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Acid Viridian

Shoot, I made such a big deal of not RPing, but this was idea was too good not to pitch. The RP is invite-only, but if you wish to join, please PM me first.

Many in the guild considered Bluez to be a miracle. For one thing, he was a Buizel; the last and only Buizel the guild had seen in a long time. In fact, Bluez was quite possibly the only Water Pokemon they had seen ever since it happened.

How long ago was it? Four, maybe five years ago, according to the few who had lived to see it. They were the lucky ones who were not killed or horribly disfigured when their storage devices began to malfunction. Some were even safely asleep in their Pokeballs when it had happened. Bluez was one of the fortunate. He and his Pokeball were tucked away in an old box, surviving what was now known as The Great Poisoning.

It began as a seemingly normal day, when suddenly ominous clouds began to gather in the sky. Then a lone raindrop descended from the heavens, with it was the sky's message to the world below; that of a great misfortune befalling the world as it was once known. For that one raindrop had fallen into the hands of a young human. There, lying in the child's palm, it began to burn away the small amount of flesh it could touch.

Soon, more fell from the sky, than a drizzle, and then it began to rain continuously. The small drops of water were mysteriously laden with a highly corrosive substance, and soon the screams of pain from its victims below began to fade away as an ensuing torrent followed.

Survivors would describe in horrific detail how human and Pokemon alike panicked as the rain poured endlessly. It not only corroded flesh, but plants and stone as well. It tainted fountains, lakes and other bodies of water it was exposed to. It brought building crumbling down and caused all sorts of technology to malfunction. Those whose Pokeballs were exposed to even a drop would short out, and the tenants inside suffered an agonizing death, or would escape the devices completely mangled. The sheer terror and destruction lasted for days, weeks and months. Then, exactly one year later; it had stopped.

The casualties of The Great Poisoning were enormous. Its one year onslaught had left the human species seemingly extinct. It had killed a vast majority of water Pokemon who lived in the tainted water, and the surviving Pokemon of the Earth remember vividly how their loved ones had literally melted away.

But as tragic as the Great Poisoning was, it did not stop there. Every few weeks after that, the rain clouds would return, and once again continue to destroy what it didn't the first time. The seasonal destruction had eliminated any hope life had to restore the world to its former state.

Still, that did not stop the few surviving lifeforms to try and save it.

Bluez dashed across the rough terrain and made his way to a large, crumbling pillar of stone. Taking this moment to recover his breath, he surveyed the area from his hiding place. All around him was a vast, gray wasteland with a few rock pillars and large boulders littering the landscape. A good distance away, was their target. A large, singular building, trying its best to stand by itself. A good chunk of the structure was now crumbling, causing the building to tilt slightly. Based on the number of shattered windows it had, Bluez could surmise it was about 30 floors tall.

He turned his head over to another pillar behind him. Moving his paw as a slight gesture, another figure emerged from behind its hiding place. Ruin scrambled over to Bluez position. Having made it safely to his side, his ears began to twitch about. His tail jerked from left to right, and his forearms waved about in a gentle manner. "How many are there?" Bluez whispered to his accomplice. The Pikachu turned its head towards his direction. Despite lacking any eyes, Ruin often acted as though he had them. "I can sense about three of them near the surface, but there could be a few more directly underneath them. Being of the Ground typing as the humans put it, they don't give off that much of a spark for me to sense."

Bluez peered out from behind the pillar once more. The ground was as still as it was minutes ago. "They're not moving," Ruin added. The Buizel gritted his teeth. They're opponents weren't moving despite all the noise they had made from running around. This wasn't good, he thought. "The odds that its a trap are high, what should we do?" Ruin asked quietly. "Keep your guard up, if there really after us, than we're going to have to stick to this rock until the very mom-"

"Something's coming! Directly below us!" Ruin yelled. Bluez had no time to say anything. He grabbed Ruin by his blindfold and hoisted him up. The Pikachu understood what to do and slammed its tail against the ground. The force was enough for him to propel himself up and onto the top of the crumbling pillar. And as he did this, the ground from where he stood began to crack open.

Bluez tumbled out into the open, keeping his eye glued to the spot where the crack had appeared. From it emerged a large clawed hand. He quickly looked over to Ruin, who stood ready at the top of the pillar, his yellow-orange fur streaking with bits of light and static electricity. The huge arm landed roughly on the ground, and began to hoist its owner out from beneath the gray rubble. Bluez stood at the ready, his own fur began to build up moisture as a pool of water appeared from beneath his feet.

The creature, once resembling a normal Rhydon emerged out of the ground, pointing its head upwards an roaring at the sky, as though cursing it for its current, hideous state. At the back of Ruin's head, he imagined himself chuckling. And then he whispered something to his opponent. "Yeah, I hate what it did to me, too." Bluez focused on the Rhydon, his body now completely submerged in a bubble of pure water. Crouching slightly, planting his feet firmly in the ground, he could feel it shake beneath him. His legs hoisted him up, and the bubble of water began to spin all around him.

Ruin caught the Mutant's attention, and as it flailed all four of its arms out at him, he began to charge up all the energy he had. If he only had eyes, Ruin would definitely be giving his opponent a very smug look right now. As the Rhydon bore its fangs at the small Pokemon, Bluez came crashing into it. The water all around him spun quickly and violently, twisting the bubble into a drill of water. He twisted his body around and began to spin in place as the mutant's body did not seem to budge from the sheer amount of force he had rammed into it. Water began to splatter all over the large Pokemon's body as the Buizel's Aqua Jet smashed into its torso. The Rhydon wheezed from the force of the blow, but its mutated frame was far tougher than even it expected.

Ruin could sense every drop of water that fell upon the large creature's body. He timed Bluez assault and suddenly yelled out to him. "Bluez, now!" The Buizel heard his signal and stopped spinning. Almost immediately, the water around him followed suit, and fell to the ground alongside him. Ruin was now glowing bright yellow from all the energy he charged up. With a yell, he threw his arms in the Rhydon's direction, and an immense bolt of energy flowed out of his paws and towards the Rhydon's enlarged horn.

A roar of pain could be heard great distances away, for everywhere else was silent. Or so it seemed...

Rules for Special Pokemon
Okay, I feel I need to set up some form of ruling for all the types of Pokemon featured in this RP.
First off, Mutant Pokemon.
1. Mutant Pokemon have mutated to have certain exaggerated physical attributes (such as the Rhydon here with four arms and a larger horn. Thus, one can say they are stronger than they were when they were normal.
2. Mutant Pokemon can learn attacks that go with their mutated attributes. I don't want someone slapping some sort of random super-power onto his/her Pokemon unless it makes sense. You want your Eevee to learn Wing Attack, then give it wings, not a second head or something.
3. Mutant Pokemon retain their typing. Though they can learn moves not of their typing, they retain the same typing and as a result the same weaknesses and resistances. This is to ensure no godmodding by suddenly giving Mismagius the Dark type and making it nearly invincible.
4. Mutant Pokemon cannot evolve beyond the second stage. The only exception to this rule are the Cocoon stage Pokemon like Metapod and Cascoon. They are plenty powerful having mutated.
Humans that became Pokemon
Humans are extinct. If you want your Pokemon to be Human at some point, the transformation should have occured prior to the Great Poisoning.

So with that out of the way, here's hoping I can RP beyond just two posts this time around. Its a really cool project and I really hope we can pull it off.
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(*glomps RX for the invitation*)

Yes, the wasteland devoid of all life (or so it seemed from a distant) all was most definitely not silent. The battle of the Buizel, Pikachu, and Rhydon could have been heard great distances away, for the Rhydon had a great set of lungs on it. Other pokemon had evidently heard this roar too, including a rather unlikely pair that would never have been seen together if it weren't for certain circumstances.

"You've gotten us lost," Thanatos the Sableye remarked to his partner, whose back he was sitting on. The Sableye, and his partner, were one of the many millions of pokemon to be mutated by The Great Poisoning which happened so long ago. For starters, Thanatos was at max a foot taller than a regular Sableye, his "hands", if that's what you call them, were more like claws now. His "fingers" being longer and sharpening into deadly points at the end, while his actual claws seemed to have gained sheaths, and were carefully hidden. His jewel-like eyes, which once glimmered the clearest, brightest blue, had now turned to a deep, luminous blood red; the rocks and jewels that had sprung from his back had grown longer and wrapped themselves around the top of his shoulders, forming a pair of "blades" that moved with his arms. Small alterations, yet some with major downsides, for one, Thanatos was all but blind during the day, seeing only the closest shapes in front of him, although at night his vision blossomed to a point where it was unnatural, which was what it exactly was; he sometimes walked as if he were hunched over. Not that it bothered him too greatly.

"I have not," Kijo, Thanatos's partner, snapped irritably. The Heracross never did have a good temper, maybe it was due to her mutation, or maybe she had always been like that. Her strong insect wings beat strongly over the blue-black armor plates that had grown thicker with her transformation, her eyes had also subsided to a red tinge, yet they were more orange in shade. The horn protruding out of her head had gotten considerably thicker and a second set of horns appeared at its base; the braches on the top loner and much sharper. Like Thanatos, her claws had also lengthened and sharpened, while her elbows had gained blade of their own. "Besides, it's not like you would know. You can't see a thing in this light."

"No, but my hearing is quite exceptional. You have wandered into dangerous territory, do you not hear that roar?"

Now that Thanatos had mentioned it, Kijo did hear a roar of pain, but paid it no mind, for she was in the air. It echoed on and on from a distance, the only other sound except for the drone of her wings. She opened her mouth to make a retort, when her sharp eyes spotted two specks of bright colors against the monotone gray landscape. Those were certainly not natives. To their right was what looked like a structure of the extinct humans, but the years of erosion from the rain and who knows what had crumbled it into such a piteous position that it was a wonder itself how Kijo recognized what it was. "Seems as if two foreigners got lost in this place, as we have. Think we should meet them?" Kijo asked casually, as if two strangers in what was a shell of an ecosystem were perfectly common.

"Why should you ask me?" Thanatos asked, "I'm just a pokemon that can't see a thing in this light." He drummed the tips of his claws lightly against her hard exoskeleton. "But then again, I think they should know perfectly well where they were going, so why don't we ask them for directions out of this place? I am rather tired of riding upon you like some Ponyta."

Kijo smirked and dipped into a shallow dive, giving her friend plenty of time to hook his claws around one of her armor plates before she went into a near-vertical plummet to the gray earth. The stone pillar that she saw the specks around suddenly bloomed in size as she neared it, she swerved to avoid dive-bombing straight into it. Slowing down to an almost-hover, Kijo swung her legs forward and landed somewhat gracefully ten feet from the duo, which she had noticed were a perfectly fine-looking Buizel (which shocked her beyond belief) and a Pikachu that had mutated itself to having no eyes. She felt Thanatos leap nimbly off her back and landed smoothly onto the rocky surface. He tested it with his foot, before satisfying himself and turning towards the others.

"Sorry if we're interrupting something," Kijo explained, "but it appears we have gotten ourselves lost, it would greatly appreciate us if you could help us." She ran her eyes along the length of the Buizel, which showed no signs of any vague mutation whatsoever. "Strange," she murmured, "I've never seen a pokemon that looked so…perfect. So untainted." She felt awkward speaking those words, but she wanted to know immensely how this fortunate soul had somehow escaped the curse of The Great Poisoning. She saw Thanatos flick his ears in surprise, and cross his arms to give her a "what-the-heck-are-you-talking-about?" glare? If only he could see this.

(*sigh* I still think it could use something....but I always think my posts could use something. XD)
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(I am very greatful to be included in this venture. I hope I can serve well to the RP with the rest of you.)

Not too far from the loud moment, the rotation of a nail digging into the loose dirt and a foot patting against the same could easily be heard. The body making this mixed noise was just as abnormal as the rest of the Pokemon at this period in history. She, a Lopunny, seemed perfectly normal when her actual body was examined, other than that she kept her fur in a more straight matter, instead of a fluffy one.

When you looked at the Lopunny better, though, you'd notice extreme differences in her body. Not only was her entire right arm gone, but it had been replaced, by the arm of a Metang. It looked like it would be heavy to even hang there, but it was pumping just like her perfectly normal left arm. Along with that, she had a peg leg, which looked to have had been the horn of a Aggron. Finally, she had was looked like the area around the eye of an Aron around her eye, clearly covering up removed flesh. All three of these parts were colored in the cool blue of a Metang, as if they were merged and separated to look like one body.

These all seemed impossible. How could a Lopunny run around with a working Metang arm, something no one could normally even get to operate after the Metang had died. The answer was around her waist. A Chingling, with a longer than average rope on it, was wrapped around the Lopunny's waist. The two were both looking in the same direction, with the same expression.

But, when the two stopped, worried they would be spotted as a threat to the unfamiliar terrain they were visiting. The Chingling levitated off of the Lopunny, making the arm drop and the plate on her face fall off.

"Gurit, you know I save power when we're working as Gitma. Why are we stopping?" The Chingling said telepathically, referring tot he Lopunny as Guirt, and the two working together as Gitma.

Guirt picked up the plate, and cradled the arm, saying, "We've never been here before. They'll think I'm a weak non-mutant if we do it this way. Now get in my arms before you pass out, Gemma."

Gemma, the Chingling, did as told, and Guirt walked them towards the precise location the disturbance came from.

As they walked closer, Gemma thought, "We'd get there easier if she'd let me apply Skarmory wings..."

"Gemma, I heard that. And I told you already, we can't have you passing out. You use enough power controlling the arm. If we gave me wings, it'd be harder on you. And how would I deal with them when you're not connected to me? Even if you evolved we wouldn't have enough energy." Gurit said, making Gemma submit to the logic.

((If you're at all confused about the two, please tell me. I've tried as well as I could to explain them.))
Bluez looked over to the now unconscious Rhydon and then over to his partner. Ruin however was motioning his head up at the sky, his small mouth dropping slightly, as though in awe. The Buizel shifted his attention to the direction of his head and noticed a strange sight. A large flying Pokemon was making its way down towards them. As the red rays of the sun glinted against it, it was at first difficult to make out just what it was. But as the large shape came closer, the two had seen that they were in fact two Pokemon. The rider resembled a Sableye, save for a few intimidating additions to its appearance. The other Pokemon though, was something Bluez had never seen before. However, he got the feeling that with odd physical traits randomly sticking out here and there, this Pokemon was certainly not like him.

Ruin on the other hand, remained atop the pillar, gritting his teeth slightly as he lowered his head, following the motions of the two new Pokemon. It seemed faitly obvious that he was vexed that these two had somehow escaped his radar. He placed a paw against his scarlet blindfold, rubbing eyes that weren't there. Bluez looked over at his partner and gave a small chuckle, realizing how this must have been a bit embarrassing that Ruin's impressive Electric Radar could not sense these two. Ruin had heard his laughing however, and with a heavy grunt he jumped down from his stony pedestal and turned his back towards the direction of the large building in the distance.

Bluez was now distracted by the two newcomers and how one of them, the Pokemon he himself could not identify, was taking great interest at him. At the mentioning of his so-called "perfection," Bluez instinctively placed an arm behind his head and laughed weakly. "Yeah, I get that a lot," he said. Not wanting to explain his situation, Bluez considered another topic.

"Oh right, well, you weren't really interrupting anything major," Bluez spoke in a calm manner. Though Ruin was the type to constantly be on guard, Bluez could tell these two didn't seem to mean any harm. "So, I don't think I've seen you two around here all that much. I don't suppose you two are members of an Explorer guild by any chance..."

"We can talk later," Ruin suddenly spoke. His edgy personality certainly showed in his cold and harsh tone of speaking. "The other three are moving towards us. They're not as big as this one though, I think we may have attacked their parent or something."

Bluez gasped at this. How could he forget that they were still in so much danger. "Ruin's right. We can talk later; if you guys don't want any trouble, you best stick with us," he said quickly. Ruin once again grunted to himself, before his ears began to twitch once more. "One more thing, I'm picking up a few more Pokemon a good distance behind us," the Pikachu's ears suddenly lurched upward. Bluez stepped forward, concerned that it was a sign of something unexpected. "What's wrong?" he asked. "It's weird, but some how, I'm picking up a strong energy that feels like metal, one of those Steel types like you said. But it's strange. Its energy is mixing up with the energy from two other entities."

Before anyone could react to this though, another crack began to form near them. The crack grew and out from it burst yet another massive Pokemon. It looked the same as the previously defeated one, but like Ruin said, it was much smaller, still it had the characteristic mutant traits of additional arms growing under its original pair. The horn on its head though did not seem as developed as the parent's.

Ruin leaped backward narrowly evading the Rhydon's sudden fist slamming at the ground where he stood. Electricity was once again crackling all over his body, only this time it was moving faster and wilder. Bluez could see that his partner seemed greatly annoyed at something. Moving over to him, the Buizel positioned himself as water began to form around his feet once more.
The Buizel had asked them if they were in any Explorer guild by some chance. Kijo was about to reply that she had no idea what an Explorer guild was, when the Buizel's partner suddenly became alarmed. He sharply spoke something about another three coming, and how they had knocked out their parent. Kijo's eyes wandered over to a fainted, mutated Rhydon, and she quietly sighed, explanations coming together in her mind. The Buizel had told them that if they didn't want any trouble, then they better follow him, so only naturally would they follow.

Thanatos's ears went straight up as the Pikachu explained about some half metal, half something enigmas moving towards them. He frowned in some confusion, but then stiffened in horror. Kijo was about to ask him what was wrong, when she felt it too. Something beneath the ground rumbled. Thanatos leapt out of the way, his sinewy frame flying through the air as a Rhydon exploded out of the ground where he was standing seconds before. The Rhydon was smaller than the fainted one, but with the same four arms and an abnormally large horn, it reminded Kijo of her own horn. The Buizel dodged one of it's oncoming fists, and the Pikachu began storing electricity.

As the Rhydon's shadow fell over Thanatos, his vision suddenly became clearer and more defined as the Rock/Ground's huge frame blocked out the sun's rays. He pulled his lips back into a devilish smile, revealing two rows of glinting white teeth that were sharp and tightly packed, like the edge of a hacksaw, the result of another freakish mutation. The Rhydon then tried to crush him with a giant fist, but Thanatos sprang to his feet and leapt nimbly away. As the fist hit the earth, he jumped onto the Rhydon's arm and began running up it, towards the head. He drew back his right hand, which began emitting a bluish mist and ice crystals covered the skin. Using his long legs to leap into the air again, he suprised the Rhydon by coming down right between its eyes and punching the rock hard skin. The skin around the Sableye's fist were instantly covered with a thin layer of ice and the shockwave of the attack sent the Rhydon stumbling back, roaring in pain. Thanatos leaped off the Rhydon's head, did a front flip, and landed expertly next to Kijo, flashing her a smile with those devilish teeth of his. Now matter how long she would travel with him, Kijo would never get used to that smile.

"Show off," Kijo murmured at Thanatos, who in turn giggled and mentioned that someone had to be one. The enraged Rhydon regained its footing and roared again, more in rage this time. Kijo narrowed her eyes and tensed, her bulky shell suddenly gained an extra glint as she used Harden to protect herself. Then, flaring her wings, she took of into the air and dived expertly under one of the flaing arms of her enemy. Coming around to hover at its back, she also drew back her fist, and unleashed a Brick Break right in the middle of its back. Another roar, and the Rhydon fell on its face, but it was up again seconds later, groaning in pain and using its four arms to haul itself up. Zipping hrough the air to stand next to Thanatos, she flashed a smile of her own, while Thanatos gave her a thumbs-up. Or rather, claws-up.

(Epic Sableye lol)
"It seems the younger ones are a lot stronger than their parent," Ruin quietly commented as he delivered a flashing Thunderbolt in the direction of his drenched opponent. The Rhydon roared in agony, but refused to fall to the ground like the one before it. It was already glowing yellow from the elctric attacks but was also slowly stomping its way towards the Pikachu.

Behind the hulking mutant, Bluez was trying to figure out what he should do next. They hadn't reached their destination yet and they were now using up a lot of their energy just battling here. His eyes wandered over from their fight over to that of the newcomers. The Sableye proved to be quite fast and had used its opponents size and speed to his advantage. It managed to score a direct hit right between the Rhydon's eyes with what looked to be an Ice Punch. Bluez than looked at his own fist and grinned.

The electrocuted Rhydon was now slowly chasing after Ruin. It wasn't much of a display of intimidation, as its opponent was so quick it was literally running circles around it. He, too wasn't planning on using up his own energy for this fight. "I hope you're planning something while standing there, Bluez," he sarcastically remarked. His opponent was now roaring in frustration, having to turn its huge head from side to side to get a good shot at the Pikachu. "Ruin, just keep circling him like that," Bluez replied as he pulled his fist back. Like the Sableye's it too was beginning to be covered in a light blue glint.

Ruin noticed the sudden shift of energy in his partner's paw and understood what he was planning to do. "Make sure you get it with one shot!" he yelled back, narrowly missing a fist thrown at him by the Rhydon he circled. Bluez nodded to this and began to dash towards the Rhydon, fist still pulled back. inches away from it, the Buizel suddenly leapt into the air, throwing its fist straight up, forming a light blue wave in its wake. The fist hit its target right below the chin, and the Rhydon arched its head back by the sheer force of the uppercut. Bluez landed on the ground behind it looking over as the behemoth wobbled slightly, flailing its arms in place.

Ruin could sense that the Ice punch scored a powerful hit, and could feel the Ice-like energy traveling slowly from the lower jaw and towards the rest of the Rhydon's head. This battle was over. He dashed over to where Bluez was, and found him holding his paw and doing some sort of strange dance. "Ow, ow, ow, ow..." the Buizel shook his paw wildly to ease the pain and was hopping about. Ruin simply stood there and smiled. If he only had eyes, he could see every detailed moment of this. Blues blowed on his fist, still cradling it with his other arm. "Geez, that's a really tough Rhydon," he said weakly. The two of them turned over to their opponent, whose head was now completely covered in ice. "Frozen on the first punch," Ruin commented. "The loss of air'll probably knock it out in a little bit," he continued. Bluez however was looking over to their two new companions, though they didn't seem to be in too much trouble. The Sableye was even casually cheering for his partner, who was now flying about the other Rhydon.

"Ruin, what about the third one?" Bluez asked. But Ruin was already on it, searching for its energy signature. "I sensed it moving differently from the other two. When they came to attack us, it moved away," he said as he felt the ground with his forepaw. Bluez blinked thoughtfully at this. "Where is it headed?" the Buizel asked. "In the direction of that weird Steel entity that was coming toward us," Ruin replied quietly.
(Thanks for letting me join 8))

The ever-so-subtle of something heavy falling filled the surroundind wasteland. Far off in the distance, a few sparks could be seen. How so, if there was no lightning? An electric Pokemon had to be the cause.

Reyson looked around. Nobody was around from what he could tell. That was a good sign, for a change of pace. The Pokemon who lived in an abandoned building not a mile away must have given up the chase. It would have done them no good to stray too far away from a scarce food supply. Why did anyone start associating Absols with bad omens and disasters anyway? Oh yeah, because the first one had the horrible luck of arriving in a small town right before a hurricane. He might have been a savior had the hurricane not been moving at around 125 mph.

Reyson looked at the sky. Dark clouds began to gather, and very far in the distance, about ten leagues or so, the clouds began to swirl. A tornado. This was just great for Reyson's reputation. Reyson decided to run to that spark and see if there were any Pokemon around. If there were, they might be able to be warned.

Reyson ran for a few minutes until the wind decided to pick up. He continued nonetheless, his white fur blowing back. After only about a quarter of an hour, Reyson arrived to see two Rhydon collapsed in the dirt, one frozen, as well as a Pikachu, a Buizel, a Sableye, and a Heracross. It would appear as if they didn't see him, but the Sableye seemed to have noticed. It was a mutated Sableye, and had deadly looking claws and blood red eyes. The Heracross and Pikachu also seemed mutated, with the Pikachus having no eyes and the Heracross having what looked like a second horn and elbow blades.

"I know you must be thinking 'Why is there an Absol here?', but I'm here to warn you that a storm is coming, and it feels big. You probably shouldn't ignore this warning, with me being an Absol and having a great attunement to the weather, but if you do, then I suggest you take shelter immediately, wherever you can." Reyson said quickly.
Within minutes Gurit and Gemma were practically at the spot of the loud noise. But, they noticed something they didn't expect. What looked like a severely mutated Rhydon running in their direction. The creature seemed distressed, but Gemma quickly stated, "That thing...it's related to the noise."

Gemma quickly wrapped her rope around Gurit's chest and slid down to her waist. Gurit held the shard up to her face and mumbled, "I hope you know what you're risking..."

Quickly, the two were gazing in the same direction, focused mainly on the Rhydon. As the Rhydon grew closer, all Gitma did was hold out their Metang arm out, palm pointed at the Rhydon. When then palm was practically in the Rhydon's face, an intense Ice Beam blew straight out and froze the Rhydon in it's tracks. And almost instantly, they shoved the Metang arm down onto the ground and leaped back, creating an Earthquake that blew the Rhydon back into the nearest remnants of a wall. Before the Rhydon could do more than get up, Gitma Drain Punched what was left in the Rhydon out of it and fell back.

Using all those continuous attacks with the Metang Arm took up a great amount of energy out of Gemma, causing her to pass out, forcing the arm to pull Gurit back onto to the ground.

The arm was stuck, palm down, in the ground, and Gurit struggled to lift it out. "Oh come on...of course she passes out when I need her most..." It wasn't worried that the Rhydon would get up and finish her off while she is stuck, but Gurit was worried that if she stayed there too long that someone would spot her. Eventually she gave up, and disconnected it, laying back against it to wait for someone to come back and help her take it out, since Gemma would still be out of it for another twenty minutes.
(Thankeys RX!)

"Hurry up Monachu" The voice was female, but it was cold. "I felt a large power surge, we need to go."

"I know, Velvian, I know." This voice was much friendlier, though still, cold. "You can go on ahead and I can fly-"

"NO!" The fist speaker interrupted. "Look, when my tails split again, you realize how accurately I can read currents? Do you realize how important this could be for us?" The Pokemon stepped out from the shadows a bush, revealing her form. An Espeon, though one could hardly call it that anymore. The tail had split from two, to four, and the gem on her forehead increased in size. The fur had darkned from a light purple, to that of almost black. Velvia had grown, instantly, to about four feet.

"Alright, whatever, I'm coming." Monachu spoke. He was the less mutated of the two, and perhaps that was why his personality of an Aipom was still as it was before the rain. As the trees all but melted away, he needed a way to travel, and thus, wings sprouted out of his back. They were soft, furry wings, not that of bird or bat. Quickly, he had become an adept flyer.

"Good." Velvian stood up, her stature covering Monachu in shadow. Using a mix of Psychic and Dark abilities, she quickly created a dark aura around herself, casting the nearby area in shadow. She rose, ten feet into the air. "Hurry, that spark." She demanded.

"Uh..uh-hu..." Monachu stuttered. He was always nervous when Velvian got like this. He leaped out of the small tree he had found, and fell to the level where Velvian awaited. When he was just a bit below her, Monachu began to flap his wings, and he was hovering, like a hummingbird.

Without speaking, the two moved quickly forward, away from their small tree, and towards whatever created the electirc spark. The sky continued to darken, as if a storm was to soon begin. Whatever light was left shining was blotted out for a few minutes whenever the two flew by, it seemed Velvian's aura sucked the light out of all nearby things.

"Those stone pillars." Monachu said quietly

"Yes, I see them. Do you see those Pokemon? There seems to be a large group, this won't be easy."

"Yea, I see 'em. That one doesn't look mutated!" Monachu said excitedly, reffering to the Buizel he saw, "Not only that, he's a water-dwelling Pokemon, bet we could get a good something for him..."

"Focus on the problem at hand, Monachu." The two were approaching the group at an ever-increasing rate. "And now, it begins." Velvian flashed a devious smile on her face, as she seemed to leap out of the horrid arua, causing it to fade into the grey skies. As she flew through the sky, she launched a powerful Shadow Ball attack at one of the nearby pillars of stone. The impact was fast, and Velvian used the dust as a vocer to make her entrance. As the dust began to let up, Monachu landed beside Velvian, the two eyeing the group eagerly.

"Hello." Velvian said softly. Monachu snickered.
From behind the pair of intruders a low, gravelly voice purred in tune with the classy cat's indifferent demeanor. Padding softly up from behind them, his golden face was the first to appear from the haze of dust that the pair had created to mark their entrance. A low growl resonated in his throat and the muscles of his mouth contorted, pulling back the dark lips to reveal the rows of pearly white fangs designed for the predatory species. Lowering his great head so that the hazy gold eyes were level with the face of the Espeon, the toothy exposure further increased as the cat's jowls jutted forward in a menacing grin.
"Excuse me."
Slipping between the two with a roll of muscled shoulderblades, the persian strode towards the buizel and pikachu with a less-than amused look in his heavy-lidded eyes. The black patches around the eye sockets did nothing to make the cat seem any more friendly; if anything, in doing their job of detracting glare from the pools of gold they also created a blank, intimidating appearance in making eye contact with the beast. As if to punctuate this and keep up appearances, horns of sharpened keratin loomed above and below his ears in two separated points that curved around the twitching appendages. As soon as he was clear of the espeon and aipom, the long, ragged tail that followed behind him swung in a wide arc around his haunches.

"Bluez." The persian's focus swung toward the unmarred buizel, blinking lazily as his attention moved.
"Ruin." This time he straightened as he came to a halt before the pikachu and his companion.
He hesitated now, peering over towards the three others that had joined them and eying the absol warily before scowling to himself as though he had perceived them as a threat. Or maybe just half of one.

"I think it's time to head back. Have you finished?"

ooc| This is a short intro x;
If I edit his appearance anymore it will be this post that gets updated first.
Until then, I have a house to clean D:[/size]
ooc: Yay! Belle to the Rescue :D

Bluez laughed nervously. All around him, these strange Pokemon just suddenly appeared. The Sableye and bug-like Pokemon were of great help to them, but then all of a sudden a new Pokemon shows up. He couldn't identify what this one was either, having never encountered one in any of the battles he once fought. However, this one seemed to be as much of a threat as their present companions. He was merely giving a warning, nothing wrong with that. And then suddenly these two arrive out of nowhere, and the Dark Aura they used to get there was surely a sign that they weren't a friendly lot. An Espeon and an Aipom to boot. What the heck is going on here? he thought to himself. Surveying the multitude of different Pokemon before him.

Ruin on the other hand, was as quiet as ever. Even his ears did not twitch. The months of training he had in order to harness his heightened senses and combine them with what little ability he had to read Aura had proven to be quite useful. It was a bit chaotic at first, feeling the presence of so many Pokemon all at once, but after straightening it all out, he could read them clearly. And the Espeon and Aipom were going to be particularly troublesome. Having analyzed the situation, Ruin simply gave a "humph." Anyway, help was right behind them.

As an elegantly mutated Persian made his grand entrance, Bluez breathed a sigh of relief. Finally there was someone he could at least recognize. "Lock!" he cried out happily. Ruin turned his head away as a sign of greeting. Lock had acknowledged them both and was now asking them as to whether or not they had completed their objective. The young Buizel held his breath after hearing this statement. Truth be told, so many things have happened that they hadn't even begun their mission.

"Sorry to disappoint you," Ruin replied. "But we're not on our way back, we're still in the process of getting there." Bluez turned over to his partner with a look of worry. While Ruin has never really cared for the rankings of their guild, Bluez did, and did so with the utmost respect. To disappoint the Guild and to have them send a senior member over to help them was a bit embarassing. "Nevertheless, you're just in time to help us out," Ruin told Lock.

Ruin was in no mood to fight, not after taking out two Rhydons. And he also noticed a slight weakening in Bluez's aura. They hadn't even made it to the dungeon and already a considerable amount of their energy was used up. This wasn't going according to plan.

As Ruin's ears twitched in frustration, Bluez looked all around him once again. The Sableye and its friend were not of a particular threat, so it seemed; and neither was Lock. The only two suspicious characters was the white Pokemon and the Espeon and Aipom. Bluez backed away, trying to create a larger distance between them. Suddenly he felt Ruin tugging his arm.

"Lock, Move out of the way!" Ruin yelled. Bluez followed the Pikachu as he dragged him away from the crowd of Pokemon. With each clumsy step, the Buizel could feel the ground trembling, and that it was getting worse. As a loud crashing sound came from behind them, Ruin grabbed Bluez's head and forced it to the ground, his own body following. "Stay down," he instructed Bluez, but the Buizel looked back to see something huge emerge from the ground, partially obscured by the dust of its wake. Ruin's body began to spark next to his as he made out the silver glint of a huge Pokemon. "All the commotion we made attracted it to us. No wonder the electrical pulses were going crazy and I couldn't identify anything. Its metal body was attracting all the waves to itself," Ruin quickly explained. Bluez tried to understand what his partner was talking about before finally seeing what had actually emerged from the ground.

The creature was huge. Its two heads shook off the bits of dirt and rubble as the sun's rays reflected off of its silver brows. The spiky boulders that formed its body spun about, blowing away all the sand. A low grinding sound could be heard form the hole it made as the spikes clashed with the earth that it drilled through. The two-headed Steelix looked around, its menacing red eyes hovering above the other Pokemon that it dwarfed. Bluez turned his head back in shock and pinned it to the floor, as though trying to hide from its gaze. Ruin on the other hand was formulating a plan. With such a huge distraction, they could escape and make their way over to the dungeon. The problem was getting Lock, the Sableye and the Heracross to follow them without giving off a signal that attracted the Steelix to them.
[size=8pt]The pikachu's response didn't seem to phase the cat as he blinked lazily and nodded shortly in understanding. It was fair enough, the guild was being too cautious with them, and to send him out so early was hardly fair to the young team- maybe even a little insulting. Ruin's response was nothing he hadn't expected upon appearing. The sun was still high in the sky, and showed no sign of falling to dusk anytime soon. Besides, the assignment given to the pair was a significantly important one. But the yellow pokemon was right- the sudden flux of pokemon in the area, particularly those presenting a threat to the pair wasn't a particularly good sign. With the thought came the instinctive glance he fixed on the espeon and aipom from over his shoulder, chin held high as if daring them to make an advance on the guild members.

With Ruin's sudden yelping warning, a jerk of surprise wracked the persian's body as an instinctive reaction. Hesitating momentarily, the cat's brows furrowed as he began to feel the tremors that had once been subtle now growing into a small quake. His lips pulled back into another scowl and he loped forward, the muscles beneath his pale coat rippling and shivering as he launched himself out of the path of trajectory he assumed the newcomer had set. When the explosion of movement rocked the earth they stood on, he immediately bristled and bared his fangs noiselessly, claws piercing and unsettling the soil beneath them. Slinking stealthily beneath the gaze of the Steelix, he crept closer towards Bluez and Ruin, ensuring their safety before glancing up at the silver beast. Even if it did manage to bend it's head far enough to see the pokemon sitting on the ground before it, there was a colossal spike that was situated directly over where he was standing before the buizel and pikachu. Crouching close to the ground, his tail stood rigid above him, long enough that it could have brushed his ear if it settled any lower.

Recognizing that any attack on the creature would be moot, the golden eyes shifted to fix themselves on the buizel and pikachu, watching as Bluez willed himself to flatten further against the ground and Ruin sat perfectly still, a sure sign he was mulling something over. Rather than speak, the persian instead kept his gaze on the pokemon and waited unblinkingly for a sign of consciousness.

ooc| :V[/size]
(Gah. It's been well over my turn)

"Hey, where's that thing going?" Kijo asked as she felled her Rhydon opponent with a neat Night Slash to the head and it toppled over in defeat, revealing the third and final one heading away from them. She frowned in some irritation, her blood was up now, and the thrill of battle had gone to her head and she eagerly gazed for another opponent.

"We've got some other problems." Thanatos said cooly, motioning to a cluster of pokemon the Kijo swore she she didn't see before. One was an Absol, Kijo couldn't tell if it was mutated or not, then there was an odd pair not unlike that of Thantos and Kijo which consisted of what looked to be an Espeon with ebony fur and four tails and being much larger than it should be. Its partner was an Aipom with had somehow gained wings. Then there was another pokemon that had appeared, it was a Persain with a pair of devilish-looking horns crowning its head; it was talking to the Buizel and Pikachu as if he knew them quite well.

Kijo landed next to Thanatos under the shade of a pillar. "How in the world did you see them?" She asked, sharpening her too-long claws on the rock.

Thanatos pulled his lips back to flash yet another hair-raising smile. "I have my ways." He said in a tone of voice that said that medivel torture wouldn't get him to tell more. Kijo shrugged and gazed ruefully at the trail he last Rhydon left wanting desperately to follow it. But a sudden and very loud intake of breath from her partner caused her head to jerk around and her eyes widened at the horrified expression on Thanatos's face. Before she could even open her mouth to ask what was wrong, he had gripped her in an iron grip that made Kijo glad that she had used Harden and with such strength that it not have been expected from such a wiry figure, Thanatos literally yanked Kijo through the air and both landed facedown on the earth. "Get down!" Thanatos hissed as Kijo tried to get back up, and once again Kijo felt what Thanatos had seconds before.

More rumbling, yet this was much fiercer than that caused by the Rhydons. And suddenly the ground behind them literally exploded and a roar that shattered through the air much the same way announced the creature's arrival. Kijo stole a glance behind her and gasped, at first she thought she was seeing two beings, then relized it was one being but with two heads. "It's a Steelix," she announced in a matter-of-fact way. Thanatos snorted beside her and pushed himself up, dusting powdery rock fragments off his arm.

"Yes, and it is rather angry." He announced with just as much of a matter-of-fact manner as his partner had. He stepped forward as the Steelix roared again and one face turned to look at him. Thanatos waved and placed his palms together and assumed an air of one whose mind was not on the current situation at hand. The Steelix looked stunned for a moment, then a low, menacing growl rumbled deep in its throat. Thanatos never moved a hair. The poor Steelix was caught up with its own instincts, there were enemies and prey here yes, but this one had so far not even given it a threatening look and was quite tiny compared to it, so it couldn't do much. While the Steelix was debating whether attacking the pipsqueak was worth it or not, Thanatos suddenly broke out of his trance with a high-pitched, icy, chilling laugh. Kijo shuddered, another thing she would never get used to.

The Steelix suddenly seemed to have made up his mind and it charged at Thanatos. The Sableye looked up and his eyes seemed to have gained a new fire behind them and the crystal pillars on his shoulders were glowing a clear blue. He put his hands out in front of him and for a moment the crystals on his shoulders flared a pure blue, then he shoved his hands forward and unleashed a Water Pulse. The attack had been boosted with the Calm Mind that Thanatos had used, hence the larger and more numerous rings. They slammed into both of the heads of the Steelix, who roared in agony ond veered of its attack, both heads throughly soaked.

"Kijo!" Thanatos shouted, Kijo nodded in understanding and flared her wings again and was shooting into the sky like a rocket. Zooming towards the Steelix without a moment's hesitation, she unleashed another Brick Break at the right head and formed a Shadow Ball between her two hands and launched it at the other. Then she flew back before the angered pokemon could retaliate and once again took a postion next to Thanatos.

(Yes, there is an explanation for the Shadow Ball, just so you know.)
Only a few minutes had passed and Gurit was already bored of wait. Trying to wake up Gemma wasn't an option, and if she tried to pull the arm out of the ground, she'd probably pull something or use up too much energy. But things got even worse, when Gurit heard an even louder crash from behind her.

The planned direction seemed to become a large battlefield. Gurit knew that if she waited any longer that whatever was causing large chaos only minutes away from her was large and bound to head in her direction and easily destroy the most important object in her life. That wasn't an option, so Gurit got up and started ramming into the arm, hoping it would fall down and she could get out of there quickly.

The arm's origin was just as risky as Gurit's. Before she had lost any limbs, she was saved from melting in the acid rain by a friend, a Metang. It stayed out there much longer than Guirt did. All that happened to Gurit was that some of her fur melted off, but any longer she'd have started to melt alive and forcibly fall to her knees. The Metang had already been in the rain for a while, and it was in much longer by the time it got Guirt saved. Sadly, all that made it was his right arm and part of his body.

After going mad for a while, Guirt eventually went to the water clearing and tried to clean the acid off the Metang arm, then kept it with her to remember her friend. She never knew it would become a helpful tool in the future. But, no one expects to ever end up sharing a mind with a psychic Pokemon, either.

In under two minutes Guirt got the arm to fall down. She quickly put it back it in her socket and cradled it, while carrying Gemma and the face plate once more. But for some reason, instead of walking away from the loud crashes, Gurit was starting to be pulled towards it, as if something in her was telling her to go there. Sadly, it wasn't something, it was simply powerful magnetic rocks, simply pulling the arm towards the location.

((I thought I'd get something in and might as well have explained the arm. xP))
(A Very big thank you to RX for letting me join this delightful RP ^_^)

The flurry of battle sounds came hurtling down on an unlikely pair of ears. A tiny green pokemon materialized from behind large granite remains of a human structure. It was a sad sight to see, this tiny mass of scales and flesh trembling intensely just from the faraway sounds of combat. "I...I.. Why does everyone fight so much...T-Tox?" the small Kecleon blurted out. Then a twitch and a gasp later, a gruff voice emanated from that same tiny throat, "They fight for their puny lives just like I do for us, you pathetic little runt." The Kecleon coughed deep and rambled on, "Now get back into camouflage before anyone sees us, that is if you don't want to go exploring a mutated freak's stomach!"

The Kecleon twitched a few more times, grinding his small, sharp teeth together. He rubbed the stubs he had left for horns in a nervous manor and started to vanish under the red light of the sun, only a small squiggle of red left from the previous form. In the dusty ground appeared a trail of three toed imprints, running around a bit haphazardly, Nox truly wished that some more trees had survived the rain. He didn't like walking around in this gritty dirt, it got under his scales and itched badly. "Stop your whining runt and let me sleep." Tox's voice resonated inside Nox's skull. "The faster we get to that Persian the faster we can get some rest and hopefully some food, I just hope that old grape of an Oddish was not delirious when he told us about that Guild."

The red zigzag wabbled along from shadow to shadow trying it's best not to be seen by the hungry eyes all around it. "Y-Your right Tox, peace and quiet at last, once we convince that L-Lock fellow to let us scout for him." A sudden screech from above maked the Kecleon squeak in terror. A black shape loomed over towards the Kecleon in a dangerous dive bomb. "You idiot!" Tox yelled inside Nox's head, "Your goofing off back there attracted a Fearow, a freakin' big one at that! Give me the wheel, looks like I'm gonna have to save our sorry hides once again."

Tox now in control of the body, the Kecleon appeared once more but this time adorning colors of war. Its scales had turned to tones of bright red and orange, blazing under the red sun. The scaly figure blurred out of the Fearow's view and became clear again but only this time as three scaly figures. The bird roared in annoyance as it's dive was now ruined. As it started to rise back up into the sky, something sticky and black caught it's right foot. The Fearow squawked in surprise and flapped its wings harder, but the sticky string of tongue wouldn't give. Tox grunted and yanked hard, sending the mass of feathers hurtling down to the ground.

The Fearow was big but bony and thin, it's eyes are deep in its head and red with strain. Tox's own eyes lit up a bright yellow and sparks appeared along his tensed body, the bird squawked in pain and fear from the charging electricity that was making it's skin crawl. The electrical charge built up along Tox's open mouth, he breathed in deep and with a yell exhaled a large bolt of lightning. The electric discharges ran right through the weakened Fearow and within a few seconds the wings stopped flapping and the squawks also ceased. Tox grinned wildly and spat unto the dirt next to his clawed foot. He gave out a cold burst of laughter then vanished back into the shadows, the laughter echoing through the demolished human structures.

((If anyone has any questions or comments about Nox/Tox please feel free to tell me by PM ^_^ ill be happy to anwser your queries about this lil freaky character of mine.))
Not even a few measly seconds had passed when a Persian had decided to show up. This Persian was mutated, and it seemed that there were no drawbacks to it, because he had very elegant horns. He seemed to know the Buizel and Pikachu because he said their names. An Aipom and Espeon had appeared as well.

Overall, it was like a tiny little gathering. Or at least it was until a menacing, twin-headed Steelix joined the mix from underground. The Steelix had proven how unlucky an Absol was by coming to the same place as Reyson. It was busy attacking the Sableye, who seemed capable of fending for itself by moving faster and striking harder than the Steelix could anticipate. Sableye's Heracross friend was fighting as well.

Reyson needed to move on, but was instead hit by a sudden premonition. "You guys really need to leave the immediate area." he said. "If you don't, I fear that if the storm doesn't come here, then something much more worse will." Reyson began surveying the air and land, trying to see if there was anything out of the ordinary. Unfortunately, he was unable to sense anything underground. It just wasn't his ability.

The Steelix was now fully out of the crevice it created. Reyson rushed over and began to look into it. It was too dark, unless...Reyson sudenly shifted his vision with a thought. Now peering inside the infrared spectrum of vision, he saw the heat signatures of everything down there for a good couple hundred meters. There was an underground cave not 15 feet below. It was big enough for all of them to hide in until the storm, or something else, passed.

"Guys, I know I showed up uninvited, but you need to trust me if you value your lives. That storm just so happens to be bad, and I mean near-apocalyptic bad. So, who wants to live another day?" Reyson asked.
"Monachu flight!" Velvian called out to her companion. A Steelix, with two heads, had saw fit to crash their little "party"

"Right!" He leaped up into the air, and began flapping his wings. "Should I attack it?" he called out.

"No, I thought maybe we should let it kill us!" Velvian remarked while taking flight via her dark aura.

"Well in that case," Monachu did a backwards flip, and his tail was soon engulfed in flames. He was soon flying at the large steel behomoth full speed, as others on the ground decided what to do. He began to spiral, gaining both speed and power. Monachu wasn't always the mot reliable one, but he was clever, and he had his target well chosen-the split between the heads.

"Sorry our party had to end like this, no?" Velvian smirked at the group down below, before propelling herself closer to the Steelix, though keeping a good distance. Might as well be fair... she thought, before calling out once more, "You all might want to look out!" to the group below. The Absol had begun rambling on about a storm, nothing Velvian and Monachu weren't used to.

Monachu's attack hit, dead on it's targer. There was a loud CRACK noise as the flaming tail hit it''s mark. The two heads roared out in pain, and thrashed about, colliding heads at least twice.

"Woah!" Monachu called, as he grabbed onto one of the large protruding spikes on the metallic beast, desperatly trying not to be thrown off.

"Moron.." Velvian whispered, using Psychich to fling him back into the air so he could take flight once more. "Alright look," She spoke to the crowd below, "I'm not one for working with strangers, especially the nice-type. But, this Steelix could easily kill us all..." she sighed, "So are you guys in, or are you just going to let others do the fighting?" She knew that the Sableye and Heracross had done some fighting, but she was in no way going to speak of that-more credit for them.
As much as Ruin hated being considered useless, he bore more annoyance at the sheer arrogance of his accomplices. He could sense every attack being hit at the monstrosity by their companions and found that he, Bluez and Lock seemed to be the only ones not willing to battle. And why should they? This wasn't their fight, this two-headed Steelix wouldn't have popped out of the ground if they weren't dumb enough to all gather together in the first place. And further more, they had a job to do first and foremost. Something much more important than being out here battling another random mutant. The sheer anger at the situation broke Ruin's concentration into small bits of thought.

Meanwhile, Bluez was sharing his own sentiments. He on the other hand was feeling rather guilty that they weren't doing anything while these complete strangers were battling for their lives, and to some extent, theirs. They were in a manner of speaking, saving their lives. And that was a rather upsetting feeling for Bluez to have. He had been saved once before, and the cost of that was incredibly severe. There's no way he was going to let it happen again. There's no way someone was going to die just to kepp him safe.

With a sudden yell, the Buizel jumped up from its position and ran towards the ensuing battle. "Bluez, no!" Ruin yelled, but Bluez couldn't hear him behind the roaring sounds of waves of water forming around his body. As he rocketed up and towards the Steelix's head. Ruin took this as a moment to move closer to their Guild member. Dashing over to the Persian who remained motionless from the very beginning of the heated fight, the Pikachu gasped for breath as it narrowly avoided the chunks of debris that flew all around the huge creature. "We've got to get that idiot out of here. We've got to..." But before Ruin could finish his sentence, something had caught his attention.

Ruin could sense the amount of power as Bluez crashed his Aqua Jet directly into the eye of one of the Steelix's head. As the Buizel did this, he yelled out triumphantly, "There's no way I'm going to let anyone get hurt just to help me out!" The Steelix's second head lurched in his direction, getting ready to take a big bite out of the orange Pokemon. Bluez summoned up another bubble of water around him and dashed out of the way just in time, as the Steelix rammed itself into its other head.

The moment those words were said, Ruin finally understood what was going on in his partner's head. He tightened his fist, going over those words again and again. I can't believe it, Ruin thought to himself. After all this time, he still hasn't forgotten, and he hasn't forgiven himself. A sudden feeling of pain and anger was surging through the Pikachu, having realized how completely blind he was, ironically despite his ability to percieve so much. Ruin chuckled at this thought, and as he did he sensed something new. There was another enitity nearby; no, two of them. One was flying in the sky and the other was...then Ruin felt it, a strong amount of electrical energy surging through both of them. It was enough for him to identify the two Pokemon as a Fearow and a Kecleon.

"Lock, I have a favor to ask you," Ruin forced himself to say. "I need you to go on ahead to that building, there's someone in there already. Bluez and I will catch up in a little bit, as soon as we can defeat this thing," he said facing the Steelix. "I'm sorry, but I guess Team Storm isn't as useful as everyone else tells us we are." With a grin, Ruin stepped into the battlefield himself.

Bluez collapsed on the ground near the Steelix utterly exhausted. The creature had taken a severe beating from his Aqua Jet attacks, but it didn't seem to phase it all that much. It was simply to big to actually feel the force of his numerous attacks all over its body. And as the Steelix turned one of its heads in his directionm Bluez's gaze met its own. If it could underneath its stiff metal exterior, it would surely have smiled. the Buizel on the other hand gritted its teeth, knowing that there was a slim chance he could make it out of here alive. Having established this, the monstrous Pokemon sent one of its heads diving towards Bluez, mouth open wide. Bluez flinched, too scared to even think about what could possibly happen.

A sudden smashing sound though was all he heard. The Buizel opened its eyes to see that the Steelix's head was being bashed away to its side. And there on its cheek was Ruin, his tail smashing into the mutant's jaw. "Ruin!" Bluez called in relief. The Pikachu dislodged its tail and landed nimbly next to his partner. "It certainly feels nice to put all your anger into a brick break attack," he said smugly. He turned his head over to the Buizel and showed a very warm smile. "Listen, Bluez, I'm sorry," he said. Bluez blinked at this statement. What was Ruin sorry for? Seeing his utter confusion, Ruin simply smirked. I wonder if you should know about that... But before he could finish his thought, the Pikachu focused at the matter at hand. All around their opponent, their companions were giving it a severe beating. But Ruin knew the perfect way to end this. "You heard what that Absol said a while ago?" he asked Bluez. Bluez nodded in reply, still confused by what his partner could be thinking. "Bluez, I need you to use Rain Dance," Ruin said quietly.

Bluez was shocked at this statement. Not only because he had absoilutely no idea what Ruin was thinking, but also as to how Ruin knew he learned Rain Dance when he had never told anyone. "You just have to trust me," Ruin said. Bluez looked at his own two paws for a while, but hearing Ruin's voice, he somehow knew he could really trust him. A blue orb of light began to materialize in the Buizel's paws. It gave off a warm glow, before being shot upwards with a wave of Bluez's arms.

The orb seemed to travel endlessly upwards towards the sky before becoming too small to see. Soon, clouds began to darken and cluster together. Ruin could not sense it very well, but he knew something ominous was coming from the sky. "Okay," he yelled out to everyone. "Anyone who doesn't want to die better crawl into those holes!" He cried out whilest pointing to the three small holes nearby, the very ones made by the Rhydon they fought earlier. Having established that, Ruin grabbed his partner and the two Pokemon slid quickly into a nearby hole.

Inside, Ruin could sense just how far the tunnels went. It was much clearer underground, as the ions of the air managed to make its way through the tunnels, thus the Pikachu was able to charter out where they went, and that one of them was conveniently en route to their destination. Bluez however was looking up at the opening, where the last bits of light were being covered away by the ominous clouds. "Its up to them what to do next," Ruin told him. "For us though, we have a Mystery Dungeon to explore." Ruin threw a small glass bottle over to the Buizel and made his way into the tunnel. Bluez examined the bottle for a bit than looked over at his partner. He had a lot of questions for him, but right now, there was still a mission. Gulping down the Max Elixir, Bluez followed his partner, trusting him to get them to their destination.

ooc: how do you like them epically-long, plot-devised-apples? >:D
[size=8pt]ooc| Oh RX, you are a card :V

The buizel's sudden attack didn't startle the persian so much as the war cry he had belted out just before throwing himself into an attack on the silver hide. Snarling angrily as the hunks of debris began to fall, he twisted lithely to club at the masses of soil with his tail, only stopping to survey the scene when they had been reduced to smatterings of their original size. Growling from deep withing his throat, his too-long tail drooped slightly under the weight of the hooked claws that had erupted from beneath the fur, with a single menacing point erected at the tip. Ruin's frantic protests were acknowledged with a flick of his dark ears as the persian frowned slightly at the pikachu's obvious dismay. He hadn't expected Bluez to act so irrationally, but his shock couldn't have held a candle to that of the buizel's partner. The thought processes that followed consisted mostly of the cat swearing to himself and wondering what that crazy water-type was blathering about.

Upon Ruin's request, which pulled him back from his train of thought, he considered swatting at the pikachu whom he had deemed was just about as batshit-crazy as his partner. Restraining himself from the attempt at knocking some sense into the yellow pokemon, the big cat felt the smallest hint of a smile twitching at the corners of his wide mouth, pulling further up on the rows of intimidating fangs that lay underneath. The pikachu's blunt conclusion brought a lazy smile to his face as he felt the smallest iota of unneeded pity welling up somewhere, only to die back down as he silently obliged. Turning on his heel and hurling himself forward as he loped towards the building, he closed the space between it and him quickly and threw up numerous clods of soil as he moved.

The crumbling walls of the building approached quickly and he slipped in without a sound, padding along lightly enough that even the curled claws on his feet refrained from clicking against the ground. Before he'd noticed the occupants of the dilapidated structure, he felt the cool surface of something metallic revealed beneath his feet as his toes unsettled the layers of dirt and dust that had collected. Freezing in place, he took a half-step back to find that, sitting in the center of his own large pug print was the start of something shiny and crimson in color. The texture and color reminded him of the apples that had once grown in such great quantities, and he pawed delicately around the treasure.
Surprised to find that the mysterious toy-ball-thing was much smaller than an apple, and much less delicious looking than an apple, he frowned to himself and studied it for a moment before using the mean-looking hook still poking out of his tail to pick it up by the fine chain that it was held by. Acknowledging his other, greater priorities, he carefully looped it around his own neck and trotted away from the site; stepping lightly and with all his senses finely tuned into his surroundings.

It didn't take long to locate the someones that Ruin had sensed within the building. Partly because he was able to hear the cackling laughter on his way over, but also because the Fearow's ruddy coloration and the little lizard's bright scales stood out from the dull gray granite walls.
"Pardon me," He began cooly, sauntering in from one side of the two pokemon, peering curiously down at the winded bird.
"But I think you'd be best advised to come with me." A low rumbling caught his attention and he peered lazily up towards the crumbled roof of the building.

"There seems to be another storm brewing."

ooc| That paragraph I slapped in there is totally NOT a set-up for another character to be introduced :V
The louder crashes of fighting pulled Gurit in closer. Whatever had awoken within those confines was clearly causing major chaos for those around it. But more importantly, those crashes meant there were other Pokemon in there, which meant at least one of them had to be involved with a guild. The structures got more and more complex at the Lopunny got closer to the noises. Wherever she was, it was obvious that the structure was originally human and stood well against the acid enough to still be standing.

Gemma was starting come to, which means if needed, she could pull out one attack if needed, but Gurit knew if something went wrong she'd take care of it herself. As Gurit crept up a staircase, she started hearing voices and louder crashes. To avoid getting caught, and to keep fast, Gurit set down Gemma, the Aron shard, and her Metang arm to crept out of site to watch see how everything was being taken care of. Quickly she recognized many kinds of Pokemon, even the ones with mutations, but still couldn't tell what they were attacking. Whatever they were trying to hurt looked simply like gravel, till it started moving in a large group.

The Pokemon Gurit could make out were a clearly mutated Sableye, an almost normal looking Heracross, an Absol, an Aipom with wings, and a severely mutated Espeon. They, and a constantly moving mass of water, were all attacking, or at least standing by, the large rock-like mass. Then off not too far, three other Pokemon were conversing, but they were out of Gurit's side. The fighting down bellow seemed like a large mess, and it seemed that at the rate it was going, the large creature would be gone soon enough, so Gurit began to walk back to check on Gemma and their stuff.

Before Gurit could get back, she heard something in the distance. It was past the fighting and sounded like music to Gurit's ears. She quickly Agilitied past the fighting and went deep into the ever more constructed pasts of the structure. When she got where she was heading, Gurit was amazed to see what she saw.

As Gemma started to finally wake up, unable to stay out of it with all the loud crashing, and looked around. Right away Gemma noticed that Gurit wasn't there, and that there was a lot of commotion going on. Since there was nothing a physically disabled Chingling could do on her own, all she did was telepathically say, "Can someone help me over here? I've lost track of my partner..." over and over.

((Finally I gave a chance to wake Gemma up. XD))
Tox panted with excitement and adrenaline, he loved launching thunderbolts almost as much as he loved making fun of Nox. Just as he was about to walk off his adrenaline boost, he smelled something rather interesting. A tang of something like metal and a fine musky smell of fur, something was coming this way and quickly. "M-aybe it is a rescue team, c-come to see w-what the commotion was about." Nox stuttered inside Tox's skull. "You be quiet, let me deal with this" Tox muttered to his annoying counterpart. Tox puffed up his body and flared his scales out, making himself look bigger and more agressive, he could not hear this new potential threat but following his fine nose guided him towards the north wall.

Then a soft swishing sound and an elegant form appeared at the corner of Tox's eye. He pivoted to find a sight for sore eyes. It was a mutie Persian, a big one at that. Mentally checking off the big cat's features to the ones that old Oddish had listed them, Tox and Nox both agreed that this furry fellow was the Lock they were looking for. So at the cat's mention of going along with him Tox could feel Nox inside of his head just bursting with relief and joy. Tox did not like that mushy feeling and would probably reprimand later when he was alone with his pesky commarade.

"Alright I will follow, as long as we get to discuss my employment to your guild later, Mista' Lock." Tox grinned and flattened down his scales. He could feel Nox tugging at the mental reins of the mind they shared, wanting to speak for himself to Lock. But Tox held the reins tightly and mentally told Nox that if they wanted to be employed they had to be competent, which in no way was the case of Nox's puny mind.

And with that the split minded Kecleon started walking towards the fissure in the wall that Lock had come in from.
(I like them very much RX)

"That's not natural is it?" Kijo asked as thick clusters of clouds suddenly formed together to create a coal-black blanket across the sky.

Thanatos chuckled, his red eyes seemed to blaze like twin flashlights in the blackness. "No, but I couldn't care less!" He shouted as the sudden darkness across the landscape made his vision sharpen until the Darkness pokemon could pick out individual pieces of gravel that the Steelix had tossed everywhere.

Kijo had her first sigh of relief that day, now her partner was nowhere near useless as he had been before now that his vision worked. "Okay! Anyone who doesn't want to die better crawl in those holes!" The eyeless Pikachu suddenly shouted, he and his Buizel partner darted into one of the holes the Rhydons made and vanished. Kijo looked questioningly at Thanatos, who shrugged and waved his head in the direction of the black sky.

"Can't you feel that?" He asked, "that feeling of incoming danger that is dancing on a hair-thin thread right now? That thing will break soon, whatever it is, and I have a very good feeling that we do not want to be here when it does." His blood-red eyes scanned the place for a moment, then he scurried over to where the duo had disappeared into a hole, not checking to see whether Kijo was following him or not.

"Can someone help me over here? I've lost track of my partner."

"What the-?" Kijo stopped as a voice sounded in her head, female. It was literally the weirdest thing she had ever experienced. She turned to Thanatos. "Did you hear that?" She called over the noise that was being created by the others. Thanatos stopped and looked at her in a curious way.

"Here what?" He shouted back, cupping his claws over his mouth.

"That voice, I just heard a voice in my head-ah there it goes again!" Kijo shouted as the same voice echoed inside her head. Thanatos stared at her as if she had just turned into a Pichu and shot laser beams out of her eyes. Kijo sighed and turned, shouting at Thanatos to follow her as she flared her wings and took off, hovering inches above the ground. She thought she heard Thanatos groan but she didn't even turn her head.

Following the voice until it became so loud and distinct that it was as if it were speaking the words right into her ear, Kijo finally turned a corner and saw the source of the SOS-and stopped in shock. There was a Chingling, surrounded by metal parts of what could have once been a Metang and perhaps an Aron, but Kijo didn't want to think to hard about what they once belonged to and instead focused on the helpless Chingling. Now she understood why Thanatos didn't hear anything, the part Dark-type in him had completely blocked out the Psychic pokemon's cries for assistance, and speaking of Thanatos, Kijo knew it was the Sableye who had gasped in her ear when he came upon the sight.

"Told you so," Kijo said, glancing triumphantly at him before flying over and picking up the Metang arm. "Here, take this."

"What're you-oomph!" Thanatos grunted as the arm was lobbed at him and it hit him squarely in the chest, knocking him to the earth.

Kijo snickered and picked up the Chingling in her arms, trying her best not to accidently slash it open with her arm blades and extra-long claws. "Hey," she said awkwardly, "we can't do anything about your partner, but we can at least carry you out of here. Wrap those ropes of your's around my neck." She positioned the Chigling on the back of her neck and picked up a horn painted the Metang's shade of blue and what looked like half of a mask painted the same color. Thanatos held the arm in both of his and stumbled around from the weight, but Kijo knew he could handle it, after all, he was twice as tall as a regular Sableye and had more muscle on him, despite his leaness. Kijo hovered in the air again and zipped off, Thanatos stumbling in her wake. Finding the hole the Buizel and Pikachu disappeared into, she let her wings relax and she dropped lightly into the dark tunnel. Seconds later, a metal arm landed next to her and Thanatos leaped in, how he kept up with her Kijo would never know.

"Come on," Thanatos snapped impatiently, hoisting up the arm again, "we should get deeper underground." He went off again, a little slower and more balanced than before, and this time Kijo tucked both horn and mask under one of her arms and helped Thanatos carry his burden with the other.

"So, what's your name?" She asked the weight on her neck.
At first the area got quiet for Gemma. She couldn't hear a sound, even as she continued to cry out for help, there were no signs the other Pokemon were still there. Gemma almost gave up, until a Heracross came to help her. The Heracross knew right away to not only help and carry Gemma, but also Gurit's gear she left behind with her. She tossed the arm off to her accomplice, a highly mutated Sableye, and carried her to one of the holes that were left from another Pokemon before them.

Soon the Heracross and Sableye had Gemma in a safe place with the gear and asked, "So, what's your name?'

Gemma, still a bit short on energy, telepathically spoke. "My name is Gemma. I'm a physically disabled Chingling, if you haven't noticed. I was with my friend Gurit, she's a Lopunny, but I had passed out after we encountered a strange mutant Ryhdon. Do you think you've seen her? She's missing a foot, an arm, and some flesh around her face. Those parts there are her...her..." Gemma's lack of energy left her to pass out yet again. Gemma wasn't used to talking to others. Normally, since she was bound to Gurit in ways neither of them understood, Gurit would normally talk for them.

Gurit was seeing something she never thought possible. Beneath this entire structure, was an oasis. It was not only a pure river, but there were berry tries growing all around it. Gurit knew one of the berries could help Gemma, but didn't know what.

"Darn it...maybe I should have asked one of those others for help..." Gurit said to herself.

Since she saw no harm in wasting time, seeing as this location what stable and underground, Gurit leaped into the river to take a long deserved dip in water. The water felt good flowing against her fur, and tasted even better. But then it occurred to her that she shouldn't be hogging this safe, secluded spot. So, she quickly got up and ran back the way she came, not realizing that leaving the oasis would put her right in the middle of a storm.

((Sorry if it seems a bit rushed/lacking. Couldn't think what more to do, but knew I had to have something happen.))
Maybe they didn't like him, or maybe they had their own things to do, but for some reason unknown to Reyson, the others were completely ignoring him. Well, maybe not all...the Pikachu and Buizel had decided to head underground while everyone else left at their own convenience. This didn't bother Reyson at all, it happened too often.

Even so, he went underground to get to the cave. It appeared soon, and inside was something unexpected: water. Water. Pure, untainted water. It had to have survived the Great Poisoning, because it didn't seem as if there was any small holes leading down here caused by it. Whether or not to drink it was a different matter entirely. Reyson settled down in a small corner and layed down to rest.

Indistinct chattering woke up Reyson. He looked up and saw a black mass. After shifting to infrared though, the mass was a somewhat familiar face. But barely.
(if you want to come in on this, be my guest. If not, I'll deal with it.)
ooc: Aw Sorry, Shocari. Don't despair, I shall take up the call :3

Bluez and Ruin's presence had awoken one of their earlier companions. Bluez had been trying to call out for someone after Ruin had mentioned that he felt a familiar presence in the tunnel they had been travelling. Having woken up, Ruin was now able to identify it as the ominous messenger they had encountered earlier. Fast approaching it, Bluez loudened his voice. "What was it called again?" the Buizel asked his teammate, having never seen such a Pokemon before. "It's an Absol. The humans identify it as being a Dark type, I think," Ruin replied. Knowing that the Pokemon's intentions were good, and that his warning did help them out in the end, Ruin didn't mind that they were looking for this Pokemon. And as he thought about the possibility that it would be accompanying them indefinitely for their journey, he was reminded of the two other Pokemon Bluez had become acquainted with.

Unfortunately, being surrounded by ground has made his ability to detect them far less useful. His range was much smaller and broken up by all the paths, but since he didn't sense them at all, he deduced that they were far off now. Wherever they were it didn't matter for now. The Pikachu was sure that those two were perfectly capable of surviving on their own.

Having located the Absol, Bluez was overjoyed to find that he had settled down near a small pond in a particularly bright area of the tunnel. It was brimming with vegetationl, most likely stemming from the water source nearby. This was most likely where the Rhydons had stayed to survive the harsh climate just above them. Excited, Bluez approached the nearby water. As he dipped a paw in, he felt the cool refreshing feeling of pure and clean water. It was far too wonderful a feeling. Ignoring everything else, he removed the small backpack he was carrying and dove right in.

Ruin smiled from behind, seeing his partner in such an exuberant state. It has been awhile since he could swim in water, he imagined. Lately, he could only survive from the few amounts of water they had collected in their past Mystery Dungeon explorations. Taking this into account, Ruin made his way to the water's shores and drew two bottles out of his and Bluez's backpacks.

Mindful of the Absol who was with them, he decided to take another bottle out. "I don't suppose you're on your way anywhere?" he asked as he filled each bottle while Bluez playfully splashed about in the pond. Having heard Ruin's question, the Buizel stuck his head out of the water, ecstatic at the thought of the Absol travelling with them. "You're a really cool Pokemon. Those attacks you did on that Steelix were awesome!" he exclaimed.

Having filled all three bottles, and taking out a fourth for Bluez, Ruin fastened a rope to the third bottle. Bluez filled the fourth, eager to have such good, clean water for himself as Ruin made his way over to the Absol. Extending his paw with the water bottle in it, he offered it to the Absol. "Wherever you're going, I'm fairly sure there won't be that much water," Ruin told him. "You should take this with you, so you won't have to wait until the next time you can find a place to drink."

ooc: Okay, not as action-packed as the last one, but we could all use a little break, I suppose.
[size=8pt]The persian hadn't expected the Kecleon to be so sure of himself, but the way he puffed out his chest was an amusing factor. It was the comment that followed that surprised him most. Employment? And furthermore, was the lizard just going to leave the fearow exposed like that? Was everyone high? Or on a stimulant of sorts? Stepping aside to watch curiously as the lizard strode confidently through the niche he had stepped through, he looked warily back and forth between the bird and the quickly darkening sky before scowling to himself. Force of habit, most likely.
Striding over to the fearow, he took one of it's beaten wings into his jaw as gently as he could to prevent cutting the poor beast, and dragged it alongside him as though it were a rag doll.

Stepping out from the confines of the crumbled walls that stood as a faded memory of what once was, he strode cautiously closer towards the towering building that had been the original assignment set for Team Storm. With an occasional grunt or muffled cry of protest, the bird was dragged alongside the big cat as the distance between the tower and the small party closed.

And then the rain started to fall.

It was a chilling feeling to see a single, plump drop of water falling mere inches away from one's face, and even moreso when the site of impact began to sizzle as whatever promises of organic life was corroded to the lifeless soil it had been initially turned into. Normally, the sudden realization of being caught in an acid storm would have made the persian freeze in his tracks to spend half a moment assessing the best plan of action, but now his immediate reaction was to reach that building. Snarling under his breath, he glanced sharply at the kecleon before loping off towards the gaping entrance that was open to the public- or what was left of it.

The rain started to thicken, as it always did during a storm, and the cat turned and backed into the ruins with all the unorthodox grace of a land-ridden walrein, tugging angrily at the bird as he felt the cool shadow of the dark tower fall across his back. When the first raindrop hit him square above the nose, it not only began to sizzle angrily, but as it burned at the flesh and fur the blood that spurted from beneath began to bubble in an unholy display of chemical vengeance executed on the cat's face. Lock's initial knee-jerk reaction was to release his grip on the bird and shake his head furiously as a bellowing roar emanated from his throat, loud and powerful enough that the gravel at his feet seized about helplessly. The sheer noise of it echoed from the hall they had just entered to the sad looking ruins they had come from, and out towards the scene they had just escaped. It was powerful, furious, and would have made the acidic rain shiver if they were capable of anything other than corrosive reactions with organic material. The persian's body shook with rage as he tensed and relaxed and clawed at the ground, rubbing his face in the dirt in an attempt to overwhelm the chemicals that had dropped onto the soft velvety fur of his nose. Once the pain had been dulled- or the site of the flesh wound had gone numb, he couldn't tell- Lock immediately jerked his attention to the fearow that he had neglected to throw into the building amidst his angry protest. The poor creature squawked meekly and agonizingly as its entire body was slowly corroded into nothingness, it's ragged feathers curling up as the moisture seeped out of them, and it's sad, glassy eyed quickly dissolved into lifeless sockets of the dead. Watching on with a horrified expression and a shuddering realization that twisted at his stomach, the cat dropped onto his stomach and swayed uneasily as he watched the poor beast whither away.

The storm itself was moving. As it moved closer towards the site where he had left the other guild members and the hogde-podge of random pokemon, it became darker and more sinister. Peering silently towards the kecleon, the persian mulled over the consequences, and moreover wondered if those stupid pokemon were going to be okay.

ooc| It's raaaaaaaining, it's poooouring, get the hell out of the rain before it eeeeeeats yoooouuuuuuu...[/size]
((Since Gemma requires Chibi's reply, and Gurit's close to the water, I'm giving her some more time.))

Within seconds, the poor, misguided Lopunny was lost. The remains weren't as easy to make out as it seemed. Since Gurit still had the sound of the rushing water in her ear, she headed back towards it since if she went back she'd find a way back easier. When she did return from the direction she had come from, she noticed some Pokemon, who she saw earlier by the outer parts of the ruins, talking by the water. They were much easier to see since the natural lighting was much better within this dwelling than the ruins they were in before.

The Pokemon she saw were a Pikachu, or at least it looked like a Pikachu, a Buizel that was playing in the water, and an Absol, who seemed somewhat more concerned with a current matter. Gurit quickly leaped back to stay hidden, hoping she was not noticed.

"Crud...I can get sympathy without my gear, but I'll probably get in there way...maybe if I hope into those bushes over there and wait till they leave..." Gurit thought to herself, guessing Gemma got help or hadn't woken up yet.

Since it wasn't too hard of a feat, since Gurit was used to moving hopping on one leg, she slowly and quietly hopped out from where she was hiding, and closer to a cluster of bushes. As she neared it, she didn't realize that the roots of one of the near trees had roots growing up. She easily tripped over it into the bush. The next thing that could be heard, echoing through the oasis, was a loud grunt from landing on her good arm. Since she was distracted by the pain, Guirt didn't think to get up.
Tox exited the ruins, filling his lungs with the damp air. Nox had stopped his whinnying for now and that was good, he had defeated that pesky Fearow as well, all in all it seemed to be a pretty good day for this Kecleon. As Tox scratched some grit out of the scales along his right crest he saw the Persian slowly pick up the fainted bird. Tox was puzzled by the odd display of gentleness that the fierce cat displayed and to be quite honest he did not like it one bit. Its softness like that gesture that gets one killed in this place with only the acid rain for company. Tox cringed at the thought of the rain again, his mouth tingling unpleasantly. Tox had attempted to drink from tainted waters soon after his escape from the Kecleon colony, and had luckily been only burned by the fumes of the toxic liquid which stopped him from drinking it and most certainly dying in great pain. His mouth had remained tinted dark red and black ever since.

The sound of sizzling broke Tox out of his memories, his senses sharpened and his instincts kicked in as soon as he heard the rain begin. Barely glancing back at the Persian, Tox got on all fours and sprinted towards the pillar of stone dead ahead, hoping to dear Arceus he would be spared. But for one as cruel as Tox, mercy rarely came from above and he knew so when he felt a cold splatter of rain on his tightly coiled tail. He gave out a shriek as his scales started changing to a brilliant azure. Tox dove for the opening of the towering structure, rolling around like mad in the dust and gravel that littered the whole first floor of the strange building. Hearing the Persian behind him emitting a mighty roar did not help his nerve and as he rolled about he felt his mental grip slip and Nox returning to the "front" conscience of their shared mind. He yelled "No!" over and over again but lost control none the less.

The Kecleon stopped moving as the sizzling patches of exposed skin all along his tail stopped burning and simply throbbed angrily. Nox panted and clutched his tail tightly, carefully avoiding the burned spots along the top coil. A few angry tears escaped his reptilian eyes, and he felt the stern stare of Lock on him but Nox couldn't care less at the moment, he just wanted to rest. Sleep and forget this crazy place where rain kills and pokemon attack each other all the time without caring about the consequences. His scales returned to their normal coloration as he started to calm down and the water elements in him went back to their dormant state.

Nox stood up on wobbly legs and looked up at Lock with weary, wet eyes. He saw that the cat had let go of the Fearow that had attacked earlier. His pondering about the wearabouts of the bird ceased quickly as he heard more angry sizzling behind Lock, seems the Fearow had not lasted very long. Nox felt terrible about this and hoped (although doubted) that Tox felt even worse. "I-I am terribly sorry about all of this, S-sir Lock. I-I did not mean for him to cause any harm." Nox scratched his left stub of a horn and walked off to a corner of the room where he curled up for some rest, listening to the deadly rain outside and hoping no one else got hurt out there.
The Pikachu and Buizel from earlier had caused the commotion. Reyson didn't mind though, so he dropped the matter. The Pikachu was kind enough to offer Reyson some of the water, maybe in return for leading them to always-needed water? Didn't matter though, Reyson found it tiresome to dwell on the past unless it helped the present or future.

Reyson took the water that was offered to him, and placed it by his side, leaving it in a small groove within the ground. After watching the Buizel play in the water and the Pikachu do something with a tiny backpack, he decided to get up and stretch his muscles. Before too long, he noticed something else was nearby. It wasn't from the loud grunt, but because the heat signature stood out: it was hotter than the surroundings. The object was slightly disfigured from what the strange reading could tell, due to there being a missing limb.

"Hello? Is there something you want? Don't pretend you're not there, because I can see you perfectly." Reyson called out.

Only Kijo could hear the Chingling's reply, and she quickly explained to Thanatos what she had been told. The weight on her neck went limp but was still breathing, the Chingling, Gemma, had evidently fainted.

"Hrmph." Thantos muttered when she was done, "I haven't seen a Lopunny in months. Much less a disabled one. But if that thing says there is one here, then we'll have to look for it. My arm hurts."

Kijo let out a sigh that turned into a giggle, she now couldn't see a thing, but her partner now viewed the world in microscopic detail. Two blood red, glowing orbs that were his eyes swished around in the dark air like twin search lights, very unnerving if one weren't used to seeing those creepy eyes of Thanatos's in the dark. Suddenly, he smiled, the red glow from his eyes glimmering against his milk white teeth, making it look as if they were stained with blood. Kijo barely supressed a shudder.

"Do you hear that?" Thanatos asked, the teeth flashed in and out of view as his lips moved. Kijo shook her head. "Water," he whispered, "running water. And...others." He quickened his pace, forcing Kijo to do so as well before she was dragged along by the metallic arm supported between them. The tunnel widened abruptly into a large cave which seemed to have its own light and sported a beautiful sight.

Water. Clean, fresh, unpolluted water. It was like a lake, and would have been completely still like one, if the perfect Buizel from earlier hadn't been splashing around in it like a child at play. Kijo felt her own excitement rise with Thanatos's, they both hurried forward and set the arm and the rest of the odd gear they had found in a pile between them and went to the water's edge. Thanatos knelt down and cupped his hands, allowing the clear water to flow between them before bringing them up to his mouth and sipping greedily. He sighed in the purest pleasure as the sweet taste his his tongue and he swallowed it all in one gulp. Grinning in delight he repeated the process. Kijo however, had taken her burden off her back and setthe Chingling down next to her, carefully resting her in a patch of vegetation before allowing a sip of the life-giving liquid to herself.

Kijo allowed her eyes to wander over who else had found this little sanctuary and saw the Buizel and Pikachu, then there was the Absol, who was speaking to something in the bushes to their far right. "Psst. Thanatos. Three 'o clock." Understanding immediatly, the Sableye swung his head around to stare at the Absol and whatever was in the bushes. His eyes seemed to widen. "What is it?" Kijo hissed, it was still a little gloomy in the cave, making Thanatos's vision far more perfect than the others'.

"I'm...not sure." Thanatos replied hesitantly, "it looks kinda like a Lopunny but, this one is...different. Strange. Not normal." His took another sip of water and looked again. "You said that Chingling's partner was a Lopunny? Maybe it's this one."
Falling into a bush clearly wasn't the smartest idea. Before she could even cover herself with the greens, Gurit had already been noticed.

"Hello? Is there something you want? Don't pretend you're not there, because I can see you perfectly." Said the Absol, sounding like it was nearing the bushes.

The Lopunny wasn't sure what to do. She wasn't exactly battle ready, and her arm still hurt, but she knew if something went wrong, she still had some basic moves she could do even without her partner. Since there was no other way out, Gurit got up and said, "Ok, you're right. I'm here..."

The Absol seemed like it would have had a word or two to say, but when a new group entered, Gurit tuned out the Pokemon and stared amazed at what had happened. This newly ariving group were the mutated Sableye and tough looking Heracross from before. The part that made Gurit stare was who was around the Heracross's neck. Gemma, passed out, was wrapped around the Heracross's neck.

The sheer luck that Gemma would be brought to her amazed her. Seconds later, the team carrying Gemma and the gear were looking right at Gurit like they were amazed. Since the Lopunny realized that whatever the Absol was going to be saying had nothing to do with her, Gurit got up and hopped over to the Pokemon with Gemma.

Gurit hopped closer than slipped to the ground and onto her knees, landing her in a sitting position by the Heracross and Sableye. She quickly then muttered, "Oh thank you so much for bringing Gemma!" Gurit's words sounded more like those of a worried mother than a partner. But none the less, they were words of pure joy.
"Monachu, wake-up!" The voice was quick, and cold.

"Hrmm...uhmmuhhuhuhmm...." Monachu mumbled, blinking his eyes open. "Whuzza?"

"The rain came back. Luckily, there were three holes in the ground, were deep in on at the moment." Velvian spoke a bit nicer this time.

"Oh...what happeend to me?" Monachu asked, sitting up agaist the rock he had been laying on a moment before. The dirt below him was slightly damp.

"That Steelix you attacked? Went crazy. Bad things happened, we were one of the last to leave." Velvian sighed, sitting back down. She had been standing, and guarding her companion.

"Are we gonna be okay down here?" He asked. Monachu was truly a small child at heart.

"We should be, right over there, is a small oasis, and I think I can even sense a few berries." Velvian smiled, "Pecha."

Monachu's eye's lit up, "I love those!" he squeeled.

"I know," Velvian laughed, "I've known you for long enough to know just about everything about you." For the first time in awhile, Velvian was happy, "I'm glad you're okay." If the light was better, Monachu could have seen the small tear welling up in her eye.

"So, can we go get those berries?!" He laughed, standing up on his tail.

"Sure thing, just, go easy on yourself, k?" Velvian asked.

"No problem. Lezzgo!" Monachu laughed as he stood up, and leaped ten feet forward, "Which way?"

"Left," Velvian called "It's straight ahead from there."

"V, stop!" Monachu hissed from the turn, "Some of the others from earlier are here!"

"What!?" Velvian quickened her pace as she whispered in anger. "We'll just have to be nicer this time, go ahead, Monachu."

"Uhm...hi...." Monachu mumbled out weakly as he approached the oasis, pure, delicious, water, and berries, all around. "We're uhm....really sorry for before...." With that, Velvian appeared beside him, though not in her usuall manner. She walked more casually, and in a friendlier manner.

"Hey..." she whispered, just loud enough for most of the Pokemon to hear her.

(Meh, not great, but I was way behind)
ooc: from here on out, the minimum requirement for a post is three paragraphs or more if its a brief dialogue and 5 or more if its a whole scene. And for specifics, let's make paragraphs at least 6 lines long or longer. This is just to make sure the RP shall proceed swimmingly and no one gets in trouble for having too short a post.

Ruin sighed loudly. It seems fate was somehow giving him some sort of message. As he pondered as to how all these Pokemon suddenly meeting each other twice in one day could possibly affect their future actions, Bluez emerged from the pond. He shook his fur happily and took his two water bottles and stored them in his backpack. He turned over to the large group of Pokemon and was amazed at how they all managed to meet up again. Then he noticed two new additions to their group, that of what looked to be a Lopunny that was so heavily injured it was lacking body parts. This was a bit of a shock, but seeing as it had no qualms of pain, he figured this was simply how it was. Near the Pokemon he now knew was a Heracross, he noticed a Chingling, drooping lazily around its neck, apparently either asleep or unconscious. The Lopunny happily rushing over to it was an apparent sign that the two were together.

"So, it seems we've all managed to meet up again," Ruin said quietly. "I don't know about the rest of you, but my partner and myself have a job to do." Noticing that there was something missing in Ruin's statement, Bluez mused in. "You guys can feel free to tag along, as long as you don't mess around with our mission, of course." Hearing this, Ruin turned his head slowly and silently over to his partner, and angled it such that only Bluez could see hi face. As Bluez saw his reaction, he felt quite intimidated. How Ruin was able to give him that sort of look without any eyes in the first place was just too chilling to fathom. But nevertheless, the message was made clear that he was in no mood to have a bunch of complete strangers tag along on their journey.

All Bluez could do now was chuckle weakly at this minor oversight. Turning over to the group of Pokemon again, Ruin once again sighed. "Look, my friend and I have a very important task," he told them. "Up ahead is something that was built by humans. Its called a building. In that building is a Mystery Dungeon; I'm sure you're familiar with what those are," he said waving his hands about to show that the very place they stood was also a Mystery Dungeon in itself. "Our task is to gather supplies for our Guild. Food, water, medicine; stuff like that. If we don't get those supplies, a lot of Pokemon in our guild are going to starve," he explained.

"So you see, what we're doing is something very important," Bluez added. "Look, I hate to be rude, but unless you have a problem with us just trying to keep our little group alive, I hope that we won't have to run into any sort of trouble from you guys," Ruin continued. "So, now that you know, if you're going to come with us, can I expect you to at least stay out of our way?" he asked. Bluez looked over at his partner. More or less, what Ruin had just said was ,for Bluez a sign that he had some intention in having these Pokemon join their group. At least that's how he interpreted it. With a smile behind Ruin's back, the Buizel closed the deal. "It'd be pretty cool if we could all go together. You guys fighting that Steelix was really cool. We could really use power like that in case we come across something dangerous again. So how about it?" he asked whole-heartedly.

ooc: take note, there will be a whole lotta Danger >:D
"We're in" Velvian said, stepping forward, regaining her confident pose.

"Yea, of course we are." Monachu gave her a worried glance, remembering what happened when they met, before the rain.

He remembered that day all too clearly. It was a quiet spring day, and Monachu was sitting near a lake, much like he was now. The area was plentiful in berries, and trees to climb on. One seemed to climb up into the sky, stretching it's mighty arms, as if it were embracing the clouds. One would think it would be perfect for any forest-dwelling Pokemon, and for many, it was. Monachu could recall seeing hundreds of Pokemon daily, ranging from other Aipom, to Ursaring, to Treeko. Some would climb the trees, some would be splashing in the river and lake, while others, would just be sunbathing. It was described, by some, as the Poke-Paradise. Of course, following the rule of cliche, it was not for Monachu. His family had left him there one time, feeling that the runt of the litter had no place in their clan.

For days on end, Monachu wandered the field around the water alone, searching for anything. Several times, he was yelled at, and other times, his pleas of help were ignored. It was three days after the adandonment that he fell into a drowsy sleep, in a soft patch of pure, green grass. It tickled his nose as he slept, a pleasure he hadn't enjoyed since his family left him. The sun was a golden color, softly warming him as he drifted away and beyond into sleep.....

"Monachu?" Velvian suddenly asked, waving her four tails in front of his glazed eyes, "You okay?" She spoke softly, as to not appear weak to the others.

"Hmm? Oh yea, fine" he sighed, also speaking softly. That was four years ago, anyway. He thought to himself.

"Well, anyway, Bluez, Ruin, right? Well, regardless, we're in." Velvian stepped forward again, shoulders spread and stance strong. Monachu followed in suit, walking forward, and standing with his back straight, and his tail whipping behind him.
((Danger? Danger?!! YAY!!))

Kijo smiled at the Lopunny's worry for her partner and she set Gemma down next to her again, so her Lopunny partner could take care of her. She heard someone talking, it must have been important, for Thanatos had stopped what he was doing to fix an intense, rigid gaze on something behind her. Kijo turned to see the Buizel from earlier cut in at the end of the Pikachu's statement, offereing them all to come with them on a mission of their's. The Buizel probably gueesed her next question, because he launched himself into a speech of what they were dong and why they were doing it.

"Count us in," Thanatos announced almost before the Buizel was done speaking, the black Espeon from earlier also confirmed ther joining-in.

Kijo was at first, suprised that Thanatos would want to socialize with these pokemon, but all the obvious reasons poined to the conclusion that it was the best and smartest thing to do, but she knew Thanatos. The Sableye had some reason of his own besides the obvious facts. But, he was the "leader" of the duo, no one may have ever said it out loud, but he was. She cast a glance at him, who flashed another saw-toothed smile and stood up. His flicked drops of water from the tips of his claws and glanced at the others with them, his red gaze sweeped over everyone at least once before looking back at the Buizel.

"I know me and Kijo could be of some assistance to you," he began, "we won't slow you down and if we run into any trouble...well let's just say that the both have us have been in that postion so many times that we know exactly how to deal with it." He said it somewhat slowly and in a low voice, as if choosing his words carefully. He flicked his long ears and flicked a claw. So, as you said: how about it?"

((Why must my posts be so emptyyyyy?! ;-;))
It was a Lopunny that was in the bushes, and quite a disfigured one. But as long as it wasn't in pain, Reyson was okay with that. Soon after, several others from above dropped in. The Buizel and Pikachu were in a Guild and were on a mission to a Mystery Dungeon, to which the Sableye, Espeon, Heracross, and Aipom had agreed to go. The Sableye flashed a smile, revealing teeth like many daggers.

Reyson approached. "I'll go too. Seeing as how I'm not really appreciated above ground, maybe helping out or tagging along might just change a few minds. Besides, I don't know how well any of you can see, so I could help out there." he said. Of course, the Sableye might be able to compensate, but could he see infrared heat signatures? Although Reyson didn't know the answer, his light blue eyes flashed, going back to their normal red. The cave was incredibly dark, so a change back didn't hurt matters.

Wait, if they were going into a Mystery Dungeon, they might meet up with Leanne, a Gardevoir that Reyson had met a few years back. She wasn't a Mutant, but still had the Gardevoirish ability to read emotions and thoughts. If they were lucky, they'd meet up, and she would be glad to help. She always was...
After receiving her partner from the Heracross, she bowed her to head to once more thank Gemma's rescuer, or at least how she saw it. As the Pikachu and Buizel were getting everyone's attention, Gurit put her arm back in place, carefully, along with slipping the Aggron horn back into her leg, where her foot had been missing for quite some time. All that remained was picking up Gemma and the Aron shard, which she did, and then got up and walked over to the Buizel, who had gotten all the others to agree to go with him to an old human building complex enough to be called a dungeon.

"Sir, I'd love to help, but can you help my partner first? She's been weak of energy more than usual recently. Do you think you can help her?" Gurit asked the Buizel, guessing someone in a professional exploration team would have a better idea what to do.

When Gurit was younger, she didn't exactly have the opportunity to start a team of her own, since she had to not only help take care of her own siblings at the time, but she also lacked common logic an explorer would need, like what berries can do other than fill your belly. Eventually when she was old enough to leave home, and had evolved, Gurit spent most of her time doing almost nothing. During that time, a near by guild was in major need of Pokemon to help. Since Gurit lacked a partner of her own, she was put in with other teams for odd jobs. Being able to even help a little made her happier, but something within her always told her she could do more for the guild.

Leading up to now, Gurit had eventually become friends with Gemma after the horrible Great Poisoning. Gemma's disabilities didn't give her enough time to learn what berries did what, since she is much younger than Gurit and no one taught her when she could use her body completely. Gurit was glad she had a partner that needed constant attention, because it made her feel like she wasn't just a body being controlled by a pilot for battle. Making sure Gemma was safe was her life long duty, along with those entrusted by the new guild Gurit joined after The Great Poisoning.

((It feels small, but I think I got a lot out. And RX, you can diagnose Gemma how you seem fit. Whatever ails her doesn't matter, be it can't be related to her disability. Try to have it be something that can be berry healed.))
As awesome and exciting as it was for Team Storm to suddenly gain so many allies, Bluez had to set aside his glee. Right now, it seemed that one of their new companions had been stricken with something. Bluez bent down to examine the Chingling as requested by its Lopunny partner. The little yellow Pokemon was no longer unconscious, but did not look like it could get up on its own. It was severely exhausted. "It doesn't seem to have any physical injuries," Bluez diagnosed. "It's probably just tuckered out from using too much Psychic energy." He placed his backpack by his side, searching it for something to help the Pokemon.

Withdrawing a small dark green bottle, the Buizel opened it and poured the contents into the Chingling's mouth. "This Max Elixir should help it recover its energy. Does it often have to use a lot of Psychic energy for something?" Bluez asked, his gaze wandering over to the now lifeless armaments that the Lopunny had in place of limbs. "It would seem your partner helps you manipulate those Steel appendages, correct?" Ruin suddenly said. Having sensed a strange combination of Psychic and Steel energy flowing in small amounts from the arm, not to mention that strange entity he had detected earlier, it was fairly easy to deduce.

After tending to the Chingling, Bluez looked all around at their new companions. He was a bit surprised to find that the Espeon knew their names, but seeing as it was a Psychic Pokemon, he realized she could have very well read their minds. "We'll keep mind-reading to a minimum from you Psychic types, if you don't mind," his partner murmured, clearly annoyed at the severe lack of privacy. "Okay, everyone," Bluez mused in. "Since this trip might be a long one, you guys better stock up on your own supplies. The Oran Berries around here should be good," he instructed. "And I don't think I have to say how important clean water is for us all."

With that out of the way, Bluez proceeded to ask Ruin for their destination. Taking his time to scope out the large tunnel, Ruin managed to detect a familiar electric signal, the same he had detected earlier during the battle with the Steelix. Pointing in that direction, Ruin began to walk towards their target. "Slow down, Ruin; We have to wait for the others," Bluez exclaimed. Ruin however remained silent, but did stop. Something though was clearly agitating him.

Suddenly, he felt a burning sensation on his head. As he raised his head upwards, he could sense it. Several dots of pulses suddenly appearing through the ceiling of the tunnel. "It seems the ceiling's sprung a leak," he said loud enough for everyone to hear. As another acid drop narrowly missed Bluez, he looked up to see that several more were ready to fall from the ceiling. "The tunnel's caving in from all the water?" Bluez asked. "Don't forget we left our 'friends' up there" Ruin replied, referring to the Rhydon and Steelix. As a crack traveled through the ceiling, Ruin could make out something big and completely covered in electric pulses, drawing closer to them as it writhed as though in agony. Bluez understood what the Pikachu meant, turning his head and yelling out "Run" to all those still in the oasis. As bits of gravel and acidic water fell from the ceiling, a dull thud could be heard from behind all of them, as one of the Steelix's heads crashed through the tunnel, covered in smoke. Its smooth silver exterior was now covered in holes where the rain fell. It writhed in pain so horrible it did not notice the prey that had escaped it. Knowing full well of its distraction, Bluez once again felt a tug on his arm as Ruin grabbed him and dashed out through the opposite end of the tunnel, leaving the oasis and now heading for the building as fast as they could.

ooc: breaktime's over, its time to get back in the action!

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
((Okay... I've never PRPed quite like this before so hopefully I can meet your standards. Thank you for the invite, RX))

It had started raining again. The soft pattering of the rain and the distinct sizzling noises of it eating things away was all too normal of a sound by now. It was the sound that brought back memories and caused the small orange Pokemon named Charles to be constantly wary of his surroundings.

He found a spot where he could be safe from the rain for at least a little while and sat, curling his fire-lit tail protectively towards his small, orange body. The flame lit up the Charmander's face, giving light to the mutations this ungodly opening of the heavens had done to him in the past. A faint scar was burned over his right eye, but that wasn't the strangest thing about his head. In the very center was a small, white horn that seemed fused to his head, alongside two, small, lily-white wings, one on either side of his head. If one saw them, they would say they looked like they came from a Dratini.

Some suspected he was part Dratini, but Charles demystified that myth by sharing his gruesome story. The sickening truth was that these things had grown out of his head after the Great Poisoning, making him a mutant. since then he had strived to survive, and against all odds was still alive. He was the only Fire Type that he knew of that had managed to survive... A single tear fell from his good eye as he remembered in vivid detail how his closest friends and relatives had just... melted away.

Charles quickly moved to another spot where the rain wouldn't get to him for a while. Why he didn't just take shelter in the nearby building, he didn't know. It had been a habit of his for a long time, as if he were looking for something... Or perhaps someone. The nagging sensation of being alone all the time gritted at his every nerve, especially since he had lost his partner to the storms long ago... A few more tears flowed down at this memory, and he wiped them away, remembering to focus on survival first.

Out of the corner of his eye, Charles could have sworn he saw movements. He closed his eyes and just shook it off as he finally moved towards the building. The sizzling sensation on his orange skin made him flinch slightly, but he was all too used to it by now. If there was anything out there, they'd most likely be joining him soon.
((*sigh* Better get this over with before Day kills me.))

"Kijo, could you hand me the bag please?" Thanatos asked as they Buizel started monologing about supplies.

Kijo smiled and drew out a very worn bag that had been hidden bewteen one of her armor plates and handed it to Thanatos. The Sableye took it with a thanks and headed off to the bushes, picking out important berries that would no doubt come in handy later on. She went to help him, ignoring the part about water. Both had learned to adapt to the poisoned water circumstanes, they could go weeks without pure water and survive. Their daily fluids resided in the berries, but it was good to fill up on the sweet water while they still could. When the bag was two-thirds of the way full, Thanatos's ears shot straight up and he froze completely.

"What is it?" Kijo asked seriously, knowing her partner's excellent hearing had picked up something.

"Rumbling..." Thanatos murmured, then there was a loud crack. Followed by another and another. Then, there was an almighty rumble that shook the very ground beneath them, and an unholy roar vibrated the air and made Thanatos clap his hands over his ears and shriek in pain.

There was a sizzling and hissing as the poisonous rainwater fell through the cracks in the ceiling, and suddenly one of the giant heads of the Steelix crashed through the rocky ceiling, roaring in agony. The smooth silver hide that had covered it was now dotted with gaping holes that were left behind by the devastating acidic rain. It fell from the ceiling and crashed to te ground, roaring in the most maddening pain and thrashing across the ground in uncontrollable spasms that could only come from the fiery pain of the rain. Kijo stood paralysed, staring at the horrifying sight before her. Thanatos seemed to be as well, but he snapped out of it and grabbed Kijo's arm and yanked her back to reality.

"Come on!" He shouted, pointing a claw at the orange and yellow streaks that were entering one of the exit tunnels. "Follow them! They know where they're going!"

Nodding to show that she understood, Kijo slung the bag over her shoulders and sprinted after Thanatos. Knowing she was infinetly slower than her partner, she opened her wings and did the same hovering trick she had used when she rescued the Chingling. Zooming over the earth, which was being torn open by the Steelix's throes, and easily kept in pace with Thanatos. It seemed that they would get out pretty good so far, when suddenly the Steelix's tail rose up and came down at Thanatos, it would squash its enemy without realizing it. Flaring out her wings fully, Kijo became a blur and she reached out and grabbed Thanatos by the back of his chest and flew upwards, liftig the both of them higher into the air as the tail came down to the earth below them. Flying over the thrashing Steelix then landing in front of the tunnel the Buizel and Pikachu had disappeared in, she finally let go of Thanatos. The Sableye turned and nodded to her, saying nothing. But then again, they didn't need words to know the message. That was the thing when you shared a friendship with someone, you knew them all too well. Nodding back, she followed her friend and partner up the twisting tunnel, hoping they would see light soon.

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