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Open All regions pokemon rp

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Sun looked on as he and Hau helped escort Dan to his room, finding the banter in this situation to be a bit...odd.

"These guys sure act weird in moments of crisis." Sun whispered to Hau, who just smiled at his friend/rival.

"I like them. They know how to keep a positive attitude, no matter the situation!" Hau said with a big grin. Eventually he and Sun lowered Dan onto his bed, Dan barley conscious at this point.

"...Rio..." Dan muttered, voice soft and weak. Jason's Rowlet began to try to aid Dan.

"You said this guy was a doctor, think he has anything that might help now?" Sun asked Ashley and the others.

"By the way, I'm Hau and this is my friend Sun. Nice to meet you!" Hau said with a grin, Sun just glared at how untimely that was.

"What? I figured if they knew our names we'd be better at communicating." Hau said defensively.


Previously Sarah316
Ashley had managed to calm down and went and grabbed Dan's bag.

"Here, this is where he keeps his medical goodies." Ashley said handing the bag to Sun. Ashley couldn't help but chuckle at Hau's positive nature, he just made her smile.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Ashley." Ashley said with a smile.
Sun took the bag from Ashley and began to search it. Though he was no medical expert, he knew pain pills when he saw them. He pulled the bottle and took a couple pills before holding them near Dan's mouth.

"Take these, you'll feel better. Hau get me some water." Sun said as Hau grabbed a water bottle and went over to Dan and Sun. Dan was still weak, but had the strength to take the pills and a sip of water.

Over on the other end of the ship Moon and Lillie were tending to Rio. Giving it potions and trying to make it more comfortable. However, the Lucario would not wake up despite their efforts.

"Oh this poor thing, there has to be something we can do." Lillie said in concern.

"I know, but what?" Moon asked, frustrated she couldn't do anymore to help. The captain soon arrived.

"We're almost at the Akala Island docks, we can take it to the nearby Pokemon Center for treatment." The captain advised.

..........(Palmer's Boat)..........

Morning had come sooner than expected as Palmer smiled at the approaching Akala Island docks. A boat was just out ahead of him and another had been right behind him since he passed Melemele Island. Barry and his friends were already up, ready for the adventure ahead.
"RISE AND SHINE!" Dante screamed kicking open the door to his room. "We are almost to Akala Island and you're not even out of MY bed yet."

Blue groaned while rolling over and kicking the blankets off him. "Bet thats the first time you have said that to a guy." He laughed walking out the room. "I'm flying to the docks, you coming?" Blue said hopping on his Pidgeot and holding out a hand.

"Gotta make sure my ship gets docked correctly, one miss calculation and its floating at sea with no men on it. I don't mind you taking off ahead, just don't cause a scene." Dante said taking the helm again.

"Suit yourself. Sme-"

"Smell ya later. I know, now get going." Dante said cutting Blue off.

"Thats just not cool man. You can't steal my punch line like that, get your own... Savvy?" Blue laughed. Pidgeot gave a cry before taking to the skies once more and flying past both boats that had been ahead of them before landing on the port of Akala Island.
The captain smiled. They had arrived at Akala Island's port. Pretty busy too, a couple other ships were already making way to dock.

"Alright we're here, now let's get it to the Pokemon Center." The captain said as one of his crew-members carried Rio on his shoulder, Moon and Lillie following right behind.

"Lillie stay with the Lucario, I'll go tell the others we landed. Need to help its trainer to." Moon said as Lillie nodded and Moon ran back to where she saw the other girl lead Sun and Hau.

Palmer landed on shore with a big grin. He had made it! Now all he had to do was find a contat...

"Hey is that a Lucario!" Barry called out seeing a Lucario being carried to the dock from the ship right next to theirs. He then ran off to get a closer look.

"Barry, wait a second!" Lucas said before chasing after him.

"Wait for me boys!" Dawn called out chasing after Lucas and Barry. Palmer let out a sigh. Palmer then noticed a Pidgeot and a familiar face next to it.

"Well well, what an honor to be in a former Champion's presence." Palmer said before jumping from his ship to the dock to get a closer look at Blue.


Previously Sarah316
Ashley watched Sun and Hau work on Dan with interest, she wanted her friend to be okay. Then she heard a horn signaling they landed.

"I think we've reached the docks. Maybe we can get Dan some help?" Ashley suggested before she saw one of the girls from earlier arrive in their room.
"Thank you, i know, its a pleasure to meet me." He smiled flexing a bit. "You must be the guy that tried to get in contact with Dante, and you sort of look like Phil? No....Patrick? Nah........ Pa.....Palmer right? Sorry so many faces to put names to. Did Cyn send you?" He grinned.

Dante pulled into port shortly after Blue made the situation awkward by almost forgetting Palmers name. "Ahoy lad, dont believe we've met. Im know as the one and only classy pirate in Alola whom has been selected as Alola's Battle Legend representative, Dante. Its a pleasure to meet you sir." Dante said sticking his hand out.
"Naturally. She's busy with the league so she sent me in her place. I think you'll find the services of a Frontier Brain to be more than satisfactory." Palmer said with a grin before turning to Dante.

"Ah yes, so you're Dante? Quite a reputation you've built for yourself. Nice to meet you. Though I have to say..." Palmer said before pulling out the Xtransceiver Cynthia gave him.

"THIS IS A PIECE OF JUNK!" Palmer yelled in anger, wasted hours of frustration coming out.

During this, the captain of Dan's ship, his crew mate with Rio on his shoulders and Lillie came to the dock when Barry, Lucas and Dawn arrived.

"It is a Lucario!" Barry said with a smile, but Dawn and Lucas looked on in worry.

"Is it okay?" Dawn asked, concern showing.

Back on Dan's ship Moon arrived at the room and heard Ashley's comments.

"Yeah, we're here. We can get this guy some help." Moon said as Sun and Hau moved to pick Dan up, who did not protest, before the group left the room and moved to the docks.


Previously Sarah316
Ashley and the others made it to the dock when she saw out of the corner of her eyes Dante of all people.

"Dante! Dan needs help!" Ashley cried out before running to Dante, ignoring Blue and Palmer's presence.
Dan was helped to the docks by Hau and Sun, who had grabbed each of Dan's arms and placed them over their shoulders. Dan felt better since the incident, but was still very weak and couldn't think straight. Dan really didn't even notice anyone on the docks; not Dante, not Blue nor his hero Palmer. The only thought running through his head was wondering how Rio was.
Dante was caught off guard by Ashleys sudden outburst. "You don't say,how is he doing? What happened? I need all the details if you want me to help him." Dante said rushing over to Dan who was being carried by Hau, who was related to Hala and was known by many people close to Hala. Dan however was also being carried by an unfamiliar face to Dante. "Where is Rio, did something happen to him to?" Dante asked.

"Seems like his whole body is limp." Blue said watching the two boys carry Dan.

"Indeed, it seems like a extreme case of fatigue." Dante added.


Previously Sarah316
"Dan went out late at night and tried to use Mega Evolution with Rio. I don't know what, but something went wrong! The energy began to hurt Dan and Rio before we broke the connection. Rio's out cold, being carried by a member of the crew to the Pokemon Center. Dan's been weak and hurt ever since." Ashley explained, trying to give Dante all the info she knew.
"Idiot! Why did you think you could use Mega Evolution just on a whim! It is a very difficult and conplex procedure brought out deep and true connections and feelings for trainer and pokémon. One cannot simply go and attempt to Mega Evolve a pokémon without much needed training and understanding of the subject." He ended his rant and began his synopses. "Doing so caused all of your physical and mental energy to manifest itself around you and Rio at an astounding rate. You two eventually took on so much that it started tearing you apart while causing your bodies to be put into such a state by draining you of all your energy. You need a lot of rest. Thas all i can do for him, I'm not a doctor just a smart guy who knows more things than i let on...... Ashley........ Did you say that you broke the connection of Dan and Rio when they were in the middle of the bond?" He said fearing the worst.


Previously Sarah316
"Y-yes. Dan and Rio were in a lot of pain. I tried to help Dan pull the Mega Ring off, but it wouldn't budge. Matthew then used his Monferno to knock Rio aside, breaking the connection." Ashley said, a bad feeling forming the the pit of her stomach as she gave that description.
"I don't know, this Lucario and its trainer were being tortured by this strange energy. Poor thing hasn't woken up since the trainer's friends broke the connection." Lillie explained to Lucas, Dawn and Barry.

"Poor thing, I hope it will be okay." Dawn said, worried for the Lucario. Rio just hung limp on the worker's shoulder.

"Do you know where its trainer is?" Lucas asked as Lillie thought for a moment before seeing the trainer, his friends as well as others gathered not too far from them.

"O-over there. The one being held up." Lillie said as she pointed at Dan, and the Sinnoh kids looked on.

"Hey, I think I've seen that guy before. What was his name?" Barry thought to himself, as he as well as Dawn and Lucas all swore they saw him before.

"I think he was the Daycare owner's son." Lucas said, unable to come up with a name. Then a light bulb went off in Dawn's head.

"It's Dan! I think that was his name. I hope he's okay." Dawn said as she as well as Barry and Lucas went over to Dan and the others.
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Previously Blake Star
Matthew stood with Ashley listening to Dante rant about Dan's actions and then about how he broke the bond. "Yeah I had Monfenro break it. Nothing...bad is gonna happen is it?" he asked, fearing he may have hurt his friend worst than he helped him. Monferno let out a tiny whimper and obviously felt bad. Matthew knelt down, "Don't worry Monferno this isn't your fault. If anything, it's my mistake." he said, cheering his partner up.
"What...." muttered Kyle as Litten clawed at him while he was sleeping. He heard the Pokemon purr and walk to the door. He got up and followed it all the way to Dan's room.
"Its to soon to tell, its better that you did that than have let it play out Matty. He would have died of not for your intervention." Dante said. "You guys don't need to worry, he just needs to rest and regain his energy. Get him some food and something good to drink. I'm off to see Rio." He said walking over to the Lucario.
Moon let out a sigh, she was glad to hear that.

Dan however wasn't as happy. Once he heard what he was responsible for, a wave a guilt washed over him. His stupid, selfish desire to get stronger caused his partner to be in a coma. Tears began to form as he thought this over.

"Rio...I'm sorry..." Dan said in a soft voice, looking down to the ground in shame.

"Hey you alright?" Sun asked.

Lillie saw Dante approach the Lucario and the worker carrying it.

"T-the Lucario will be okay, right?" Lillie asked out of concern.


Previously Sarah316
Ashley let out a sigh, she was also happy that everything was going to be okay. She soon saw a trio of kinds approach the scene.

"Is Dan gonna be okay?" Dawn asked.

"Yeah, just needs some rest. By the way how do you know Dan?" Ashley asked.

"We're from Sinnoh. We stopped by the Daycare Dan's mom works at multiple times. By the way I'm Barry, these are my friends Lucas and Dawn." Barry said.

"I'm Ashley, it's nice to meet you." Ashley said with a smile.
"It would appear that the Lucario, Rio also needs plenty of rest. If he acts.... Unusual, get away from him. I don't know how this exchange effected it. Get Rio some berries, Sitris, Nanab, and Leppa. Blend them together and apply the mixture to its forehead and chest." Dante said taking a breath.

Blue was talking to Palmer. He was informing him of the message that was shown to both him and Dante after the encounter with Mega Evolved Pokémon.
Palmer nodded at Blue's description of the events.

"Well I don't know about this masked weirdo or his group, but if Cynthia's suspicions are confirmed they are far from the only threat." Palmer said as he began to explain to Blue Cynthia's suspicions concerning the Aether Foundation.

The worker carried Rio into the Pokemon Center, Lillie right behind them, as Lillie explained to the nurse what happened.

"Alright, we'll take care of it. Get it to the back room, stat." The nurse said as a couple of Chansey carried Rio into the back room to begin treatment.

"Let's get him to the Pokemon Center, might be a good place to rest." Hau suggested as Sun nodded and the two brought Dan into the Pokemon Center, explaining the situation to the nurse.

"Oh dear, put him in the guest room." The nurse advised as Hau and Sun brought Dan to the room and laid him down on the bed. Moon followed the two to make sure Dan got there safe and sound.


Previously Sarah316
Ashley followed Dan, Hau and Sun into the Pokemon Center to cheek on Dan. Lucas, Dawn and Barry followed after her for what she assumed was the same reason.


Previously Blake Star
Matthew was following Dan to the room when he overheard a guy talking to Blue about something strange. The boy leaned against the wall such that the conversation happened behind him. He listened in on something about Cynthia's suspicions and the Aether Foundation whatever the heck that was and also about some mega Pokemon and a strange message. The boy looked at his Monferno, "So something is going on." he said to his partner before departing and following Ashley and the rest of the group into Dan's room.
Kyle was about to ask what happened when suddenly he was stopped by a mysterious Trainer started to take pictures of his Litten. "What..." murmured Kyle as he noticed this. The boy smirked. "The name's Trip! Who are you?"


Previously Sarah316
Ashley turned to Matthew, who had stayed behind to overhear something. She didn't know what it was, but she knew she had to know.

"Listen to anything interesting?" Ashley asked Matthew. Dawn, Lucas and Barry busy watching Dan rest.
(I can't keep up with you guys cause when you start chats I'm at school, so I'm not going to be RP'ing here anymore..... and for many other factors)
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Previously Xa'rivaki
Jax came walking over to Dan. "He looks peaceful. But I am not sure how long we will be safe here. The recent attacks have weaken most of you, and me for that matter. I will not be able to protect you, for some time." Jax sits down, and yawns before crashing into the floor.
Lillie arrived in the guest room after Rio was put in the back room. Dan had passed out for a short while, but soon woke up. Dan was still weak, but some rest make him feel a lot better. Looking around he saw his friends: Ashley, Matthew, Jason & Jax. He also saw the guys who helped him on the boat: Sun, Hau, Moon & Lillie. He eventually saw the Sinnoh kids to: Lucas, Barry and Dawn. When his eyes focused on Dawn, a faint blush appeared on his face as he turned his head.

"Hey you're awake! Are you okay Dan?" Dawn asked out of concern, as she failed to notice Dan's little blush.

"Y-yeah...just tired." Dan said, trying to avoid eye contact.
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"Seems like everything is alright then." Dante said entering the Pokémon Centre. "Oh? A little flustered are you lad. Well its hard not to be when in the presence of such beautiful ladies." He said noticing Dans blush. "Here you go mate, some of my leftovers from the restaurant. Mainly just a few veggies and a couple pieces of chicken but it should be good enough for you to get some strength back." Dante said stepping over Jaxs sprawled out body. He then handed Dan the container of food and noticed Dawn whom Dan was trying his best to not make eye contact with. "Aye, so you would be the reason Danny has turned into a perfectly working stop light, if the light was stuck on red that is." Dante laughed.
Dawn blinked in confusion at Dante's comment as Dan began to cough noticeably.

"Can't breathe...ignore Dante...help me..." Dan said in between his fake coughs. This seemed to work as Hau came over with a bottle of water than Dan drank.

"Take it easy, you're not at full strength." Hau advised, Dawn and others looking on in concern.

"Yeah...don't know what came over me..." Dan said shooting Dante a quick glare while the others were distracted.
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Previously Sarah316
Ashley smirked. She saw through Dan's attempt to take the attention away from Dante's comments. Seemed Dawn was convinced though, which Ashley guessed was Dan's purpose.

"Well, least I finally know who this special girl Dan would never name is." Ashley thought to herself.
Dante just smiles while humming the tone to 'Let's get it on'. Blue comes slowly starts to catch on to whats happening between Dan and Dawn. "Oooh, little Danny there has a cr-OWCH!" He blurted out by catching a swift smack upside the head from Dante.

"Can't be to direct now." Dante said dragging Blue out the room while singing 'What is love'...then Blue joined in the fun and their laughter could be heared down the hallway.
Dan had never hated a person so much right now. Hau, Lillie, Barry and by some miracle Dawn had remained clueless to what Dante was implying. Ashley already had her suspicions, but Sun, Moon and Lucas now were starting to understand but remained silent. Thankfully Dante took Blue with him and left the room, but he feared about what damage he's already done.

Palmer walked down the hallway, hearing Dante and Blue laughing and singing "What is love..."

"Seems liked I missed something special. In any event, do you lovebirds got any ideas where we go from here concerning this masked weirdo?"
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Previously Sarah316
It took all of Ashley's strength not to break down into laughter. She was never gonna let Dan live this down.
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