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Art Hoard

It's been a while since I was posting here, and in that time I think I've improved quite a bit. From the stuff on the last board I made.
Wherever that thing happens to be.

Anyway, these first few have nothing to do with pokemon, they're the male cast from the novel series I've started writing.
And, because we have no art programs on the new laptop, I couldn't erase all the unnecessary bits of sketchbook that you can see on the edges of the picture. It's stupid really, but whatever man.
And the images should show up for you, even though I can't see them on my laptop..


First off, we've got Ronehn. He's a dog. Sort of. I can't spill too much info without giving away the plot :/
Choccie-chip pancakes for whoever can pick the origins of his coat pattern.


I probably should have put these in order of appearance, but I think I'm working backwards here..
Anyway. This is Heath.
He has an eyepatch.
Because when he was in high school, he had a schizophrenic in his history class. In one particular lesson they were studying Nazi Germany. The schitzo happened to be jewish.
Unfortunately for heath, his next class was practical chemistry with the kid. The poor little mofo saw Heath, made a blue eyes-blond hair connection, and stuck a flaming bunsen burner in his left eye.
Yep. So he has no eye, and there's scarred tissue around the site which is why the patch is big enough to cover the eye, and the skin immediately around it- a few skin grafts made it a little more manageable- before this one, he had a huge honker piece that covered most of his cheekbone. Also, his eyebrow doesn't grow. I can tell you guys this stuff, because it has nothing to do with the story plot :3 {/rant}


This is big brother Jasper.
He doesn't look much like his brother- the only features they share are the olive skin and their mouths. Jasper's got features sort of on the other end of the spectrum- Black hair and green eyes for him.
He's god a sweet tooth- a massive one.
Like.. Think L from Death Note.
This is sort of a side effect of his adrenaline addiction. The sweets give him the subtle high he's looking for.
Otherwise, he's usually out with his buddies 'studying'. And I don't mean drinking, I mean sparring.
At one point in his life, he decided he wanted to find the most fast-paced martial art he could find, and he found Capoeira. (Ka-poh-erra)
It's a brazilian martial art form that looks more like a hardcore dance form at first glance, and this is because of the history of the martial art. I don't feel like typing it out, so if you're curious you can check wikipedia or something.
(Sorry for the huge chunks of text, but I feel some weird obligation to put them there :/)

If you haven't already noticed, the trend of half-assed clothing is a recurrent theme. And that's not gonna change too soon.
Sorry x:


This is Rhys.
He and the next person down met the two brothers and their sister when they were in high school, and have stayed close friends ever since. Rhys also inherited a big-ass company from his father when he retires, and is now a multi-million/billionaire. Go figure.
He also holds power over most of the companies in the city he lives in, because of his head-honcho position.
As soon as I start to understand business affairs a bit more, I'll go into more depth about why that is.
Until then, just know that he has the power to crush any puny pleb beneath him. Or he would, if he wasn't a surprisingly fatherly, compassionate person. Hurf.


And this is Boskh. Milo Boskh.
He is by far my favorite character. I LOVE him. He's the aforementioned friend and is a bit of a man-horr. But he's good-natured and funny and can be quite affectionate. He's also quirky and just so freaking adorable. I lovelovelove him. Unfortunately, I can't think of him wearing any conventional clothing, and when I try to design a new shirt for him, he ends up with no shirt.
So I borrowed a little inspiration from one of my favorite game characters. Moar choccie-chip pancakes for the person who can spot the reference.

I haven't drawn the girlies yet, but there's only two leads anyway.
Hopefully the next update will have some pokes in it, maybe even some Brawl characters.

EDIT: Crap crap crap- These things look huge when I open them in another window. Hopefully, it's just my computer. Mostly because I can't resize them on the mac.
If they actually load, and are actually massive, please tell me x:[/size]
[size=8pt]Just a quick update this time.
No peoples, just a WIP.

As soon as I figure out where she is, I'll add a background.
And when I figure out what I want her to be doing, I'll probably add some electric effects.
'Til then, the lineart's kinda chunky and the coloring is flat.[/size]
srsly tho.
If you guys have any criticism or anything, please post it. It helps me to improve and make better stuff :3

In other news.

Now, I'm sure there's a few of you thinking "Good golly Miss Molly! Why does Belle look so batshit insane?" And the answer is simple- Billy Idol.
I was listening to Rebel Yell the entire time I drew this.
I'm pretty happy with the hands on this, though the clothes are kind of boring, her hips are practically pre-pubescent and the hair was basically me just pissing around with the burn/dodge tool.
Mm. T'was fun though.[/size]


The last drawing you posted is really good Belle! The background is really cool and I like the bright effect prevailing throughout the drawing. The texture of the hair is very good, too.

Keep it up!! :)
I love you're style Belle. It's awesome. I fail at drawing lips and yours = win. Belle (the character) looks pretty cool, I really love the hair. Looks like it was fun.
Other drawings... I really like Ronehn, his markings are awesome. The other guys look cool too.​
[size=8pt]:3 Thanks guyssssss.

Mmkay. Instead of the colorful eyesores I've been posting, let's get back to those nice little sketches.

This first one is kind of like one of those 'quest for improvement' things, with Ash Ketchup as the guinea pig. YAY. One is bigger than the other because I started screwing around with it in Japanese class.

If you can't pick the chronological order of these, shame on you >=O
The first is of Ash aged about 11-13, and was drawn last November. The second one is him around 16-18, and was drawn a few weeks ago.

And I wanted to draw Rhys Tenomi again because his last picture didn't do him justice.

I gave him a more linear/chiseled face and smoother hair so he doesn't look like a masculine woman.
Also, I used him to try and play around with the musculature of a male's back.[/size]