#117 - Yveltal

Japanese Name: Yveltal
Classification: Destruction Pokémon
Height: 19'00" / 5.8m
Weight: 447.5 lbs / 203.0 kg
Egg Group: None

Ability: Dark Aura

Revealed: Yveltal was one of the five Pokémon revealed in the Pokémon Direct Broadcast announcing the Gen VI games on the 8th of January 2013. He was revealed to be the version mascot of Pokémon Y, while the other legendary, Xerneas, was revealed to be the version mascot for Pokémon X.

X: When this legendary Pokémon's wings and tail feathers spread wide and glow red, it absorbs the life force of all living creatures.
Y: When its life comes to an end, it absorbs the life energy of every living thing and turns into a cocoon once more.

Team Flare Lab. Exclusive To Pokemon Y

Does not evolve.

--- Hurricane
--- Razor Wind
--- Taunt
--- Roost
--- Double Team
--- Air Slash
--- Snarl
--- Oblivion Wing
--- Disable
--- Dark Pulse
Lv. 51 - Foul Play
Lv. 55 - Phantom Force
Lv. 59 - Pyschic
Lv. 63 - Dragon Rush
Lv. 72 - Focus Blast
Lv. 80 - Sucker Punch
Lv. 88 - Hyper Beam
Lv. 93 - Sky Attack

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