Name: Rana Drenters
Gender: Female
Age: 45
Appearance: She has black hair and brown eyes. She looks Italian. She dresses like she is in the mafia
Personality: She acts like she is a mob boss, although that is not the case.
Pokemon: Persian, Banette, Pangoro, Hydreigon, Golbat, Vikabolt
Other Info: She is the mafia. Has a think Italian accent
Name: Linda Flayers
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Appearance: Black hair and brown eyes. She is Caucaisian. Wears the Team Rocket uniform
Personality: She is a bit scared and acts entitled
Pokemon: A-Meowth, Venipede
Other Info: Calls her Meowth, Mew (I kept on spelling Mew instead of Meowth)