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DPPt/HGSS Seeking help with my Pokemon Team v.2.0

Glace the [?] Starmie @ Wise Glasses
Modest Nature (+Special Attack, -Attack)
Ability: Natural Cure (Upon switching out, Starmie is cured of status conditions.)
EVs: 252 Special Attack, 252 Speed
-Ice Beam

Notes: From what I know, this is the basic
"special-sweeper" Starmie.
Surf and Psychic for STAB.
Thunderbolt and Ice beam for coverage.


Electrique the [F] Electivire @ Life Orb
Adamant Nature (+Attack, -Special Attack)
Ability: Motor Drive (Absorbs electric-type attacks to raise speed.)
EVs: 252 Attack, 252 Speed
-Ice Punch
-Cross Chop

Notes: From what I know, this is the basic
"physical-sweeper" Electivire.
Thunderpunch provides STAB, while paired with
Ice Punch allows amazing coverage.
Earthquake and Cross Chop are for further coverage.


Plume the [M] Swellow @ Burn Orb
Jolly Nature (+Speed, -Special Attack)
EVs: 252 Attack, 252 Speed
-Brave Bird

Notes: Protect so that no damage is taken
on the first turn, and so that the Burn Orb
can take affect.
Facade for huge power (STAB + Guts + Effect),
Brave Bird for power, and more STAB.
U-Turn to get out of bad situations, such as
rock- and steel-types.

Vapeur the [M] Vaporeon @ Wacan Berry
Calm Nature (+Special Defense, -Attack)
EVS: 252 Hit Points, 252 Special Defense
-Acid Armor
-Baton Pass

Notes: An absolute support Pokemon, who
is not meant for attacking. Obviously
and literally.
Vapeur is a baton-passing fiend.
Acid Armor for defense-ups,
Substitute for high-HP shields,
and Wish for healing.


Toxique the [F] Weezing @ Black Sludge
Careful Nature (+Special Defense, -Special Attack)
Ability: Levitate (Weezing is unaffected by ground-type attacks.)
EVs: 252 Attack, 126 Defense, 126 Special Defense
-Pain Split

Notes: Taunt it to be attacked, wittling down HP,
and also to be able to sneak in a Haze.
Pain Split to inflict damage / heal.
Explosion to finish off opposing Pokemon.


Mur the [?] Bronzong @ Leftovers
Brave Nature (+Attack, -Speed)
Ability: Levitate (Bronzong is unaffected to ground-type attacks.)
-Gyro Ball
-Trick Room
-Stealth Rock

Notes: Gyro Ball is for STAB and enormous power.
Trick Room is so that Bronzong goes first.
(It will hopefully be in battle for the duration
of Trick Room.)
Earthquake is for fire-type coverage,
and Stealth Rock is for annoyance purposes.


What do you think?
I would change Starmie's nature to Timid. Starmie is all about speed and I would also change Vaporeon's Subtitute to Aqua Ring. Aqua Ring is a decent combo with baton pass.


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
My Starmie's Nature is Modest and it works absolutely fine. Starmie doesn't need the extra speed as much as say, Alakazam, since it can actually take a hit and live. Plus, Base 100 in Sp.Attack is a bit lacking for a sweeper, and I like the extra kick. Both Timid and Modest are viable, neither is better than the other.

Also, if you want to Baton Pass Aqua Ring, Substitute on Vaporeon is the LAST move you want to consider dropping for it, since Vaporeon's Subs are huge. If anything, drop Acid Armour instead since it is little more than Hazer-bait against a smart opponent.