Ash, Misty, and Brock were standing on a cliff because team rocket tried to take all of the butterfree and they had to stop them. They had to release them from the giant net that had them captive.
Sounds good! We could have Wes try to suck up for awhile but at a certain point he just gives up.Lol just read your guys' date scene. Interesting thoughts on the characters.
@Mango137 I figured Lola not liking Wes in the beginning would be an interesting group dynamic and maybe a nice arc for character development in the two. Maybe start out as rivals and end up in a situation where they need to trust each other to get out of a predicament, y'know? I thought it would be fun.
Oh shoot my bad, Sorry I’m new to RP!Ah, Mango you did a bit of autoing in your last post. I didn't have a chance to post yet and my intentions were not to have Lola in the Pokemon Center. Can you please fix that until I've finished my post?