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Search results

  1. C

    DPPt/HGSS Capri's Trade Thread

    I dont feel like typing...I'll completely update when I get back from event.
  2. C

    DPPt/HGSS Capri's Trade Thread

    all of them were given to me,mamoswine has 188 defense(my bad)and I hav e Zangoose no moer.
  3. C

    DPPt/HGSS Capri's Trade Thread

    Welcome to my Pokemon shop!I'm Capri, your cashier,and I hope you have a wonderful time shopping!Our current features are: ~EV Training ~Pokemon Trading ~Shiny Hunting Thank you and have a great day! POKEMON TRADING: RULES: [All PC Rules apply] [Shiny for Shiny]* [EV'ed for EV'ed]* [Egg...
  4. C

    What would you do if you became your RPG character?

    /If I became one of my RP twins,Wolf,I'd be battling and looking for shinies ^^!
  5. C

    Crush a wish!

    Granted,but everybody suddenly hates you and attacks you. I wish I had every game in the world.
  6. C

    New Member Introduction Thread

    Hi,my name is Capri.You may call me Wolfie,if you wish.I hang around other popular forums alot,so you'll find me on pe2k or Marriland every now and then.Besides Pokemon,I like sports,mostly Football and Basketball.I'm 10 years old and in the fifth grade.I often enjoy trading Pokemon bvia...