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Open A Different World

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it seems that not even the greatest of Pokémon could stop what Adrian has done....
This is a darker Pokémon story when the world is under the rule of the mad scientist Adrian corona and he made sure that the world will be under his image,essentially he made the world similari to an apocalyptic one,and everyone is under strict rule under Adrian's rule
But all hope is not lost
One town was taken back and is a safe haven for a lot of trainers and Pokémon who are free from Adrain's rule
Will a few Pokémon be able to fight back against Adrian's rule? Or will he end this rebellion swiftly?

Well there goes the summary of what this is
A few rules: only have one trainer and a max of 4 Pokémon
No gore or anything to bloody,deep cuts and wounds are acceptable but not guts and stuff cause that's nasty heh
Only one shiny and that is IF it's not a multicolored Pokémon
No legendaries
No God modding or auto hitting
Other than that anything else is alright :3
Also I will be rping as kyu who's a dark haired gardevoir and Adrian and if anyone wants to be his evil assistant or anyone evil then ask me first
Let us begin

Kyu woke up in her tent and she rubbed her eyes and got her black hair out of her eyes and face "well today is gonna be a long one" she said as she got her dress on and looked outside and it was rather sunny and a good looking day and she looked at the town she was in with a lot of trainers and pokemon either working or just socializing and she looked on to see if there was anyone interesting to find
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Valor was already up and training hard with his pokemon. Specifically his pikachu because it was very lowed leveled. The reason it was so low leveled was because it was a shiny he found in the wild. Valor was a high spirited fast paced blaziken with blue hair instead of the peachy color most blazikens had. His name comes from the V shape of his head feathers. He battled almost every trainer except Kyu. Pikachu was 1 lvl lower than Valor's Aerodactyl, at lvl 44. Little did Valor know he'd be saving the world.
Ooc (by the way forgot to mention this you have to give me details of your characters
Are they a Pokémon or trainer
How there life was before and during Adrian's takeover
Just so that we can clear things up also you don't have to show your moves yet
Oh and by the way valor is a blaziken who is a trainer? Just wanna clear something up also try not to have a lot of different haired Pokémon just two at max :3 also here's kyu bio)
Adrian woke up and yawned as his servant came in "s-sir we have a-a message from a few of your assasins you s-sent out" she said very scared from his presence and he looked at her dully and got up to his briefing room after changing into a suit "well then brief me into the situation" he said to his war commander and he quickly bowed to Adrian "u-umm the reports showed t-that a few trainers e-escaped your robots s-sir and our assasins have trouble finding them s-sir" he said sweating slightly and Adrian waved him off "whatever,a few trainers won't hurt us,we will deal with them later" he walked out to his balcony and saw the scenery of his empire and he smiled darkly "ahhh finnaly,the world is under my image,although I can't find HER I will soon" he chuckled to himself

Kyu noticed a few interesting individuals and she shrugged as she walked to them and stood watching Them train
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Name: Sapphire
Pokemon or trainer: Trainer
Motive: To be the very best like no one ever was.
Valor: Sapphire's very first pokemon but as a torchic. This pokemon is very special
Life before/during Adrian's takeover: Sapphire had an amazing life with his family. But they were seperated once the robots attacked. Somehow Sapphire managed to find the trainer sancuary, luckily Sapphire's parents are alive and he visits them on his aerodactyl.
Kyu was watching them train and after a while she telepathically spoke to the trainer "so what's your name? My names kyu faraday and I'm a gardevoir" she smiled at the trainer "nice to meet ya! I haven't seen you around lately are you new?" She asked
((OOC: I'll be making two characters if you don't mind. One of a Pokemon and the other a trainer.))
Name: Bezukhov Izuki
Pokémon or trainer: Trainer
Pokemon Team:
Lycanroc *Midday Form* (Moves: Acceleroc//Stone Edge//Fire Fang//Crunch))
Kommo-o (Moves: Clanging Scales//Brutal Swing//Flamethrower//Sky Uppercut))
*SHINY* Staraptor (Moves: Close Combat//Agility//Brave Bird//Roost))
Feraligatr (Moves: Ice Punch//Water Pledge//Earthquake//Crunch))
Motive: To take down Adrian and save those under his rule.

Name: Stephen
Pokémon or trainer: Bezukhov's Shiny Staraptor
Moves: Close Combat, Agility, Brave Bird, Roost.
Abilitiy: Reckless
Motive: To help his trainer save the people.

Bezukhov strode around a dirt path amongst a paticulary dark area, his Staraptor named 'Stephen' flying high above him while keeping a watchful eye for any dangers around the two. Four Pokeballs hung from Bezukhovs belt; his Pokemon team. Every once in a while, he looked up to see if his precious Staraptor was alright.
"No dangers, I see." Bezukhov thought aloud, smiling as he did.

Stephen acknowledged what his trainer had said with a nod and proceeded to make it's descent to the ground below.
Suddenly a few human sized robots that were lurking in the shadows jumped in front of them and appeared in front of the bezhukov and they are pure black robots and have white eyes "identify yourself"one of them said in a deep intimadating and metallic voice "and where are you going? This is an abandoned place and no trainers are allowed here " It said as it has its hands slowly rubbing its blade thats on its arm and there are three robots in total
They are a considerable amount away from the town and the robots don't know that the town exists so it's best not to alert them of it and they appear to be not of the best quality AI as they are dumb.
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Bezukhov looked up at the robot, his lips curving into a slight smirk. He wrapped a hand around one of his Pokeballs and looked at the robot dead in the eye.
"Bezukhov Izuki," He tightened his grip around the Pokeball. "Just heading to a town to chillax at. I take it you want to take me back to where Adrian reigns, right?" Bezukhov chuckled softly and flicked his wrist in a quick motion in a way to tell his Staraptor to land elsewhere.

Stephen saw the two robots and his masters signal and landed onto a high tree branch silently, fixing his piercing gaze onto the robot that stood in front of Bezukhov. His brown plummage blended in with his dark surroundings.
The robot looks confused "oh well in that case we will be on o-hold on wait a minute,you said a town? Than that is the location of the safe haven he has been looking for for years,plus we don't take trainers directly to him,we would just arrest you on the spot" they got there arm blades out and there in a fighting stance "but since you disclosed us the location of the only safe haven we know of,then now we have to kill you and report to our lord Adrian the location" the front one took a few steps closer towards him

Adrian is sipping tea while he gets his black hair ready,he is so used to people being scared of him it's actually quite pathetic seeing that a lot,he's in his mansion which is in a undisclosed location on a mountain "huh,strange I'm only a 34 year old man yet I took over the world,I remember taking out the last danger to me" he chuckled in his mind "it was fun seeing earths greatest heros fall before me,but there was one little girl who is just too much for me on my own,but now she has escaped and I will find her again,she's the only Pokémon I know of that knows too many crucial details of my empire,if she's gone then I will have no more resistance,but I have a strange feeling of this resistance.....they are quite formidable and i have to squash them fast,if only I knew where there stupid hideout was" he said as he chuckled to himself "but then again this'll be boring if o do it too fast,I'll just have to wait and see"

Kyu stretched as she continued watching the training that they were having
Bezukhov back away by a few feet and unlatched the Pokeball from his belt and released his Feraligatr from the small capsule and in front of the menacing robot.
"Go, Poseidon! Use earthquake to knock down the robot!" He commanded, pointing a gloved finger at the towering fiend. The Feraligatr released a battle cry and stomped it's large feet on the ground stimulating an earthquake, causing the hunk of metal to fall down. "Stephen, use Close Combat and try to shut it down!" Bezukhov yelled, swivling himself around to face his Staraptor.

Stephen nodded and flew off the branch, gliding steadily but quickly toward the fallen robot.
"Star staraptor!"* He screeched, assaulting the robots metallic chest with several hits.
"For the people!"*
The robot fell down due to the earth quake and it was quickly made into just parts of a robot and the other two robot are taken aback "what how? You will be destroyed" one charged at the feraligator fast and began swinging at it with its arm blade fast and it does a few flips and jumps incase he tries to attack back

Kyu heard a distant crack a few miles to the left and she has a concerned look on her face "hmmm that's a while away but a few teleports will get me there in a minute" she concentrated and she began teleporting multiple times towards where she heard the crack
Bezukhov grinned and yelled, "C'mon, use Ice Punch on it Poseidon!" He threw a fist in the air, as if to imitate the infamous Ice Punch his Feraligatr had recently learned. Poseidon the Feraligatr roared once more and threw a frozen fist at the robot hurtling towards him. The frozen fist collided with the metal starting with a sickening-
A permanent indent of Poseidons fist was clearly visible even through the robots head as sparks of electricity crackled in protest against the mighty punch that had been delivered.
"Nice Poseidon! Now Stephen, use Brave Bird on the last robot!" Bezukhov commanded, cheering as he did so.

Stephen looked in awe as his comrade delivered the punch.
"Amazing!" He thought, looking at Poseidon. Hearing his masters command, the Staraptor quickly snapped out of his thoughts and flew back up high in the air before making a sharp descent aiming toward the center of the last robots chest. The air current sharpened and Stephen cut through the robot with ease, sending the two halves to the ground. He landed on top of the robots head, ruffling his wings from the slight recoil.
The last robot got scared and started flying off with its jet pack "oh man I'm not programmed for this! Adrian!!" He started flying really fast in a direction until he was nothing more than a dot in the horizon

Kyu teleported in front of bezhukov and she looked at him and she began speaking telepathically to him "what happened here? The ground is all cracked and there robot parts everywhere" she said to him as she looked and studied his Pokémon and she's slightly excited since he looks strong
Bezukhov flinched when the Gardevoir teleported in front of him, but calmed down.
"Well, I 'might've' gotten jumoed by three robots, but... My two Pokemon here have helped me fend em' off!" He chuckled and patted his Feraligatr's tough-scaled skin in a proud manner. Feraligatr responded with a gruff murr, a small grin appearing on its snout. "My Staraptor over there is good ol' Stephen. He was a gift to me."

Stephen seemingly rid of his slight pain perked up and hopped over to Bezukhov, a proud smile on his beak. He looked up at Kyu and nodded in a friendly gesture.
"Star, star aptor."*
"Hello, I'm Stephen."*
She nodded to him and she looked at the trainer "you shouldn't stay here for long,there's quite a few dangers from here and the town so I will guide you if you allow me,besides I wanna challenge whatever strongest pokemon you have whenever you'd like ". She smirked at him "I haven't had a good fight with a real person in so long,and I love a good fight,gives me a lot of respect to the person,besides I don't have a trainer anymore so I'm alone a lot of the time" she started walking "so you wanna just stand there and Let everyone come after you or not?" You notice that she is able to speak English with her mouth now,not telepathically and she has a stern yet playful tone
Bezukhov chuckled and walked over to Kyu.
"I suppose I could battle you, but could you show Stephen and I to the town? It's about time that the rest of my Pokemon rest too. We've been walking for quite a while, y'know." He chuckled once more and continued to walk by the Gardevoirs side, returning Poseidon the Feraligatr back to its Pokeball. The trainer made a slight chucking sound to signify to Stephen to spectate for any dangers from above.

Stephen let out a soft squawk and flapped his wings until he was at least 9 meters of the ground and proceeded to soar in the gentle winds above Kyu and Bezukhov.
She began walking beside him towards the path towards the town and it's quite a distance away so they have some time "so,i already figured out your name since I was listening in on the fight,i have really good hearing,but the names Kyu faraday,I'm a gardevoir who helps protect the safe haven for Pokémon and trainers,so needless to say I have to be really strong in order to help protect it,plus I don't really use what you trainers call (moves),I usually like just using my fists and feet and power in order to fight,but sometimes I use my moves" she said as she was walking beside him and looked in his eyes with her red eyes and they glowed slightly "but what are you doing around this dead zone? It's an abandoned place that was destroyed by that jerk Adrian a while ago" she said as she looked deep in his eyes studying him and she got some black locks of hair out of her eyes
Bezukhov shrugged in response to Kyu's question. He sighed before replying with;
"Well... I was just looking for the hidden town so I can finally have a moments peace without Adrians voice blaring in my ear." Bezukhov yawned and patted his belt that held the Pokeballs that held his Pokemon within. "So, can you show me to the town? If you were able to teleport to me, I trust that you came from that same town." He asked, looking back at Kyu.
Name: Hydri
Pokemon or trainer: Pokemon
Moves: Unknown
Ability: Torrent
Motive: Finally stop Adrian's reign.
He used to be a time traveling Totodile sent to seek revenge on Adrian. Now he is a Feraligatr locked in a cell and under Adrian's control.
She smiled at him "actually yeah,I almost never use my teleport but I'll just use it for now" she held his hand and she used teleport to teleport near the edge of town
First thing you notice is that it's really beautiful and exotic looking and there are a lot of people there and Pokémon as well and it's like a really large village and there are a lot of thick trees around the massive village
"the legendary town anezena hanisho or you could just call it the safe haven since not a lot of people call it by its real name,well here you go,the only safe place in this region,the outside world has no idea this exists since this is just a myth but we are doing our best to save as many people as we can,want me to show you where you will be staying?" She asked him looking in his eyes and smiling "also when your all rested up be sure to give me that sparring match "she smirked at him "think of it as payment for staying here hehe"

Adrian walked to hydris cell and he looked down at him "so,are you finally under my full control? Or do we have to start the PROCESS again" he said smirking as he knows he tortured the poor Pokémon "we don't wanna start THAT again do we?" He smirked at him as he looked down at him "you failed hydri just give up and go under my rule and I promise you you will not regret it,you'll be treated with a lot of respect and you'll finally have better food than the rotten scraps I've given you"
He looked up at him, there was a red glare in his eyes and his entire form was dark like a Shadow Pokemon. "I am ready master...." It was obvious that he didn't want to take anymore pain.
Bezukhov let out a harty laugh and snapped his fingers, telling Stephen to come back down.
"Of course." He looked around the serene looking town, a smile forming on his face. "Please show me to my room so I can rest, surely I'll give you a battle of a lifetime in return." Bezukhov snickered softly.

Stephen heard the familiar snap of his masters fingers and began his descent back to the ground below.
She chuckled "let's hope all that big talk isn't for nothing, I've been through so much you can't imagine,I even got a deep cut in my stomach and was being overpowered and knocked senseless yet I still was able to get up and fight,It takes a lot to beat me and even more to put me down,I die hard"she said as she led him to a empty wooden house in case any new people came
The house was made of wood and there was a really nice kitchen and it's even a two story house with a tv,a radio and a full fridge "sorry it isn't much but we have gotten very lucky this year during scavenging so we got plenty of stuff" she said as she sat down in the couch "mind if I be here with ya for a bit? Usually I'm all alone in my tent all the time so I need some company" she said and a large old man walked up behind the trainer "pleasure to meet you our honored guest,my name is mark and I am the leader of our safehaven, we commend you for surviving Adrain's cruel rule,and please kyu let loose a little,you always have your arms too tight and a chip on your shoulder and we haven't had any reports of Adrian being here for months,so relax for at least a day" she scoffed "sorry mark,I have to be like this in order to protect everyone" mark sighs "maybe our new guest will teach you to relax,I remember the old days when you used to be so carefree and happy,now even though you still have your joking demeanor similarity to a certain Carmichael book character"he chuckled and then has his sad face" you no longer have your pure happiness,use some of your jokes for your own happiness,I hope our guests will teach you that" he held his arm out to the trainer wanting to shake his hand

Adrian chuckled "there we go,now I can't have you serving me on a empty stomach,no living creature can be strong if they had no nourishment for days,come with me" he opened the cell and walked down the hall towards the eating hall
Bezukhov shook Marks hand in greeting.
"Name's Bezukhov, but you can call me Ben for short." He grinned. "You can stay if you want, Kyu. After all, I'm just gonna go sleep for a bit...." The trainer yawned and returned Stephen back to his Pokeball. "Ok, I'll excuse myself to my room now. Please wake me up just in case anything happens that requires my help." Bezukhov bid them goodbye and scaled the stairs and made his way to his new room. "Thanks for the room again!" He then opened the door and threw himself onto the bed.
She sighs as she layed down on the couch "darnit now I have nothing to do" she said tapping her foot impatiently and mark sighed "kyu as your leader,I'm sorry for this but I'm ordering you to relax,at least for today" kyu looked up at him in shock "ah come on mark! There's gotta be something to do! Like cutting wood or training to become stronger or anything!" Mark looked back at her sternly "you'll never reach your full potential like that kyu,im relieving all of your duties for today,consider this a mini vacation,and I'm only doing this as a friend kyu" he walked off and she groaned "ughhh!! It's the middle of the freaking day and I have nothing to do" she tapped her foot and sat on the couch and then she decided to go study Ben a bit,"better than nothing" she told herself
She went upstairs and she sensed his presence in there and she used her minds eye to look at him through the door,she studied his features and she stared at him through the door "ok this is a bit creepy but cmon I'm bored" she thought to herself
He followed after Adrian but quickly took a different turn and began running to find an exit. The color on his body changed to its normal dark blue as he kept running. ^He shouldn't be able to catch me...I have the head start this time.^ He thought as he was out of shape and getting tired.
Adrian smirked as he snapped his fingers and two robots stopped hydri in his tracks and they grabbed him by his arms and Adrian came walking towards him "ah yes that's the second time this month,so either we forget that little incident and you serve me and I give you rest and food,or we will have to start the PROCESS allllll over again" horrific memories came back to hydro about what happened during that horrific time of his life
Bezukhov lay on the bed, ever so slowly falling asleep. He set his belt with the Pokeballs aside and tapped his foot against the edge of the bed. He kept his eyes shut while focusing his thoughts on Mareep jumping over a fence, his breathing becoming slower as he was now half asleep.
".... Hm..." Bezukhov began to hum softly to stimulate a numbness in his jaw so he'd actually fall asleep. "... Perhaps I should use Akumu for the battle..." He thought, opening his eyes again. The trainer groaned and turned to his side, yearning to sleep.
He tried to break free from the robots. "Let me go you heartless waste of life!" An aura sphere started to form in front of his mouth. "You can go back into the hole that you crawled out of!" He quickly fired the energy at him.
He casually sidestepped it "yaknow,I purged the good out of me a while ago yet I still hear his voice every so often,do you realize the pain of having someone always talking in your head!?! Telling you that things are wrong all the time?!? I can't even begin to count all of the lives I spared because of him,hundreds or even thousands!! I swear it will be the death of me,but once I find a way to purge him outta me, then I will have no regrets,the only reason why your alive is because of HIM so I suggest if you wanna beat me,you might wanna try to bring the good outta me,which is pretty hard nowadays" he said smiling darkly and he snapped his fingers "take him into the cell for the PROCCESS again" the robots dragged him away slowly

Kyu sighs and she began humming a tune that he can barley hear but it makes him more sleepier and easier for him to sleep
Bezukhov stopped writhing underneath the blanket and became drowsy all of a sudden.
"Hm?" His eyelids drooped down steadily and closed themselves. "... Hm..." He yawned and finally settled down, the constant jolts of energy wearing off and replaced with drowsiness. Eventually, Bezukhov fell into a light, but comftorable slumber.
His tears fell to the floor as he was dragged. "I just want to go back to my normal life....." He didn't want too go through the process again. It always made him forget who he was but it was easy to come back from. ^You will pay for all of the pain you have caused to me Adrian.^
As he said that Adrian remembered the times of when he had met hydro and his words to him in the past "I'll always care for your good side Adrian,can you be my trainer?" Hydri said
Adrian reverted back to his good self and his head is sparking slightly and he punched the two robots away "STOP!!" He carried hydri and he is back to his original good self after years of inactivity "hydri I can help you escape from here but I need you to cooperate and I will guarantee your safety ok? I need you to pretend to be my prisoner and I will lead you outside ok? We don't have much time before My evil side comes back,I know where the secret safe haven is while my evil self doesn't know,I've hidden that info from him, I'll tell you where it is once you listen to me and you let me help you escape" he has such a genuine and honest looking face so it IS his old self
He weakly nodded, his body was covered in multiple scars. "Just this once.....I will trust you." He smiled at Adrian and then fainted in his arms. He was too weak to keep going from what food he had been given. His body weighed only a few pounds.
Adrian sighs "well this wasn't part of my plan,but I need to be quick" he carried him to his room and lied him down.then he quickly wrote two short notes and he tied it up to hydris waist and he carried him outside his mansion trying to make it obvious that he's his prisoner and he passed by several people "just another meat bag lemme deal with him myself" he said to them as he continued walking and then he thought to himself "man am I really that mean? I can't believe I let my evil side get too strong,I can already feel him trying to comeback,luckily he won't remember any of this" he carried him for a bit and there's a river going upstream "the notes I gave you were waterproof,follow this river and turn right and walk a half a mile and there is the village,it'll take you a whole day to reach there but the first note is to remind you of where to go and for you to stay on the stream until it ends,the second note I want....I want you to give it to the name that is addressed there in case she is there" he has a few tears "I can feel him coming back and I'll turn back to my horrible self,I-I miss her so much,I'm just a slave to him,I'm slowly going into madness but I will do my best to break his control,just for her,don't ever reveal the safe havens location,luckily my evil side will never find out" he let him go and hydri floated down the stream fast and out of view and Adrian grunted nad there was an electric spark in his head and he has his dark tone back "what am I doing out here? I'll go back to make sure the process of hydro is going well" he walked back into his mansion

Kyu sighs and she she begins falling asleep "aw dang it now I feel tired" she slowly fell asleep and she accidentally opened the door and she fell down on his floor softly and began to sleep
Ooc(going to sleep,we will start it when they all wake up in the morning,night guys)
He quickly woke up at the feeling of cold water moving him. He ripped off the notes and read them. "Looks like I will have to go back to try and save him later....But I will do this one last mission for you trainer....." He got out of the water and started walking.
The first note was saying that he needed to stay on the river until it ended then walk right for half a mile while the other note is for someone else and it says (DONT READ HYDRI) on it
A few hours later, Bezukhov started to slowly wake up. He yawned and slowly rose up, stretching his arms as he did so, feeling the satisfying cracks.
"Hm..." He blinked his eyes open and looked around, everything looking blury at first. His gaze landed onto a large blob on the floor as his sight returned back to normal, only to see- "...Kyu?!" Bezukhov fell out of the bed and stood up, regaining his posture. "... Kyu? You're on the ground..." He murmured, placing a firm hand on her shoulder and shook her gently.
Kyu only turned around and she breathed softly on the floor as her hair was let loose,making it very long,despite her tough demeanor and her playful yet stern tone,she actually Looked beautiful and fragile as she was asleep and she was showing little sign of waking up
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