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Alola Forms, Z-Moves, Island Challenge, And More Revealed!

The ice-type forms honestly confuse me a bit. I lived in Hawaii and I can't remember there being a place that's too terribly cold enough to have snow (except at a mountain peak or two). The idea of snow (in Hawaii) is so low on the list. That's like making Seattle a region and then having some pokemon gain a fire type due to it. xD

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
The ice-type forms honestly confuse me a bit. I lived in Hawaii and I can't remember there being a place that's too terribly cold enough to have snow (except at a mountain peak or two). The idea of snow (in Hawaii) is so low on the list. That's like making Seattle a region and then having some pokemon gain a fire type due to it. xD
I mean, we have freaking pandas native to the French equivalent of Pokemon. :p Also as you mentioned, some of the mountains in Hawaii are high enough to have snow if I recall, though that's kind of besides my original point of Gamefreak and Nintendo ignoring how the real world counterparts of these region.

Also I completely forgot to mention that I love Oricorio a lot, especially Sensu Style (the colors just look awesome okay) and Baile (it's so... <333), and Lurantis looks so pretty~ I would've liked for it to be like, Bug/Fairy instead. Or something. And then we have the adorable Mudbray, eeeee ♥ Minior looks like something from Kirby, and... Gumshoos. Well. It's amusing, I guess? XD

Jhan Garc

Formerly AkenabeShiro
Totally unrelated, but I think these are interesting.

EDIT: If these are real, I'm putting Litten aside, and going for Rowlet.


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This is probably the biggest overload of information that we have had for quite some time. I think that Alolan Vulpix and Alolan Ninetales are so cute in their new forms. Z moves look cool, but I think Bloom Doom and the move animation for it is totally rubbish. I simply cannot believe why they have made these Oricorio forms so rubbish, especially Pom Pom form ?! Otherwise it is probably one of the best updates so far:)
Wow all of these look so good, Oricorio and Mudbray look so cute. Vulpix, Ninetales, Sandshrew and Sandslash look cooler than ever and I can't be the only one who finds Alolan Exeggutor creepy, right? :o
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I had officially announced that the donald trump challenge begins! XD (I just wanted to say this because Gumshoose looks like donald trump )

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Totally unrelated, but I think these are interesting.

EDIT: If these are real, I'm putting Litten aside, and going for Rowlet.

There's a reasonable chance that they are real, but we won't be posting about them until there's an official source, so we won't be addressing those potential leaks any further than this specific comment.
Okie my opinion here I go
Executor: WHY!!! What have you done game freak?!?!
Vulpix and Ninetales: I WANT!!!!! O_O
Sandslash and sandshrew: sonic had a baby or a long lost brother or something
Bird whose name I forgot: starts listening to cheerleader
Z moves: I got the z moves like jagger X3
Pokemon ride: YUSSSSSS
Totem pokemon: can I catch u?
Island captains: no comment

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
So I came up with a few ideas today. Obviously every Exeggutor, Vulpix/Ninetales, and Sandshrew/Sandslash you catch in Alola will be in their Alolan forms. But what would happen if you transferred an Exeggcute from Gen VI? Would it evolve into an Alolan Exeggutor simply by being in Alola or will it become the Grass/Psychic-type version we've known for 20 years because it came from a different region? Is transferring the only way to get a Fire-type Vulpix or a Ground-type Sandshrew in Gen VII? Obviously they wouldn't be native to Alola so they wouldn't have been subjected to the same environmental pressures which is why I doubt they would automatically turn into Ice-types.
I laughed pretty hard at Exeggutor. :D
Good grief. Delta Species. I wonder if Ice-Vulpix evolves into Ice-Ninetales in some different manner because it'd be rather ludicrous for an Ice-type to evolve with a Fire Stone, wouldn't it? I guess it's easier to edit existing species than to invest in designing new ones, eh, Gamefreak. >>
Sure, it is probably easier for GF to do that. But I think it's a nice way to go. It shows another side of various Pokemon species that we see in our own world with various critters (adapting to different environs and whatnot). And I personally think GF's designs the last couple gens were lacking in, well, design. Not only that, but if this continues into later games it will give different regions a more unique identity, which I'd like to see. When I play through a region I tend to remember it for the landmarks and gyms, not the Pokemon.

I'm wondering how the retypings are going to affect the metagame. It will definitely have a lot more variety, but will people give up the tried-and-trues? I'm sure they will so some extent, but we shall see.
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So cute! There's finally Ice Vulpix/Ninetales, and rideable pokemon, and a FIRE CAT! YES! That little Fomantis and it's evolution are great, when do you think they'll reveal the new starters' evos? I wasn't really wanting to get it before, I mean, I wanted to, but NOT AS MUCH AS I DO NOW!
Really like the new orange islands game. Really original and should be quite good. Sad theres no gyms though. Alonan vulpix is so cute and alolan ninetails looks a lot more menacing. I dont really like the Z moves as they look to be replacing mega evolutions

So cute! There's finally Ice Vulpix/Ninetales, and rideable pokemon, and a FIRE CAT! YES! That little Fomantis and it's evolution are great, when do you think they'll reveal the new starters' evos? I wasn't really wanting to get it before, I mean, I wanted to, but NOT AS MUCH AS I DO NOW!
Fomantis looks good but quite weak, and the only reason i think everyone thinks lurantis is strong is because it has the new move 'solar blade'
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I like the idea of the island challenges and kahunas. It keeps the competitive aspect of Pokemon battling, but adds narrative to it. It sounds like you're battling for more than just a badge. It's a rite of passage.
It's my opinion and I'm not hating on the games, but I'm personally not going to buy Sun or Moon now. I'm not very fond of any of the new Pokemon, and even at this point the designs for the trainers are getting bland. As someone who has grown attatched to Mega Evolution, the addition of Z-Moves is a major turn off. I don't like the Alolan forms of any of the Pokemon and I'm not fond of the island challenge either. I would have liked Poké Ride a lot more if you could actually ride your own Pokémon. Probably not going to buy the game myself, but I'm not trying to change the mind of anyone who likes it. ^_^
♥ Ice/Fairy Ninetales is going to become my favourite pokémon very quickly. Fairy being my favourite type and ice/snow being a huge part of my home and childhood...Alolan ninetales is basically my perfect pokémon. The new designs, new story format, and new pokémon all have me so very excited! I can't wait for the games to come out!
I hate the idea of the Island Challenges. They seem weird and now, they can't add gyms! I was so excited for the gyms, and now GameFreak add in some stupid challenges. However, the new pokemon are really cool, and I love the Alolan Forms.
Just one thing... if its Alolan, that means they would be different in another region. :(


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
I've removed a set of posts that descended into a flame war. Keep it civil please, folks.