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  1. Mr.Munchlax

    Can Fusion Work in Pokémon

    This was a little discussion idea that I've been debating for a while & I wanted to see what other people think. I've seen people make their own designs of pokémon fusions before, but I never really liked the concept since all people seemed to be doing was randomly taking two pokémon and...
  2. The Quiet Zubat

    Ask to Join <Test Tube>

    Premise: https://pokecharms.com/threads/test-tube.19681/#post-644643 The building was blacked-out except for the flashes of broken electrical equipment. Emergency fire sprinklers had lost their water pressure and only dripped lightly onto the warped catwalks and flooded concrete. Sounds of...
  3. The Quiet Zubat

    Ask to Join Test Tube

    RP Premise: The world around you is muffled, but you can make out the sound of voices in excited conversation. You notice you're not actively breathing, yet are certainly conscious. Open your eyes to find your vision blurred by the presence of a liquid solution surrounding your body. You don't...