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Artiste's Sprites~

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Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Me no care about anything. I'll just ask for something random, even though you've already made something for me... It's your choice if you want to do it or not.
A scratch Sprite of Kirlia, my forth most favorite Pokemon. (First being Eevee, then Plusle and Minun, tied in 2nd and 3rd.)

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Sure, no problemo! I really like all your sprite so far, Artie! They're all so cool! Maybe you should teach me how to make mugshots some day...
Hey Artiste, do you have any sprites I could use for Mugshots? I'd like to try and make a few. Or, do you just do them from scratch?

Also, just a tip, but when your doing your scratch trainers, try making stuff like there heads, hair, arms, and legs a little bigger/wider. Some have some small heads compared to normal pokemon sprites. Other than that, keep up the good work!
I meant to make them smaller. I hate Nintendo's sprite's heads. I just hate them, as they're not realistic.

And I got the sprites for my Mugshots from Spriters-Resource. I'll link you directly to it, as I'm a nice guy. xD
I meant to make them smaller. I hate Nintendo's sprite's heads. I just hate them, as they're not realistic.

And I got the sprites for my Mugshots from Spriters-Resource. I'll link you directly to it, as I'm a nice guy. xD

Ya, nintendo's pokemon sprites have big heads CX

I can't believe I didn't find that at TSR, I go there a lot o.o
artiste, for one, can i call you artie? and another, im ok with you using DP sprites for stuff you think you absolutly can make look normal, but i really like your full scratched so far, but if you think something just cant be improved to look normal, its ok to use the sprites
Thanks, KoR. ;D

Call me whatever the heck you want. xD

And thanks. I'll get on it tomorrow, LATE tomorrow, as we're having Church at a member's house(HE LIVES ON THE LAKE! YAYS), and it could take a while. YAYS.

Although, Mom just said it's a Fifty percent chance of rain... -_-
Rofl, A free request? I have no clue what to ask for....Hmm....I'll get right back to you on that one.
As for the Character Art, it might not be up tomorrow, depends if I go to my uncle's house to use his scanner or not.
I have but 3 requests...something I did and fails to do any good at...
Umbreon Coseplay
Espeon Coseplay
Umbreon+Espeon Couple Coseplay

I was going to ask someone else when I got the chance...but her banning came before I could...
artiste, for one, can i call you artie?


Can I call you that too >:3

[quote author=Daytime Umbreon link=topic=2311.msg31132#msg31132 date=1186293631]
I was going to ask someone else when I got the chance...but her banning came before I could...

And that just made me depressed. D:

[quote author=Artiste link=topic=2311.msg30918#msg30918 date=1186256076]
Tori~ Isn't there already a noticable outline? O.o

Whoops. I was too unspecific. Sorry.

And now that I look at it, it looks MUCH better. That might of been just me... Sorry... ;9

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
Peoples, can you guys call him something else? Artie's MY nickname for him!
Daytime Umbreon, nice to see you back. Your sprites were actually pretty good, unlike MY Umbreon Cosplayer... *coughs* Mine didn't look like an Umbreon cosplayer at all. You said you failed... failing is not posting your sprites for everyone else to see what you did, or not trying at all. Daytime Umbreon, you didn't fail. You're just not that happy with the outcome of your sprites.
ok, if i cant call him artie, howabout, uh...arty??? or, um...tiste' ? is that ok artiste? i know you said i can calle you anything i want, but i want your permission just to be sure
How about Art? I've always loved three letter nicknames. xD And, I'll still be named after my favorite thing. Art. xD

I WILL get on that Absol tonight, KoR.

Man, today was awesome! I got to ride on a motorboat for the first time ever, and I got to make the winning point in Volleyball, and I amazed everybody with the Cannon people call my arm. All in all, it was awesome.

Awsome, as always.

I love the expression on the Cosplayer's face. It's those 'I don't give a damn, ok?' looks. I thought it wasn't possible with sprites, but that was me being narrowminded.

Awsome job.

And who is beside the Umbreon Cosplayer?
Where did you come up with your thought layout for the Umbreon and Espeon Cosplayers? Compared to mine, yours have a more...keep away from me, I'm too cool for you, look. Mine had a misc. look like they're more silly. And my first Umbreon sprite was overly evil. But still, I am very very impressed by your work. Thank you for making them.
Thanks, guys. ^_^

The idea was totally random. xD Once I got the arms, I decided to make them both like that. It might've helped that I was in a REALLY good mood, as the ideas really come when I am.

Umbreon took me hours. I think. Because of the hair, and the arms, and the legs. Seriously, he did. His face overly bugged me, and I couldn't get his mouth in, so I put the collar on. Originally, his shirt was to be a muscle shirt, but it never came to pass. Alas. xD
Espeon took me.... what, twenty minutes? She was easy once I got the layout for them in my mind. Her head just didn't turn out right, and I realized in bed last night.... Her eyes are the wrong color.

Once I figure out what's wrong with her head, I will fix everything.
Uhh... I have an idea of what you said, but you lost me.

I THINK I fixed it, based on that idea(And fixed the hair, eyes, and hair color).


Weeeeeell, I made a collar, like Umbreon's, I fix'd her hair, I fix'd the shoes, and erased that -horrible- expression.

And thanks Tori, and KoR! ^_^
Oh yeah, Art, I was wondering if you could make an Umbreon that is, like, in a better position then the DP Umbreon. I was thinking toward more of a forward stance, or like it's sitting, facing you. I kinda the one they used, but I really would think a different facing Umbreon. I'm not sure if what you do covers it, but I would like to see one, if you would be so kind.

I will get right on it. Tomorrow, as I have no desire to sprite right now.

You'll get it tomorrow, unless my schoolwork get's me grounded.
I had to do a boatload of Compisition today... My neck still hurts.

Edit: It's tomorrow, and here is your Umbreon.

I will get right on it. Tomorrow, as I have no desire to sprite right now.

You'll get it tomorrow, unless my schoolwork get's me grounded.
I had to do a boatload of Compisition today... My neck still hurts.

Edit: It's tomorrow, and here is your Umbreon.
Aww...it's soooo cute! And I sound like a girl typing that! Do you mind if I use that as my avatar on here when I'm able to? It's just so adorable! I looks so happy and stuff! I'm so excited! Thinking about it will help the fact I'm about to get a shot in 1 hour! So cute, so cute, so cute! >_
I don't care if you use it. Just give me credit, remember that. ^_^

I hope the shot doesn't hurt too much.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! I'd hug you if I weren't afraid to be called gay!

I doubt it will, I've gotten used to injections and blood removal. Needles in general.
Oh, man! I forgot entirely. Sorry, S_E!

I'll get on it. Soon. Maybe. I've been spriting all day, and I'm pretty sure I can only sprite one scratch pokemon a day.

BUT, the spriting all day came to these.... YAY:

I did the cosplayers who looked all awesome into Alex(From my RP), and some random girl.




Dang it, I made Alex amazingly awesome, didn't I? And the girl.... Meh.
Your Alex guy looks quite similar to your Umbreon Coseplayer...but that girl looks pretty good...for a random girl. XD

Also, sorry S_E, I didn't mean to take up the Scratch Pokemon of the Day spot. But he must have had it on his mind when he work up about the Umbreon I asked for.

Other news, I took my shot and lived!
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