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Private/Closed Alolan Journeys 2 - The Crossbones Crisis

Devin sat on the ground in the middle of the forest and released his Grubbin from it's Pokeball, the little Pokemon looked a little dazed and confused before looking at Devin.

"Hey there Grubbin! I'm your trainer now and I hope we can be good friends." Devin said as Chimchar and him smiled down at the Pokemon.

Grubbin thought for a few moments before smiling back and jumping on Devin's face, pushing him over. "Ow! Alrighty, it's settled! Grubbin welcome to the team!" Devin exclaimed, picking the Pokemon up. standing up, and place it on his shoulder along with Chimchar.

The young trainer would then proceed to wander through the forest until he found Mikey along with a kid with tan skin and green hair.
Eric laid on the rocky surface of the cave after being dragged out of the river. "I can't believe we're alive," he commented to Rockruff who was lying in a weakened state. Eric got up slowly before grabbing Rockruff to try and find their way out of the hill, however Eric soon saw a small campfire had been started with a large figure sitting next to it.
"Come and warm up by the fire," they said invitingly. Eric stepped closer to the fire to see a man with white hair and a white mustache, wearing a yellow jacket and blue shorts. Eric laid Rockruff next to the fire and sat next to him, "There, now to treat your Rockruff."
Eric watched as the man took out a purple spray bottle that was called a potion and spayed Rockruff healing any visible minor wounds.
"Who are you?" Eric dared to ask, wishing to thank the man who had saved both himself and his Rockruff.
"I'm Hala the Kahuna of Melemele Island," the man explained, Eric had lived on Melemele Island for most of his life but had never seen or remembered who the Kahuna was.
"Tutu? Do you mean the pink fluffy skirt or your grandpa?" Mikey asked with a raised eyebrow as Sito landed on his shoulder. "If you mean the later, than yes. If you mean the former, then I can't help you with that one." Mikey had recognized this boy was Hau, Hala's grandson. However he hoped the boy didn't notice him, as he would hate that. He would be stuck with the treat of being exposed as an ex-Team Skull Grunt all throughout Melemele Island. The sooner he left and made a name for himself, the better.
"Sorry what I mean by Tutu is my grandfather, he's the Kahuna of the Island," Hau explained, "My name's Hau, I'm training to become the new Champion of Alola!" he declared as he reached into taking out a Pokeball, "And here's my partner Popplio!" the Pokeball burst open releasing a small sea-lion Pokemon, "I actually just Popplio from Professor Kukui a few hours ago!" Hau grabbed Popplio before giving Mikey a deep stare, "Haven't I seen you somewhere before..." Hau sized up Mikey before smiling, "Now I know, you're a Trial-Goer aren't you? Well then I'll take you to go see the Kahuna at the Ruins of Conflict."

Eric hadn't noticed but somehow he had fallen asleep on the cold rocky surface. "Rockruff..." he muttered faintly as he opened his eyes to see Rockruff standing above him. Eric smiled as he got up petting Rockruff's head, "I remember falling into a river, and being saved by someone," he recited as he continued to pet Rockruff.
"Well at least you haven't forgotten much," Hala laughed from the other side of the now burnt out fire. Hala helped Eric up and guided him and Rockruff out of Ten Caret Hill. Eric squinted as he looked up to the sun adjusting his eyes.
"Where are we going Kahuna?" Eric asked as he walked alongside Hala.
"To the Ruins of Conflict to meet with my grandson," Hala answered with a smile.