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Open Badfic/Bad RP Contest 2017!

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Expert FPS Player
Staff member

As always on this very day of the year, the badfic contest returns. Except this year, we'll be doing both fics and RPs here, because why not right? Here we celebrate the worst of the worst and see just how low you all can sink.

...and in some cases, how little you have to actually do to sink that low.

The rules for the contest are simple: You are required to post the first chapter of a fic, or the opening post of an RP here. You can only post one entry, so make it count. The objective is to make it as utterly dreadful as you can manage, and the person who posts the absolute worst entry will be crowned champion.

Keep in mind of course, that "so bad it's good/funny" isn't enough. Your post must be horrendous garbage that anyone would regret or be ashamed of reading, but I'm sure I don't have to tell most of you that.

So with that said, let this disgrace begin.
Helllo guys of pokecharmz! i just had the best idea!!!1a!

Were going to do a pokemon x ninjago x warriors roleplay, it'll be the besst! Were going to stop evel twoleg lord garmeadon with our cat pokemon ninja spinjitzu skills! it'll be awsome! U can have up to 3 (yes 3!!!) whole charactrs! u can be a bad guy or a good guy too! we can also use cool ninja weapons like katananas and shuriken and scythes and nunchuks! just fill out the profile belo!

boy or gril:
Pokemon: (U have to be a cat pokemon though! But i'll let eevees through because I like them)
element: (fire earth electric or ice or water or air, just like in ninjag! but only i get to be them all!!!
good or evil:
movs: (yoy can have up to four! ONLY FOUR! MORE THAN FOUR IS OP!!!!!!!)

heres mine, base yous off it!
Name: sakura monlight (get it? like moonlgiht but MON like POKEMON!)
boy or girl: gril
okemon: eevee
element:alll of them
goog or evil; GOOD
movs: return takedown last resort flamethrower earthwuake

ia lso have a villain
neme: llyod monlight
boy or firl: boy
pokemon evvee
element: darkness (only villais can have this
good or evi: evill!
movs: dakr pulse hyper beam last resory ice beam
(he's sakura's evil twin!!!!!1))
no being mean we all want to be nic
i make the plot not u goys
I get to do wat i want because i make the rp!!
I can kick you out if i want!! yu better listen to the rules!!!!
dont complain about what I have i made the rp I get to have it!!!
you have to have a pictue about your guys i made them for sakura and lloyd!!!
have fuunnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!

I can't wait to rp with u allll!


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hi guys i wanted to do making a roleplay becus i am new to pokecharms and i wanted to be making a new rp so lets go

gkrl or boy
what you look like

u jus have to rping good the thing of the rp is minecraft. it will be an fun rp so hear are the rules

u cant kill any body with a diamond weapoin becus that isnt an fair thing too do
no moddifn it is not fun for angbody

thos are the ruels and if u breka them i will ban u from thds site my dad kwns every thing like google and chrome and stuff so he can kick u off

this is mine character

hugh dum
tyler and ricky
blond hare green eyes diamond armor

ok so that is the an rp pls join it but dont be an bully
hi <.>
this wil be the first chapter of my new star wars pokemon fanfic :o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o

bye mom i said as i run out of my house to profesor oaks lab in palet town i was so ecited becas i was geting my first pokemon
hi profesor oak i said and profesor oak said you can chose betwen chamander bulbasar (ew who likes bulbasar <.><.><.>) and squrtle and then team rocket darth vader and sent out kofing and ecans but i got a poke ball go poke ball i said and pikachu (yay :D:D:D) use thunderbolt looks like team rocket is blasting off again thank you said profesor oaks and i you can have all the pokemon and a master bal

thank you for reading :D:D:D:D:D plz like and comment but no being mean ;_;;_;;_;
i foud stie ad it is col becuz u cans do a thng ca;led rolpy an tha fun so hre we go

ths is a thng aout knider kater and but drus are usd and we figt them

rues no fihting, my dud cn hak u if u do, pleope are do sheet


suh col:\=|:
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Mu naem is Tsuki No Kiray Hana (Ish Jayponeese, n it meenz bootiful flowa of da moon!11!! Aint dat kewl? :3?) i luk liek dis:

n ai am from Psris my mom iz ded cuz hogmawf kill her and my dad iz aboosive and smacks me tel i bled evwy night! Itz sucks!!1! Nyway, I ran way, n i saw Chat Meir! (he's ttly hot! Chat Noir meks me cweam my panties all da tiem!) hi Noir i sed, hi Tsuki he replied i got news your the new miraculous holder! what j sed yeah your de new miraculous holder nd your da wolf! Den I transform nd I was a kawaii wolf girl! You look hot said chat Nord thanks I sed I wanna kiss you so I blushed and chat noir kissed me, nd den Marinetti was standing tree! Dun dun dun! Will se kol me cuz she jeluss? Find out next chapter! Baiiiii~

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henlo my d00dz, and welcum to mai newest arpee i'm veri neww at pokerchurmz but i no how 2 arpee reelly gud so do not wurry i wuz reeding uther ppls arpees n no how 2 make a karacktur thingy so here it gos o i forgot that this arpee is a x-over btween pokermoon, bakoogone, and star treck

U can be any sid gud or eevel u can choose but no ppl who are not gud or eevel bcuz u have 2 be 1 or de uther but u also have 2 make ur karacktur ur real age bcuz i sed so

boi or gurl
side gud or eevel

Her is mine

nsmr timmy lint
age 9
boi or gurl boi
bakoogone draco
Pokermoon arkeeus
side gud or eevel leder of gud guis
wepon supah lazor tht kills everything
Thepo wer of GOD

Name age powers boy or girl bacstory

Name zeus age 12 powers lightning immortal boy backsedtory met rhe cristal jems who saved me from flowey and sans became my ffend and now he will help whrnever im in truoble


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
Your execrable garbage entries will be reviewed this weekend, and our Fail Champion of 2017 crowned.

This gives you 24 hours to make an entry if you haven't done so yet.


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
So this weekend was next weekend, whatever.

The time has come to judge your failings, with the power of GIFs, images and fail points.

So without further ado...



Fail Points: 81/100

Kageyama Tobio:


Fail Points: 84/100

Mr. Fishykarp


Fail Points: 86/100



Fail Points: 74/100

Lunar Emperor:


Fail Points: 89/100



Fail Points: 85/100



Fail Points: Banned/100



Fail Points: 51/100



Fail Points: 74/100

Shiny Lyni:


Fail Points: 0/100 (Seriously how did you think Heihei would get fail points?)

There was another entry intended for this that ended up on the Creative Corner instead but my notifications seem to have eaten it.

Shame really because that entry fucking sucked. In a good way. For this.

So the podium is as follows:

Dapper_Cat gets 3rd place with 85 Fail Points.
Mr. Fishykarp gets 2nd place with 86 Fail Points.
Lunar Emperor gets 1st place with 89 Fail Points.

I would thank and congratulate you all for your efforts, but you know the score. You should really be ashamed of yourselves for producing such execrable garbage.

That being said, we hope to see you again same time next year, because where there's RPs and fics, there's fail, and we're here to "celebrate" that very fact.
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Expert FPS Player
Staff member
Hell if I know, I can't remember the person's name.
@Lunar Emperor Good on you, my man! Or, bad on you? I'd imagine it takes skill and self-restraint to sink that low, so, I guess good? I'm still debating on whether or not getting a high score in this is actually good. But, either way, congratulations, I guess.

You all couldn't stand my level 669, Judgement using, Hyper Beam firing, Hydro Cannon using, Frenzy Plant(ing?) Magikarp!


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
It was a joke alright...

Anyway, topic locked now. Same time next year.
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