So true. Epic win, man. Epic win.And yes, Linky's chibi face is priceless on the first and third panels.
*Pictures Sem in a dress* I'm sure he'd make a very pretty cross-dresser :3
Parodying one of those images is epic btw. Don't think anyone around here has done so with their own hand-drawn art before.
You should post more of these on your dA account, RX. Is there any particular reason why you don't?
How do you do it?
Where do you find the time?
Also Alex requires a trademark weapon. Any thoughts?
A Genocide Button stuck on a mecha. Oh, but not just ANY mecha. RX Industries has taken the liberty of arming it with fish missiles, arm blades (though nowhere near as awesome as Stel's) Sem's manic depression, Baratron's Logic, Stel's tolerance for n00bs and witty banter and a truly daunting combination of both Nem and Alex's egos. So what do you get? A frelling awesome mecha that doesn't know whether to kill itself or if its too cool to self-destruct. We're not sure how that helps, BUT IT HAS THE BUTTON, THE BUTTON WITH SHINY LETTERS BECKONING YOU TO PRESS IT! PRESS IT!