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Open alolan adventure

rules: you can play as a pokemon but only 1
2.trainer must be 9-13
3. if you want to be an adult you must ask first
4. trainer MUST have a starter if older than 12 or done with island challange
5.do not bully
6. make sure to worship YA BOY GUZMA
7.have fun!!!1111!!!!!!!111!!!!
8. can be team skull grunt
Appearence:green coat,black pants,Z-ring,blue eyes
History:Spok was born on kanto He Traveled to Alola to found new pokemons and be the new alola champion
Extra:He know team skull and always try stop them

Pokemon: Decidueye
Moves:Leaf blade,Leafage,Spirit shackle,Brave bird

"Gorry, leafeage!" he said jumping of the Decidueye Making the team skull grunt stop "Well,well what we have here Team skull again?.Where is your big sister Plumeria? I really wanted to Fight with her again" Spok said the Team skull grunt
Appearance:z-ring,black hoodie,red spikey hair
history:was born in alola


Felix was walking aroundtown when he saw someone battling a team skull grunt.he decided to watch the battleand wait until it was over to introduce himself.