D/P has actually helped Arcanine in the Fire moves department. Pre-D/P, Arcanine really couldn't use ANY fire moves well. Times have changed though.
Fire Fang/Flame Wheel/Flare Blitz
Thunder Fang
Extreme Speed
This moveset is pure physical sweeper. Fire Fang, Flame Wheel, and Flare Blitz are three good physical fire moves for STAB. Thunder Fang is there to help defend against water types. Extreme Speed there just because. As for Crunch, having a dark type move up your sleeve is usually good.
You'll have to start over with Growlithe to get Flame Wheel or Flare Blitz and Crunch but it'll be worth it. If your Arcanine is female, breed it while holding an Everstone and the Growlithe could have her Naughty nature which is awesome for physical sweeper.