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  1. T

    DPPt/HGSS My team V.3.0 needs serious help!

    Ooh, I like that move set, KoL! I hope it's all right that I abbreviated your username. :P I think I might adapt that, if it's all right? That is what the suggestion is for, after all, isn't it? ;) The only one who will not be happy about Trick Room is Tauros.
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    DPPt/HGSS My team V.3.0 needs serious help!

    Thanks a bunch Jeydis, you did help a lot! I was planning to open with Bronzong, actually, and then Trick Room to set up its evil. Think that would work all right?
  3. T

    DPPt/HGSS My team V.3.0 needs serious help!

    Help me? Please? I'm looking for move set advice, EV advice, and any and all advice I can get. ---------- Slowbro [ Shell | Male ] @ Shell Bell OWN TEMPO (Cannot become confused) Bold Nature (+Defense, -Attack) EVs: 212 HP / 252 Def / 44 SAtk -Surf -Ice Beam -Thunder Wave / Grass Knot...
  4. T

    DPPt/HGSS [T]RS' Trading Thread. [UPDATED!!!]

    Rockstargno: No, sorry. Xeilmach: I'm sure that I do. If not, I might be going Ditto hunting soon, anyways. Drunyon: I'm sorry that it's taken so long: I still haven't gotten around to breeding them. I seem to have misplaced my gameboy. >
  5. T

    Virgil's Fakemon, and maybe other sprites

    I love your Fakemon, Virgil! The first one, the little star-shaped pink bear thing is ADORABLE. Also, I love this sprite: I was wondering if I could use it for a trainer card? I'll give credit, of course! Keep up the amazing work!
  6. T

    DPPt/HGSS [T]RS' Trading Thread. [UPDATED!!!]

    Drunyon: Sure, but it may take me a while because I'll have to breed off both. I guess I should have had some spares. I have a few certain-natured Dittos, but not very many.. so you could try for a nature, but it would be more-than-likely that I not have them. Xeilmach: No thanks, I'm...
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    DPPt/HGSS [T]RS' Trading Thread. [UPDATED!!!]

    Sure, sure, I'll contact you. :3 I updated my thread a bit!
  8. T

    DPPt/HGSS A new breeding thread

    Hey Ruko, if I trade you Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit, will you EV train all my Pokemon? :P
  9. T

    [B]lack as Night - A Fanfiction [Chapter two is now up!]

    That makes me wonder where Fantina is from, then, since she clearly speaks fluent French. :P
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    DPPt/HGSS [T]RS' Trading Thread. [UPDATED!!!]

    Ha ha. Strange as this sounds, your laugh sounds familiar. XD I'm listening to music, so if you hear that, sorry. >>;
  11. T

    DPPt/HGSS [T]RS' Trading Thread. [UPDATED!!!]

    Thanks for the trades! I think that I heard you giggling. XD
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    DPPt/HGSS [T]RS' Trading Thread. [UPDATED!!!]

    It's a done-deal, then! You're a lifesaver! I'll be on in a few minutes?~
  13. T

    DPPt/HGSS [T]RS' Trading Thread. [UPDATED!!!]

    What Dittos were you looking for? If it doesn't matter, I can simply gather up five different-natured ones. :3~
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    [B]lack as Night - A Fanfiction [Chapter two is now up!]

    "There is an oft- told admonishment given to misbehaving children that some Pok
  15. T

    DPPt/HGSS [T]RS' Trading Thread. [UPDATED!!!]

    I do not happen to know the IVs for either of them. My apologies.
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    [B]lack as Night - A Fanfiction [Chapter two is now up!]

    "Just because he's a discreditable child does not mean that you should contemn him, because that is what he is: a child. Children.. their minds wander; and those minds are- contrary to what you may have thought- unattainable for change." -[Team] Rocket Scientist (Andrew) BLACK AS NIGHT chapter...
  17. T

    DPPt/HGSS [T]RS' Trading Thread. [UPDATED!!!]

    I already have an Elekid and an Electrizer, and I feel that Deoxys for a single Power item would not be worth it, nor singularly an Azelf. However, an Azelf for two power items, I would consider.
  18. T

    DPPt/HGSS Seeking help with my Pokemon Team v.2.0

    At least I'm not being told that my move sets were complete rubbish. I believe that I've had the "switch modest for timid" comment before, though. -snuggles Bronzong-
  19. T

    DPPt/HGSS [T]RS' Trading Thread. [UPDATED!!!]

    I sure do! Do you have any Elekids, Carmen? ;-;