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Crush a wish!

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Granted!! And no corruption. PLUS! I'm not sorry

I wish that I was almost as fast as a speeding bullet, not quite as powerful as a locomotive, and able to leap medium size buildings in a couple bounds!
granted, but as mothers become sexists when their girls become teenagers, boys and girls are seperated and we need them to be together to make the next generation of kids. So mankind/womankind is screwed (unless we turn to sperm banks)

I wish mothers weren't so overprotective of their teenage daughters

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Granted, instead you have to watch helplessly as gremlins steal your items, take them apart, break some of the smaller peices, and put them together badly so they no longer work.

I wish when I say "wake me up at 5", people drag my lazy ass out of bed at 5 rather than leave me to regain conciousness at 6:30.
Granted, but then everyone becomes Atheists. Satan laughs and challenges you to a fight for your powers. Unfortunately, Satan gets your powers. Everyone is doomed.

I wish I knew why I was asked out today.
XD That's a good one. :) (I just don't know why anyone would ask me out. No one asked me out in high school. :-\ I already like someone else, but I said yes to the guy who asked me out anyway. I figured the other guy who I've liked for a really long time would never ask me out anyway, so I said yes. I decided to give the one who asked me out a chance.)

Granted, it's the best pun ever. No pun could ever top that. Other comedians get jealous of your comedic skills and form an alliance against you. People even like you better than Dane Cook now. He finds out and gets angry, so he pitches a tent in your backyard and waits for you to come outside.... :o

I wish I wasn't sad. :'(

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
(I have alot of respect for Dane Cook. He's an awesome guy and freaking hilarious. Him and Jeff Dunham are my 2 favorite comedians.)

Granted, but you must first sacrifice your heart and become a Nobody. Now you can no longer feel any other emotion, not even love for the guy that asked you out. (Why are you said anyway? You got asked out today. I, on the other hand, am still with out a mate :-\. I think you just spurred a wish on me Smoochum!)

I wish I had a mate! Ladies, I'm single! :-* (
(Dane Cook is awesome. :D I think Jim Gaffigan is cool, too.)

(I was asked out yesterday by this guy named Danny (same name as my little brother) who is in my last class on Mondays; I made that post yesterday. :-\ The guy I've liked for a really long time (the one who I've known since kindergarten named John), I used practically my entire sketchbook (nearly 288 pgs.) on drawings of him over the summer & his birthday is coming up soon. :/ I don't want to throw it out. :-[)

Psycho Monkey: Granted, every girl who is your age and single asks you out. You can't say yes to all of them, so you take a very long time to think about it and finally make a decision. Once you make a decision, you ask out the girl you like. Two days later, you find out she is already dating 10 other guys besides you. (She's a loon who thinks they are collectibles. :p) You break up with her and she gets furious. You get a new girlfriend a day later. Your ex finds out and pitches a tent in your backyard to spy on you. The next day, your girlfriend's parents call telling you that she died due to a mysterious accident. You go to her funeral and cry. At the funeral, you meet another girl and date her....the cycle keeps going on and on.

Brendan Savem: Granted, but the sight of it is so horrid that it literally burns out your eyes. You are now legally blind. :(

I wish I had the ultimate Pokemon game with my own settings and my own custom character.

(I AM NOT DELETING THE CRUSH I worked so hard on made specifically FOR PSYCHO MONKEY.)
(well then I have been a 'baaa'd boy! Sorry SweetSmoochum)

Granted, but I trick you and make you exchange it for the fake 'pokemon quartz' game one can find in bazaars

I wish I had x-ray vision (makes it so much easier to find my trash in the morning)
Granted but i steal it using my new Evil Power stealy thingy ma bob that i just made up (i dont know)

i wish that i could thinkm of something to write on my powerpoint project
Granted, but it is about the Israli-Arab crisis, you provoke a Palestinian to come and attack you with rubber duckies (that's all they have after Israelis took their stones)

I wish for peace in the middle east (then we can concentrate on the Easter Bunny)
Granted, but you really wished for a piece of beast. Your parents cook it and give it to you for dinner.

I wish my mom would stop over-reacting on stupid, pointless things.
(What's bad about that? It tastes like pork)

Granted, now she cares about absolutly nothing and you fail (insert something important to you here)

I wish my DS charger didn't break
(You could buy a new one at Gamestop/Eb games I think...)

Granted, but now your DS touch screen doesn't work well. (Mine doesn't. If I touch the middle, it chooses something on the right. :-\)

I wish my touch screen was perfect again.
Granted, but you become what you are. (Hope you pick something good! I'm going to be a girl driving a cardboard car!)

I wish that I could find suspenders for my cardboard car so I can wear it.


Granted, but your eyes explode.

I too am lonely.

I wish some girl here on pokecharms would go out with me, and they have to be 15 or older! and dont reject me or leave me in any way known to man or dolphin
Granted, they leave you in a way only known to mice. (Go go Hitch Hiker's Guide...mice are the 1st smartest creatures on Earth.)

I wish that I didn't have to go to band right now.


Granted, but I'm too bored to think of something witty.

I wish someone would post something/anything on my fic in General Fiction
Granted, but it's a really mean comment causing you to never want to post ever again. You loose your confidence in your ability to write. You never write ever again. (I know I've been told not to apologize, but I must this time. I'm sorry. :'()

I wish I could stop biting my nails.
granted, but you are unable to type as you have the longest nails on the planet (hey, we get to see you in guiness kicking out the old lady)

I wish I could break the world record for the number of cookies eaten in a minute.
[size=8pt]Granted. But they're imbued with a substance that, while tasty, you happen to be allergic to.
You explode.
The good news is, it's epic.

I wish I could predict the response people will have to the fanfic I'm writing.
(Keep an eye out for it guys, the first chapter should be up soon. PMD ftw c: )[/size]
Granted, but then a couple of seconds later, you are hit with amnesia. You cannot remember anyone. You recover from amnesia when you are sixty. However, you don't remember the plans in your RP.

I wish I knew what to wear today.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Granted, instead you have short term memory loss and can't remember what happened 5 minutes ago. That includes your RP idea.

I wish my 3-year-old cousin liked the book I got her at the aquarium. (She didn't not like it, more or less she ignored it completely :'()
(is she a monkey too? Monkeys don't really enjoy books, made out of their homes y'know)

Granted, but she liked it so much... she... [size=4pt]how should I say this?...[/size] ate it

I wish paper tasted good, so I could eat my homework and blame it on the dog

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
(No, according to her, she's a mermaid :D)

Granted, but your teacher now gives you computer assignments that you have to email before the class even startes.

I wish I had a high quality Organization XIII coat that looked authentic and could be found for a decent price.
Granted, but they're only made in Venezuela and while the coat itself is reasonable, the shipping's horrid.

I wish I had an Org. XIII coat...
Granted, but your teacher now gives you computer assignments that you have to email before the class even starts.

One of my professors does that. He makes us email the homework every Saturday before our Monday class.

Rayn_Shyu: Granted, but it is covered in someone else's blood. The person wearing it before you committed a murder. The police consider you as their main suspect.

I wish I was a mermaid.
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