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Open All regions pokemon rp

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"Good job Ryan! The only reason I could catch the pokemon was this TM. Luckily, I have spares, so here ya go." Ken said as he gave Ryan one of his many spares. "Whoever wants one can come get it."


Previously Sarah316
Ashley walked over to where Lillie and Moon ran off. She needed to find a Pokemon fit for Contests. Something elegant, something with grace something....

Ashley's thoughts were interrupted by some rustling in the bushes. This was it!

"Come out Lilo!" Ashley said, releasing her Popplio. Ready to battle whatever it was. Soon the Pokemon emerged...and it was a Munchlax.

"You...you've got to be kidding." Ashley said with a deadpan expression. She had nothing against Munchlax, but it wasn't exactly known as a...performing Pokemon.
Dan walked off to the area Sun ran. He needed a team of six to compete against the best of the Pokemon world...and deal with this mystery Mega Evolution assailant. Eventually he saw something move in the bushes.

"Peachy, get ready." Dan said, releasing his Pikachu who was ready for battle. Dan had a decent grasp of what kind of Pokemon to expect, he had studied the Alola Pokedex as best he could, so Dan felt ready for anything...

A Cyndaquil emerging from the bushes was NOT something Dan was prepared for.

"A...a Cyndaquil? I didn't even know you could find them in Alola. Anyone lose a Cyndaquil!" Dan called out, not wanting to mess with another trainer's Pokemon, since he couldn't believe there would be wild Cyndaquil in Alola.
"hey dan what is going on, you know that you can actually find johto starters here in alola, I learnt that by this big guy" said Marcus as he threw out his feraligator that he had found on melemele
Dan thought over the other trainer's words and decided to give it a shot. No one else came to claim Cyndaquil and he did like the idea of having a Typhlosion.

"Alright, Peachy let's get a teammate." Dan said as Peachy moved in front, the Pikachu ready to battle. Cyndaquil started by firing an Ember attack, but Dan was ready.

"Quick Attack!" Dan called out, as Peachy moved at high speed, dodging the Ember attack and nailing Cyndaquil sending it flying back.

"Now Thunder Shock!" Dan called out, as Peachy blasted the stunned Cyndaquil with electricity. Cydaquil was now tired giving Dan his opening. Dan threw a Pokeball at Cyndaquil, before the ball rocked back and forth. Eventually coming to a stop with the red light fading signaling a capture.

"We did it!" Dan called out holding the ball containing Cyndaquil. Dan then turned to Peachy.

"Good work." Dan said, patting Peachy on the head. Dan then released his newly caught Cyndaquil and gave it a potion. Cyndaquil looked good as new.

"Welcome to the team. Think we should show you off to the others." Dan said before he, Peachy and Cyndaquil ran towards where Ashley ran off to.


Previously Sarah316
Ashley held an empty Pokeball in her hand as she faced Munchlax, Lilo ready to fight, but she was in a moment of contemplation. Muchlax wasn't exactly a Coordinator's first choice by judging any Pokemon like that just felt wrong. During her thoughts she saw Dan running towards her with Peachy and...a Cyndaquil?

"Huh, wouldn't have expected to see one of those here." Ashley commented. This distracted her long for Munchlax to walk up to her and tap the button on the Pokeball. Soon Munchlax entered the Pokeball and, after a moment of shaking in Ashley's hand, stopped signaling a capture.

"W-what the...I didn't. Okay I guess I caught a Munchlax." Ashley said to herself, trying to process what just happened.
"wait dan i want to give some gifts to you and your friends" said marcus as he followed dan back out of the grass
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Dante and Blue had left the area and were looking around the routes outside of town. "Don't think anyone's here lad, probably safe to say that they're keeping their heads down." Dante said grinning.

Blue laughed. "Yeah, probably all to chicken to spy on us." He smiled back.
"Ryan." Ryan answered Jason. "Put 'er there!" she said, holding out a hand to the new trainer. "And these are my Pokemon, Litten, and Pichu." Ryan also added, as her Litten jumped up onto her shoulder, and a little Pokeball in her pocket wiggled. "I just got here from Melemele island!" she continuously added.
"You caught a Munchlax? Congrats Ashley. Look what I found out here." Dan said, referring to the Cyndaquil he found. The Cyndaquil looked at Ashley with great curiosity.

"Yeah, didn't know you could even find one of these out here. Pretty cool if I say so myself." Dan said.
(I wanna get a fresh start, so I'm gonna make a new character and abandon the old one.....)

Name: Lincoln
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Appearance: Tall, about 6'1'', bulky and fit, dirty blonde hair, green eyes freckled with some gold. White t-shirt with leather jacket, navy blue jeans
Personality: tough, brave, bold, loyal
Goal: To be the best Pokemon Trainer and Coordinator
Pokemon: Incineroar, Decidueye, Eevee
Backstory: Being the brother of the Sinnoh fighting type gym leader, Maylene, Lincoln wanted to start a journey of his own and become strong himself.

RP: As he, Incineroar, Decidueye, and Eevee were jogging through the park, working up a sweat and trying to find new Pokemon, Lincoln, who had his headphones on and was not paying attention to where he was going, ran into a young female Trainer with a Litten on her shoulder. "Sorry....." He looked into her eyes and was suddenly overwhelmed. She was good-looking! He blushed for a second, scratched the back of his head, and then said, "I didn't see you there. Hi, I'm Lincoln," as he tried to cover up his blush.


Previously Xa'rivaki
Jax would wake up, heading off the ship. He would stretch and yawn loudly. "Where is everyone?" He woul ask to himself, before just walking off on his own.
"It's quite all right!" Ryan said, as she caught Litten, who bounced in the air after the hit. "I'm Ryan." she said happily, while holding out a hand to help him up. "I hope I didn't startle your arrival." Ryan said with a sheepish grin on her face. She then thought about why she was using such big words, instead of her usual slang talk, like, 'ain't' or 'nobody'.
He shook her hand and then said, "I really am sorry about this!" And then he turned to his Pokemon. "These are my Pokemon by the way: Incineroar, Decidueye, and Eevee, and they are ALSO really sorry," he said, giving them a glare. The Pokemon squealed their apologies.


Previously Sarah316
Ashley went over to pet the Cyndaquil, it really was cute. Ashley would worry about the Munchlax later. Ashley then went up to look Dan in the eye.

"So, what do you think the others caught?" Ashley asked Even.
Jason walked to Ashley "How did you catch those Johto pokemon?" he asked surprised. Then he felt poking. Jason bented and saw Sandygast. "Whoa, coll a Sandygast!"he yelled "Charjabug, fight" he ordered. "Use Bite!" Sandygast dodged and used shadow ball. Sandygast hit Charjabug, but Charjbug used Bite and then Spark. Sandygast was fainted. Jason used pokeball and captured him. "Maybe he isn't from Johto, but he is still great!" he admitted
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"It's mine. And to answer your question Jason I have no idea. Didn't think Johto Pokemon were out here to be honest." Dan said to Jason, still confused as to why a Johto Pokemon was out in Alola.

"Oh there it is!"

"Thank goodness, is the poor thing okay?"

Dan turned to see a couple of people in white uniforms appear before the group. Cyndaquil saw the pair and made a move to run behind Dan's leg out of fear.

"Uh, who are you?" Dan asked the pair. The male worker smiled and gave a way in reply.

"We are members of the Aether Foundation." The male worker said.

Aether Foundation, that organization that helps Pokemon in need. Guess I shouldn't be surprised, they are based in Alola.

"I just want to thank you young man for helping us find that Cyndaquil. Means so much to us, now we can get it back into the care unit." The female worker said, crouching down to pick it up but the Cyndaquil backed off more, fear clearly evident.

"Well, I kind of caught it. Sorry about that." Dan said, not noticing the fear seemed directed at the Aether Foundation workers and just assumed the Cyndaquil was being shy.

...(Melemele Island)...

Meanwhile, Palmer as well as the trio of Barry, Dawn & Lucas arrived at Melemele Island and moved to go investigate the ruined Contest Hall, trying to find any clues that might help the investigation.

...(With Blue & Dante)...

A masked figure had been following the two Battle Tree representatives, careful to avoid any giveaway of her pursuit. The figure's motive was not yet clear as it continued to keep back and watch the two from a distance.
"It's quite alright." Ryan said, as she caught herself, again, talking in a large vocabulary. "These are my Pokemon, Litten, and Pichu!" Ryan said, as Litten purred, and Pichu's Pokeball shook a bit. "They seem really happy!" Ryan said, as she gave a cheery, close eyed smile, and scratching Litten behind the ear, as the Pokemon purred some more.
"Yeah, with Dan and Ashley, come meet them!" Ryan said, as she grabbed Lincoln's hand, and pulled him over to Dan and Ashley. "Dan, Ashley, this is Lincoln! I met him when he bumped into me!" Ryan said to Dan and Ashley, as she scratched her bruise with a smile.


Previously Sarah316
Ashley watched the Cyndaquil's reaction to the Aether Foundation members and was not happy about it. Whatever it was, Cyndaquil was not happy to see these workers. That could not be a good sign.

"I think Dan should be left to care for Cyndaquil, it obviously doesn't trust you guys...no offense." Ashley said to the Aether Foundation workers before she saw Ryan come over with a new guy, apparently named Lincoln.

"Hey Ryan, we've got a little situation here." Ashley explained to Ryan as Cyndaquil remained behind Dan's leg trying to avoid the Aether Foundation workers "getting it back" out of visible fear.
Ryan jumped in front of the Aether foundation, at the sound of their name. "Get away from this Cyndaquil!" she shouted, as put up a fist. The Aether Foundation glared at the sight of her. "It's her, the girl that cost us the Litten." A grunt said, as he looked at the Litten on Ryan's shoulder.
"Uh, it's okay Ryan. These are the people who help Pokemon and..." Dan started to say before the male worker made a move to try and grab Litten from Ryan's shoulder. The female worker tried to grab the Cyndaquil who moved further back.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Dan yelled at the two workers.

"We need that Cyndaquil...and that Litten. They are property of the Aether Foundation and must be taken back into care." The female worker explained, though Dan began to see through their act.

"Screw that! You can take Cyndaquil and Litten over my dead body!" Dan called out, releasing his Lucario Rio. The workers then released a Hypno and a Starmie.

"Fine, we'll take them by force." The male worker said.
Ryan held her Litten close, and shouted, "Your Foundation isn't one to save Pokemon, or treat them. You keep them for yourself!" Ryan said uncomfortably, tears in her eyes, as she sent out Pichu to fight. "Use Thundershock!" she shouted through a cracked up voice.


Previously Sarah316
"What?" Ashley said to Ryan, stunned at the revelation before she released her partner Lilo. Ashley then shot the workers a glare.

"Dirty thieves! Lilo Bubble Beam!" Ashley cried out as the Popplio launched a flurry of bubbles at the Aether Foundation worker's Pokemon.
As Lincoln went to meet Ryan's friends, he saw that they had an encounter with the Aether Foundation, whom which he DETESTED! "Let's go! Incenroar, Darkest Lariat! Decidueye, Spirit Shackle! Eevee, Shadow Ball!" They all threw their moves at the worker's Pokemon.
"Rio Force Palm!" Dan called out as group of Pokemon launched their attacks at the Hypno and Starmie, knocking them back. Starmie was even paralyzed from the effects of the Thunder Shock.

"Darn it, these guys are strong." The female worker said.

"Fall back for now." The male worker said before the Aether Foundation members fled. Dan crouched down to the Cyndaquil and offered it comfort.

"You okay little guy?" Dan asked, the Cyndaquil replied with a nod.
Lincoln congratulated his Pokemon, and then turned to Ryan's friends. "Sorry that our meeting was interrupted. I'm Lincoln!" he said as he held out his hand.
Ryan turned to the boy, apparently name Marcus. "The name's Ryan!" The crop top girl said, as she held out a hand. "And these are my Pokemon, Litten, and Pichu!" she said, gesturing to Litten, and the pokeball with a nod of her head. "It's a pleasure." she said happily.
"Hey Jaison, Marcus," said Lincoln. "These are my Pokemon, Incineroar, Decidueye, and Eevee...." As he turned to look at Eevee, he noticed it wasn't there! "Eevee?" Lincoln asked, looking around. It was nowhere to be seen.
"Oh man...Y'know what? I'll see if Aether Foundation has it." Ryan said, trying to look brave, when she was shivering inside. She took Litten off her shoulder, and held it close to her chest, hugging it for protection, if the Aether Foundation tried to take it. "i'll be right back." she said, as she dashed off in the direction the Aether foundation went.
Name: Kaylei
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Appearance: Blue t-shirt, Grey jeans, White sneakers, Long brown hair, Brown eyes
Personality: kind, loving, shy
Goal: to become a stronger trainer
Pokemon: Eevee
Back story: she had a rough childhood with her father leaving before she was born and her mother leaving her soon after, the only real family she's ever had was her Eevee. she is currently in Kalos

Kaylei was walking through Lumiose city with Eevee on her shoulder "There has to be a gym her right?" she said to herself.
"Vee!" Eevee pointed to a large tower in the middle of the city "Huh? A gym!!!" she exclaimed as she ran towards it and entered, she was greeted by a robotic voice that told her she must have a certain amount of badges to enter. "I have none, but please let me in." she said.

There was no reply before her and Eevee wer shocked and sent down a chute sending them flying into the air, the two screamed loudly.
Ryan continued running, until she spotted the Aether foundation. "Do you have the Eevee?" Ryan asked, frown on her face. "You mean this Eevee?" A grunt said smirking, as she held up an Eevee by the scruff of its fur. It was a silver Eevee, which showed it was a shiny. "Does Lincoln have a shiny...?" Ryan thought to herself. Nonetheless, the Eevee was quivering, and with pleading eyes, let out a small mew. "Hand it over. It's mine." Ryan lied. The grunts, being smarter than team skull, didn't believe her, and held it away. "Come and return it if it's yours, then." A female worker implied. Ryan sent her a glare, and with a shaky hand, took out a Pokeball. She held it up, and nervously said, "E-Eevee R-r-return." Nothing happened, but Ryan gave up the lie, and lunged forward, grasping the Eevee under the front paws, and hauled it out of the grunts grasp. "They may be smarter than team skull, but I never said they were smart." Ryan said to herself, as she held both Litten and the shiny Eevee in her hands. She ran back to the group. "Is this your shiny Eevee, Lincoln?" Ryan asked the boy, through gasps for breath.
Lincoln looked at Eevee, and nodded. "That's it!" he said as he grabbed it. "Now I feel bad I didn't go looking for it! Thank you very much!" He looked at Eevee, who was whimpering sadly in his hands, and his expression softened. "It's ok!" he cooed. "I forgive you! At least you are back safe!"
Ryan looked at Lincoln, glad she could help. "So, are you all ready for the Battle Royal Dome?" Ryan asked Ashley, Dan, Hau, Lillie, Sun, and Moon. "I sure am." Ryan said, happily.
Out of nowhere, Sun Moon Hau & Lillie emerged having made their captures.

"We're ready." Hau said, being the group's spokesperson. Dan gave a chuckle before he returned his Cyndaquil.

"Sure am, you ready Ashley?" Dan asked.
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