Just to clear any confusion: I originally planned to acquire Pokemon Moon for various reasons, but I unexpectedly received Sun for free at Christmastime, so that is the version I'm going playing for my first trip to Alola.
Now that I've said "Alola" (as in "goodbye") to Melemele Island, I must say that I am enjoying this game a hell of a lot more than X and Y already. I actually care about the characters and the story, for one thing. The location is also utilized so much more effectively, going all out on the Hawaiian theme with fantastic results, while offering surprises with varied environments( I just reached a ranch, which I was not expecting at all). Team Skull cracks me up, and all of the other characters are lovable in their own ways. The new features and changes, from Z-Power to trials and Totems, mostly work for me.
Now, there's the matter of the Pokemon. I the variety of new Pokemon, Kanto Pokemon(some with new types and appearances), and a healthy mixture of Pokemon from the other other 5 regions. It gives me so many options,vso much so that I have teams planned for no less than 6 different playthroughs. For this first run, I'm definitely going to have more than 6 permanent team members, with 4 I am using during most if not all of my journey throughout Alola. Here's my current team, plus some honorable mentions:
(I did not nickname anything because I like having the species names only throughout my first playthrough of a game for memorization purposes and consistency in regards to older Pokemon.)
Dartrix (Grass/Flying)
Level 17
Moves: Razor Leaf, Work Up, Peck, Astonish
As I've said before, Rowlet was always going to be mine from the moment I saw that adorable leaf bowtie

. And that was BEFORE I learned that its final evolution is a ranger owl with a hoodie that shoots ghost--feather-arrows. Needless to say, she is going to be a permanent member of the party, although the future Ghost typing complicated my team-planning...plans a little.
Grubbin (Bug/Soon-To-Be-Electric)
Level 16
Moves: Bite, Bug Bite, String Shot, Spark
I'd known about this little bug for a while, and ever since, I'd resolved to make it a part of my team. A new electric bug sounded great, and I loved the designs of the whole line! Although it is a permanent member there will be times when I do not use it. I've substitutes it for Magnemite at times because it has yet to evolve and gain the Electric Type, and the Steel typing makes it more able to take hits. Also, it will go a long time without evolving into Vikavokt from what I've heard, so I might want it on the bench until then. Still, this little battery bug is one of my favorite new Pokemon, and I'm keeping him for the long haul!
Slowpoke (Water/Psychic)
Level 15
Moves: Water Gun, Yawn, Confusion, Curse
Yes, yes, I know. It's not a new Pokemon, and it does not have an Alolan Forme. Plus, it's Slowpoke. So why is it a permanent member of the team? Well, for starters, I did not want it to be all newbies; I figured I should try some Pokemon I have never used, new or old, and I happened upon it and decided to use it. Sure, it's slow, and it hasn't learned attacks that utilize its Attack, but it's bulky and quite amusing in Pokemon Refresh, plus it has Yawn to put wild Pokemon to sleep fro easy catching. I have never owned a Slowking, so I have decided to use one and see how it is (plus, it kind of fits the Hawaiian island theme a little bit

). So, yes, Slowpoke is a permanent member of the team.
Rockruff (Rock)
Level 16
Moves: Rock Throw, Howl, Sand Attack, Bite
Yes, the popular pebble pooch is also a permanent member. Although he unfortunately does not become a werewolf in Sun, Midday Lycanroc still looks like a cool Pokemon to use. In addition, it has high Speed for a Rock Type, something I do not often see. Also, and most importantly, you can high-five it in Pokemon Refresh. ♥
Growlithe (Fire)
Level 15
Moves: Ember, Leer, Roar, Bite
Okay, I have to confess: as much I want this guy on my team long-term, there's a new Fire-Type Pokemon in this game I already planned to use, so it will probably replace Growlithe eventually. However, I'll use it for now, being a decent Fire Type in its own right that also happens to be on of my favorite Pokemon of all time. (And you can high-five this one as well!)
I still might switch it in from time to time and use it, but the new one I have in mind will give me some much-needed Fairy coverage to protect one of my other party members until he's not quite so frail. Either way, it's been a solid party member so far.
Bagon (Dragon)
Level 13
Moves: Rage, Ember, Leer, Bite
Holy shit. This took me forever to find. After hearing that it was on Route 3, I rushed there and tries to find it, searching for an hour. Sadly, I was not informed that it had to be found in the patch of grass south of the bridge. Even after figuring this out, it still took another 30 minutes to track down, due to that wonderful 1% encounter rate. Yes, I'm crazy and I am quite proud of it!
So, I finally found my Bagon. This little guy will eventually become my replacement Flying-type, as Dartrix will lose its Flying-type after evolution. It will also be the member of my team that will hopefully Mega-Evolve, as I'm not using Slowbro. This is a permanent team member that will also spend some time on the sidelines, as it will take a megaton of training to blossom into a beautiful Salamance of death!
Now for the honorable mentions. These are Pokemon I currently own that I have used from time to time, but they are not team members.
Magnemite (Alternate Electric-type Pokemon until Grubbin evolves)
Yungoos (Decent Normal Pokemon)
Pikipek (Briefly considered for replcement Flying-Type before learning about Bagon)
Eevee-(Will evolve into Sylveon and use as an alternate Fairy-type until I get Alolan Ninetales)
So far, I've been able to use everything new that I've wanted to try, with only Cutiefly and Mudbray being reluctantly reserved for a future playthrough as they did not fit in my team. So, looking pretty good so far!
I really cannot wait to see more of Team Skull than just Grunts A and B ( although they do crack me up), and seeing more of the characters and how Nebby figures into the plot (which I've heard is surprisingly good, so I'm excited!). Most importantly, I cannot wait to explore more of the beautiful region of Alola!
I'll update again later, but until then, Alola!