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Well after playing throughout the night I've made some tweaks and so here is version 2.0 actually its closer to like 2.3 but you get the idea.
Team building Process: So after the help I had recieved from you guys I had at that point already swapped out Roserade for a Mega...
I've actually changed the team quite a bit since this was posted I'll be sure to post an updated list here in a bit when I get home. (I'll edit this post)
Nonetheless your help and criticism is greatly appreciated.
So i've not got a few runs with this team so far and its handled itself fairly well but I still would like an extra set of eyes to look it over for me.
Talonflame @ Leftovers
Ability: Gale Wings
Nature: Jolly
EV's: 252 ATK, 4 Sp.D, 252 Spe
Brave Bird
Flare Blitz
Steel Wing...
So I've been wanting to get into competitive battles and I've finally gotten the breeding down but now I need to pick a team to go with my focal point.
My first pick is Mega Charizard Y.
Nature: Timid
IV's/EV's: IV's are in HP, SP. ATK, SP. DEF, Speed, and Attack/ EV's are split 256 in...
So ive been playing through Pokemon Y do the first time over thr past week and realize that making an Eeveeloution team would be great. However I don't know how to work it and have it be somewhat competitive . Anyone have a tip for me?
That day.... The release of Sword Art Online, when we all got caught in this world to complete it or die. Many considered it a good thing a way to get better, most..like myself, considered it a curse. Trapped inside a world not knowing when we're going to get out. Some have adapted to living in...
"Imagine it. Our spirits have been transferred to the planet Cray. On this planet our souls have to powers, the first is the ability to Ride or possess the creatures of this planet. The second is the power to Call these units to defend you. The cards in your hand are your units. While battling...
Tony hated having to go to a special school. He'd miss his few friends that he had but he didfeel a bit better knowing he wasn't the only kid here with ADHD and Dyslexia. As he walked through the halls he felt nervous and strained, he wasn't much of a daytime person, there were moments when the...
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