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DPPt/HGSS Another team I came up with


Bearded Trout Warrior
Sneasel@Focus Sash
Adamant Nature
Inner Focus ability
-Ice Punch/Ice Shard
-Brick Break/Dig

Swagger is a risk worth taking with the Focus Sash.. considering accuracy, it's just under a 50% chance of making my opponent attack themself on the turn I use it. Also wouldn't be expected from something with such low defense.
Punishment Has the same power as the alternative attack: Bite, but it increases in power as my opponent's stats do.
With STAB:
90 starting power
150 after Swagger
210 After swagger and their own stat raising move [Swords Dance/Nasty Plot]
not that the last one is likely to ever happen, but I'd say the power after Swagger is really nice.
Ice Punch would be for STAB'd coverage, while Ice Shard would be for priority if I thought I needed it.
Brick Break for simple coverage, mainly for Steels
Dig for a slight bit more power, and to draw out flying and levitating pokemon... not that Sneasel has any way of handling Skarmory, and can only handle bronzong with fair luck... though keep in mind I'm probably only using this while a Steel type is already out, and a second one isn't highly likely to come.

Pre-platinum Hitmonlee @ Wide Lens
Jolly Nature
Reckless Ability
-Mach Punch
-Hi Jump Kick
-Blaze Kick/Earthquake
-Substitute/Rock Slide

Mach Punch For priority when I need it, even if it is just likely to get a last hit on something before it murders me XP
Hi Jump Kick for STAB and Power; 180 power after Reckless and STAB [according to a more reliable site than my usual, Reckless is only a 20% boost]
Blaze Kick Bug/grass Coverage, high-critical, and a burn chance.. also seems a bit more fitting for 'Lee than Earthquake
Earthquake More Power and accuracy than Blaze kick, covers Electric and Fire.. considering both paralysis and Burn are major threats for 'Lee... eh, still like Blaze kick more even if it's not the wiser choice. XD
Substitute protects me from said status inducers if I'm faster... and well, if I'm not, Earthquake wouldn't save me anyway. This lets me use Blaze Kick a bit more safely
Rock Slide would give the flinch that I love and Flying coverage... problem is that 'Lee is slower than the most popular fliers... even the not so popular ones.

Evs in speed and attack
*Despite my Blaze kick situation above, I'm open for any suggestions to the set except for Endure + Reversal sets.

Platinum Hitmonlee @ Wide Lens
Jolly Nature
Reckless Ability
-Sucker Punch
-Hi Jump Kick

Sucker Punch More Powerful than Mach Punch, and offers ghost/Psychic coverage.
Hi Jump Kick Powerful STAB.
Bounce is an underestimated attack; 30% Paralysis chance may make people think twice about switching.. And with 'Lee being a fighting type, Steels and Rocks are covered.
Earthquake is for Electric types that might switch into Bounce... hopefully they don't thunderwave, or are paralyzed by bounce on the switch [since most would outspeed 'Lee]
Feh to the Blaze kick this time, I'm practically asking for Electric types to switch in XD
EVs the same as above; Speed and attack.

Jumpluff@Light Clay
Jolly/Timid Nature
Leaf Guard ability
-Light Screen
-Aromatherapy/U-turn/Stun Spore/Worry Seed

Send it out against something I know it's faster than, Screen the attack I predict incoming, and then screen the other attacking type.
Aromatherapy is going to be the most likely third attack, so I can cleric off statuses from my other pokemon if need be... since I'm not likely to use the third attack at all, this could be the most handy.
U-turn would in case I think I'd like to keep Pluffy alive
Stun Spore would be to further spur a switch before Memento shows itself, if I had enough HP left to think I could pull it off.
Memento to further set up for the coming Drifblim, after Pluffy has set up walls
Worry seed is the least likely, but possibly most unexpected attack I could use here.
Pluffy: Gods, why does it burn so much to say this, and why do I keep saying it? x_x

72 HP
152 Defense
32 Special Defense
252 Speed

Drifblim@Sitrus Berry
Modest Nature
Unburden ability
-Shadow Ball/Ominous Wind
-Charge Beam/Thunderbolt
-Destiny Bond/Explosion/Silver Wind

For being sent out immediately after Pluffy; so long as pluffy got memento out, even super-effective attacks will be starting at half damage on Drifblim.. Since it can't hit Drifblim at all, Brick Breaking the walls is impossible.. Defog can still get rid of the barriers, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone use it competitively XD
Anyhow, given that attacks coming from the pokemon out will only be doing 1/4 damage, they'll most likely switch... if they don't, I'm not exactly in any danger >>;
I don't think I really need to explain every attack this time... The idea is to tank up with Stockpile until I either hit three, or Sitrus activates from the attacks I'm taking.
Afterwards, I start tanking my special attack with Charge Beam, or hoping for an all-boost from Ominous Wind... I'm going to have either Ominous wind OR Charge beam, but probably not both.
Last move is probably going to be a finisher; I like the idea of Destiny bond over explosion simply because it will always kill when I'm killed.

Enough speed to outdo Electrode after the ability activation
full special attack
and whatever is left in Defense and special defense

Magmar@Grip Claw/Brightpowder
Timid Nature
Flame Body Ability
-Fire Spin
-Confuse Ray
-Lava Plume

A set I came up with for Silver Magpie a while back... I think it'll work nicely on this team XD
Special attacker, but more filling the role of annoyer.
Fire Spin traps while I set everything else up
Confuse Ray 50/50 shot of confusing while they can't switch from it.
Lava Plume 30% chance of burn to make up for the apparent lack of defense
Smokescreen to further my chance of evading an attack, for use after confusion.
Psychic If I decided to go with coverage over evasion

EVs roughtly
52 HP
52 Defense
152 special defense
252 speed

Wailord @ Leftovers
Bold nature
Water Veil ability
-Ice Beam
-Body Slam

Protect is just a delay for leftovers
Surf STAB and damage
Ice Beam Coverage, and really the only other special move it gets.
Body Slam Paralysis chance, and coverage on other water types.

Rather simple really XD
Is meant to come out after Sneasel in case I get a rampaging Swagger-veteran.
EVs in Defense and Special attack

The star of this team is Drifblim... I was talking to Reina Carmen earlier about a Jumpluff, and came up with what you see there. I then realized it was the perfect setup for the second drifblim that doesn't require a ghost on my opponent's team to work. From there I just built a team around it watching the ice weakness this time XP
Now I think I'm leaning a bit towards an electric/Flying weakness.. Nothing that actually resists either here, and Lee's earthquake being the only Super-effective attack against STAB'd electric attacks.

Eh, just rate and tell me what you think, I developed a headache during the later parts of the post, so you may see quality start to drop x_x


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
I can't really say much on most of the team, but I can vouch for that Magmar. That moveset is awesome and completely annoying XD

I like your Sneasel too, I've never liked Weavile much and its nice to see Pokemon like Magmar and Sneasel still being used successfully.

Bounce on Hitmonlee is a great idea. I really like how this team all fits together and supports each other. I especially like the Jumpluff/Driftblim combo.


Bearded Trout Warrior
I just realized that something with high defenses and Counter could effectively handle a possible Swagger-veteran.. but I don't like any of the typing and want something else resistant to ice.

If it weren't for the double weakness to Brick Break and Earthquake - two of the most common coverage attacks on physical attackers - I would have used a Metal Bursting Aggron/Bastiodon.