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Open A hunter, titan and warlock walk into a bar...(Destiny 2 rp)

Hello there Pokecharms! Recently I've been pretty caught up in this game and I can safely say I'm enjoying it immensely. So much so that it was pretty inevitable that I would end up wanting to roleplay it. So I have a rough idea for a roleplay that may be susceptible to change as I will be asking opinions on the story arch from those who join in. It will be taking place after the main story of Destiny 2 and we will not be roleplaying as characters who took place in killing Ghaul, Atheon, Oryx, etc.

So I'm looking for either 2 or 5 people to join this roleplay so that we have equal fireteams of 3. Per fireteam there should only be one of each class so for the first fireteam I will be taking the role of hunter, a night stalker to be exact. Your allowed one exotic weapon and armour piece same as always so choose wisely. We will be going off the Destiny 2 weapon system (Primary, energy and heavy) but you can have any gun from Destiny 1 with the exception of raid gear.

Other than that normal Pokecharms rules apply. But to make sure you read all of that....just put MIDA somewhere in your bio.

So here is a template!

Armour: (An in game picture of your own character could work here as I'm pretty sure that's fine by Pokecharms rules)
Weapons (I will allow made up exotics is you run them by me first:
Physical appearance:
Class and subclass (For example hunter, nightstalker):
Any backstory you wish to include:
I'm getting in on this as a Warlock. You'll have to give me time to make my bio though. I always played as Warlock in Destiny 1, but I ended up as a Titan in Destiny 2. I just want to use Warlock because they have more interesting lore. Question, can we use Destiny 1 weapons? Wait, question already answered lol.
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Name: Vrill-9
Species: Exo
Gender: Male
Helmet- Ego Talon IV
Gauntlets- The Impossible Machines (Exotic)
Chest- Ego Talon IV
Legs- Ego Talon IV
Bond- Ego Talon Bond
Kinetic- Better Devils
Energy- Vex Mythoclast (Exotic)
Power- Blue Shift
Physical appearance:
Personality: Vrill tries his best to fit in with living lifeforms, often with disastrous consequences. He is very cold and literal, and was one of the City's top scholars and scientists. He takes a personal interest in the Vex, and spent most of his time attempting to research the Vex, Warminds and the past of Exo's.
Class and Subclass: Warlock, Stormcaller

Extra: Really hates being killed by the MIDA in Crucible
Ok, so question, I think the Vex Mythoclast actually counts as Raid gear. I have a good reason for him having it but if you want I can just make a new exotic. Also, is Dominus Gary already dead yet or nah?


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Okay yeah all looks good bar something you missed and the Vex Mythoclast but if you have a decent enough reason to own it I'll allow you to keep it.
As for dear Gary I belive I already mentioned that he been killed as this all comes after Destiny 2. I will also have my own bio up soon!
I was just thinking that it was being studied before the attack happened and he ended up taking it to defend himself during the Red Legion assault. Also probably because he always wanted to keep it for himself, so he basically just took it from the lab because no-one would be able to complain about it if it would have been destroyed if he didn't take it. Also, the Backstory thing: Work in progress.
Yeah sure we can run with that, its not like its too powerful anyway. Makes sense for your character as well what with his Vex fascination. Okay your good to go then! Lets just hope we can get a titan now, shouldn't be too difficult, its a popular class after all..Some might say too popular...(Looking at you fist of havoc in crucible)
Lol that's me. I ended up picking Titan in D2 because they got the coolest new ability. Meanwhile Warlocks actually become a support class this game, but lose Radiance and that was basically my thing as Warlock. Flame shield melee then bring yourself back when they finally kill you.
The Warlock in my fireteam did the same thing, neat trick until your the one fighting it. I actually dislike the new titan ability, I think rift is way better and although dodge is terrible it has its moments.
Name: Asher Kohler

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Armour: (An in game picture of your own character could work here as I'm pretty sure that's fine by Pokecharms rules): Waiting to supply an image…

Weapons (I will allow made up exotics is you run them by me first:

Primary: Hung jury SR4

Energy: Bang and Buck (Made up exotic so let me explain it. Bang and Buck are 2 different sidearms, obviously held akimbo. They are of Viest make and so look a lot like other sidearms such as the Rattler and Eleventh hour. However Bang has small exhaust vents on either side that glow red hot whenever the gun is fired and Buck’s sight is made up of 2 tiny metal nubs with sparks running between them. Bang is solar and Buck is ark. Their exotic perks are as follows. Ghost mag: These guns don’t require the insertion of a magazine as another one will simply teleport into place with a click of a button. Pendulum: Dealing damage with Bang grants bonus damage from Buck’s next shot and vice versa.

Heavy: Stillpiercer

Physical appearance: Asher is roughly 5ft 10 and of a rugged physique. He is of British heritage and as such possess white skin and has medium brown hair that he tries to keep relatively short with his fringe parted to one side. His eyes are a shade of hazel that is greener than brown and his eyebrows are only a slightly darker brown than the rest of his hair. On his left cheek a tiny pink scar that resembles a “Y” that is missing one of the branches at the top can be found. He usually has a little bit of stubble that makes the side of his face look a little darker than usual, but hey he likes it and really can’t be bothered to shave all the time when he is out on the road.

Personality: Asher is a smart ass who tries to enjoy even his sorrow riddled life. Not the most moral of individuals either mind you but he’s certainly not evil. Although he would never admit it he is also very lonely, his old life is buried in stone and everybody else is no more permeant than the weather. Still don’t worry, he isn’t one for all that sappy stuff, you’re more likely to see him trying to take on impossible odds with a wicked smirk on his face. Oh and he is a raging alcoholic...

Class and subclass: Hunter, nightstalker.

Any backstory you wish to include: Seeming as he was brought back from the dead there isn’t actually a whole lot here. Quickly excelled as a hunter and found himself in the EDZ more than anywhere else, the overgrown cities becoming his hunting grounds. He supports dead orbit but not religiously, he basically owes them one as they once saved him when he was a newbie guardian. Asher has made himself known is certain communities for the fact he will take almost any bounty, for the right price. Had a fireteam once before, lost both of them during the attack on the tower. Since then he has worked solo, trying to keep the EDZ clean.

Extra: MIDA is a great make of gun. Also hates being confused with Asher Mir.
The disgustingly good Hung Jury lol. I never minded though, because Dead Orbit were my favourite faction and had never given out anything really good before so I never complained.
Like always. Seriously why tho. Every time.

Just beat the Nightfall on D2 for the first time yesterday. Never really got to do all the big stuff cos I didn't have people to play with, but thankfully this time around I have a chance of doing the raid.
Funnily enough I never had people to do the Nightfalls or Raids with, but in Rise Of Iron I actually got some Trials stuff (funnily enough the expansion I played the least), because I was playing with a friend who was a huge tryhard. We were bored so for some reason he just took me and another guy, who were both nowhere near highest light, into trials. We actually won a few and I got some legendaries. No idea how lol
Well it was going to be Fallen based for the most part, it would begin with my character walking into a bar where the other 2 fireteam members already were sat, hauling a Dreg with him. There is a massive bounty on this Dreg's head as apparently he knows something very, very important. For different reasons we will all want this Dreg and whilst we argue over it the poor little guy is going to be shot by an unknown sniper, probably Fallen themselves due to the use of a wire rifle. With his dying breaths the Dreg unlocks a small device on him that gives us a few coordinates and a key code. The end game being that the Fallen have been using Vex tech to create a planet Servitor, one capable of giving the Fallen the same time traveling powers as the Vex. With this they could easily wipe out any foe. As I said it was rough..
Welp, seems like I'm not getting on Destiny today. I get in to play on Destiny (I'm in England) at 4, and Maintenance starts. Ends at 8. Bungo plz why haven't u sorted your game out already.