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  1. P

    Rain's art

    RAIN its great to hear it's working again! :) so you still up for my pic? :p
  2. P

    DPPt/HGSS A 16-man Tournament(please may some1 delet it)

    Hey I'd like to join. My name is Patrick and my fc: 3265 2750 9941
  3. P

    Reynald's Art

    its pefect, thanks so much :) keep up the great work
  4. P

    Rain's art

    aww really sorry to hear rain, and you were seriously my favourite artist on here, oh well, it's a shame. But think about this quote "dont frown because it;s over, be happy that it happened" :p if you ever get it back working, pm me, cause id love to see that still :)
  5. P

    DPPt/HGSS ShadoPikachu's Trading Post (Take 3)

    Hey, I have a shiny toxicroak if you want it :p
  6. P

    Reynald's Art

    i have brown hair and brown eyes :) a little dark i guess anything else? :p
  7. P

    Rain's art

    hehe thanks, im looking forward to it, but no rush and i hope your having fun in san francisco!
  8. P

    Has anyone ever actually caught Feebas in D/P

    I have never managed to catch a feebas in my diamond or pearl game, but i have in my sapphire version. IT TOOK 6 HOURS AND IM NOT EVEN LYING! i was watching tv while i was doing this so i didnt get bored out of my mind. And also, i didn't understand what the random pannels thing was all about...
  9. P

    Sprites by Smoochum

    yet again smoochum you amaze me, thanks sooo much im going to put them in my sig :)
  10. P

    Rain's art

    thanks so much im really looking forward to this. How long do you think itll take?
  11. P

    Rain's art

    umm yeah i have just 1 more if you could please!!! could you draw a pic of me full body length,same hair and everything, but instead could i be wearing this: yep, thats underwear lol all i ask in detail is that you try to make the words "abercrombie and fitch" visible on the shirt or sweater...
  12. P

    Rain's art

    OH MY GOSH RAIN !! I LOVE WHAT YOU DIID! SERIOUSLY ITS FANTASTIC IM LOVING IT! i love it so much, im putting it on my facebook! (if you dont mind, and ill credit you obviously ) thanks so much again! Ill refer you to my other friends and stuff, i love your work :D u just made my day, well -...
  13. P

    How do you play Pokemon Diamond online without friends?

    There are many sites/forums where to can chat with people in order to get their friendcode to battle them online. Here are just a few: Pokecharms forum lol... Serebii.net (wifi-chat) Youtube.com marriland forums...
  14. P

    Underground - Secret Base

    I can help you there Pixeity. I order to completely get rid of all the rocks in your secret base, you must comeplete 50 rounds of capture the flag with a friend :p
  15. P

    Doggy-ears Sprites *Requests closed for now*

    thanks so much, i love it :) dont worry, ill credit both of you guys :D
  16. P

    Doggy-ears Sprites *Requests closed for now*

    hey doggy ears, just showing some support, i love your sprites and all your artwork would you please be able to take my request? :p um if you can, i would like a trainer sprite of the guy in my trainer card with the charmeleon or pikachu thanks and take your time ;)
  17. P

    Rain's art

    rain ive fallen in love with your style of art, its very "different" in a good way of coarse i was wondering if you could take a request heres the reference, lol yes it is me take your time and thanks :)
  18. P

    if you could have a pokemon what would it be

    ummm, i would pick tentacool, so i can disect it :p
  19. P

    If you could alter one thing....

    oh im sorry, i thought you ment ghodt/dark types seperately, my apologies