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"Good, I might need your help with this logbook. The only clue it gives me about the resurrection is to go to Sea serpent Island. The only problem apart from that is the fact that most of the book is either coded or blank. I'm gonna need your help with thinking of how to decode it. At first I thought it used blood script, so I used some cloth to brush some of my blood on it but that only revealed the sea serpent Island. Can you get your wolf to smell for any other things so I get an idea of where to check" he asked Piran.

Chester felt the ship lurch forward, he ran to the helm, before shouting "The anchors have been raised, set sail to Sea Serpent Island!!". The ocean was like a never ending blanket of blue. The day was slowly rolling by. The clear blue sky, soon turned to night. At night the ship changed, from hard working crew to partying animals. Songs ranged from "you are a pirate" to "Spanish Ladies". "they're a musical bunch, probably one of the reasons why I won't be leaving this ship. If only I can play instruments like them."  he said to Mickey. "If your a recruit get down to the dragon's belly  we're having food" chester yelled across the ship. He made his way down into the hull. The room he entered was like a bar inside the ship. Tables rounded the Main table, a large circular table.. On it lay Chibbits and fishes from the furthest corners of the map. But the centre piece was the Dragon fish. It was a crimson fish with light blue highlights on the fins. What stood out most from the fish? The two massive wings that sprouted near the fins. He picked up a bottle of rum, before downing it completely. "Dig in when you want".
