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  1. UstanTheDragonSlayer

    Nah man, there's a certification test you have to take, real simple. Question 1: Are you a dude...

    Nah man, there's a certification test you have to take, real simple. Question 1: Are you a dude? Yes or No?
  2. UstanTheDragonSlayer

    Ask to Join Pokemon: Hoenn Crisis Discussion

    You will be given the outfits but it's totally up to you to put them on or not lol
  3. UstanTheDragonSlayer

    Ask to Join Pokemon: Hoenn Crisis Discussion

    @~Patriot~ are you still interested in joining this RP?
  4. UstanTheDragonSlayer

    Ask to Join Pokemon: Hoenn Crisis

    Aqua Cray tapped his foot impatiently as the new recruits wandered in one by one. Once the final recruit walked in, he stopped the foot taps and walked to the center of the room. "Alright, listen, maggots!" he shouted in an authoritative tone. "This is the Team Aqua headquarters, AKA your new...
  5. UstanTheDragonSlayer

    Ask to Join Pokemon: Hoenn Crisis Discussion

    Have all the Aquas responded already? I didn't notice lol if so you can expect a post from the Aqua Admin. @XanthousXatu if you wouldn't mind could you also introduce your character? All Magmas, please move your characters to the spot where Axel is waiting and we'll give this RP a huge...
  6. UstanTheDragonSlayer

    Ask to Join Pokemon: Hoenn Crisis Discussion

    Good to know people still want this to be a thing lol I'll post as soon as I can, probably within the next couple of hours.
  7. UstanTheDragonSlayer

    Ask to Join Pokemon: Hoenn Crisis Discussion

    I'm waiting in more people to post so we don't get too far ahead lol of course I want this to stay alive.
  8. UstanTheDragonSlayer

    Ask to Join Gorgon Glare! A fairy tail Roleplay reboot

    Draigh waved his arm in understanding before sneaking another crystal out of his sack and popping it in his mouth. I don't want my Dragon Slayer identity making it out there yet, so I'll have to be discreet whenever my magic gets low... He turned his head just enough to be able to get a decent...
  9. UstanTheDragonSlayer

    Ask to Join Gorgon Glare! A fairy tail Roleplay reboot

    The voice behind Draigh caught him off guard, but it spoke with reason. Draigh pulled down the scarf a little and exposed his mouth. "Oh, right. Sorry about that," he apologized, rubbing the back of his head. He did as told and sat down at the bar and ordered some juice, guzzling it down when it...
  10. UstanTheDragonSlayer

    Ask to Join Pokemon: Hoenn Crisis

    (Looks like we can progress with Magma for now. I would've liked to wait for Xatu but oh well, I don't think we'll be going too far lol) Magma Axel ran down the list of recruits as they walked in, checking off their names as he matched them with their descriptions. The salute from one of them...
  11. UstanTheDragonSlayer

    Ask to Join Pokemon: Hoenn Crisis Discussion

    It's fine lol I appreciate you taking the time to make such a detailed form too, it's great.
  12. UstanTheDragonSlayer

    Ask to Join Pokemon: Hoenn Crisis Discussion

    @Night's Shadow @Merciless Medic Team refers to which of the bad guys' side you're on, not your Pokemon team. Fix those and you're both good to go. Medic, you can out it down as "Both" since you're a spy lol
  13. UstanTheDragonSlayer

    Ask to Join Pokemon: Hoenn Crisis Discussion

    These two are correct, no limits on how many moves your Pokemon know so long as you can keep track of them.
  14. UstanTheDragonSlayer

    Ask to Join Pokemon: Hoenn Crisis Discussion

    Sorry again for the double post, but to avoid confusion, if you have multiple characters it would be best to have your Magma character react first, then Aqua, then trainer(if you were allowed one). If you'd like, you can also just type (M) or (A) next to your posts as well. And big thanks to...
  15. UstanTheDragonSlayer

    Ask to Join Pokemon: Hoenn Crisis Discussion

    Understandable. For when you get to it, yes, your character is viable. I will keep a spot open for you lol good luck with whatever you're going through, I won;t ask for details lol
  16. UstanTheDragonSlayer

    Ask to Join Pokemon: Hoenn Crisis

    Magma Headquarters Mt. Chimney Depths Axel the Admin leaned back in his office chair, furrowing his brow at the amount of paperwork that had ended up on his desk. "What's this?" he asked, referring to the grunt nervously standing in front of his desk. "Uh, n-new recruits, sir!" he replied...
  17. UstanTheDragonSlayer

    Ask to Join Pokemon: Hoenn Crisis Discussion

    @Captain Cardboard yes, I was waiting on Medic so that we didn't start and get too far so they didn't lose interest/get confused/have to read a lot of posts but I suppose starting this wouldn't hurt. Also, please be sure to edit your forms according to the rules, I am unsure if you have noticed...
  18. UstanTheDragonSlayer

    Ask to Join Gorgon Glare! A fairy tail Roleplay reboot

    Draigh was awoken from his slumber by a presence in his area. He only heard a faint voice due to the echo in the cave, but couldn't make out what was said other than "Marshmallow." The only thing that accomplished was making Draigh hungry, so he grabbed a few crystals from his stockpile next to...
  19. UstanTheDragonSlayer

    Ask to Join Gorgon Glare ! A Fairy Tail roleplay {Reboot}

    Awesome! I'll make my post as soon as I get home!
  20. UstanTheDragonSlayer

    That's wack, yo

    That's wack, yo