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Open A Different World

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She then grinned "gotcha big guy!" She quickly palmed her hand and she aimed her palmed hand at his neck while they were struggling in order to hit a pressure point and she brought her palm at his neck at an incredible speed but only enough force to knock him out,
Ooc (night night :v)
"Feral-!" Poseidon the Feraligatr fell to the ground, knocked out.
"Huh? You must be pretty powerful if you were able to put Poseidon to sleep..." He looked a bit distraught, but his determined look quickly returned. "... But, hey! You get to battle my most powerful Pokemon, go-" Bezukhov returned his Feraligatr and tossed another Pokeball into the air, sending out Stephen.

Stephen emerged from his Pokeball, his alternate colored plummage reflecting off "shiny" sparkles once he had landed on the ground. His beak curved into a grin when he saw Kyu.
"Star, staraptor star, aptor?"* He squawked, cocking his head in a playful manner.
"Well, it all comes down to this, eh?"*
She grinned "yeah it does,I must admit not a lot of people can say they met and equaled my power up punch,maybe you'll be the lucky person who gets to see my special move,I was planning on only using it for Adrian's troops in case we were losing for good reason,but If you give me a good enough challenge,maybe I'll have to use it" she shrugged "only person who ever beat me in that form was a infernale named sun "her eyes went sparkly "now HE Was a true fighter" she then focused on the fight "well let's just have a good match,I hope your really good Stephen "she charged up her energy and she distributed it into the rest of her body and she got a lot stronger "let's see how you handle 60% of my strength "she is ready for his move
Bezukhov nodded, his grin seemingly never fading.
"Yeah, now, Stephen!" He started, "Use Agility, and make yourself lighter and faster!" The trainer bellowed, the flame in his eyes now a wildfire.

Stephen nodded and began to hop from side to side, making himself feel both lighter and faster each time he hopped until eventually, he was a mere blur. He opened his beak and spoke a few words that he has learned from his trainer, Bezukhov.
"Best of luck to you, m'lady." The Staraptor chirped and chuckled, squinting his eyes into a playful look. It's been a while since he's battled seriously.
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Ooc (see ya in the morning :v)
Kyu powered up a bit more and she has a small white aura around herself "well this'll be pretty fun,I'm already getting excited, and you too sir" she said mockingly but playfully and she is smiling actually genuine
The trainer threw a fist in the air.
"Wait until she hits you, and counter it with Close Combat!" He commanded. "And then use Roost afterwards!"

Stephen nodded toward Bezukhov and looked back at Kyu, awaiting her move. His beak curved into a confident smirk, but quickly returned back to its lonesome look.
"Any time now..." Stephen thought, dragging his talons across the battle mat.
She tapped her foot and then she dissapeared from the mat and there was a dead silence around the forest but you can here a small jumping sound every so often but you can't see her and the jumping noise of the mat sounds like it's all around you but slowly getting closer
He curled up on the floor inside the house. ^Hurry up Kyu, we have too much to talk about right now to just let it sit in my mind.^ He growled as he stared at the ceiling. "I wonder where she could have put my weapon...."
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Sapphire was sick for a lot longer than excepected. His pokemon were taking care of him, but he was just not the same, he got better but was just not
Stephen shut his eyes and listened to the light sounds of Kyu jumping and then...
"Now!" He thought, and used Close Combat just when Kyu had jumped in front of him, using his strongs wings and feet to pummel her down. Even though it had been difficult tracking her movements, the Staraptor managed to take her down.
She got hit and she skidded back a few feet with a small bruise on her chin and she smirked "ahhh so there's your creativity,all righty then see how you deal with this!" She used a shadow ball but when it got close to him she extended her two fingers increasing the shadow balls height and width when it got close to him,she's hoping it would hit him this time and she's slightly sweating a bit
He sighed as he sat up quickly. He must have been hearing things. He slowly approached a small box on the ground that wasn't there before. "Kyu? Are you playing a joke on me or something?" He slowly reached towards it with his right hand. His eyes widened as the box was no longer in existence.
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" Finally better" Sapphire said as he got up from his bed. He had been sick for a while. I mean a long time. Like if you were going to school long. He decided to visit his parents, but once he got out of his tent there were robots from adrian that know about his strength. " Heh, a battle eh. Hehe good for you I'm not sick anymore." Sapphire said before bringing out his pikachu

" Easy." Sapphire had just finished his battle against 5 bots from adrian, buuuuuut they were total pushovers

Sapphire decided to head to the battle happening outside it was Kyu and a trainer with a feraligatr. "Ooooooooh, I wanna face a against the winner. This is so exciting!" Sapphire was now pumped. He acts like a kid when he gets like this. Sapphire ran down to the battlers and watch in awe. He sent out his aerodactyl, pikachu, blaziken, and greninja to take notes and remember the battle so they can have more ideas for winning. "Alright guys, I want you to watch this fight for ideas in battle."
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Bezukhov swirled around and saw the other trainer and waved to them.
"Hey, you can watch if you want! Just don't get too close to the Pokemon!" He said jokingly, chuckling afterwards. "Now, Stephen! Take the attack and use Roost! Surprise her afterwards!" The trainer commanded, turning back to his Staraptor and Kyu, the determined flame back in his eyes.

Stephen nodded and allowed the attack to hit him, curling his large talons to quench the pain surging through his body. Once the attack had subsided he opened his eyes again, uncurling his talons as he did so. His body was sore, but he knew he could still fight. If he managed to beat Cynthia, he could beat Kyu too. He opened his beak again, letting some more words flow back out.
"Nice attack. I'm a bit impressed." The Staraptor closed his beak, letting curve into a small smile before launching back into the air and proceeded with his Brave Bird attack. Stephen approached Kyu at blinding speed, his wings slicing through her as he dove into her.
She rubbed the bridge of her nose "yeah well your pretty good yourself no wonder Adrian's robots didn't catch you earlier" she was surprised by his speed and since she couldn't dodge it in time She caught his wings,being forced back a lot and she grunted at the force "I read your mind, you mentioned beating Cynthia,that's an impressive feat but I'm not her or her team!",she smirked and she rounded up her arm and she brought her fist down to his head at an alarmingly fast pace but she stopped mid air when mark came and yelled "stop!" Kyu stopped and let go of Stephen "kyu you have been keeping your small friend waiting and you have been looking for him for at least a year now,go to him and then you may go back to your little sparring match tommorow or whenever he decides to fight you again" kyu sighed and she looked at Ben "welp I gotta go see my buddy,that was a good match,we have to do that again sometime,but I prefer if we world together" she smiled at him and she went to there house where hydri was and mark looked at Ben "it's been a long time since I saw her yet her excitement and genuine happiness,thank you Ben" he said as he smiled at the trainer "you have a lot of enthusiasm for a trainer,your dedication is quite exampalary" he said

Kyu went to the house and saw hydri "well I had to cut my fight off,Mark wanted me to come talk to you and not leave you lonely,plus I was going too far anyways so what did you have to tell me bud?" She asked and then she noticed all of his cuts and bruises and she sighed "still as brash as ever eh?"
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"Why did you take my weapon away? If I would have had it then I could have at least got a hit on Adrian......Where did you put it anyways? I can hear it but I can't find where it is....Also I almost ate Mark..." He shook as he looked back to where the small box used to be.
She looked at him weirded out "ummmmm yyeaahhhhh don't do that he's a really good leader,but yeah I don't really know where I put your weapon and you DO realize if you hit Adrian either he will kill you on the spot or torture you beyond belief right? I could tell you've been captured and if you had your weapon he could have taken it and he would have used it himself or destroy it,so itve just been trying to help you" she sighed "right now Adrian is too powerful with the number of his robots,I need to find a good team including you so that we can make some small huts and we could soon go to Adrian's mansion" she said tapping her foot "the closest person I could consider being my trainer is mark but even then I like being a wild Pokémon" she said smirking "your always so tense trying to do too many things at once,it'll be the death of you so just be careful,even though I feel like doing things every day all day I at least sleep" she said
"I saw the kind part of Adrian......He is still in there but he needs us....He is the one who let me go, I must have done something to get him back in the right mind." He turned to her. "Kyu....I need that weapon so that I can stand a chance if I were to be attacked alright?"
She sighed "let me guess your going all by yourself on this adventure eh?" She got up and stretched and you can see that she has grown from that happy thrill seeker girl to a more serious and overall mildly deppressed and defensive girl "well I can't stop you,it didn't stop you the first time so how am I gonna stop you this time" she got in the guest closet his weapon and handed it to him "if me and everyone else failed then how do you think you could do it alone? He's got eyes everywhere but here and I don't want to lose another friend because of that jerk...he's tortured you and took away the world we once knew....his good side may still be in there but his evil overshadows him now...........hydri so many things changed over these years....I've changed......and I've changed more when....sun....." she pause for a minute before she fell silent and then she spoke again "so what are you gonna do now that you have your weapon?" She said looking back at him
"I was hoping that you would actually have an idea of what to do since he only wants you. I was dragged into this again so I plan to be lead by the one who dragged me in.....That is if you really want to end this terror that he has brought upon us." He grabbed the single four bladed ring glaive with both hands and was pulled to the floor by its weight.
She sighed "yeah yeah I know but still I couldn't beat him before and I've been training so hard to overcome him,but I hate saying this but we will need more help then just the two of us,and I didn't drag you into this,you kinda put yourself into my business" she grinned for a few seconds and then has a stern face again "but for now I have to make sure Adrian doesn't find this village,and I need to find more people willing to come with me,we can't do this alone,and a lot of people are scared of Adrian since he kills any rebellion against him,at this point I don't even know if I can look at him without losing it,but for now I need to protect the village"
Mark yelled "hey kyu!! There's a bit of a problem!" He yelled
Kyu looked back at him "is it them again?" She said sternly
Mark nodded "there a days travel away from here but our scouts brought a message from a pidgey,it said there a day away from here!"
She sighed "well hydri you wanna come with me and stop them before they get here? I need to go talk to Ben so that he comes as well so do you need to prepare anything else while I go get him?" She asked
"Did you pack any of the other glaives of mine? One won't exactly be the best in a fight, but if I were to have all of the other seven then I can do some real damage. But otherwise you can count me into a battle. I really want to test out the dark energy and emotions that Adrian has filled me with." He put the glaive on his right shoulder to keep it balanced.
She looked at him sternly "that's a suicide mission just trying to fight Adrian like that,he had a robot that even I couldn't beat,he has become much smarter and more cruel over the years and you can't beat him by yourself,the other glaives of yours are in the closet,but u swear hydri if you do something that'll risk the village being found out then I will have to stop you myself,we can't face him now,we need help from a few people" she walked outside to mark "so where are the Raiders this time?" She asked and he said "there across the continent but there heading here fast,last time they came one managed to escape and survive after we didn't give a good enough trade,we don't know if he told Adrian yet but we need to either make peace with them and strike a deal or we have to kill them all,but I prefer we strike a deal,I don't like violence or murder" he said and kyu nodded "kyu I need you to check the treasury with hydri to find something that the raiders might want" he said and kyu bowed "yes sir" she looked to hydri "wanna come with me?"
"I mean....I'm not really in enough shape to run but I will try to keep up....He went to the closet and put on all of his glaives like accessories. "I will keep the violence to a minimum but.....If it comes to it, I want to test out my 'rage' on them alright?" There was a slight evil contained with his eyes, shimmering at all of the painful things he could do.
She looked at him sadly "there's too much evil in the world hydri....I just wish that you won't change ok?" She said "at least do that promise for me hydri ok? I've lost too much......and gained so little....im at a breaking point hydri and I can't take much more and I need that much from you ok?" She said as her eyes glowed with determination and a slight redness which symbolizes her determination to move on but you notice it's not as bright as it once was,it was like comparing a sun to a simple match
" make anymore promises at this point Kyu....I have been betrayed by so many that forgiveness is no longer an option.....If I die, it will be protecting everything I care for.....Even if it causes me pain in the process...." He turned away from her and went outside the house. "Maybe you should just stay here for this Kyu....You have to protect this town after all right?"
She looked at him and then looked down and there's some tears in her eyes "sometimes I just......ever since I failed to protect you....sun......and everyone else I-I just" her red eyes slowly turnt gray then back to red "I need that feeling of protecting someone and to have a meaning.....I need help defeating Adrian and getting that determination back in me....." she has more tears but is holding them back behind her black hair "I-I lost sun.......a person I loved so so much......and if I lose you.....my first friend.... I won't have the will to live anymore" she looked at him with her red eyes "promise me at least you won't change into the same monster Adrian has become....cause if you change and even if you kill Adrian you'll just be making this world worst.....since there will only be betrayal and hatred everywhere we will all die hydri......but I guess if you promise it'll be an empty one huh?...." she said as she looked down and she is gripping her hand hard enough to wear some slight blood is leaking but she doesn't seem to care
He turned around to face Kyu and hugged her tightly. "Kyu.....Everyone is here with us, even if you can't see them they are in our memories and hearts.....I won't change anymore than I already have but who is to say that you won't and then you kill him? I'll keep fighting to save this world even if the odds are against me Kyu...." His body was unusually cold. "What if Adrian finds this place while we are gone?"
She sighs "I-I don't know ok?.....he won't find this village as long as we are careful,we hid it too well and it's too fortified plus he can't risk using up all of his supplies just to look for us let alone fight us,beside there's at least a hundred Pokémon at the very least who will fight which is good odds for us,if we go then all of them could protect it until we come back,plus mark used to be a gym leader so he's really good at fighting" she said as she hugged back "I won't kill him.....he doesn't deserve anything physical.....he needs to repair everything he has done and make things normal,that is IF he will listen to us,we have some fighting to do though" she said as she whimpered slightly "I-I know there in a way still here but I miss them,it was too sudden"
"Kyu.....Stay here. Those Pokemon will need a strong leader besides Mark. That and you should get some rest. Destress a little bit while I am gone alright? I care too much to see you sad like this. I'll be back in a few hours and if I do not come back.....Just forgive me and keep on with the original mission...." He hid under her skirt. "I'll make surre that everything gets back to the way it should be Kyu...Just trust me."
She looked at him for a minute or so and said "no....you can't do this alone...that's suicide....plus your still hurt and you still haven't rested and you haven't slept all day,don't rush things hydri or you'll lose to the first robot out there,rest for today and then you can do as you please,you'll die immediately if you go now or later so wait a day for resting" she said and the her face went red and she covered her face "I just noticed your under there,you better not look up or I'll knock you out" she said with a snicker
"Just curiosity again....But fine....I will stay on one condition.....You have to promise that you will come back without a scratch or I might have to make you rest for a day without doing anything, understood?" He poked her left foot with a cold hand waiting to see her reaction.
She looked at him with a (really?) look "soooo your saying if I get hurt during this you'll make me come back? Yyyyeaaahhhhh we are gonna get hurt,it's almost a guarantee plus I'm going either way" she smirked "you can't make me stay" she said In a playful pouty voice
"Thats the point Kyu.....You took care of me when I was hurt so if you get hurt then I will make you stay here. Even if I must hold you down......" He looked up slightly while under her skirt and his face quickly turned red. "It's e-either that or I use my glaives and fight you to stay if you get hurt."
"Wait that would make no sense since you'll be hurting me more if you make me stay or if you fight me to stay,your logic makes no sense I'm going no matter what" she said rubbing her temples and she lets out a sigh
"I've given up on logic after the moment I met her Kyu.....I watched her die....My poor Rose....." He kept staring up her skirt. "I don't want to hurt anyone....But I swear if you get injured during this then I will kill all of them......And that is my promise to keep."
Stephen nodded, happy that he had the battle with the Gardevoir; Kyu to be exact. Right before being returned to his former Pokeball, he opened his beak once more and said,
"Nice fight, hopefully we can save the world soon." Then the Staraptor was fully retrieved in the small capsule.

Bezukhov on the other hand, grinned, the flame in his eye fully diminished.
"Nice fight!" He followed Kyu to Hydri, leaning against the door frame, a wide grin on his face.
She sighed "yeah don't do that hydri,or else I'll have to knock you out myself" she then noticed he was looking and her eyebrow was twitching and she dragged him outside "you perv!" She grabbed him and she punched the back of his head hard but not hard enough to permanently hurt him in a cartoonish fashion
She looked to Ben "don't ask" she said and then crossed her arms "you did good but you need to be more creative,like how you used your hearing to see where I was,otherwise normal moves won't work on me or the more advanced robots of Adrian" she said when all of a sudden there were several motorcycles with a lot of thugs and bandit looking guys and they stopped at the entrance of the village "hey yo! Where's yo leader mark at!" The tallest and buffets looking guy yelled and there were a bunch of people and Pokémon tense and a bit away from them and kyu approached them "come with me Ben in case things go south" she said and she was in front of them "what do you guys want?" She said as she put her hands on her hips
Bezukhov nodded and followed Kyu, latching Stephens Pokeball back onto his belt. He stuffed his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants and finally chilled out for a moment. The trainer looked back at Kyu.
"So, what were you and that other Pokemon talking about? I'm quite curious, although you don't have to tell me if you want." Bezukhov said, flashing her a friendly grin.
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