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Alolan Grimer and Jangmo-o Evolution Revealed By CoroCoro Leak


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member

It's CoroCoro leak time. Firstly, a new Alolan variant has been revealed: this time, it's Alolan Grimer, which is now a [type]Poison[/type]/[type]Dark[/type] type. At the moment, we don't know anything more about it.

The other two reveals do not have their corresponding scans, so right now this information is speculative and completely unconfirmed. While these are probably real, we are missing the usual proof, so take these with a very large pinch of salt.

The unconfirmed leak reveals more evolutions for existing Alolan Pokémon: The first is that Jangmo-o evolves into a [type]Fighting[/type]/[type]Dragon[/type] Pokémon, whose Japanese name is Jarango, which in turn evolves into Jararango. (Presumably, it Mega Evolves into Mega Jararararararango...)

Surprisingly, Type: Null also evolves into a Pokémon known in Japan as Shiruvadi (シルヴァディ). Shiruvadi also changes type based on the items it holds, due to its new "AR System" ability, much like Arceus does. Indeed, Type: Null and Arceus have a lot in common – perhaps deliberate, as Type: Null was created to be "as strong as the Pokémon of mythology."


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Grimer, huh? Not my favorite so far, but interesting nonetheless. I'm looking forward to actually seeing the Jangmo-o evolution though, so I know whether or not I wanna have one in my team. :D
Yay! Alola grimer is a great idea, but why are so many alola forms dark type?
Hopefully this means ash's muk will make a wonderful return to the anime, it will be marvellous
Type null having an evolution suprised me when i saw this when i woke up...alolan grimer looks goofy and i like that...and jangmo-o..as much as it will probably look awesome...im dissapointed in its type...its gonna have a lot of weaknesses
I bet jangmo-o is Drampa's evolution. Just guessing.

"Grimer. Faint and crawl into a whole you worthless piece of-" Technical difficulties.

Null is a majestic Arceus wannabe. All hail Lama God wannabe thing.

Give me those scanned pages. I crave them. My Precioussss. ;)
I absolutely love Grimer, but I have mixed feelings about this one. I mean, the "teeth"... I guess we'll see what Muk looks like sooner or later. Really digging the dark type addition though. I'll probably give it a spin.
Yeah,if Grimer wasn't that scary before,now you can make a horror movie with a zombie Grimer xD.

Grimer better Grim'er.

I want to know why is alolan Meowth one more time at the side of Grimer,maybe it got a update,i need the shiny Grimer to be Yellow,so you can have a melt Winnie the Puh xD (if you don't noticed the honey in its mouth)