectively figure out, so sarcastic responses or jokes are super hard to figure out. I also don't know anybody here and how they are usually, so I can't really say if they are joking or not due to not knowing their mannerisms.

If this post sounds like I'm angry, I'm really not. Just letting you know what goes on in my head and to be a little careful next time. Not everyone can tell what everyone is thinking online and get their meaning. It's easier to do that face-to-face or even over voice chat because then you can hear the nuances of sarcasm or a joke. With words? That's difficult unless there's emotes or italics or bold letters.
It seems as though everything has been resolved, but I'd just like to say some things. From now on, if there is a problem between two RPers (not saying that there was) it should come to be not at each other. I don't want more than 3 post of two people just talking to eachother about anything other than the plot. If you are truly bothered, take it to private messages- but please keep in mind that we're all friendly here. I try to keep this thread relatively relaxed and low-key, so responses aren't going to be right away and not everything will go perfectly according to plan. Let's just try to compromise and roll with the punches that come, that is part of the fun of RPing, after all.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
I'm going to share my opinion even though the argument ended;_;

Huh, what are you talking about? I'm waiting for Barefoot Kittens to make a post where Mr. Hami tells everyone their partners.

Plus, I have a life. I'll type when I have time.
That sentence is a bit of a trigger to a lot of people (the one I highlighted in purple). In my opinion, its kinda rude even though it's just a statement but as you said on the internet where you read most of the time, you can't hear it in the tone people are saying it in. The slightly abrupt change of topic but CONGRATULATIONS ON THE BABY :D

Please be calm @Xx_WHAT-is-LIFE_xX we're already aware of when we have to post. I'll let you know now, we definitely aren't the fastest moving RP on this site, and being apart of it requires a lot of patience. If you think that we're taking too long, you can always leave and come back when you're ready.
I do think this was a bit of a rash response, this is the first time something like this has happened in our discussion thread. You probably didn't think rationally and came up with the response on the spot (or maybe you meant it...).

Yep I’m on mobile plus I’m upset to be lashed out at my parents do it all the time when I come over. But hope you and your baby come out fine in the long run.
I'm on also typing on mobile so I feel your struggle, us mobile people must stick together lol.

It seems as though everything has been resolved, but I'd just like to say some things. From now on, if there is a problem between two RPers (not saying that there was) it should come to be not at each other. I don't want more than 3 posts of two people just talking to each other about anything other than the plot. If you are truly bothered, take it to private messages- but please keep in mind that we're all friends here. I try to keep this thread relatively relaxed and low-key, so responses aren't going to be right away and not everything will go perfectly according to plan. Let's just try to compromise and roll with the punches that come, that is part of the fun of RPing, after all.
Lastly Barefoot came in with a clear mind to give out advice noise advice for people having an argument when using this website.

Now the real end. I don't think y'all had to gang up on her like that. I mean all it takes is one person to get a point through unless it involves multiple. (In the end I just wanted to write something too xd)
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