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Crush a wish!

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Granted, but you have to be a dragon to use them. Hey, you didn't specify that you wanted to be able to use them.

I wish I wasn't so much of a grammar/sentence Nazi.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
gRanteded, t his pst r teh Kur 4 yur prblm ;D

I wish Brendan didn't make me the bad guy in that one wish (I'm so sorry Secad, I was posessed)

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
(On second thaught, being a villian is fun! *burns everyones homework* >:D)

Granted, but the light is caused by radiation and mutates you into a grotesque blob of flesh. Also you have cancer and only 2 weeks to live.

I wish I knew how to go about writing my essay for English. Once I get started I'll just wing it, but I need to get that far first.
Granted, but you keep getting woken up by your mother on a ladder behind your window saying you forgot your teddy or your toothbrush (can't she wait 'til morning?)

I wish I had a motorcycle

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Granted, but I eat it cause I like apples

I wish I had remembered to turn off my alarm clock last night. Getting woken up on a Saturday morning ain't cool.
granted, you wasted your units by deleting text messages

How did you know I did that?! (I tried deleting some of my text messages last night and accidentally pressed "resend." The guy I sent the texts to thought it was funny.)

(I have to be waken up every Saturday morning until December 12 b/c of college.)

Granted, but you still get awoken by evil ninjas who steal comfy blankets and pillows. Your room is 40 degrees. You're freezing and you have to fight ninjas to get back your comfy blanket and pillow so you can fall back to sleep. What's worse is that Chuck Norris is one of those ninjas. Be careful. ;)

I wish I got good sleep last night.


Granted, but you then oversleep and miss something important. (i hope you dont :'()

I wish my heart's greatest desire would come true.
Granted, but you receive an IM from your true love telling you they only have a short amount of time to live. They wish to spend their last moments with you on Earth. However, you have a dentist appointment and can't spend time with your true love. They die in sadness. :'(

I wish that no one ever had a painful death.


Granted, but now death is funny and the Grim Reaper can't stand it so he no longer takes souls. People live forever, meaning in 2890 you can meet a person born in 1908.

I wish I could be mistaken for president of the US...and not suffer some horrible consequence

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Granted, you get mistaken for the president because look look like the village idiot from Texas. You don't suffer any, people just think you look like a monkey.

I wish my mom wasn't cleaning the computer room and then tell me to let the dog back in causing me to trip over everything.
Granted, however, you are so evil, you end up killing yourself with your first evil plan.

I wish someone here would draw me a good avatar and picture of a female wereperegrine for the website I'm adminning.
Granted, but they don't let you see it. You kill yourself because we all have seen it and are making good remarks and you can't stand it

I wish I knew what to do about my poor spanish grade (66% for the quarter doesn't cut it these days)

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Granted, but it's melted on a kitchen counter that hasn't been cleaned in a year.

I wish I got to go to my friend's Halloween party tonight. My mom's car's in the shop, my dad had to work late tonight, and I don't have a license. With out wings or teleportation getting there became impossible. :'(


Granted, but a person 'accidentally' hits you and it falls onto a gas burner.

I wish for a wish.
granted, that is if you count a few peas covered in mustard as breakfast

I wish I could find out more about this UN security council thing I learnt about a month ago (I'm so screwed tonight)
Granted, but you loose your arm instead. The doctors try to put it back on, but an evil witch says you have to trade your voice for your arm. What do you do?

I wish that wasn't like The Little Mermaid. XD
Granted, but it catches rabies while playing outside. It foams at the mouth, bites you, and you decide to take it to the vet to put it to sleep. :'(

I wish my pokemon were level 59's in my Leafgreen. (My boyfriend has good Pokemon in yellow version. His pokemon have good attacks and are at level 59.)
Granted, but after so much time and effort put into it, you realize that it was all for naught because they change the leveling/move dealies every game.

I wish that it wasn't cold in my basement.
granted, but it is hot enough to substain warmth on earth. And tomorrow, the sun dissappears. But mankind can still survive because of the heat of your basement. In order to exploit it, they need to destroy your house to get a giant plug into your basement and take all the heat to make a heat bomb to destroy Osama's hideout (oh, what the government does these days...)

I wish I had enough guitar skills to master 'Cliffs of Dover' (it could send me to the big screen)
Granted, but it turns out that because you could gain those skills so easily, so could anyone, thus making it a waste of a wish.

I wish for a wish that couldn't be crushed.
(seriously, I feel like we've done all of this before)

Granted, but now you implode due to the uncrushable wish

I wish I knew what the most uncrushable wish even was (if I share the same fate as DayU, I will make mashed maniacs out of you)
Granted, but you obtain amnesia and forget what it was.

I wish for a harmless speck of dust that can do nothing but sit inside a jar. (And don't be retarded by pulling out something completely random and stupid, or making something ridiculously impossible happen!)
granted, but on that speck of dust, there is a deadly virus (influenza, plague, call it what you want). That virus then multiplies and floats around in the jar. Next time you open the lid, you inhale a dozen or so of these viruses and feel their wrath.

I wish my watch didn't break
(Who said I would, or could, ever open it? xP)

Granted, instead your arm breaks.

I wish I had a better way to crush that.
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