[size=15pt]ATTENTION :[/size]
Now, I know that few of you (possibly none of you) are Bionicle fans. BUT I am (sappy as it may sound) very proud of myself for making these comics, so I decided to post them. Sure, it may not have a fancy background, but did any of us when we made our first comic? Some of you, maybe, but not me

NAM's a character that symbolizes me... but a lot cooler. For sure. He hosts his own comics called NAM's Bio-Comics. He is a simple Toa (hero; Toe-UH) of Technology. He somehow got a couple of people to join the cast, including his so-called sidekick, Galtye (Toa of Water; Gal-TEE). Once again, enjoy! Translations at the bottom of this post.
Comic One: Hello
Comments: Hard to make, being it's my first one But I used the bath joke in a comic I made before, so I transfered it

Credit to: The Rayg 2.5 Kits (BZPower)
The Chimoru Omega Kit- Dark709 (BZPower)
Translations: NAM (Nahm; Toa hero of Tech)
Galtye (Gal-TEE; Toa hero of Water)
Kortec (Core-TECK; a Matoran villager)
Mata Nui (Mah-tah Noo-ee; their great spirit)
In case you didn't notice from the blue and orange armor and letters, I'm a Bears fan ;D
AL has Spoken!