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DPPt/HGSS Again with a team


Bearded Trout Warrior
Mr Mime @ Light Clay
Timid nature
Filter Ability
-Light Screen
-Substitute/Barrier/Thunderwave/Any number of things
-Baton Pass/Healing Wish

EVs: Full speed and split HP/Defense

If I go for Baton Pass; this will be my lead.
if I decide not to go for baton pass, my next pokemon will lead XD
Light Screen/Reflect for the support they offer
Third attack something baton passable; Barrier will greatly help Flareon in particular. If I go for healing wish, I'll probably have some form of status inducing attack or Safeguard.
Healing Wish after I've done the first two attacks, and if I have enough HP left, I'll try for the third as well.
Baton Pass after performing all three if I can.

Jolteon@Life Orb
Bold Nature
Volt Absorb ability
-Shadow Ball
-Thunderwave/HP Bug [67]

EVs in speed and special attack

A Jolteon I already own and have trained.. attack aside, it's lowest IV is 27, so I'm sure you can see why I love it XP
Bold nature can be worked around, and Haunter can deal with anything that has Earthquake.
Thunderbolt STAB and power
Shadow Ball Coverage for things Thunderbolt can't hit
HP Bug Hits pure grass types... not that there are many of those in use XD
Thunder Wave What I generally use over Hidden Power
Wish because I can't bring myself to remove an attack I can never get back, and I can't find anything else that fits... it's had its uses right as Jolteon was fainting, and can be used to get around Stealth Rock for haunter if needed.

Haunter @ Focus Sash
Brave nature [that's right, BRAVE D:


I simply love that Haunter. Perfect annoyer if you ask me.

I have a diiferent moveset for Dugtrio though:
EVs- Attack-252
Leichi berry
Jolly nature
Ariel ace -for type coverage (especially for Grass types)
Protect-Reason given by you
Stone edge-Better due to higher power than Rock slide
Rock slide- Higher accuracy. 

Good team, anyways. :)
If anything, Aerial Ace should be replaced by Sucker Punch. Though, the Sub down to get a Leichi boost works well. Subing and Protecting...leads to maybe a Toxic Stall. I'm still against Dig, due to the fact that it gets obvious on what you're doing. But throwing in Toxic means you're walled quite easily.

But still, Sucker Punch could find its way in somehow.

Oh for Flareon. Please Mention Superpower if you go with a Choice Item. For that, Superpower is Flareon's strongest move that is reliable (Even if Superpower is only somewhat) (Beside Hyper Beam and its other forms.) (Barring Special Moves as well, Fire Blast and Overheat come to mind.)


Bearded Trout Warrior
Thanks for that, Fawkes [curse you for having an avatar extremely similar to Cody's >>;], but I rather need both Protect and Substitute to ensure I can outlast Curse... and Rock Slide over Stone Edge on dugtrio is always my choice.. 'Trio will nearly always have the speed for flinching with a Jolly Nature.

Dugtrio @ Leftovers/Sitrus Berry
Jolly Nature
Arena Trap Ability
-Earthquake/Rock Slide

but I essentially lose an attacker.. an Electric counter for Mantine still, but without Liechi, it's not entirely positive that it'll KO, and then I'm probably getting KO'd by a coverage move.

Eh, I have another slot to fill now that Mr. Mime is off of this team.

Armaldo@Sitrus/Leftovers [whichever Dugtrio doesn't have]
Adamant Nature
Battle Armor ability
-Rapid Spin
-Stone Edge [Earthquake if I go with Crush Claw or Swords Dance]
-Crush Claw/Rock Smash/Swords Dance

124 HP
180 Attack
80 Defense
124 Sp. Defense

No Rock STAB, but I maintain Steel coverage and an accurate bug STAB... Rapid spin will be rather helpful to Haunter, but I'm not entirely sure how neccessary it is. And with a weakness to Stealth Rock... well I wanted another attacker, not something that couldn't attack at all XD

X-Scissor for STAB
Stone Edge Powerful, Innaccurate STAB
Earthquake because I will need coverage on Steels and certain Rock-types if I go for a non-rock smash fourth move.
Crush Claw though not immensely powerful, it gives me a 50% chance at lowering Defense..
Rock Smash is the same, I would just limit myself to soley using it when it's super effective, SE Rock Smash is slightly more powerful than Crush Claw, and gives me neccessary "coverage" [I can hit for about Normal damage] as well as defense breaking on rock and steel types.
Swords Dance ensures my next attacks will be more powerful, unlike the above attacks, but I can't do damage at the same time as I like to.

Oh for Flareon. Please Mention Superpower if you go with a Choice Item
No no, the Flareon is going to be Curse + Quick attack XD
No choice band there XP


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
Just a few things:

- For Absol, I'd pick Taunt over the fourth attack move, simply because Absol has almost no options against the ever popular Lucario coming in against him, shrugging off a quad-resisted Dark attack and then using a stat-boosting move like Agility/Swords Dance when they predict your switch. If you're certain the opponent expects a switch, and is wanting to stat up, ruin their fun by using Taunt to stop them using a stat-boost. Since Lucario's Speed beats Absol's by a fair margin, you will probably have to predict when Lucario is about to switch in, then Taunt him as he comes in. Plus, Super Luck + Scope Lens is a fairly nice combo, especially with Psycho Cut, and the moveset allows you to play more tactically with the Scope Lens than it would with the Choice Band tying you down to just one move.

- For Armaldo, I'd pick Swords Dance for the final slot, since it gives a greater boost than what you'd get from Crush Claw or Rock Smash, and it also goes down to boosting your own stats vs lowering those of your opponent - it's a lot easier for your opponent to switch out (and remove their stat drops) than it is for the opponent to force you to switch out, especially late on in the game when they may not have any means to stop a stat-boosted Armaldo. Armaldo's reasonable survivability means he doesn't necessarily have to be damaging the opponent with every attack too, unlike someone like Rampardos whose Attack is his only means of defense.

- Finally, I say keep Wish on Jolteon - I think it'd work well with Mantine, since you not only heal Mantine if it takes damage, but the opponent will also be very leery about trying to KO Mantine with Electric-type moves having already seen Jolteon beforehand, and should Jolteon end up getting KO'd, the opponent will then strike with their Electric attack...and then eat a Wacan/Mirror Coat KO for their troubles - if you try to avoid Electric attacks on Mantine as much as possible, the opponent probably won't expect the Wacan Berry to be there. Wish could also help out Armaldo too, since his low Speed will mean he'll be taking a fair few hits.


Bearded Trout Warrior
I tend to hate choice items [as they tend to hate me too], so I'd probably go for the Scope Lens + Taunt anyway.. I'm just trying to be more open to choice items as a possibility ^^;

Armaldo's Crush claw is something I was leaning towards... just because I've had more success with it than raising my own stats XD
Though, I lean more for Rock Smash than Crush Claw, because it lets me keep my main STABs and I can use it only as a backup for certain pokemon.
I'll try both; probably start with Swords Dance since I think I'd rather do Crush Claw right now.