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Ask to Join A Journey in Alola!

Teiran felt a ring in her pocket. It was an unknown number, but by the sounds of it, it was probably Jonathan or Night. "I'm in an open field, near a Malasada shop. Yeah, I got side tracked by some thought. I have no idea where the others are though. Is this Jonathan, or Night?" Teiran texted.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier and Nova exited the Contest Hall and went to a quiet space to have Metagross out. "Metagross! Lets go!" He called out. The giant, heavyweight steel type greeted Glacier but headbutting him. They both fell on the grass while Metagross was laying on top of Glacier, so it took some time for him to get off of his trainer. "Nice to see you too Metagross..." Glacier said, in pain. Nova just stood there and giggled along with Espeon, who was on Metagross's head.
"I'm in an open field, near a Malasada shop. Yeah, I got side tracked by some thought. I have no idea where the others are though. Is this Jonathan, or Night?"

Jonathan received a text, yet she didn't know who he was. It was understandable, since they didn't add contacts yet. He replied. 'It's me, Jonathan. I'm on my way right now, but I'll be a while. Crabrawler needs to rest at the Center, and I can't leave it there without me. I'll see you there, maybe get a Malasada myself. :)'


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"Come on...we'll get something to eat." Glacier said. "We could go to that Malasada shop that we were at earlier." Nova suggested and Espeon seemed to agree. Glacier nodded and all 4 of them headed to the Malasada shop, with Metagross trailing slowly behind and producing heavy steps. A crazy partner to have on a team, but he's exceptionally powerful. I'll give him a chance to battle a Totem Pokemon. I might do Mimikyu...He thought. Metagross, Salamence, Garchomp, Zoroark, and Dartrix: 5 Pokemon but one had to go as well. Glacier couldn't decide on that.
"Got it. Later." Teiran texted, before adding him into her contacts. Teiran then flipped to her stomach, Brionne sleeping, as Teiran waited for Jonathan to show up. But Teiran couldn't help but yawn loudly. She ate a sugary Malasada, in attempt to keep herself up.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier and Nova entered the Malasada shop but Metagross had problems getting in. Glacier sighed, recalled Metagross back into his Pokeball and let him out again inside the shop. "We'll take...5 Malasadas." Nova pronounced. The person running the shop gave them 5 Malasadas and Glacier, in return, gave her the cash that was needed. They 4 of them sat down at the table and began to chow down on their Malasadas.
Teiran saw Glacier walk in the shop, and picked up her sleeping Brionne, cradling him, as she sat next to Glacier. "Hey, Glacier! I got you something for your birthday...." Teiran said, pulling out a Great Ball, and a couple sweet Malasada's, leaving about three more Malasada's in her bag.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier saw Teiran sit down next and hand him the Great Ball and Malasadas. "Oh! Thanks!" He said, taking the gifts kindly. "Look who came back." He added, pointing to Metagross. The steel type was busy eating his Malasada that he didn't hear Glacier mention him.
Kemen and Daniel came into the shop, ordering a large malasada to share. They'd already eaten a lot, but they didn't want to look rude.

"Are we missing anything?" Daniel greeted, as Kemen helped him into the booth.
Night got out the Contest area and heaed towards the malsada shop thinking to get something to eat after that battle and going to the Kahuna tommorow he noticed Terian on the grass and sat beside her " What's going on? " he sent out Torracat and Larvitar and they sat beside them he was wondering to ask her if she wanted to fight the grand trial with him obviously taking turns ((Please no ship ;-;))

"Mreow"(Looked who evolved now?)Torracat said in Pokespeech to Brionne
(We wont because Teiran already has a ship with Akio)
Akio looked at the malasada donuts and drooled over how delicious they looked.
"Wow they look so tasty." Akio told Marowak, he walked over to Glacier and Teiran and said.
"Hey uhh...I have a present for your birthday as well." He said pulling out a T-shirt with a salamence on it, he also pulled out a couple of Malasada donuts for his friend.
"Hope you like em, Marowak picked out the best T-shirt he could find for you!"


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier accepted the T-shirt and the Malasada Donuts. "Okay...are you trying to get me unfit for the League?" He joked. He looked at the Salamence T-shirt and had a flashback of his Shelgon evolving into Salamence. Metagross finished eating and tackled Marowak with affection.
Marowak grinned at metagross and looked at how big it was.
"Marow! Wak wak!" (You look so cool!) He told the Metagross in Pokémon speak. Marowak affectionately tackled him back but instead of Metagross being nudged Marowak's arm just really hurt. Marowak laughed rubbing his arm.
"I guess so!" Akio replied jokingly to Glacier's comment.
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Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Metagross felt accepted from the Marowak. "Meta! Metagross!" (Look what I can do!) He replied to Marowak. Metagross's fist became surrounded by ice and he punched the ground, not to hard, and froze it. Metagross performed an Ice Punch!

Glacier took notice that Akio followed his joke and he chuckled to himself. "Teiran...you have to beat Olivia...don't you?" He said, remembering that she had finished the all her trials on Akala and needed to do the grand trial. Nova looked at Glacier in confusion. "Grand Trial? I thought there were just trials and Totem Pokemon." She said.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"Sorry Daniel...just soaking in the moment...I'm pretty sure you could teach Nova a few things about contests and showcases." Glacier suggested. Nova had always taken interests in Pokemon showcasing.
Daniel chuckled wryly. "If you wanna talk about showcases, you'd be better off talking to my boyfriend! He's the Nita King for a reason, y'know!"

"Oh stop it, you," Kemen answered, cheeks flushing as he ruffled Daniel's hair, "Anyway, here's a bit of a late birthday present from us. Flores Teahouse's famous Rappacini tea, and some moon balls."

Daniel quietly placed a case of moon balls on the table, while Kemen did the same with a pouch of Rappacini tea.

"This tea is the signature treat of Rappacini Town, in Nita," Kemen explained, "Giving it to your pokemon before battle helps them stay relaxed, thus allowing them to fight more effectively. But giving it to an eevee will cause them to evolve into Iveon, its poison type form."


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"Thanks you two!" Glacier said, smiling. He looked at the Moon Balls and remembered Clefairy evolves with a Moon Stone. Then he looked over at the tea. Tea before a battle helps my Pokemon relax and fight more efficiently...I'll have my Pokemon drink some tea. He thought. Nova looked over at Kemen. "Could you help me with Contest moves after Rockruff evolves?" She asked the Nita King.
Kemen glanced at Daniel, unsure if the two understood the difference between a contest and a showcase.

"I'm a performer, not a coordinator, so you'd be better off asking Daniel about contest moves," Kemen explained.

"Yeah, with contest moves, you don't have to be directly involved in the performance," Daniel added, "And you can only use one or two pokemon at a time, depending on the rules of the contest. But in showcases, you can use as many pokemon as you like, but you have to be involved in the performance, in some way."


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier saw them glance at each other and looked back at Nova. Nova, who liked showcases more than performances, wanted to have combinations of Physic and Rock type moves. "Please help me...I want to just use moves in actual battles and see how they turn out." She pleaded. Glacier sighed and shook his head, almost on the verge of laughing at Nova's urge to have Daniel teach her.
Akio looked at nova and told her
"If you just want to learn moves, just tell me. Marowak and I know a lot of ways to teach Pokémon moves! And we know which are good for showcases and performances." Marowak nodded showing off his flamethrower,
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Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Nova nodded to Daniel, thanking him for his help. "Hey Akio...can you have Marowak use Flamethrower on the frozen part of the floor where Metagross used Ice Punch? If not I'll just use Meteor Mash." Glacier asked.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"Thanks! Guys...I have a serious question to ask. What's the one thing that people assume about you and you hate that?" He asked his friends. Glacier already knew Nova's assumption from others so he thought they should know his. "Mine is people thinking of my name. They think I would rather pick an Ice type over all the others because of my name." He scowled.
"Mine is people assuming that I hate water Pokémon, It's when they see me with a Marowak and the fact I can't swim...it gives that vibe." Akio told them looking embarrassed.
"I love water types, if it wasn't for one I would've drowned.
"Mine is people assuming that because I'm Nitan, I like tauros fighting and flamenco," Kemen huffed, "I hate tauros fighting! It's a barbaric, out of date practice, that should have been banned long ago!"

The performer's eyes sharpened all of a sudden. "Or worse, when people assume that I'm Latin Unovan when I say that I'm Nitan. We are not the same thing at all! We Nitans don't eat burritos, say words like 'pinche', or wear chanclas! We...!"

Daniel hurried to restrain him, as he got more animated. "Calm down, love," he instructed, "I know this stuff annoys you a lot, but nobody's calling you any of those things right now, ok?"

Kemen inhaled. "Ok," he answered, holding Daniel's hand.

Daniel cleared his throat. "I really hate being called inspirational, on account of the fact that I'm in a wheelchair," he began, "I'm not here to make able-bodied people feel better about themselves, because they can walk unaided, and I can't. Able-bodied people seem to think that they're better than me, and should be able to achieve more than me, because I'm disabled, and they're not. I hate it."
Jonathan rushed for the Malasada shop he knew Teiran was at, and walked in to the entire group. Kemen was outraged and Daniel was restraining him, and the others... well, he couldn't describe it. "What the Houndoom just happened?" he asked, yelling so everyone would be quieter. "I swear, I'm just looking for Teiran and this is what I get! Quiet down, or I'm sending out Decidueye so you can learn a lesson, people!"
Akio turned to Jonathan with a certain look, Marowak knew that look from anywhere but both stayed where he was
"Okay, sorry. But if you send Decidueye I'm tagging along with Marowak!" Akio told Jonathan, "But Glacier asked what annoyed us and Daniel got mad talking about it.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier looked at Jonathan with an odd expression. "Why don't you take a seat?" He suggested. Metagross looked over at Marowak and told him of his first battle as a Beldum. "It was hard in the least because all I knew back then was Take Down." He said in Pokemon speech. Epseon looked at Jonathan and nudged his leg. Nova was startled out of her mind when he came in here to get the shouting advantage. "It my fault...I shouldn't have asked you what annoys you..."Glacier said apologetically.
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Jonathan nodded and smiled. "It's fine. I just get annoyed by chaos and being unorganized bothers me. Think of it as O.C.D." He saw that Espeon nudged his leg and patted its head. "Hi, there, Espeon. You want a Poke Bean?" He pulled out a Rainbow Poke Bean and handed it to Nova, hoping to get Espeon toward its Trainer.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Epseon stared at the Poke bean and used Psychic on it and motioned it into her mouth. Nova laughed. "I don't even need to feed Epseon. She feeds herself with Psychic." She explained, giggling. Glacier, chuckled as well and remembered Epseon eating the food.
Jonathan processed the information in his head and now really felt like asking about Tauros fights. Well, if he couldn't know now, he'd have to go to Nita. He also thought it was cool that Espeon fed herself with a move. He was ready for a battle against someone, but he felt it'd be a waste of time. " Are there any trialgoers wanting to head to the ruins with me to battle Olivia?" Jonathan asked. He thought Glacier and Nova were collecting crystals, and maybe Teiran was too. It all depended on who felt the calling to be the best.
"I would love to fight Oliva with you!" Akio told Jonathan grinning. Marowak went up to the Espeon and was impressed with it's abilities, however Marowak didn't need his trainer to feed him either.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"I know Teiran is supposed to battle Olivia. I beat her already and Nova is planning on battling a Totem." Glacier explained. Metagross stomped on the ground with agreement.
"Let's all go in groups. There is..." Jonathan said, getting a head count. There was him, Teiran, Akio, Glacier, Nova, Daniel, Kemen, Duke and Night, making a total of 9. "9 of us, so we'll split in to groups of three to go past the Diglett Tunnel, and east of Konikoni to meet Kahuna Olivia at Lele's Ruins of Life. I know that Daniel and Kemen are together already, but we all need to decide who to go with."