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Open All regions pokemon rp

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"I'm Dan this is my partner Rio." Dan said introducing his Lucario, who gave Max an indifferent stare. Dan was also curious how the boy was able to stop that Tauros with words.
Max shrugged. "I'm around Pokemon a lot. I learned how to talk with I guess." He said. "I just listen to them is all." He looked up at Ninjia then back to the others. "Like now, Ninjia is wondering if I can give her a berry." Max took a berry from his bag and gave it to his pokemon. Ninjia took it happily.


Previously Sarah316
"My name's Ashley, and this is my partner Lilo" Ashley said introducing herself and her Popplio to Max.

"So you can talk to Pokemon? Cool." Ashley said slightly impressed.
"That's really cool that you can talk to pokemon." Emily smiled. Forest laid down and yawned. "Hey, you wanna join us? We're doing the alola trials." Another member couldn't hurt could it? Besides max did seem to know a lot about pokemon. He could talk to them after all.
"Um, sure I guess." He said shyly. "If it's alright with the rest of your group." Ninjia nodded as well and patted Max's head. She was proud of how much he was talking with these strangers.
"I don't see any problem with it. This guy gets my vote." Dan said with a smile, trying to be friendly. Rio next him continued to stare at the trainer with an indifferent expression.
Max noticed Rio staring at him. He stared back. Unblinking with no real expression on his face. He was just calm and quiet. Ninjia jumped off of his shoulder and walked around the group.


Previously Blake Star
Matthew stood up and walked over to Max, "What's up buddy. The name's Matthew and this is my partner, Monferno." he said as the monkey was perched on his shoulders. "I'd love to have a Pokemon whisperer in the group. It's like the dude has superpowers." he said excitedly as Monferno began to clap and cheer.
"I guess your in." Emily said. "Dante you don't get a vote you are already out numbered." Forest snickered and stood up. "Welcome to our group. I think we're gonna need a name and a mascot." She laughed.


Previously Sarah316
"Can't say that isn't a terrible idea. No idea on name or mascot, but I'd like our team logo to be a pic of Dan on the ground panting after a light jog." Ashley said with a smirk.
"Feeling funny today, huh Ashley?" Dan said with a frown, his partner Rio chuckling next to him as it broke its gaze from the new trainer.

"Thanks, can always count on you to have my back." Dan said glaring at Rio.
Emily laughed. She fed some oran berries to heal Forest. "We should probably get moving again." Forest nodded with a mouth full of berries. "Our logo can be of all of our pokemon." she suggested.
Max remained quiet. Ninjia went back to his side. Max nodded agreeing with the group. He looked to Ninjia and smiled. At least they weren't alone any more.


Previously Sarah316
"Sounds good to me. Let's move out, off to Iki Town!" Ashley said with her fist raised, her partner Lilo matching her movements as she began to lead the group to their destination.
"I like that idea much better." Dan said to Emily's logo suggestion.

"Yeah, let's do it. Ready buddy?" Dan asked Rio who nodded before the pair began to follow Ashley & Lilo.
Forest returned to his pokemon. Bandit trotted along with the group while Wysteria and Forest rested. Emily followed them. This would prove to be an interesting adventure.


Previously Blake Star
Matthew shrugged, "All Pokemon banner sounds good to me." he said as he followed the group back on their journey to Iki town where Dan would challenge Hala and the site for Ashley's first contest.


Previously Sarah316
Like Ashley guessed earlier, the group wasn't that far off from Iki Town and arrived after not too long of traveling. Quickly Ashley noticed dozens of trainers, many around the Contest Hall, as she guessed they were Coordinators who came to compete in the Iki Town Contest like she did.

"Man, there is more of them than I thought." Ashley thought to herself before something else caught her eye. She saw a man who, based on the poster, was the Island Kahuna Hala talking to...Professor Kukui!

"P-professor?" Ashley said surprised to see the Professor here of all places. Kukui looked at Ashley and greeted her with a smile.

"Ah Ashley, it is great to see you. I take it these are your friends?" Kukui asked as Ashley realized he hadn't met any of them apart from Dan.

"Sure are professor." Ashley said with a smile.
The group's arrival in Iki Town caught Dan's attention as he noticed several Coordinators preparing for the upcoming Contest. He soon saw Professor Kukui talking to someone, and if Ashley's poster was accurate then this man was the Island Kahuna Hala.

"Hi professor, it's good to see you again. Ashley especially has missed you dearly." Dan said with a tease before he focused on the man Kukui was talking to.

"Are you Hala?" Dan asked.
Max gave the professor a shy wave before speaking. "Hello professor." He said quietly. "I'm Max." Ninjia was off trimming.some bushes that were over grown. It was bugging her.


Previously Blake Star
Matthew followed the group into Iki town and took a look around, "Wow this place is amazing." he said with a smile. They then went up to the famous Professor Kukui and it would be the boy's first time meeting him. "Hey Professor, I'm Matthew and this is Monferno." he said with a smile.


Previously Sarah316
"How wonderful it is to meet you all." Kukui said with a smile to the group, having ignored Ashley's glare directed at Dan. His Rockruff looked at the group, a curious expression on its face. His Litten looked at the group with pure indifference. The man who Dan asked the question to looked at the group and said nothing.

"So what brings you all to Iki Town?" Kukui asked.
"I came here to challenge Hala, as part of the Island Challenge." Dan said with a serious expression, matched by his partner Rio.


Previously Sarah316
"I came here to compete in the Iki Town Contest!" Ashley said with a big grin, Lilo having done a backflip to show her excitement.
No sooner had those words left Dan's mouth that Quill popped out his Pokeball. Dan was shocked for a moment before Quill flew up and went to greet the professor, having still remembered his time under his care from the look of it.


Previously Sarah316
"Hello old friend, I trust Dan has treated you well?" Kukui asked the Rowlet.

"Splendid!" Kukui said with a smile to Emily and the others, all the while his Rockruff and Litten walked up to the group. Litten walked up to Lilo and stared indifferently at it, though Lilo seemed happy to see its old friend. Rockruff looked at Emily and Bandit, that curious expression still on its face.

"Well in that case, you came to the right place. To answer your question I am Hala, Island Kahuna of Melemele Island. It would be an honor for me to accept your challenge. Though I have obligation to judge the Contest later today, so we'll settle this RIGHT NOW!" Hala said to Dan as he moved to a to the center of the town, plenty of open space, and seemed ready for battle.
Dan was caught off guard by the sudden acceptance of the match, but he still moved himself into position across from Hala.

"So, what are the rules?" Dan asked, wondering what the Island Kahuna had in store for him. Rio stood by his side, ready for battle regardless.
Max looked at the pokemon. He smiled and released his froslass. Frostbite the froslass looked around her surroundings. "These are our new friends." max spoke quietly. Frostbite nodded and took note of the other trainers and their pokemon.
Bandit stared at the curious Rockruff. Emily smiled and reached down to pet rockruff. "Hey Bandit it's a new friend." she smiled. Bandit just stared. He kinda moved around to inspect Rockruff.


Previously Sarah316
"We will each use two Pokemon each. You will be allowed to make substitutions. Kukui I would like it if you act as referee." Hala said as Kukui replied with a nod.

"Of course. Students I'd like you all to watch closely. You're about to see the Alola tradition in person, savor the moment." Kukui said before he stood in between Dan and Hala. Kukui's students gathered around to watch the battle. Litten let out a yawn before sitting on Lilo's back, Lilo only having a moment of mild annoyance before turning her attention to the match. Rockruff seemed to enjoy Emily petting it, it's tail wagging affectionately.

"Alright then we can begin. Crabrawler come by my side!" Hala said releasing his Crabrawler, who began to punch the air to hype itself up.

"You got this Dan!" Ashley yelled in support, excited for the battle.
"In that case I choose Quill! Let's do this." Dan said as his Rowlet flew in front on him before landing on the ground, ready to face Hala's Crabrawler.

"We'll take the first move. Quill use Peck!" Dan yelled as Quill's beak energized in bright white before it flew in the air and charged the Crabrawler.


Previously Sarah316
"Grab it out of the air." Hala said as his Crabrawler used its powerful pincer to grab Quill by the beak stopping it in mid air.

"Now use Rock Smash!" Hala said as Crabrawler delivered a powerful punch hitting Quill right in the gut that sent it flying back.

"Now Bubble Beam!" Hala said as Crabrawler fired dozens of bubbles from both its pincers aimed right at the stunned owl.

"Dan look out!" Ashley cried out, Lilo watching in concern while Litten continued to watch with a bored expression. Rockruff continued to enjoy Emily's petting.
"Razor Leaf!" Dan called out as Quill fired dozens of leaves to intercept the bubble barrage. It worked giving Dan an opening for a counter attack.

"Peck!" Dan called as Quill charged Crabrawler with an apparent repeated tactic, only for Dan to smirk before Quill made contact.

"Stop and use Razor Leaf!" Dan called as Quill halted flight floating just out of Crabrawler's reach and soon fired dozens of leaves at close range.
"Come on Dan, you're gonna have to to do much better than that if you plan on beating me! Dont let me get my hopes up for nothing mate!" Dante shouted to Dan. He didn't really engage Max much because he just wanted to sit back and gather as much information as possible from him and his actions.
The leaves made contact with Crabrawler, pelting the crab with multiple blows stunning it. Dan saw his opportunity.

"Now use Tackle, knock it into the air and then use Peck!" Dan yelled as Quill charged the stunned Crabrawler sending it flying. While it was still in the air Quill flew above it and nailed a Peck right in its chest sending it crashing towards the ground. Crabrawler was knocked out by the impact.

"Good job Quill!" Dan said with a smile as Quill nodded back to him. One down and one to go Dan thought to himself.


Previously Sarah316
"Way to go Dan!" Ashley cheered in the sideline, Lilo likewise despite Litten still sitting on her.

"Return Crabrawler. You did well, take a good rest. Impressive Dan, but we are far from finished. Hariyama show him our spirit!" Hala called out before releasing his last Pokemon, the Hariyama staring at Dan and Quill with fierce intensity.
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