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Belle's Artstuffs (Revisited)

Deleted the old topic 'cos I was sick of looking at it :/
Starting a new one now, and with RULES and stuff vis-a-vis requests.

First order of business-
This is Rusty. My Pikachu. Anthro, yeah, but for the bigger picture I'm working on, it's hard to let her stay tiny and chubby. It doesn't bode well with the theme.
Anyway, I'm writing a fan-fic with her as the star, so now I'm making a cover for it. Right now it's just her, with flat coloring and no shading, but as time goes on I'll start adding more of the main characters in the piece. This'll probably be finished after I put the story up here, so as to minimalize the amount of spoilers.

I hatehatehatehatehate arms and hands.
And OC. -kicks it-
I'll fix it later, when I start adding characters and a background.

Anyway, moving on to REQUESTS.
I'll only take ONE request at a time, and I'm really picky. It has to be intersting enough for me to do it.
I know, but it's my time, my rules.

Screw it :B
I'll take however many requests at a time, but you have to understand that I have a really lax 'I'll get to it when I get to it' system going on. First come first serve rule also applies here. BUT, now that I've installed the tablet driver onto my laptop, I should be able to get a lot more done.
You'll know which ones have been done on the laptop- they'll be the ones with too-bright or too-dark colors :3
I can do most anything you ask for, as long as it's not too complicated. But, be aware that a character's mug would get done much faster than a full body.
And feet are... REALLY just, not my forte. I tend to chop them off :3
And I'm not a fan of backgounds, because I fail at them. In a horribly epic way, too.
But I'm willing to try whatever you feel like requesting :3 -thumbsup-

Requests go here:

  • G M's Machoke
5 hours since the last update- I think it's safe to put up a new one.

Just finished this now- This is Koji. He's a jolteon.
And he plays a huge role in the fic, so he's second. Plus, I like him better than the other supporting characters -nofavoritismherrrreeeee-
If you're wondering- Yes. I modeled his hair after Roxas, BECAUSE I can't draw spikey hair without a reference. Hence the roxas-esque 'do

Flat coloring again, but because his arms are tucked behind his back, this turned out to be much better than Rusty.
D; I thought you loved meeeee...
>> Of course I do, dearie. -strokestroke-
;3 She's jealous of my biceps. -flexflex-
And your fluffy bottom 83 -pat-

EDIT: I updated Koji's picture with some of Snap's suggestions. The old one can be seen here: http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/9404/deliveruskojisn6.png
Wow, I like your drawn cosplayer! When I first saw the Jolteon, I already saw some Roxas references =D
:0 I dig the hair on these guys.

I dunno if there's any special anatomy rules for anthro stuff, so I'll just stick with what I know about humans. xD If you're not out for critique, then feel free to ignore my typical "HURF ANATOMY DURF" rant.
Belle's right (our left) shoulder is looking a little funky; it should be a bit more connected to her torso. We should also be seeing some of her left hand with that pose. It's a bit weird to see the arm going straight down, but I guess that's just because I draw it slightly bent most of the time, myself.
And uh... Female Pikachus have dents in their tail tips, don't they? I can't remember offhand, but I do know the Raichus have flat tail tips.
I'm not wild about Koji's pose, personally. It seems a bit stilted and stiff. Hiding the hands behind the back, while very convenient if you hate drawing hands (and who doesn't?), just ends up looking amateurish unless done carefully. In Koji's case, boy's skinny enough you'd see his hands coming out the other side. XD His legs also look like they're a bit too close together -- having a little breathing room might look a bit more natural.
I very much like the faces on these, though, and I really get a kick out of Koji's nice, vibrant colors. I don't really blame you for the arm troubles, either. Figuring out what the arms are doing tends to be the hardest part of any pose for me as well.

And you'd best keep posting things here -- especially if they pertain to that story you told me about. :F
Yes, I do believe that a female Pikachu has a dent at the end of their tails. Almost making it look like a heart. (Awwwwww...
[size=8pt]The lack of dent is really just my own laziness P:
I wanted to get it posted, sooooo....
No sexual dimorphism for Rusty :3

I'll fix it when I fix Koji.
But thanks Snap, I'll give him a bit more leg-space; make him look a bit more servant-at-a-palace-ish.
Hello there Belle :D I was wondering if you had time for a quick request for me:


I would love a hand drawn version of this cute lil fellow. Pose would be pretty much like the sprite maybe a small flame coming out of the back.

If you need anymore details, just ask I will be checking back often.

PS: an anthro of Numel would be hilarious lol
I've actually got all day to myself, so sure, I'll give it a go.
Though, if you wanted an anthro, you'd heve to say if it was a boy or a girl ;3
But I think the regular numel would be more fun- they're pretty cute.[/size]
i have a request. Can you do a hand drawn version of Gardevoir with the a background as if it was doing psychic. can it be an anthro version? a girl also?
[size=8pt]I added your request Twinky, and edited the rules a bit too :3

And Jeydis- I'm sorry, it didn't turn out the way I had wanted it to..
I started on the regular version of a shiny numel, got bored, and started an anthro version. I made Numel a girlie because girlies are the best, are they not? :3
Her arm (the one that looks like it's about to assault her face) came out stupidly wonky (sorrysorrysorry D; ) but I think she's kinda cute.
So, here you go;
"Stop hitting yourself." THWACK.
I joke, I joke. I actually don't think she looks like she's going to assault herself at all.
Hurrhurr anatomy: her fist could stand to be a little bigger (the palm of your hand alone is about nose to chin in height) and the elbow of that arm seems to be significantly lower than that of the other arm.
But you actually know to make hands that end at the thigh, not way up at the waist, so that earns you about 12 skillion awesome points. Stubby arms are one of my art pet peeves, along with concave necks. Which you also don't do, so daps for that.
Extra props for making the Numel a girl, because I get a kick out of seeing traditionally masculine Pokemon as females and vice-versa. :V

If you ever don't have requests that need doing, we should talk about an art trade, ho yes.
[size=8pt]Snap, Snapz. YOU'RE SUCH A FUNNY GUY U:
I'm vaguely satisfied with the way the not-bruise-inflicting hand came out, but if you look at the eating-yur-face one, you'll notice that if she stretched it out it'd be about a foot longer than the other one D; -just noticed that-
But at least I can get away with the lack of nose, because, well.
Numels don't have noses >D

I always saw numels as feminine.
Maybe I'll try camerupt next, just for kicks.

By the by- I think an art trade would be a splendid idea.
I was thinking about surprising you when I got the time, but- A splendid idea :B

Jocelyn, I added your request to the list c:[/size]
Dawww, you. :]
I figure you're gonna be kinda busy having two requests sitting on your list and all, so I'll be fine with waiting for a convenient time for my half of it.
Buuuut it'd be peachy if you could just-so-happen to mention what you'd like drawn, as I'm technically still on winter break until Monday. xD Yay for free time.
Since someone already asked for a Gardevoir, how about a female anthro Machoke? Yeah, they're pretty much anthro anyway, but Machop/ke/amp aren't particularly feminine.
And Jeydis- I'm sorry, it didn't turn out the way I had wanted it to..
I started on the regular version of a shiny numel, got bored, and started an anthro version. I made Numel a girlie because girlies are the best, are they not? :3
Her arm (the one that looks like it's about to assault her face) came out stupidly wonky (sorrysorrysorry D; ) but I think she's kinda cute.
So, here you go;
She's adorable! thanks a bunch :p *huggles*

Have you ever tried anthro-ing a psyduck? If so I wanna see!!! ^_^
[size=8pt]Hmm.. Psyduck..
I'll keep that one in mind for a rainy day ;3

In the meantime, I just finished Jocelyn's Luxray.
Pretty happy with how she came out, even is she is slightly wonky in some places.
And, lucky you, you get a FOOT! Albeit a tiny one. She has small feets.
Whew C;

No comment on this one, I'll just wait for the 'hurf anatomy durf' ;P

EDIT: Just realized that I finished this one before Twinky's Gardevoir x;
Sorry Twinky. Musta been the background that threw me off.
They mess me up in the head, maaaaannn.

Updates probably won't be as frequent now (not that they ever were :B) because my Aunt and Cousin are here from America -excited-
So. Be patient with me x:[/size]​
Here it comes. :0
First off, I adore Luxrays, especially of the smaller-maned female variety. Entei's got nothing on them badass electro-lions. You have nice colors as usual, and you stuck to Luxray's patterning perfectly, which is something I personally always screw up somehow. XD Also bear in mind that ilu and I'm not trying to destroy your pretty picture or nuttin'.

With that out of the way: hurf anatomy durf.
First of all... while the face is nicely proportioned, her ears appear to be a mite... lopsided. One is positioned in between the eyebrow and the eye, and the other's way up there just hanging out. I'm not sure if you intended to position them like human ears or like cat ears, but there should be some symmetry.
Next, the shoulders are quite beautifully done, so kudos, but she seems to have the same problem as Numel. Her right (our left) arm is significantly longer than her other one. Her left hand could also use a little tweaking, just because the palm seems significantly smaller than her right one. Which looks very nice, I might add. I shall obey the fist. :V
The legs... I'm really glad to see you practicing stuff that gives you hassles. The pose falls a little bit short, though. Her torso patterning tells us she's facing slightly to our right, but our legs indicate she's bending sharply to the left. The leg looks kinda like it's been screwed on sideways as a result. Dynamic poses are tricky to do, though, so I won't leap at your throat for that.
The legs themselves should be thicker. Your thigh should definitely be bigger than your forearm -- and that's not a fat joke, promise. :< They should also be longer than the arms. I could be mistaken on this, but I believe that head + torso = length of legs and feet.
Anatomy's full of rules that you can cheat on, though. If you were drawing perfectly lifelike, you'd make the feet about the same size as the head. I don't do this because it makes them look like clown feet, but yeah... bigger feet might be better in this situation. XD

Pshew. I get so carried away on these pretentious rants of mine. Big contrast between "it really good" and "words words anatomy bluhhh words" isn't there? Basically... I sound like a grump but I do like the picture. A+++ WOULD DEFINITELY BUY AGAIN


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
it really good! ;D

To quote the rules:
2. This falls in line with the global rules on SPAM. Don't post freakishly short posts to pictures such as "I like it", "You're awesome", etc. At least try to make the effort to give them some constructive feedback.

Second warning for this.
Awwww.. So cute! I just thought of a request but I'll wait for a little while, just I don't take up your time. ^.^
-blows off dust-
Alright, I finally finished that Gardie, buuuuutttt.
I can't do backgrounds. I'll keep trying but until I'm satisfied you won't be seeing much of them.
I did feel kinda bad though, so I abused the spread and diffuse tools on OC a bit for your enjoyment.
Probably borked the picture a bit, but eh.
The shading here is subtle, but I tried to make her sparkle a bit since Twinky requested it but G M would have if he hadn't been beaten to it.

I think the lower half seems a bit short, but believe it or not it is actually the length of the head and torso :/
Then again, Gardevoir was created so the world may cheat anatomy.
Maybe that's why.

Also, I'm going to put a cap on requests for a little while- Only mugs and quadrupeds, and you'll get examples of them when I get around to it P:[/size]​
'Nother update. Hopefully bettar quality than the last one.
This one's of Rusty and Koji together- It'll probably be a scene in the fic if I feel like it.

C: You're my new paaaartner, you hafta liiiiiiiike me, and back me up when someone's, shoooooooting at me.
O< And you get punted for shamelessly quoting Miss Congeniality 2.

I'm kinda happy with the coloring and Koji's fluffiness, but Rusty looks kinda wonky.
Why am I the one that always looks wonky? ]:< Dammit.



Moderator of Elder Scrolls
Staff member
Not sure what's already been said - Snapdragon's anatomy rants were too long, so I didn't read them ;) :D.

How come Rusty and Koji had hair on their heads on the first pictures, but not on the second one? I rather liked Koji's spiky hair, even if it was borrowed from Roxas.

The main criticism I have with several of your pictures is that the arms don't seem to have elbows. Rusty's torso and arm both seem too short in the first picture (her arm is the right length considering the length of the torso, but because the torso is too short the arm comes out too short as well), and it definitely doesn't have an elbow, just a vague curve. The lower part of Koji's body is too thin, so his hips are too narrow even considering he's male, and his legs are skinnier than Richard's! (Richard is my partner, and he is about as skinny as it's possible for a human being to get and still be healthy.) Numel's right arm lacks an elbow, and is significantly shorter than her left arm which is bent. I'm assuming she doesn't have wide hips because she's a girl, not a woman, but her left thigh is also a bit on the skinny side. You already know that Jolteon gets smaller as you go down - although her leg and foot are a good shape, they're just too small in comparison to the rest of her body.

Did I cover everything that Snaps already said? Hehe. I should probably say that, even with these criticisms, I really like your drawings! Nice anthro Pokemon. I like how you've done the fur, it works for the style.
Nice work on the Luxray girl. Though I may comment, unless you were going for foreshortening, the arm on our right (her left) is pretty short. Repeating what Snap was saying,The legs and feet are tiny.

Rusty's second picture(With Koji) has an arm (her left) that seems to combine with her torso.

Excellent work overall, though.