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Open A Different World

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The robot walked towards him slowly slowly powering up his fist but he is leaving his head open for attack but it seems to not notice as it focuses to build up energy in its fists to end hydri and it's slowly going to hydri
He shook back awake and fired a small aura sphere at its head, hoping it was enough as a large spike of grey rock was stuck in his back. His head hung loosely as his aura was finally sent to Kyu.
Kyu sensed his energy and she teleported as fast as she can to there but it takes some time

The robots head got blasted and it slowly went foward crashing down in front of hydri and it's fully turnt off

Kyu finnaly teleported to hydri "huh your here?! Hydri!!" She ran to him and picked him up "oh my god your hurt bad! Don't worry I-i can save you I-i can heal you" she said slightly panicking
He groaned as he was pulled off of the spike, his back was now bleeding heavily. He coughed blood onto her. "I-I tried my best....." His eyes started to fog up.
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((OOC:Wait, I'm definately sure that a Pokemon with a megastone is required to have a trainer with a keystone in order to mega evolve.))
Bezukhov slid off his bed and regained his composure, looking around his room. Seeing that nothing was out of place, he left the small room and downstairs to the kitchen where he had left his Pokeballs. The trainer latched them back onto his belt and left the small, yet cozy house. He, being a nice person, greeted everybody who was already awake with a friendly wave. Bezukhov then noticed something; where was Kyu?
"Hm? Kyu?" He looked around, no Gardevoir in sight. "Perhaps if I yelled for her, she'd notice." And so he did just that.
"Kyu! Where are you!" He called as loud as possible so then it wouldn't bother the town residents.
Ooc ( I guess him swallowing it allowed him to morph and combine with it,although it makes him dark I assume)
Kyu carried hydri and teleported to the village and she noticed Ben calling out to her,before she went to him she carried hydri to the hospital and placed him on the bed and she ran to Ben again "Ben you wanna come with me? We're going to Adrian's mansion,I need a word with him" she said pissed off
((OOC:Well, still, in order for a Megastone to work it needs a trainer and their keystone.))
Bezukhov nodded.
"Of course! My Pokemon are fully rested and ready for battle." He said, grinning, although it faded away quickly. "So, Adrians place, eh? I was thrown into his dungeon there for my 'crime'." The trainer scowled at the thought. "Anyway, let's go, now, shall we?" Bezukhov said, a vengeful look on his face.
Ooc (ask him it's not me :v)

Kyu nodded and took his hand and teleported to the front gate of the mansion which is 85 miles away from the village and kyu walks up to the gate and yells "ADRIAN!!!! I know your there!! Come out and fight us! You hurting hydri that badly is the last straw and I know I can't beat you,but I will at least get satisfaction from beating you once" she yelled

Adrian heard kyu and his eyes returned to there red form and he smirked "guards,everyone,stay in here and let me handle these two, this won't take long" he said laughing as he ran to the front gate and looked at both of them and he recognized Ben "ahh its YOU well,how does it feel always being on the run?" He said smirking "and you kyu,your a disappointment,I should have never made you" he said and kyu glare down at him "and I shouldn't have stayed with you" she said
OOC(The thing with his mega evolution is the blades on his first glaive were forged from a keystone and he can activate it even when he doesn't have the blades on him)

His breathing slowed to a dangerous level as he layed in the bed and started messing with Kyu's sensing aura.
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Kyu sensed something was trying to mess with her senses and so she used her psychic abilities to give whoever was invading her mind or senses a severe headache and she focused on what was happening

Adrian smirked "yeah well I had the better insult" he said as kyu rolled her eyes "whatever Dad but you won't be leaving so easily" she said sternly
He cried out in his rest as he was forced into a heavy coma from the headache. Hydri started dreaming about the past, but mostly about Rose.
((Well, the trainer with the keystone needs a strong bond with a Pokemon whom has a megastone in order for it to work...))
Bezukhov glared at Adrian, grinding his teeth in anger.
"You kept me here long enough, Adrian. It's about time I take you down." He unlatched a Pokeball and tossed it above him. "Go, Lyco!" The trainer called, the red ienergy spitting out from the Pokeball forming into a Lycanroc. "Your move, Adrian."

"Lycanroc!" The Lycanroc howled and got into its battling position, keeping his tail wagging slowly.
Adrian smirked "ahh well that's where you are a fool!! Do you really think I would be easy? I defeated Hundreds of trainers! What makes you think you'll do any better?" He said as we decided to see what Ben would do
Kyu smirked "yeah well they are not like Ben Adrian,his Pokémon even gave me some trouble and even managed to hit me" she said and Adrian raised his eyebrows "oh really? Is this true Ben? If so then that's a impressive feat,if I wasn't so sure of my victory I might actually be nervous" he said cockily,and he's still waiting for the trainers move
Bezukhov kept his ground, glaring back into Adrians eyes.
"Aren't you gonna send out a Pokemon, or are you just gonna call upon one of your damned robots?" He growled, his voice filled with seeting hatred. Bezukhov's Lycanroc growled in unision, making both of their growls sound like the thunder occuring outside.
He shrugged "I don't need my Pokémon for this,if anything I think I could take you on on my own but since you mentioned my robots" he snapped his finger three times and there was a moment of silence before a large robot burrowed out of the ground and it stood up at fifteen feet tall and it has a green shield around it and it's shaped like a humanoid. Plus it's carrying a large laser katana blade with cannons on its shoulders and wrists
"Meet my samuraitron 6220! He may not be the most durable but is nearly unmatched when it comes to his sword fighting skills,you'll be a nice warmup for him" he said folding his arms and grinning while the robot began spinning its blade extremely fast and walked towards the wolf like Pokémon
Bezukhov grinded his teeth together once more.
"Lyco, use Stone edge and then Acceleroc!" He commanded, throwing a hand above him. The Lycanroc nodded and howled once more, leaping up into the air.

"Lycan... Roc!" Lyco howled and sharp rocks jutted up from the ground, heavily damaging the robot from the legs up. The Lycanroc then darted to the robots head, using Acceleroc on it.
The rocks got disintegrated from the shield "SHEILDS AT 85%" the robot said and when the wolf Pokémon was close to him it quickly unsheathed its sword and it swung extremely fast and vertical towards the pokemon
"Endure the pain, Lyco! Once it goes through you, use Fire Fang on its hilt so the laser wont work!" Bezukhov bellowed, so his mighty wolf Pokemon would hear. Luckily enough, Lycanroc had heard his masters command and did exactly what his master had commanded for him to do.
"Roc..." The Lycanroc shut its eyes tightly and let the blade hit him, though since it was a laser, it went through him. Lycos fur felt blistering hot for a moment before completly vanishing. Using the rocks from the Stone Edge he has used previously, Lycanroc landed and them and leapt back up at the robots hand and bit it with his flaming jaws, melting them.
The shield around the robot kept lyco from entering it and when it touched its arm,even though it dented and the sword turned off its hilt the electric shield surrounded the wolf Pokémon and it entered lycos skin sending many bolts of electricity towards him
The robot threw a backhand towards the the wolf Pokémon to get it off of him
Lycanroc, being the rock type Pokemon he is, luckily didn't get affected by the high volts of electricity. Sure, he felt a strong buzz around him, but was still uneffected.
"Good job, Lyco! Now use Acceleroc to break free from the shield and use Crunch to damage its motherboard!" Bezukhov yelled, the determined flame catching fire once again. The Lycanroc, of course, obeyed his command and used Acceleroc, the rock move causing the sheild around him to shatter.
"Lycan- roc!" Lyco howled and was free, now falling toward the hand being swung at him. The mighty wolf Pokemon bit into it, sending uneffective sparks of electricity flying.
The robot was surprised that it broke its energy field but it decided to use that against him,he kept the wolf like Pokémon on his arm but he slammed the Pokémon towards the ground at an alarming rate and he held him while his foot came fast towards lyco attempting to punt kick him

Adrian smirked "I haven't seen a Pokémon in a while able to keep up him,needless to say I'm impressed but after you defeat him what do you plan on doing? Killing me? Locking me up" he said chuckling darkly "because I still have an ace card up my sleeve,and I won't be going down so easily" he said
OOC( Hydri has been connected with the blades so long that he has developed an eternal friendship with them)

He started seeing through Kyu's eyes and watched the battle. He cried out to her, trying to tell her something. ^You need to forgive him for all of this and tell him that it was never his fault that everything ended up this way Kyu. You need to win over his good side to make everything easier. Do it while the robot is distracted!^ He was unsure if his words were getting to her.
While the robot was fighting kyu walked up to Adrian and was close to him and Adrian smirked "what gonna say I have no chance? Gonna insult me with your witty banner? Because I'm clever and I got comebacks for anything yo-" he was cut midsentence by her "i-I'm sorry" she said and Adrian looked really confused "wait what?!" He yelled and kyu rubbed the back of her head "I'm sorry,if I stopped you making that portal thing and if you never made me,this wouldn't be happening,I just wanna let you know I'm...sorry for letting you down...not evil you but the goodness I still feel in your dark heart" she said and Adrian instead chose to ignore her focusing on the fight but he's having an internal struggle

The robots sheild came back fully charged when he knocked the wolf like Pokémon off of him
He could tell that Adrian was struggling a little with it. ^Ummm...Tell him....How much you actually care for him. That should do some damage.^ The signal in Hydri's mind was getting weaker now. ^Tell him that you want to make things right in the world again.^ His thoughts started getting hazy as life flashed before his eyes, his heart monitor started beeping from his high blood pressure.
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"Stone Edge, now!" Bezukhov yelped.
"Roc!" The Lycanroc grunted in reply, from both the sudden comand and hit. Large stones jutted out from the ground below the robots foot, piercing through it. Electricity sparked everywhere, and the robotic foot was held in place by the large rocks.
The robot was hopping on one foot and in a last ditch effort it decided to shoot its body parts out of his body everywhere besides Adrian's location and a lot of the parts even went towards Ben at a fast rate and when its assault was over,there was a dust storm from it freaking out
Kyu dodged some of the parts and a piece of it barley clipped her hair but she was ok for the most part

Adrian looked on surprised "huh well....I can't see Ben or his stupid wolf anywhere,I hope Ben isn't dead yet cause this is starting to get fun" he said grinning and doing his best on his internal struggle
Bezukhov barrled over to one side, narrowly avoiding the heavy body parts from colliding with him. Though pieces of scrap metal tore at his jacket and shirt, he was fine at least.
"Lyco... Use Acceleroc to jump from one part to another in order to avoid getting crushed!" He cried out, putting a hand over his precious Lycanrocs Pokeball just in case.
"Lycanroc!" The wolf Pokemon barked and leapt from one falling part to another, using Accelerocs speed to propel him through the air.
Adrian pulled out his energy pistol "yeah well this isn't normally allowed but New rules" he said giggling maniacally and he started shooting towards the wolf Pokémon and some of his shots are bigger and some are smaller making it very confusing on whether to block or dodge
"Use Stone Edge to block the shots!" Bezukhov commanded, now growing more confident of the battles outcome.
"Roc! Lycanroc!" The Lycanroc howled one more time and tall, rocky barrier formed in front of him.
"Now, return!" The trainer held up his Lycanrocs Pokeball and called it back and tossed another Pokeball into the air. "You can do it, Kim!" He yelled, sending out his Kommo-o. The Kommo-o stood taller than most and glared at Adrian, suspecting he was the enemy. Bezukhov whispered inaudibly into Kim's ear: "Now, since you have the Bulletproof ability, this battle should be a piece of cake. Now, go!" Kim nodded in reply and bounded toward Adrian, waiting for his next move.
"Kommo, kom..." Kim growled, her scales rattling against one another.
Adrian smirked "ahh you really think I'll just shoot you? Before I took over the world I captured ALOT of Pokémon and I know that kommo-o of yours is bulletproof,plus cmon,I'm the smartest evil genius What do you expect? Lasers plus scales equals bad for me,fortunately I have just the thing" he turned a dial on the pistol and the pistol is a lot darker and is more vibrant "it doesn't matter HOW strong that kommo-os scales are this melts through steel easily!" He said laughing while shooting fast at the kommo-o,shooting at random patterns from time to time as well

Kyu watched on having an uneasy feeling about something...."this isn't like Adrian to just do stuff like this....he's planning something" she thought to herself
A spark of instinct passed through Kim's body, this is what she was truly meant for. The glittering scales of all Kommo-o's were meant to drive away evil. Within a split second, the massive lizard Pokemon was charging at Adrian, the shots leaving but nearly unnoticeable dents in her scales. Her pupils dilated and she dove under Adrians arm and threw an incredibly fast fist under his chin, a sickening crack emitting as her fist broke his lower jaw and knocked him back.
"Kom... Kommo-o!" Kommo-o bellowed, ringing the scales on her tail together; victorious. Bezukhov got up from his position and stood up, wincing from the pain from his various cuts from the scrap metal.
"Good job, Kim." He said simply, for he was tired from all his shouting.
Adrian got hit but only got sent back a few feet and took a few steps back but he grinned "oh jeez I felt that,you nearly cracked the iron plating,emphasis on nearly" he said laughing maniacally "foolish boy,A sniper almost killed me in the past so I had an iron plate installed in my head,but now I'm tired of your cockiness and your brashness,many trainers have attacked me before and yet I know all the tricks you guys have,which is why I made this guy" he snapped his finger and his special robot teleported in front of him
It was a humanoid robot and it has two earphone looking ears and on its face instead of eyes and a mouth it has a solid red ball of energy inside its helmet,it's also made out of a shiny metal that looks similarities to silver
"Meet Megaton! The robot that is equal to kyus maximum power,he is my trump card and I swear I won't be giving you any chances this time,megaton you know what to do"
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Bezukhov regained his posture and glared back up at the robot.
"Bezukhov Izuki, former champion. I'm here to regain my pride and to take down Adrian and restore this regions worth." He said, clenching his fists so tightly to the point when his knuckles went white.
Kim stood a few feet behind the menacing android and hissed quietly, raising her tail by instinct.
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The robot took a few seconds to consider his response and then spoke again with the deep metallic voice "VALID RESPONSE, IF YOU GIVE ANY ORDERS TO YOUR POKÉMON,I WILL SWITCH PRIORTIES TO YOU AND END YOU IN A PAINFUL MANNER,THIS IS MY FIGHT SO IF YOU INTEFERE YOU WILL SUFFER ARE WE CLEAR?" It said bending over slightly to get face to face with Ben and you could feel the heat emanating from his face and it's extremely hot
Bezukhov nooded and glanced over at Kim who has been snarling quietly at the fearsome robot.
"Of course, go on," He said, hatred seething in his voice. "Fight." The trainer gestured his hand over to Kim, who now knows what to do. "Go on, I want to be impressed."
Megaton turnt and looked at the dragon "YOU ARE A KOMMO-O? SCANNING KNOWN WEAKNESSES......FOUND MAIN WEAKNESS,SUGGESTION:SUBMIT,ALL PERSONAL BELONGINGS WILL BE USELESS TO YOU FROM NOW ON" it said as it picked up a few rocks with telepathy and the edges of them cut off and he threw them towards the kimmo-os weak spots
Kim narrowly blocked all of the hurtling rocks with her large scales, grunting from the impact of the rocks. She lifted up her heavy arms and shook them, the clanging scales creating and uproarous sound, the soundwaves visible too. They hit the humanoid robot with a heavy hit, the sound messing with the robots circuits and whatnot.
Megaton wasn't affected by the sound waves "NOT AFFECTED,MADE OUT OF SPECIAL ALLOY THAT IS REISITANT TO CIRCUITS BREAKING,ELECTRICITY,BULLETS AND FIRE,SUGGESTION:HIT MY FACIAL AREA,SO THAT THIS WILL NOT END TOO SOON,OTHERWISE YOU WILL SUFFER" its voice got deeper and its energy face turned dark red "IMMEDIATE DESTRUCTION" it shot out a energy beam from its face that was small but very dense in energy and mass and it tracked the kommo-os movements
Kim bent her head down and let the beam hit her incredibly large scales deflect the beam, making the beam shoot back up to the ceiling, destroying whatever was up there. The Kommo-o continued moving forward with her head down and swung a clawed fist at the robots face, her claws creating a unpleasant sound when they scratched tore against the metal face.
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