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a question for the administrators.

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I think you guys are exerting your power a little too much on some of the threads. some people are getting warned for some things that are just careless or not serious at all. i mean i understand if people get warned for cursing and stuff but cmon

Doctor Oak

Staff member
If you're going to make accusations, links would be deemed extremely necessary.

Also, your comment about "get warned for cursing" leads me to believe you haven't read the rules yourself.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
If you're going to make accusations, links would be deemed extremely necessary.

What he said.

Also, we have rules for a reason. They're set out very clearly so people know of 'em beforehand, too. If they're broken, you get warned. It's fairly straight forward that way.

I've warned a number of people recently, but you'll find not one of them was outside the standard rules.
there have been numerous instances but i cant honestly say i can cite them all. but i have seen administrators warning a person for posting on a closed thread or even on an answered question numerous times, i mean those kinds of things are stupid and careless but warning is too severe a punishment.


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
Not really. You get three shots. If you're not learning by the second then you're obviously not fit for the forums. The rules are simple and easy to follow, all one needs to do is read them. Mistakes do happen yes, but one warning isn't the end of their world. They just learn to be more careful.


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
OBJECTION!! I know I'm not a mod/admin, but I think I'll add my two cents anyway.

As far as I'm concerned, people don't really learn from their mistakes unless something bad happens because of their mistake. A warning, if anything, is designed as a wake-up call to say "If you keep breaking the rules you're outta here." A little phrase of mine comes to mind: A lesson learned the hard way is a lesson never forgotten. Although you can be too firm sometimes e.g. if the mods warned people simply for mispelling one word in their posts, I don't think the mods here are too firm at all, and are quite nice people once you get to know them a little better.
Not to gravedig, or anything, and I know I'm not a mod/admin, but I want to support them.

They made the rules here. If you don't like them, tough shit! Maketh your own forum and get thousands of members, where you can make your own rules.
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