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StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
OOC: PLASTIC! That explains it all. The woman is a Fire Emblem cameo. >>;

Shortly after he arrived, he was joined at the table by Aria. He smiled, greeting her in return - taking note of her change of outfit. It almost seemed out of place on the girl - but at the same time, it seemed to suit her. He noticed the look she was giving him - an inquisitive look which seemed to suggest she was wondering what was on his mind - but he figured he'll wait for Fida to join them and for them to finish eating before going into any significant briefing.

That happened not too long after, as Fida joined them soon. He greeted her in return as well, and the three proceeded to have their breakfast in silence. There was something a bit different about her as well - but it seemed to be more internal than external. He couldn't quite put his fingers on it.

Once they were done, Glenn began.

"So. I did a bit of background checking. Apparently, Route 203 is a bit of a hike - then it heads into a tunnel in the Coronet ridge that emerges right into Oreburgh. Apparently the gym leader is a Rock-type Trainer named Roark. The guide doesn't say much about his team, but just thought I'd let you know. I assume we're ready to leave?"

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
OOC: Yay for character development. I found writing this post somewhat sad.


After they had finished breakfast, Glenn started to speak again, and as always she paid rapt attention. He mentioned having to go through Mt. Coronet, but the notion of having to go into the dark tunnel wasn't what caused the worried look to spread over her face. The first gym was going to be a Rock Type gym, and that meant that with her current team, she had a serious disadvantage.

Her worry progressed as she realized she didn't know much about the sorts of PokéMon lived in the area. So far she was quite knowledgeable about the final evolutions of certain PokéMon, but that's because her father had discreetly taught her some things when her mother wasn't keeping a watchful eye.

Sadness glimpsed momentarily in her amber gaze at the memory of her father. He was a good man, who didn't try to distance her from the world of PokéMon like her mother did. He taught her about some of the PokéMon in the Sinnoh region, but he wasn't able to teach her everything before...

Aria snapped out of her stupor, realizing that she might be worrying her new friends. She managed a small smile again, but by now she realized that they would probably know it to be fake. Her eyes fell downcast to the table, and she closed them in thought, before gazing back up at Glenn with determination.

"I'm ready to go when you are." She had signed up for the challenge and she was going to take it, supposed disadvantage or not. She had confidence that she would probably meet some new partners along the way to Oreburgh that would help her out on the road ahead.

Briefly, before she allowed the thoughts to be buried beneath her mask again, she wondered if her father would be proud of her.
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The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
There was no talking during the course of everyone's breakfast. Fida constantly shifted her gaze about the room and she took bites of fruit and bread.

Glenn spoke after everyone was about finished, detailing the plan for getting to Oreburgh and the first gym. Fida's worry was a bit lessened about the gym when she found out it was a rock-gym. She had two pokemon with type advantages; though she knew it would take more than that, and of course a gym leader would have a variety of ways around his weaknesses.

So took note of Aria's brief show of emotions, furrowing her brow for but a moment before mentally shrugging it off.

"Sounds good," she smiled and nodded. "Ready when you are."

OOC: Short post is shoooooooooort

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
OOC: Stel told me that he couldn't think up a very long post, so I decided To take up the initiative of setting us on our way down the next route. :3


Now that they all agreed that they were ready to go, the trio got up from their table and set off out the door of the PokéMon Center. Aria, for one, was glad to leave it behind, for obvious reasons.


They descended the east stairs of Jubilife together to stand at the beginning of Route 203. The rustling of leaves as the winds blew through the trees around them was prominent in their ears. The path in front of them seemed to be lined with trees and greenery, and at the very end loomed the towering Mt. Coronet.

Aria took in the scenery with a smile, and stepped forwards with the group. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw movement, and she guarded herself as a small figure jumped out in front of her.

The creature was mostly light blue, with large lion cub ears and tufts of hair sticking out around its face. Hints of yellow appeared in its eyes, its ears, in bands at the bases of its front feet, and in a star-like something at the end of its tail. The dark patches of fur were mostly on its backside, but there was a small patch on the front of its neck that looked sort of like a bow tie. Aria pulled out her PokéDex, listening to what it had to say about this creature.

"Shinx," came the female cooing again, "The Flash PokéMon. The extension and contraction of its muscles generates electricity. It glows when in trouble."

An Electric type. Aria thought to herself, mulling it over slightly. Could be very useful later on. Plus, it looks pretty awesome. A slight smirk came to her lips, and she pulled out Ferny's PokéBall, knowing Seamus would be at a disadvantage.

The fire monkey popped out of its PokéBall, and right off the bat it looked a bit frightened by the Shinx. It has Intimidate... Aria mused to herself, knowing that this would affect Ferny's attacking power.

"Leer." she started, and the small lion cub shivered as Ferny glared at it. The Shinx leapt at the Ferny with a Tackle attack, colliding into the monkey and giving Aria the same advantage she had before.

"Scratch." Ferny's claws grazed he furry beast cruelly, and it squeaked as the claws did what looked like critical damage to it. The electric type got back up and tried to tackle Ferny again, this time missing because it was focusing on the wounds that had been inflicted.

Again Ferny scratched the small lion cub, and it called out again in pain, managing to land another hit on the small fire monkey before Aria pulled out a PokéBall, throwing it at the creature to let it disappear into the red light.

Once, twice, and thrice it wobbled, before lying still as the red light in its center went out. Aria collected the PokéBall and put it on her belt for now, knowing the Shinx would probably be in no condition to move beside her at the moment.

She turned back towards her friends and smiled her insane smile before moving forward on the path again. Already, this was turning out to be quite an eventful day.
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StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
OOC: Slightly uninspired post but it had to happen eventually. >>;


After congratulating Aria on her capture of the Shinx, the group continued on, with relatively no incident. Glenn's mind was already on fire planning strategies for dealing with Roark - What manner of PokeMon could he have? He expected a representative of the Geodude line, possibly and Onix - the formidable rock serpents were a staple of rock-type gym leaders, it seemed. He would have to rely on ghost attacks in this battle - and capturing another PokeMon to back Siegfried up seemed prudent.

The thoughts suddenly came to a grinding halt when the path ended at a large tunnel opening into the mountain. An old, weathered sign with the word "Oreburgh Gate, Through to Oreburgh City." was posted on the top of the massive arch in the rocky wall of the ridge.

With no where to go but in, the three continued on.


Oreburgh Gate was, for the most part, a natural cave. The most major tunnel within it was artificially reinforced, with small lamps illuminating the way. smaller tunnels branched out to the sides on occasion - some of them blocked off to prevent unwary travelers from falling into pits - others open for trainers to explore. In spite of the artificial enforcement, the tunnel still looked very natural, complete with random rocks and stalactites that were just as protected from collapsing as the tunnel was. It was clear that the people who built this tunnel had much concern for nature.

It was also clear that Siegfried really didn't give a damn, because the moment they walked into the cave, the Rotom began strumming an ominous tune that could have made a fine dungeon theme in the right sort of RPG. You know. The one where the Zubats were six foot tall and craved human flesh.

Suddenly there was a flash, a sharp, piercing wail and what sounded like a electric discharge, and the lights went out, leaving the tunnel in pitch blackness.

"Siegfried, I need you out of the guitar for now." Glenn said, and the Rotom emerged silently, spreading a soft glow all around it. It was quiet. Too quiet.

Then the sounds came. Weak, tired moan-like sounds - the sound of a creature that just took a major blow, and the sounds of hundreds of flapping wings, coupled with weak clangs of metal and the occasional squeak.

"It's coming from over there!" he said, pointing at a side tunnel, and pointing "Siegfried, I need a Thundershock to that direction!"

The Rotom shot his trainer a look of "Why? There's nothing to attack there!", to which the trainer returned a look that meant "I'm attacking the darkness." The Rotom emitted an exhasperated sigh and went into a rapid spin, charging up enough electricity to launch a bolt of lightning into the tunnel.

There was a flash of light as a dark mass seemed to be thoroughly shocked by the lightning and scatter off. Zubats - a whole pack of them. And they were attacking something.

Glenn nodded at his friends for a moment and dashed into the side tunnel, to observe the creature that was being attacked.

To his utter surprise the creature was nothing he has ever seen in this area - it was a small humanoid creature, covered in yellow fur from head to toe. Its hands and fingers, tipped with sharp claws, seemed to be covered with dark grey, steely scales. It had two small metallic horns, and what appeared to be a huge, mouth-like projection growing out of a third. two halves of a severed electrical cable at the sides of the mouth showed the reason for the creature's state - the creature was obviously paralyzed, bits of its fur were charred and it was covered in little scratches and bites from the Zubats.

"A Mawile... But what is it doing here? I never heard of any Mawile sightings in this area... But anyway, it is badly hurt... I can't just leave it here."

He motioned to Siegfried, who nodded and, using a pair of lightning tendrils, began to piece the torn cable together, using the cable's own electricity to weld its metallic parts. As the lights slowly flickered back on, He turned to the creature.

"If you can hear me, I'm here to help." he said "It would be easier for me to get you to a PokeMon Center if I could be allowed to capture you - if you wish, I'll release you as soon as you are healed. I don't think that staying here in your state is a good idea, in any case."

The creature opened its red eyes and shot a tired gaze to the trainer. It seemed to be contemplating the situation for a moment, before nodding at the trainer.

"I see. Thank you." the trainer said, touching a PokeBall to the Mawile's forehead gently. The creature closed its eyes, the device converting it into red energy and absorbing it. Siegfried, too, returned to the guitar, its job done, emitting a little happy tune.

Returning to his companions, the trainer nodded at them "I'm going on ahead... I want to get through this tunnel as soon as possible. This Mawile needs immediate treatment."

And he took off on a dash towards the main tunnel, the Rotom playing dramatic music as he did. That creature never failed to surprise him...


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
"W-wait!" Fida called after Glenn as he rushed off through the remainder of the tunnel. She looked back at Aria for a moment before breaking out into a run as well. The lamps that lined the cave swept passed her, leading her closer to the ever-growing light at the end of the tunnel.

The echoes of her feet faded away as she neared the exit, warm daylight washed over the small girl's form when she broke free from the cavern. Stopping, she looked out upon the city which was laid out neatly before her. Oreburgh sat nestled in an arm of Mt. Coronet's large mountain range. Peaks rose up all around the city, securely holding it in place. Buildings were scattered, with many plots of bare earth visible, but it was still not a small city by any means.

"Where is it, Elvia?" Fida asked the invisible presence that surrounded her as she searched for the Pokémon Center, holding her hand over her eyes as she did so. "There!" she gasped, seeing the iconic red roof near the center of the city. Directly in front of her were steps that led down into the city, which she descended as quickly as she could without tripping.

Her feet crunched on the gravel road as she made her way to the Center, keeping a sharp eye for traffic, which consisted mainly of vehicles for construction. Large trucks would blow by, filled to the brim with rock and debris.

Fida pursed her lips as she entered the Pokémon Center, whose interior contrasted majorly with the rest of the city. Looking around she could not locate Glenn and figured that it would be best to wait for him in the front. Taking a seat in one of the plush couches on the side she waited patiently for his return.
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Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
((OOC: A bit short, but it's to the point, at least.))

Walking through the cave was a bit boring for Aria, until the lights suddenly went out. Her amber eyes seemed to glow a bit in the darkness as her eyes adjusted, soon glimmering back to normal as Siegfried's ethereal glow took over.

Glenn ordered the Rotom to Thundershock the darkness in lieu of something moaning in pain. Aria followed after him down the tunnel, to find a strange creature lying there - one she had never seen in this particular area, but she knew of it. The creature in question was a Mawile, and it looked badly hurt. Why were those Zubats attacking the poor thing?

Aria suspected it had something to do with beasts marking their territory, and Zubats were known to live in caves... So the Mawile might have been considered as an intruder...

Whatever the case, Glenn conversed with the poor thing and it decided to go with him to get patched up at the Pokemon Center in Oreburgh. Aria realized that her recently caught Shinx was in need of help as well (not to mention her regular Pokemon needed some rest), so she quickly ran after him.


Coming into Oreburgh, several tall buildings came into view, along with a museum off in the distance and a path that seemed to lead into a cave to the right. closer to the group was the Gym, but Aria knew that at this moment, their eyes were only for the iconic red roof. There would be time for exploring later.

She followed after Glenn closely as her outfit allowed for more fluid strides. She seemed to be very graceful on her feet, even as she ran towards her goal without mind for things to trip on beneath. As the entrance to the Pokemon Center came into view, a shiver ran down her spine in remembrance of the last one.

Sometimes she wished that all Nurse Joys didn't have to look the same.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
The door to the PokeMon center opened as the trainer rushed in and skidded to a halt by the counter, catching his breath, a little melodic trill emerging from the guitar case on his back. He probably got a few weird looks from the locals, but at that moment, he honestly didn't give a millidamn.

"Yes, how may I help you?" said the local Nurse Joy with a warm tone - making the trainer emit a small sigh of relief. This one, at least, seemed human.

"Mawile. Oreburgh Gate." Still catching his breath, the trainer handed the nurse the PokeBall which contained the Mawile. "It's an emergency. From what I gathered it snapped up a power cable and got a really bad shock - and then got swarmed by Zubats... It was in a pretty bad shape - I got here as soon as I could..."

"It snapped up a power cable?!" the Nurse's eyes widened - and what appeared to be a complete transformation took her - from a helpful nurse who was used to seeing minor nicks and scratches that a typical session in a cell regeneration machine could patch up in no time - to a full blown medical professional handling a life-threatening crisis.

She snatched the PokeBall and ran a small medical scanner against it. Even though Glenn knew very little about the medical equipment of PokeMon centers, he could definitely understand that the scattered beeping couldn't have meant anything good.

"Magnetic readings are off the scale. Of course." the nurse muttered under her breath "Mr., uh..."

"Hendrix." the trainer said "Glenn Hendrix."

"Mr. Hendrix, I'm afraid that this may take a longer while than you may have expected..."


... Several moments later...

Now that there was more light than just the Rotom's ethereal glow, he could fully see how badly damaged the Mawile was - through the emergency ward's observation window he watched the creature, out cold, lying on a biobed, a group of medical technicians running scanners and devices against its body. Chanseys ran in and out. It looked like the creature was being prepared for an operation.

"How is it?" he said to the nurse who just emerged from the emergency ward's double doors.
"She." the nurse replied "It's a female."
"I'm sorry. How is she?"
"I'll be honest with you, Mr. Hendrix, it doesn't look good. Fortunately, her steel type protected her from the Zubat poison, so she hasn't lost a lot of blood - but she took some major voltage - a human being taking that voltage for the duration of time she did wouldn't have survived."
"Duration of time?"
"I'm afraid this wasn't a momentary exposure - when she snapped up the cable, the power of the current made her horn-jaws clamp on it and hold the cable for quite a while before it burned itself off. The heat made some of her biometal melt - the horn-jaws pretty much fused together. It'd take us a while to get them separated again - especially with the fact that taking up so much voltage left her biometal magnetized - we need to depolarize her before we can tend to her internal burns and wounds. It's a good thing you got here as fast as you did - Another 10 or 15 minutes and it wouldn't have mattered anymore. We will do what we can."

The nurse nodded and returned to the emergency ward.

Glenn, too, returned to the observation window, his thoughts locked on the Mawile. Whatever was going to happen, he will be there for her as much as he could.


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
Fida sat for a long while, waiting for Glenn to show, but he was quite obviously too worried about the mawile to think of anything else at the moment.

"Think it'll be ok?" Fida asked Aria in an attempt to spark some conversation. It was glaringly apparent that it was Glenn who was the center of their little triad and that the two seemed less comfortable without him, or Fida felt that way at least; she was rather unsure on what Aria thought of her.

"I'm going to get something to eat," Fida finally said after a while. She hopped out of her seat and looked for a sign that pointed to the cafeteria. Once there she grabbed an assortment of fruit, crackers, and cheese for herself, which she nibbled on before decided that it would be a good idea to get some for Glenn. The young girl was unsure as to what Glenn particularly liked, but figured that everyone likes fruit, crackers, and cheese.

On her way back she stopped by the front desk to check out a room. While providing her ID it occurred to her that checking one out for Glenn would be considerate, that way he could bypass having to come up front to do so himself whenever he felt fatigued.

"Can I check out a second one for my friend, Glenn?" she asked the nursed up front. "He's in the back with the mawile."

The nurse pursed her lips for a moment before nodding, "Of course."

After receiving the keys Fida made her way into the back of the medical center. Upon finding him she asked how the steel-type was doing before giving him the plate of food and slipping the key into his hand.

"Don't worry too much," Fida cautioned. "You should get some rest; someone'll come get you when there's any news..."

With that Fida went up to her own room so that she could get some rest.

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
Aria went up to the counter cautiously, and was pleased to see that this nurse at least seemed more human than the last. She brought out her Pokedex, as it was now like her personal identification. The Nurse took it, and gave it back soon afterwards.

"These two need some rest, the Shinx more so than the Chimchar. It was quite the battle, but don't worry. My Chimchar is not yet powerful enough to cause burns." Aria smiled then, masking her insane personality as always.

She then turned and sat with Fida for a bit. She had yet to decipher what she thought of the girl, but she saw that Fida had taken Glenn as a leader as well. This definitely earned some respect from Aria, though she was still curious. "Think it'll be ok?" the girl asked, no doubt referring to the Mawile.

"I certainly hope so." Aria replied in a compassionate, honest way. She cared for PokeMon very much, sometimes to insane levels. She sighed to herself as Fida walked away to get some food, and followed soon afterwards.

She grabbed up a red apple and picked up some PokeMon food to give to Seamus. the bird ate happily as Aria watched Fida get some extra food, no doubt for Glenn. She smiled then, respecting the girl even more now for doing something Aria would have gladly done herself.

Aria soon came back out front, munching on her apple a little bit. Fida walked away with two keys in her hands, and Aria snorted as if amused. The Nurse turned her attention to Aria then.

"Will you be getting a room as well?" asked the Nurse, a bit grimly as she had probably noticed Aria talking to Fida, who had no doubt mentioned Glenn. Aria almost seemed to ponder it. Would Glenn accept Fida's help and rest? If so who would keep watch?

Keep watch. Aria smirked slightly at the idea mulling through her head. She turned to the Nurse with enthusiasm sparkling in her eyes, nodding her assent. The Nurse looked bewildered and confused, but nonetheless gave Aria a room key.

Aria respectfully stepped through the doors and approached Glenn at a slow pace. Her smile faded slightly when she realized how much pain he must be in seeing the Mawile in pain. He cared for PokeMon probably as much as she did, so she understood his pain.

As she walked up to the window, she realized there was indeed a ledge to it, probably so placed so trainers could lean in to watch. She motioned to the bird who rested on her shoulders, and he seemed to understand. Seamus climbed off of Aria's shoulder and onto the ledge, proudly curling up towards the bedroom doors.

"Seamus here will call out to us if there is any change, so we can rest easy." Aria smiled gently at Glenn, and the bird nodded its assent. She then moved past him to go to her room, but not without giving him a comforting touch on his arm.

She truly hoped in her heart that everything would be okay.

((So this is where I will allow you to control Seamus to allow him to alert you, if you like. Afterwards his actions will be mine again.))

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Glenn nodded appreciatively at Fida, thanking her for the food and the room key. Even with her words of caution, he could not help but seem a little dazed. He slipped the key into his pocket and resumed his gazing into the window, following the proceedings inside the emergency room. The unconscious Mawile had some of the electrodes attached to her body removed and replaced with a different looking electrode — probably made of a different material, and more highly insulated. His intuition was telling him that they were preparing to depolarize the creature's biometal.

He found himself blushing softly at Aria's little gesture. He nodded at Seamus, then proceeded to nibble on his food halfheartedly. He wasn't particularly hungry, but he figured he should eat something, or else he's probably going to be so hungry, that he could eat an Octillery (as his father would have said). He offered some to the bird, but the bird seemed to be too occupied with watching the proceedings in the emergency room with the eyes of a hawk. Glenn couldn't help but chuckle slightly — the little Starly certainly took his trainer's orders seriously.

"Loyal little fellow, aren't you." He smiled slightly at the bird, turning his eyes back into the emergency room.

Sure enough, the medical technicians reeled a large, complex looking machine into the room. On first sight, the machine seemed like some kind of three-dimensional scanner — it had an elevated base that looked like it was designed to slide under a bio-bed and sported a dual set of tracks — one to serve as a slot-in for the bio-bed, and another one that seemed to hold a large ring-shaped construct that made him think of one of those science fiction star-gates. It was clear that the construct was mobile — a pair of electric engines at the connection points of the construct to its support tracks was designed, indubitably, to move the construct along the tracks.
Some of the technicians reeled the bio-bed onto the base, docking it with the device — while others seemed to connect it to some kind of power modulator via an array of cables.

"If I remember the bit of theory I heard correctly, this is some kind of alternating current coil." He murmured to no one in particular as he watched the technicians take their places — some by an operator console connected to the power modulator, others by life support monitors "They're going to charge it up and gradually reduce the current — which should weaken the magnetic field until it's nearly gone. I'm assuming it could be a delicate process because of the way the bio-metal is integrated into a steel-type…"

He could see the Mawile tensing a little when the scanner seemed to slowly float over her body, starting at the feet and moving gradually towards her head. From the little he could see of the life support monitor, there were no unusual readings yet.

You wouldn't have needed a clear view of the life support monitor to realize that something went wrong — as moments later all hell broke loose.

Suddenly, the Mawile's eyes snapped open in an expression of shock and pain, her back arching up as if lifted by an invisible hand as she lapsed into heavy breathing — or was it a scream? One could not tell, the emergency room was soundproofed. Then the thrashing began.

The room broke into chaos — technicians were running about to find assorted bits of equipment as the technicians at the life-sign monitors barked orders — only to be interrupted when the Mawile's writhing, flailing and thrashing caused the monitor electrodes to be ripped off from her skin. The demagnetizing coil was quickly withdrawn to the general area of the feet before it could have been knocked over and damaged by the creature's wildly flailing, still-fused jaw-horns — though a technician who was standing nearby was not as lucky, and was knocked flying to the other side of the room by a wild strike.

Glenn watched the scene unfold, the expression on his face betraying his worry. He looked as though he was about to rush into the room - through the window if he had to — just to try and calm down the panicking steel-type. His mind was awash with thoughts — theories on what could have possibly gone wrong, thoughts on how can he help if he can at all, and mostly just concern for the Mawile — he didn't even think of her as his Mawile — since he captured her only so he could bring her here — whether or not she wanted to stay with him later, he did not know. But it did not matter to him that much — he just wanted the Mawile to be okay.

It was then, when — be it through fate or mere coincidence — the Mawile's thrashing brought the view of the window to her eyes — and with it, the trainer.

For a moment, their eyes met. There was a flicker of recognition in the creature's eyes — she was still deep into her adrenaline-addled state, but the familiar presence seemed to calm her down a little. She appeared to be in all kinds of pain.

"Hang in there…" the trainer said, aware that the Mawile could not hear him but hoping the emotion could carry through the soundproofed glass."It'll be alright… Once they finish demagnetizing you, they'll make the pain go away… But you have to relax… Please…"

The Mawile seemed to nod weakly, slowly coming to her senses from the fight-or-flight fog that she was in just a few moments prior. He could see a few technicians breathe a sigh of relief, while the Nurse Joy supervising the whole process seemed to smile at him, murmuring a silent 'Thank you', before returning to her duty of orchestrating the swarm of technicians.

The second time that the coil ran across the Mawile's body, she only flinched a little — the magnetic field was clearly creating some interruptions within her body. Her gazed was fixed on the trainer's all the while - something about his presence reassured her.

As the coil finished its work and slid silently back to the Mawile's feet, the Mawile seemed to be a lot more at ease, though still in pain. Now came the more complicated part — the horn separation surgery. The Mawile seemed to be a little edgy still as the technicians removed the demagnetizer from the biobed and dragged it away and dragged in different equipment carts — probably ones related to the surgery itself. He gave the Mawile one last reassuring look, before the Nurse Joy applied a gas mask of some sort to the Mawile's face, and she seemed to drift off to sleep. Some kind of anesthesia, apparently, was required — most likely because the horns on a Mawile possessed a complex motoric system which could have induced pain if exposed. Cell regeneration could be sped up of course, but the initial pain would still be there.

Glenn found himself yawning in spite of himself. Fida and Aria were right — if he stayed up all night and watched the proceedings, he would be exhausted tomorrow — and whether or not the Mawile would choose to stay by his side or not, he still had a gym battle to plan.

"Hey, Seamus." The trainer said to Aria's Starly "I'm sure you can find me if anything happens, yes?"

The bird nodded, emitting a vigilant chirp, causing the trainer to smile.

"Thank you. I owe a great deal to your trainer. Good night."

Nodding, the trainer walked away, finding the room number he was given, entering the room, crashing on the bed and falling asleep the moment his head hit the pillow. Worried as he was, he was exhausted.


It was either very late at night or very early in the morning when the trainer was roused from sleep by an EXTREMELY sharp note from his guitar. He nearly jumped — he was by no means a light sleeper, but he slept very lightly that night — still worried about the Mawile.

"Siegfried, this isn't a good time to be practicing heavy metal…" he muttered, when he caught himself. Heavy Metal.

The Mawile.

It was then that the repeating tap on his door and semi-frantic chirping from the door came to his attention. Siegfried was only pulling his attention to it — it hasn't been going on for a long while, but the Rotom seemed to have better senses than he did, a fact that it seemed to notice as it silently played another set of notes that could have only been made to make certain the trainer was awake.

"Thank you, Siegfried." The trainer murmured darkly "I'm awake. Now, please, we don't want to wake the entire center up yet."

He leapt out of bed and opened the door, where sure enough the Starly was flapping about, excited. The look on the little bird's face was reassuring — clearly, whatever news it had was good.

"She's awake?" he asked, and the Starly chirped excitedly, flying off. The trainer slung his guitar case on his back and followed.


"There she is, good as new." The nurse said "The separation went fine and then the cell regeneration programs we ran on her managed to repair whatever damages she had."

She paused, smiling a little — a smile that was full of emotion, nothing like the frozen plastic smile of the nurse in Jubilife "That was a very sweet thing, what you did last night, staying there to watch her while we were demagnetizing her."
"I just couldn't leave until I knew she'll be fine." He replied "I was really worried when she started freaking out like that."
"Yes, something went wrong with the demagnetization process." The nurse explained "Residual charges in the two fused halves of the jaw-horns were rejecting each other and being forced shut like that… We think that it caused some powerful spasms when the magnetic field strengthened, which woke her up — and being in an unfamiliar surrounding and in pain caused her to panic."
"Well, I'm glad she's fine… Can I see her now?"
"Certainly." The nurse said "She's in the recovery room. Follow me."


The Mawile, now fully recovered, jumped off her bed and landed on the floor when the trainer appeared, bowing her head down in what looked almost like a greeting out of a martial arts film.

"Hey, take it easy." Glenn chuckled, mimicking the movement "You're supposed to be recovering."

The Mawile emitted a chirp and a series of clicks, tilting her head to the side, as if to say that she's perfectly fine and that he shouldn't be worried.

"So…" he said, with a little smile "You're all better now… I didn't forget what I promised, you know. If you wish to return to the wild, now, you may freely do so. I'll take you back to Oreburgh Gate, if you want. Of course, you could also stay with me — but that's purely up to you. No pressure."

The Mawile tilted her head the other way, shooting him a playful glare that seemed to be dripping with "What do you think?"… And moments later, a grey-and-yellow blur impacted with the trainer as the Mawile pounced the trainer. Glenn emitted a weak 'oof ' as the wind was knocked out of him, almost losing his balance for a moment before hugging the steel-type, and setting her on the ground.

"Glad to have you with me. But please… try to refrain from this pouncing business, okay? You're a little… metallic and all."

The Mawile chuckled sheepishly, before nodding again.

"You'll need a name…" he said "The one name I can think befitting of an Iron Maiden like you is Metalica…"

The Mawile clicked her jaw-horns decisively with a grin — she clearly took to the name instantly.

"Well, then, Welcome aboard, Metalica." Glenn grinned, and the Rotom burst into a quick Metalica has joined the party riff that made the trainer's grin fade a little.

"The virtuoso in the guitar here is Siegfried." He said "And he seems to believe in the therapeutic power of, well, whatever the heck that was."
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Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
Loud tapping and chirping noises aroused Aria from her slumber. She stretched and got up out of bed, opening the door lazily. Seamus sat proudly at her feet, looking very content with itself. Which could only mean one thing... He has fulfilled his duty...

Thoughts of how it might have turned out in her head flooded through, until she saw the happy look still plastered on the birds face. Aria lightened up then considerably, holding out her arms with a big smile. The little bird leapt up into her arms to receive a twirl-hug and an affectionate nuzzle.

Aria stepped out of the room after getting ready for the day, Seamus comfortably perched on her shoulder again. She came out towards the emergency room, noticing the warm smile on the Nurses face as well. Aria peered in to see why, and saw Glenn and the Mawile having a tender moment. She decided to stay back as they talked for a bit, and stepped in after they were finished.

"Hello, Metalica." she greeted warmly after she heard the name given, "I am pleased to meet you. I am Aria, and this is Seamus." She motioned to the bird. "I had him watch over you so Glenn could get some rest."

She smiled warmly at the Mawile, bending slightly to allow Seamus to give a welcoming chirp. She then turned to Glenn, smiling at him as well, blushing a little bit when remembering he had reacted the same when she touched his arm.

"I'm glad she turned out alright." she said honestly, no trace of her insanity appearing on her features whatsoever. This was Aria being her most genuine yet. It made her seem really pretty in a way, to know that the smile she put on her face was a real one.

Hearing her stomach growl a little bit, she nodded to the both of them and went to get breakfast.


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
Fida slept through the night only vaguely worried over the mawile; something in her head told her that things would turn out fine. When she awoke the following morning, Elvia confirmed that the surgery had gone well and that Glenn was with the mawile now.

Excited, the young girl showered and dressed as quickly as she could. She walked quickly downstairs and through the hallways until she found herself at the recovery room that held the mawile, along with a relieved Glenn and a hungry Aria. Fida leaned against the door frame until Aria had excused herself, meaning it was her turn to introduce herself. Elvia appeared in her physical form before entering the room, as to not disturb the mawile when being introduced.

She bit her lip as she approached the two and twiddled her thumbs nervously while she got on her knees to be more eye-level with the steel-type. "Hi," the corners of her mouth curved upward as she said it. "Glad to see you're ok, um..." she blinked. "I'm Fida," she introduced. "And this is Elvia," she gestured to her ghost. "It's very nice to meet you."

The mawile seemed very well-mannered, and very lively; Fida was quite excited that Metalica had decided to join Glenn's party.

She stood up and smiled at Glenn, hoping in the back of her mind that he didn't worry himself too much and got some sleep. "Let's get something to eat," Fida suggested. "I think both of you must be very hungry," she giggled.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
OOC: Light auto of Fida with Sem's permission.

"Yes, breakfast would be a lovely idea." Glenn smiled "Coming, Metalica?"


The two trainers and their assorted PokeMon - both out in the open and lurking in the shadows (or guitars, take your pick) made their way to the PokeMon Center's diner wing. After picking up whatever passed for breakfast that morning, Glenn easily located Aria, joining her a the table.

"Well, now that we are all here." he said as Fida joined the two, smiling at his two travelling companions "First of all I'd like to thank both of you for your concern yesterday - on both my behalf and Metalica's." The Mawile chimed in with a bow of gratitude of her own.

"Highly appreciated. That aside... I assume that all of us are planning to challenge the gym? In which case, let's talk strategy. Roark uses Rock-types, which means that Ferny and Seamus, at least, may be in quite a bit of danger... and that Siegfried is at a serious disadvantage as far as at least the dual-types go... Type advantages aren't everything, but Roark is a Gym Leader - and we can't afford to underestimate him. Ideas?"


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
Fida swallowed, going through possible tactics in her mind. Having traveled with two experiences trainers she knew that there were quite a few ways to go about this.

"We shouldn't underestimate him," Fida agreed. "And type advantages aren't everything," she repeated, she herself having plenty of experience in that area. "But you still need a plan, even if you do have a type-advantage. You need to figure out which pokémon you're using and know what they can do. Try to figure out any weaknesses that the gym leader could use against you," she paused, her cheeks flushed a bit.

"Know what pokémon he's using, and which of yours is best to handle which of his. And you need back up plans, in case something goes wrong." She took a drink of juice. "Ferny might be weak to rock types, but he can learn fighting-moves like Brick Break, and he can learn Dig. And Seamus can learn lots of distracting moves like Sand Attack, which would go great if he could learn Steel Wing. Siegfried is can use ghost attacks and can easily avoid ground-type attacks because he hovers."

Fida stopped then, blushing and not realizing that so much of her studying had stuck with her. "I think I sorta have my plan for Roark, so I can fight him first if you want..." She looked up at them, suggesting that, "you guys should come and watch, that way you get to know how he battles. It would help your pokémon if they watched too; helps everyone be more prepared."

This was easily the most talking Fida had done at once so far in their little group. "That's all I have to say..." she finished, allowing them to throw in their own ideas.
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Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
Aria smiled at Glenn as he approached to thank her and Fida. "It was my pleasure." she replied, smiling to Fida as well as they both sat down. Glenn immediately started talking about strategy. Fida had some suggestions as well, but aria had some choice comments to make as well.

"Ferny doesn't learn fighting moves until he evolves, and I'm not too sure how long it would take Seamus to learn said moves. Voltron is at a complete type disadvantage." She sipped her tea, letting them figure out that she was referring to her Shinx. "However, I happen to know that Ferny can still learn Rock Smash, but that would still take a while."

She mulled a few thoughts over in her head before continuing. "I was also planning on adding additions to my team that would have type advantages. I happen to know that there are Machop and Budew around this area, so I could go out and look for them. In fact, that was the plan."

She sipped at her tea again, thoroughly enjoying the mixture of flavors. "If you want to go before us, Fida, go right ahead. I will come and observe, to learn more about both you and Roark." Aria was always a very straightforward person in these situations.

"However I will be setting out soon in hopes of capturing a type advantage, perhaps training Ferny to learn Rock Smash. If you wish to come along with me, then do so. If not, then I suggest you train up for our encounter with Roark."

With that, she finished her tea and stood to leave, merely popping an eyebrow at her companions, questioning if they would follow.


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
Aria brought up some good points; who knows how long it would take her pokémon to learn advanced moves like Steel Wing. Time they didn't have either way unless they planned on finishing their journey in their thirties.

"I'm going to go look at my strategies more and do some training too," Fida answered. "Maybe we can meet up back here for dinner at five-o-clock or something and then go to the gym when we're finished," she added her trademark small smile and then excused herself.
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StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
"I think that I'm going to check out the mines." Glenn said "From what I read, they're full of rock-types. Could be great practice."

He stood up and stretched "Five-o'clock sounds good to me. Good luck with your training."

He smiled at Aria, as he passed by her on his way out "And thank you again. A lot."

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
"I'll be heading back through Oreburgh Gate to train Ferny and have a better chance of finding some Budew." said Aria. "See the both of you at five." Glenn thanked her again before he walked out, at which she simply smiled in reply. She turned back towards the counter, walking back up towards the nurse.

"How are my PokéMon?" she asked, her brow furrowed in concern. She knew all Ferny needed was some patching up, but the Voltron had taken some damaging blows.

"Yes, here they are, good as new." said the nurse, handing her back her PokéBalls. Ah, the wonders of regeneration. She took them back, nodded her head in thanks, and made her way out the door.


Efficiency was top priority in Aria's mind, so first she would go to capture the Budew with a Heal Ball, so she stopped by the PokéMart to grab a few of those. Afterwards she would let her PokéMon spar a little bit while she trained Ferny. A nice, straightforward plan to set in stone.

She headed back through the cave to the field of tall grass laying just in front of the entrance. She told Seamus to look for Budew, and he seemed to understand what she meant. It wasn't long before his keen eyes spotted something of interest, his chirping making her ears ring a little bit.

Being a Grass type, it was sort of difficult to see in the tall grass, but nevertheless, there it was. Budew was about as big as her foot, green as the grass except for its yellow front. It had the knotted bud atop its head just like Aria remembered from the pictures she had seen.

"Budew." it cooed at her, at which she flinched a little at how cute it seemed to be. Accursed baby PokéMon, she thought to herself, before nodding at Seamus. The bird fluttered down from her shoulder to face the Budew, a caw of determination coming from his beak as the challenge. The little Budew seemed to perk up at it, looking ready to fight. Time to battle.

"Growl." she commanded, at which Starly was all to happy to obey. The little flower wavered warily as Seamus crooned at it. The little bud suddenly seemed to expand in size, the small features of its face more defined. Growth, thought Aria with a soft sigh, That means Growl is practically ineffective.

"Tackle." she said instead, at which Seamus slammed into the small PokéMon easily. However the little bud atop its head simply opened, clamping onto Seamus in a menacing manner even though they were soft. He looked a bit drained afterwards, and the Budew looked better off. Absorb, thought Aria, holding her face in her hands. This might prove to be a long battle.

Another Tackle came from Seamus, this time seemingly faster than the other. Is he trying to do what I think he is? she thought to herself, pride starting to swell up in her person. He looked ready to lurch at the Budew again, which could only mean on thing. Another Growth from the Budew, and Aria was all too excited.

"All right then... Since you seem ready, Seamus... Quick Attack!" Seamus lunged at the Budew at a speed that made him seem almost invisible. Aria cheered, and Seamus looked proud of himself. The Budew was nearly keeling over already from that hit, and Aria noticed. She fished out one of the chrome pink balls, and tossed it at the small Grass type, hoping it would allow itself to be captured.

She held her breath as the ball wobbled, before finally, the center flashed a definitive red before going out, signifying a successful catch. She rushed over to pick it up, along with opening her arms to give Seamus a big hug again. Seamus looked elated at this, simply nuzzling against Aria in reply.

Now that that was over, she walked back into the cave, Seamus perched on her shoulder again. Inside the cave, there were a lot of large boulders and rocks for Ferny to practice on. She released the fire monkey, along with her Shinx and the new Budew, which looked as good as new thanks to the Heal Ball.

"Budew, are you female?" she asked, at which the small plant nodded. "Okay, then your name is Rose." The little plant seemed pleased with the name, at least. "Alright then, here's what's going to happen. You, Voltron and Seamus are going to spar which each other while I teach Ferny here how to smash rocks. Sound good?"

All of her PokéMon gave an affirmative, and she got to work, pointing to cracked boulders for Ferny to hit. At first he clutched his hands in pain, and after a while of hurting himself he got frustrated enough to expel some small flames. Aria smiled proudly, knowing this to be Ember. The small monkey kept at it, trying his best to actually break into the rock some more, getting used to pounding his hands on the hard surface.

She turned her head to watch her other PokéMon for a short while. After they had gotten tired of attacking each other, they had found other things in the cave to practice on, such as other boulders strewn about. At one point, Rose spewed some water from her bud, soaking herself thoroughly. Water Sport was known to help protect from Fire type attacks, but it wouldn't be entirely useful against Roark.

A smashing sound startled her slightly, and she turned to look at what had caused it. Her little monkey was dancing around triumphantly, bits of what used to be a cracked boulder strewn about his feet. Aria clapped her hands together, pointing at another boulder similar to that one, intent on watching this time. With a shattering punch, Ferny destroyed that boulder, earning a hearty smile from Aria.

"Alright, great work everyone. Let's go back to the PokéMon Center now for a nice rest, shall we?" Another affirmative from everyone, at which she returned Ferny and Budew to their PokéBalls after asking around. Voltron had expressed an interest in walking around beside her, so she obliged as they walked together back towards the iconic red building.

Turning in the PokéBalls at the desk, she simply let out Rose again as the Heal Ball was regenerative enough. Otherwise she would have felt kind of lonely as the others were resting up. She simply stared at the small Grass type as it sat on the table before her, before checking a watch that she had picked up.

She watched as it just turned over to 5:00. Right on time.
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StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Five O'clock. Well, that would be plenty of time to do a hell of a lot of training.

It was still morning — reasonably early, but the colors of dawn have nearly completely cleared out and the morning chill was slowly beginning to fade and be replaced by the warmth of the sun. Now that he wasn't stressed and worrying for the Mawile's well being, the trainer (and the aforementioned Mawile) made their way through the streets of Oreburgh, if streets was what one could call it, taking in the sights.

Oreburgh was rather large, but the building density was relatively low — at least in comparison to the other cities he's seen. The buildings seemed to be designed for sturdiness and durability — and had a simple, robust style to them, most with a slanted roof. The ground had a dark reddish hue and dotted with prominent vents — designed to create proper air circulation for the mines. Most of the major roads of the city were large dirt roads, many of which worn from years of heavy machinery crossing them. The air seemed to have a light dusty tang to it which thickened the further the trainer traveled away from the PokéMon Center and the closer he was nearing to the mines.

The buildings became more and more sparsely arranged as he finally reached the mine area. A large, impressive array of conveyor belts seemed to make its way into the mountain and relay large mine carts filled with coal around. Most of the heavy machinery was parked there, and workers seemed to toil busily. A few of them greeted him with a 'Good Day' as he was heading towards the arch that descended down into the main shaft — a greeting which he returned. The mines were open for trainers to visit and train in, provided they did not damage any of the equipment.

Along the side of the tunnel, there were numerous hooks, upon many of which were mining helmets — these were intended for visitors. He picked one up, placed it on his head and adjusted the straps to fit. Safety first and all. If there were indeed wild PokéMon in these mines, falling rocks were certainly a possibility.


The mines themselves had only loose illumination, making it possible to see but little more than that — as to disturb the local wild PokéMon as little as possible. There was an integrated silent railway system designed to move coal out of the mines. There were many branching paths, but it was all marked in a way that would make it easy to find the entrance again. Occasionally one could see a fighting-type or three moving huge blocks of coal along, loading them onto the cart. Other than the miners themselves, it appeared that he was the only trainer in the tunnels that day — and they appeared too busy with their work to do battle.

Metalica seemed to feel right at home in the tunnels — Mawiles were cave creatures, after all. The Rotom floated idly by, emitting soft light of its own, and occasionally zapping the occasional swooping Zubat, in an almost bored fashion. And by their side, their Trainer walked and listened.

Glenn had an odd habit — when he was in areas where much sound could be heard, he would have zoned out and immersed himself in the sounds, his mind seeking out harmonies and rhythm. Sometimes that gave him inspiration for writing his own melodies. What sort of music he could derive from a coal mine, he did not know, but he couldn't help it. It was just part of who he was.

And so, he let the sound of the mines flow through his mind. The ambience of the cavernous tunnels, the sound of metal picks against rocky walls, the grunting of the fighting-types as they shattered rocks and carried them around. Footprints, faint wing-beats of Zubat. Once or twice, he thought he even heard the avalanche-like bellows of an Onix.

... And the occasional crackle of electricity as Siegfried got another one. He was awakened from his reverie, rather rudely, by a knocked-out Zubat falling on his head, bouncing off his helmet and landing on the ground. That's when he noticed that he wandered significantly deeply into the mines, and that the only person other than him in that particular tunnel was a silver-haired young man clad in what looked like a black and purple business suit, who seemed to be particularly interested in the cave's wall.

The man did not seem to notice him, but something else did — a small archosaurian-looking quadruped that stood at the man's feet, which turned its head to look at the trainer and the two PokéMon with a pair of large, round, luminous blue eyes set within what looked like a metal plated head. Where it wasn't covered in metallic plates, the creature's skin had the rugged appearance of black rock. The glowing light emitting from the Rotom reflected in the creature's metal plating in an eerie way.

The Aron — for that is what the creature was — emitted a little chirp, attracting the man's attention.

"Oh, Hello there." the man said, nodding at the trainer - he had a deep and yet soft voice — it seemed to radiate confidence and authority. "Here on training?"

"Hello. Yes, I am, actually." The trainer nodded at the man and his Aron. "My name's Glenn. And you are?"

"Steven." The man nodded in response, smiling a little "I'm a collector of rare rocks and minerals. I heard that his mine stretches on beneath the ocean floor and that on occasion, fossils may be found here. So I came to meet the man who runs this place, and see if I can find anything interesting for my collection. Interesting man, he is - very passionate about fossils. Very kind too, considering he allows random trainers to come here and train their PokéMon…"

The man paused and chuckled softly, as if slightly embarrassed for going on a tangent like this.

"But, anyway… What brings you here specifically? You seem more like you're interested in a completely different type of rock." He said, turning a gaze to the trainer's guitar case.

"Well, that's right. I'm a bit of a musician." Glenn nodded "That's why I started my journey so late — I preferred to focus on my music for a few years. But right now, my partners here and I are getting ready for a gym battle — and we heard that the leader here trains rock-types. Figured the mine would be a good spot to find some to battle."

"Yes, you can always find a Geodude or three in caves like this…" Steven nodded, surveying the trainer and the two PokéMon. — and when he saw the Mawile, a spark seemed to light up in his eyes.

"I see that one of your partners is a Mawile." He smiled brightly " I am quite fond of Steel-types, you see. It's nice to see other trainers who can appreciate their potential."

"Well, yes. Metalica here might be the edge I need against the gym leader." The trainer grinned, smiling at the Mawile — who seemed to smile back determinedly.

"Not just against this gym leader." Steven said "Mawile, in particular, has great potential. There are PokéMon that are faster and more powerful, but what they lack in brute strength they make up for with sheer diversity."

"What do you mean?" Glenn raised an eyebrow

"Most trainers look at Mawile, and all they see is teeth. While their jaws are indeed their most potent weapon, they have others…"

At the very moment he said that, the Rotom swiveled again, launching a small bolt of thunder at another passing Zubat. Steven's eyes seem to light up again.

"Glenn, as a trainer of the steel type, I wish to help you unlock your Mawile's true potential." He said, standing up "If you will allow me."

"That depends if Metalica is up to it." The trainer asked, and the Mawile turned a gaze to the trainer indicating she is, and bowed her head before Steven in a gesture of respect. There was clearly something about the rock collector. And what's more, he seemed familiar somehow — as if Glenn has seen him somewhere before but could not place it.

"Very well, then." Steven nodded "Aron, Rock Smash. And then, to me!"

Upon hearing the command, the small rock/steel type snapped to attention, dashing towards a large boulder and lunging at it with a headbutt. The boulder seemed to explode to smaller rocks, which the Aron pushed to form a ring around the Mawile. Then, it stood by its trainer's side, at attention.

"Good job." Steven grinned, and he Aron chirped in delight.

"Now, here's what I need you to do, Glenn. First, tell me, what is the relationship between Steel-types and Electric-types?"

"Steel conducts electricity, and so electric moves have normal effectiveness against steel-types. In contrast, Steel-type moves have little effect against Electric types."

"That is correct." Steven said "However, the keyword here is conducts. Glenn, could you have your Rotom use an electric attack on Aron?"

The Aron seemed to brace itself for attack — but did not seem to be overly concerned.

"Alright…" the trainer nodded "Siegfried, you heard the man."

The Rotom swiveled, turning a grinning gaze towards the Aron, and flicked an arcing tendril of lightning towards the small PokéMon. The Aron simply twisted, the lightning coursing through its plates, and then arced around the Aron in a wave, leaving small singe marks on the rocks.

"… Was that a Shock Wave attack?" the trainer's eyes widened.

"Indeed it was. Powered, as the matter of fact, by the electricity of your Rotom. By simply moving the right way, a steel-type can conduct an electric current through its body and out into a suitable target again. If directed correctly, the electricity may even be dispersed before it can do a great deal of damage. Now. What differentiates your Mawile from my Aron?"

"The… presence of a secondary type." The trainer's eyes widened. "Mawile's biometal is even more thoroughly integrated into her systems than Aron's plating… But…"


The cry in the dark. The cloud of Zubats. The image of the shocked creature, electricity still sparking between points of its body. The thrashing as the demagnetizing process went wrong. It all came back to him.


"Metalica, do you think you can handle it?" he asked the Mawile, with a little whisper. The Mawile seemed to shudder for a moment — clearly the memories came to her too — but she proceeded to nod decisively at the trainer.

"It appears she is." Steven nodded "Good. Glenn, you should start with a very weak current at first — and have it flow continuously and gradually rise."

"… Okay." The trainer nodded. "Metalica, if anything becomes too much for you, let me know."

The Mawile nodded, a little shiver passing through her body. It was clear that she was afraid, but her desire to learn surpassed the fear.

"Siegfried, generate a continuous, low-power thundershock… directly at Metalica."

The Rotom paused for a moment — perhaps pondering just what on earth was going through his trainer's mind, but then, shrugged, and reached out with the faint tip of a lightning tendril to gently touch the Mawile.

The steel-type's entire body suddenly tensed and convulsions ran through it, the electricity flowing through her. She clenched her eyes closed tightly, shaking slightly, struggling to stay on her feet.

"No. Do not be afraid of it." Steven said in a reassuring yet firm tone "Concentrate. Let yourself feel the energy. Now, Move!"

The Mawile's eyes opened slowly, as she began moving, steadying herself against the current, assuming a more steady poise, slowly moving her arms. Yes, there it was. She could feel the circuit — the electricity coursing through her body and into the ground below. Why the ground below? Why not somewhere else, more productive?

Instinctively, the Mawile began shifting the mineral balance within her body, leading the energy along the path she herself desired — to her arms and out her body. The Mawile released a cry and in a moment, unleashed a beam of focused electricity from the tip of her fingers into one of the rocks. The beam slowly faded out as the Rotom's continuous wave of electricity ended. The electric ghost slowly drifted down to the ground and began rotating at a high speed to recharge itself. The Mawile collapsed to the ground — in pain, but with an accomplished grin. She succeeded.

"Are you okay, Metalica?"

After taking a few breaths, the Mawile realized that it did not hurt as much as she thought. She stood up — a little shakily, and turned her eyes to her trainer. She nodded with a triumphant grin.

"You did it." The trainer grinned.

"That she did." Steven nodded with a little grin, as the Mawile shifted to a fighting stance.

His grin faded.

"Think fast!" he suddenly said, and pointed at the Mawile. The Aron's plates sparked and launched a quick shock-wave attack at the Mawile. The Mawile twisted her body to intercept the bolt of lightning with her horn-jaws, snapping them open and allowing the bolt of lighting to leap between the points of her teeth before lunging backwards at the small steel-type, snapping the jaws on the small PokéMon and discharging all the voltage into the small steel-type. The Aron screeched in pain as the Mawile shook her head a little and snapped her jaws open, letting the Aron fall out. The small Iron Armor PokéMon wobbled to its feet while the Mawile twisted again to glare at it.

The silver-haired trainer emitted a little whistle.

"Talk about lightning-fast reflexes." He chuckled "Your Mawile has even more potential than I believed."

"I've heard of Steel-types learning to generate electricity." Glenn said, eyes widening "But this is the first time I actually see it in action."

"It is certainly a possibility." The silver-haired trainer nodded, removing his backpack and procuring a spray-bottle from within it, lightly spraying both his Aron and Glenn's Mawile with it. There was a slight hiss as the material within seemed to form a reaction against their skins, regenerating whatever injuries they may have received. "You three should practice more lightning redirection. It may come in handy against users of the electric type…"

Steven smiled, crouching to speak directly to the Mawile "And maybe, it could spark new possibilities within you. You can learn much from observation… Watch your companions and your opponents closely."

He bowed his head towards the Mawile, and the Mawile returned the gesture.

"But yes." The silver-haired trainer said, standing up "I believe that I've taken up enough of your time, Glenn. You should go and train more for your coming encounter with Roark. And after you face him… tell him that Steven Stone sends his regards."

The trainer's eyes widened. Steven Stone. So THAT is why he seemed familiar. The air of confidence. The appreciation for Steel types. The hobby of collecting minerals…The Full Restore. He could not believe he did not catch it sooner.

"… You're… The Steven Stone?" Glenn asked "As in, the PokéMon League Champion of Hoenn Steven Stone?"

"Retired League Champion." Steven chuckled "I gave the title away so I could pursue my… hobby… in peace. When you told me you delayed your journey to follow your passions, you reminded me of myself. And this Mawile of yours - I can tell that you've only been recently acquainted, but the amount of trust between you two… I have a hunch you and your PokéMon will do great things together. And my hunches tend to be correct."

He stretched, slinging his backpack over his shoulder "Keep practicing, Glenn, Metalica. Maybe someday, we will meet again! Aron, to me."

The Aron emitted a final chirp at the trainer and his three PokéMon, and dashed away to walk by its trainer's side. Within moments, they vanished into the depths of the cavern, as if they were never there.

"Well." Glenn murmured appreciatively "There's something that doesn't happen every day."

The two PokéMon emitted a small vocalization of their own.

"Well, what are we waiting for, team? We still have time to practice!"


The hours slowly ticked away, and, come 4:30 or so, the trainer slowly emerged from Oreburgh Mine, the Mawile walking by his side, the Rotom back within the guitar, playing a quiet yet energetic melody from its depths. They walked slowly, taking in the afternoon air — which seemed to clear the further away they got from the mines — in the general direction of the PokéMon Center.

During their hours of training, the Mawile's reflexes and her lightning redirection techniques were improving — already, she learned how to redirect higher currents of voltage which were too risky to pass by her jaw-horns into her hands and discharge them as she punched a target. Once or twice, the trainer thought, he could see a spark or three forming between the points of her jaw-horns or her fingers even when the Rotom did not attack.

The Rotom itself, too, seemed to benefit from the training — in one of the latter sparring sessions, when the Rotom's frustration with the Mawile's redirection of its own lightning back at it peaked, the electric-type's electricity-generating rotation reached a whole new level of speed, sending the Rotom moving in a circle, so rapidly that it left a trail of after-images — the beginnings of a Double Team attack — and perhaps, if the Rotom was to learn to harness the power of its second type, something more.

It was not on each other alone that the two PokéMon practiced their combat though — for Geodudes, disturbed by the flashes of lightning and the sound of rocks being crunched by the Mawile's jaw-horns soon began appearing and attacking the invaders to their territory. The Rotom still had difficulties with the Rock/Ground dual-types — their ground type nullified his Electricity, and their rock-type made the few normal moves it knew much less effective than they could have been. The Mawile, however, soon found itself tearing through the rock-types, cracking their shells with focused hits and biting the weakened foes.

As they hours progressed, there were more miners and fighting-types in the tunnels, working away at harvesting the coal from the rocky walls. Taking Steven's advice to heart, the Mawile was watching the Fighting-types — mostly Machops — intently, getting a feel for the stances they took while plowing through the rocky walls and an eye for the specific weak spots they seemed to be targeting. Soon enough, she incorporated them into her rock smashing technique, practicing them herself on larger boulders, staying out of the miners' way. But from observing them, the Mawile indeed learned a new technique — Brick Break.

In the end, it was a very productive day for all three. Now, however, was the time for them to make it to the PokéMon Center, and get some rest. It was nearing 5 o'clock, and as the trainer paused before the glass doors of the PokéMon Center, he shot a look to the Mawile, which was returned, followed by a small musical cue from the Rotom. All three of them knew it — this was just a prelude to the real thing — the coming gym battle against Roark. This was their real test. And they intended to excel.

The Rotom emerged from the guitar in a stream of orange and blue lights, and in a second was converted to red light and returned to its PokéBall. After a day like this, even Siegfried needed some proper regeneration. Metalica returned to her Ball soon after, giving her trainer one last determined gaze.

Glenn Hendrix stepped into the PokéMon center and handed the two PokéBalls to the nurse. With a stretch, he turned his eyes to scan the center, spotting Aria at a table. He made his way towards her, sliding to a seat opposite to her and waving.

"Hey, Aria. I assume this is the newest member of your team?" he smiled.
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The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
OOC: I think this is even longer than System posts, my System posts at least. Have fun guys xD It's eleven pages.

Fida followed soon after the other two trainers had left for their day of training. She left the center and headed straight towards the northern end of the city where it lead up to the infamous bicycle route. It was going to be a warm day and the skies looked clear, so the girl didn't trouble herself with too much outerwear.

The path smelled rather dust and earthy, but it felt rather good in the early morning. There was a field nestled against the base of a large hill and it was there that Fida decided to do her training.

Taking the Timer Ball that held one of her magnemite she released it, not bothering with the second seeing as no one was around. The girl had still not been able to come up with a name for it but she figured it would come to her in time. They walked for a bit until finding a good collection of large stones.

"Ok!" Fida exclaimed, excited and wired for a day of training. "Practice your Charge Beam!"

"Maaaag-ne-mite," it replied in a fuzzy robotic tone. Both magnets on the Steel-type pokémon began to turn, slowly at first with a few sparks bursting to life around it, and faster until the creature was alive with blue electricity. The screws on its body moved rapidly as well, as if being forced in and out by an invisible drill.

The magnet pokémon released the attack upon one of the smaller rocks, leaving a decent scar but not much more.

"Try again," Fida instructed. They had been practicing this move before, mostly because Fida noted how useful it really was if used properly.

It went on like this for a good part of the day. As the hours passed it seemed that Magnemite did not seem to tire, rather its attacks gradually became stronger. The first rock had been completely destroyed after about two hours and the dual-type was onto the second that was a bit larger. Eventually the Charge Beams became consecutively stronger after each use until the point where it was obliterating larger stones in one blast.

"Excellent!" Fida hopped. She wanted to hug her pokémon but it was rather alive with electric build-up which she quickly had it dispel with a long Thunderbolt. "One last thing," she told her magnemite. "Practice Swift a few times."

Magnemite did so, its magnets glowing a hot white as it moved them to point out in front of it. Star-shaped bolts of white-energy flew out of the ends at the ground and the remaining stones. Swift was a bizarre move that Fida had discovered by accident, having missed it before when she viewed Magnemite's list of attacks that it knew. That was a few months prior and admittedly it was a toughie to learn.

After a few rounds of Swift Fida returned the Electric-type for a rest. Next up was Kieran. Now, before her adventures in Sinnoh Kieran was a very touchy bird when it came to taking commands. However, thanks to events that occurred in the girl's brief stop in Canalave, the bird had finally come to trust Fida.

The murkrow flew out of the dusk ball and landed in the grass. Immediately he lifted his head back at Fida in a 'hmph' expression and began pecking around in the dirt for edibles. Of course, Kieran didn't like to admit that he trusted Fida and still tried his best to misbehave, outside of battle anyway.

The girl didn't mind it though, she had always been rather fond of him for the most part. She grinned as he pretended to ignore her while noticing the purple hair-tie he still wore around his neck. "Steel Wing on that rock!" The purple-clad girl pointed to the one of the stones. Unlike Aria's recently captured Seamus, Kieran had had more than an ample amount of time to learn and master Steel Wing.
Kieran took flight without hesitation, circling high into the air. Sunlight seemed to gleam off of the bird's wings as he took a dive down towards the rock. His wings flew out as he pulled up just inches above the tips of grass.


The rock seemed perfectly intact, but after a weak Night Shade the top of the boulder simply flipped off the rest of the rock like a coin, cut very cleanly.

Fida nodded her approval and actually blushed with pride in her bird. "Now let's try the new one!" She had noticed that training Kieran was very similar to training Elvia, in which you went in touch with an inner source of power to call upon what you needed.

Kieran took to the air again and faced a group of the boulders. He began to flap his wings very quickly, vigorously working his muscles. A wind was generated very quickly within the area they were in and it grew noticeably colder as the attack went on. After a dozen or so seconds snow began to form in the air, plastering itself against the rocks. More and more formed as moisture in the area began to freeze, and indeed the rocks were starting to be taken over by a coating of ice. At the end of the attack Kieran and Fida were looking at a bunch of frozen rocks and grass.

Fida clapped, still rather pleased. "Again." The Icy Wind attacks continued on until Kieran was visibly tired from the effort of flapping. He was returned to his Pokéball and Fida was very content with the training done. "What do you think, Elvia?" she asked her ever-present friend. "I think we're ready."

Heading back into town, she did note that it wasn't nearly five, though she figured that was best since it would give her pokémon more time to rest. After giving Magnemite and Kieran to Nurse Joy she herself decided to lie down for a rest.


At five pm sharp the three of them seemed to be down in the lobby of the center. Fida rubbed her eye as she walked up, nodding to Glenn and Aria. After taking a moment to smile and introduce herself to Rose Fida led them to the cafeteria.

The girl ate in complete silence, too much in suspense to really say anything. Fighting Roark would be her first official gym match. She actually had a badge from a certain Ghost-type trainer in Johto who was a great deal of help to her and Elvia.

After she had finished and made sure everyone else had as well she spoke. "Well..." she grinned shyly. "Ready?" Getting up she left the cafeteria for the lobby once again in order to grab her pokémon. Seeing the expression on her face after giving the pokémon back Nurse Joy told Fida good luck; no doubt the expression was one she saw often.

The gym was not far from the center, only down the road, but the walk seemed to take much longer than it should have. For the first time she realized that this was a pretty significant match for her. Instantly she realized how much she wished Sem could see her, or the other two Aquaises...

Or Tara.

She shook her head and walked more quickly, confidence flowing into her. She made up her mind to dedicate this battle to her friend, no matter what the outcome was. Fida walked through the sliding glass door of the gym with perfect timing, not even having to slow down to wait for it to open completely.

"My name is Fida Valens!" she said with a level of certainty that surprised her. "And I challenge the
Gym Leader of Oreburgh to a match!"

Her voice echoed into a vast empty room that was completely dark save for the light that flowed in from behind her. After a few moments the lights switched on all at once, illuminating the room. A large and rocky arena lay before her with spectator stands rising up on either side. Directly across from her Roark the Gym Leader stood, one hand to his side with the other on his hip. He looked as if he had been standing there all day waiting for her. The young man was clothed in a gray mining uniform with a red construction hat and white gloves. A short fringe of his cherry-brown hair slanted against his forehead just above his glasses. His eye stared into hers, as if determining just what kind of fight she would put up.

"I accept," he said smoothly but loudly. Fida walked forward, stepping into the trainer box. A few other people had walked in behind her and went up into the bleachers where Glenn and Aria no doubt were. "The battle will be three versus three and there is no time limit," he said it very kindly, but there was no room for negotiating the rules in how he said it.

"That's fine," Fida nodded.

"Well then," he grinned, pulling out a pokéball. "As per tradition I will start first... Go!" He threw the red and while sphere where it cracked open against the ground, releasing a white burst that formed itself into Fida's first opponent. The light faded away to reveal the form of a geodude, though it looked far more formidable than any wild geodude.

Wordlessly Fida pulled out Magnemite's timer ball and tossed it onto the field to join Geodude.

"A Magnemite?" Roark cocked his head. "An interesting choice. Let's have at it then, Fida Valens. Geodude, Rollout!"

With a grunt Geodude curled itself into a ball and began rolling forward, slow at first but quickly gaining momentum and speed by using the arena's rocks as ramps.

"Iron Defense!" Fida shouted. Magnemite blinked its robotic eye and prepared itself for a hit, hardening its own metal body, doubling its defense. Magnemite avoided the first few hits by hovering up higher into the air, though this allowed the rock-type to gain even more momentum and was able to solidly hit the magnet pokémon on the third attempt. Fida cringed as she heard the sound of rock and metal clash. Magnemite seemed pretty dizzy after the hit, which was strong despite the little effect Rock had against Steel. Geodude landed safely on the ground, coming to a stop before Roark. "Iron Defense again!" Fida blurted, not wanting Magnemite to take another hit like that.

"Quick thinking," Roark complimented. "I'll have use some stronger attacks to get to you. Use Dig, Geodude." The rock-type quickly dug out a whole for itself with its large hands, rather quickly for what was normally expected for the species.

"Hover higher, Magnemite!" Fida cautioned, not sure what Roark intended to do with a Dig. "Iron Defense once more!" Fida was pushing it, she knew, but it was best to be prepared.

"Rock Polish!" Roark yelled, casually crossing his arms. Grinding was heard from under the arena as Geodude used friction with the earth around as it moved to polish its body. "Fire Punch."

The rock and ground-type burst through the floor with a speed Fida had never seen a rock-type achieve. One of its hands was reared back in the form of a fist as it flew up at Magnemite. Flame enveloped the fist of the geodude and it hit the Steel-type hard.

Magnemite blared loudly as it was hit and sent flying with the super-effective hit. It held itself in the air nonetheless, and Fida realized had it not been for her precautions Magnemite would already be out for the count. "Good job, Magnemite!" Fida encouraged. "Charge Beam!"

Just like before, Magnemite whirred, buzzing with static as it blasted at Geodude with a burst of electricity. As to be expected, the attack did nothing at all. "Again!" And again Magnemite attacked, though this time with a more powerful blast, and again Geodude took the harmless hit with a bit of a confused expression. Roark furrowed his brow, wondering if he should tell what appeared to him as a new trainer that electric attacks wouldn't work or if she knew that already.

"Again!" Fida urged. Rinse and repeat; Magnemite attacked again with yet a stronger form of the same attack, though this time Geodude dodged, having been ordered to attack with another Fire Punch, causing Magnemite to miss, though, it still had the desired effect. "Dodge it!"

Magnemite avoided the attack with a sweeping motion to the side. Per its trainer's command it used Charge Beam again, launching a powerful blow that would certainly but a nice dent in anything that wasn't a Ground-type. Geodude Fire Punched through the attack, attempting another shot at taking Magnemite down. "One last time!" Fida said. Bye now Magnemite was simply jittery with all the power coursing through its small body, which became even stronger with the next attack. During the course of the attack the Electric-type had gotten close to the ground.

"Mud Slap!" Roark said quickly. Geodude quickly gathered up a hand-full of earth and flung it violently at Magnemite.

"No!" Fida squeaked, but relieved to find that her precaution had saved her yet again, though only barely; it looked to her that another hit of any kind would take Magnemite out of the match, which was to be expected after the strong Rollout and two super-effective hits.

"Follow it up with Brick Break!"

"Metal Sound!" Fida countered quickly before covering her ears. The Geodude was stopped dead it's now speedy yet non-existent tracks as the wave of sound assaulted its senses; it, being a Rock-type, finding it particularly distasteful. "Now's our chance!" Fida narrowed her eyes in determination. She had a powered up Magnemite and a Geodude with weakened defenses - time to put it to work.

"Swift!" she followed up. She didn't expect to use it during the match, but a guaranteed hit was better than a miss with Magnemite's vision being impaired. The audio-attack ceased as soon as the stars were fired; they met their mark, doing a surprising amount of damage than what they should have in normal circumstanced. Geodude let out a growl of pain, alerting Magnemite to its position.

"Mirror Shot!" the girl relentlessly ordered again.

Magnemite's body shone brightly under the lights of the gym, brighter and brighter until unleashing the powered up Steel-type attack on the weakened geodude. The attack hit and threw Geodude crashing through a couple of the rocks before tumbling to a stop at Roark's feet.

"Impressive," Roark said without skipping a beat. He returned his defeated pokémon and pulled out another monster ball. "We're just getting started though." He cast the ball high into the air where it split open, letting loose an incredible large amount of energy that formed itself into the large serpentine form of an onix. The creature let out an impressive roar that shook the gym and could no doubt have been heard by most of the people in Oreburgh.

"Good job, Magnemite," Fida said with a relieved sigh, happy that it had done so well. She returned it and pulled out a regular Pokéball. "C'mon, Rin!" Fida threw the ball, leaving her fully evolved vileplume on the field. Fida had battled with Rin the least, she being an accidental capture when already fully evolved instead of trained from an oddish; this meant she tended to do rather well on her own.

"Don't remember the last time I fought a vileplume," Roark told her. "Especially not from a young trainer like you,"

"I started out kinda early..." Fida explained sheepishly.

"You're good, I hope you do beat me, but I won't let that be a walk in the park," he smirked.

With a slam of its tail Onix set the ground beneath them into motion. The attack was very localized, so as to not damage the city, but it was very powerful.

"Ingrain!" Fida raised her voice above sound of moaning earth. Rin, who was struggling desperately to keep balance dug her roots into the ground, going deep in order to support her top-heaviness.

"Another smart move," Roark nodded. It was too, while supporting herself Rin was also drawing nourishment from the ground, however much there was, adding to her stamina. The downside was that she was locked in place; luckily for both her and Fida, the training she has gone through has been in stationary battle, inspired by Sem's cradily. Of course with a foe as large as onix it didn't help much; Fida knew she would have to try and end this fast.

"Rock Throw!" The onix roared again and was initiating its attack before being interrupted.

"Grass Knot!"

Vines burst out of the ground under Onix, disrupting it while it was in motion, writhing and constricting as they bound the beast to the arena floor. The vines grew thicker and thicker, violently destroying the ground. The amount of damage actually surprised Fida, she never having seen use the attack against something so large before. Try as the onix might, it could not do more than struggle against the binds, which only seemed the hold it tighter the more it fought.

"Dragonbreath!" Roark said speedily, clearly not expecting the tables to turn so quickly against him. Onix opened its mouth and exhaled a green cloud at Rin. She protested against the stench and closed her eyes, her stubby arms flailing. After a few seconds she seemed unable to do more than twitch. "That would be the paralyzing side effect of Dragonbreath," Roark informed.

"It doesn't matter," Fida found herself saying. "Rin, use Aromatherapy!" A cloud of purple pollen shot up above the vileplume in a puff from her flower, descending upon the Grass-type's body. The pollen relaxed Rin's body, giving her motion again after a matter of seconds. "Follow up with Giga Drain!"

The vines around Onix's body squirmed, looking more like veins than vines as they sapped life energy from the rock-type and giving it back it Rin, further weakening her captive. One vine moved, wrapping itself around the onix's mouth, keeping it shut.

Roark was rather at a loss at what to do at this point and was reaching for his Pokéball to return Onix when Fida called out her final attack.

"Hidden Power!"

Sphere's of icy cold power surrounded Rin as she waved her arms. The extensive root system she had created under the area began to freeze over with ice, the sounds of it spreading were heard even above ground. Ice took over the vines around Onix and once that had happened the ice encased the rock snake itself, with it helpless to do anything about it. The arena was left in a chilly silence.

"I cannot deny that I am thoroughly impressed," Roark clapped. "You're creative and resourceful; that'll really be put to the test for my final and strongest pokémon!" He returned Onix, leaving the frozen vines intact like a gnarled, skeletal carcass on the arena's surface. His next pokémon was rather intimidating and did not surprise Fida that it was his strongest.
The rampardos screeched and looked predatorily at Rin.

"Head Smash," Roark said quite calmly.

Rampardos screeched again and broke into a run, crashing through the frozen vines as if they were paper.

"Grass Knot!" Fida said desperately. Her response did not come quickly enough and the vines failed to latch on before Rampardos rammed into Rin directly, hard enough that she had to sever herself from her root system or risk grave injury. The now-mobile vileplume was sent flying despite her large size.

"Finish it with Zen Headbutt!"

The rock-type veered around, dust billowing up in its wake, each step seemed to shake the entire floor. Its dome-shaped head began to glow with an aura as it rushed at Rin again.

"Solarbeam!" She realized it was vain until after she said it, but already beads of light were being absorbed into the center of Rin's large flower. She launched the attack as soon as Rampardos hit her, the combination of energies resulted in an explosion, destroying whatever was left of the vine-torn arena. The shock forced Fida back, and she would have fallen if she wasn't caught by Elvia, levitating her and setting her back down. The smoke cleared quickly, showing a defeated Rin and a victorious Rampardos with not even a scratch.

"Rin!" Fida yelped, fumbling for the ball and returning the grass-type. The Rampardos carried the title of most powerful well. Fida assured herself that it had to have taken some damage from the explosion and pulled out Kieran's dusk ball.

"Next!" Roark chuckled.

"You can do it, Kieran!" she exclaimed, throwing the ball and releasing the murkrow from a burst of dark energy.

The size difference was quite amusing.

"Once again, interesting choice," Roark nodded. "I hope you have more tricks up your sleeve rather than just that you have no other choice."

Fida did have other choices. In her mind she liked the idea of Calhoun versus Rampardos much better. But no, she decided to use Kieran this battle, and so use him she would.

"Stop this bird with a Rock Slide, Rampardos!"

With a growl the fossil pokémon stomped on the ground with a foot, tossing a large loose rock into the air, before ramming it into the direction of Kieran. It did this again and again, sending a volley of boulders at the bird pokémon.

"Dodge with Faint Attack!"

Kieran instantly drained into its own shadow, vanishing completely. After a few seconds he burst out of Rampardos' shadow, hitting it in the head while surrounded by a dark aura.

"Clever!" Roark nodded. "Iron Tail!"

Kieran flew back in order to avoid being swatted and fired a Night Shade as he often did on his own. The Night Shade did not seem to do more than simply annoy the beast and it charged Kieran at Roark's command.

"Steel Wing!"

Both pokémon flew at each other, Kieran twirled away and then back in, running the tip of his wing across Rampardos' back. That attack actually seemed to hurt, as the dinosaur let out a roar of pain and veered off to the side away from Kieran.

"Excellent maneuver, try this! Ice Beam!"

Fida held a hand to her mouth as Rampardos let loose the icy attack from its mouth. Kieran flew away from it as fast as he could, but his leg got hit and was frozen. The extra wait dragged him to the ground, disabling his flight. Fida quickly searched her mind for available options as Kieran struggled into somewhat of a stand. With the weight Kieran couldn't gain momentum for a proper faint attack, but he could still... "Kieran, Faint Attack, get under it!"

Kieran briefly glared at her before doing as he was asked. In moments he was appearing out of the dino's shadow. "Steel Wing!" Kieran slashed at the thing's legs with one wing as if her were a swordsman, though with a quick hop the Rampardos avoided damage to its legs.


"Um, um," Fida panicked. "Thunder Wave!" She resorted to one of the first attacks she had trained Kieran to use. His feathers crackled with lightning before dispelling it at Rampardos, the force of it shattering his frozen shackle.

Rampardos convulsed at the lightning surged through its body, it not having the advantage of being part Ground-type.

"Yes!" Fida cheered. "Icy Wind!"

"Not so fast! Flamethrower!"

A jet of fire blew out of Rampardos' mouth, melting whatever snow and cold had managed to form in the short time Icy Wind was active; it forced Kieran to get out of the way so as to not get fried Kentucky-style.

"Night Shade into a Steel Wing!" Fida was becoming ever more hopeful now, especially upon remembering that she still had Magnemite in reserve, however weak it was.

The murkrow fired the ghostly energy from his eyes as he dove towards his opponent, wings spread and reflecting the lights above him.


The Steel Wing hit Rampardos across the face, causing it to lose balance and fall.


Dark energy surrounded Kieran's beak as he dove after the rock-type, stabbing at the dinosaur violently in the side, doing more damage because of the pokémon's vulnerable state.

"Stone Edge!"

The ground rumbled briefly before a large slab of rock burst from the ground, sending Kieran away like a flicked insect. The attack was insanely powerful; Kieran could barely get up afterwards.

"Come on, Kieran!" Fida shouted. "We're not done yet! Payback!"

The small bird attacked again that was almost identical to Assurance, pecking hard at Rampardos' head with the attack. Kieran withdrew after moment, giving him just enough time to dodge another Ice Beam.

"Ominous Wind!"

A spine-chilling howl broke the air as a current of wind was created, dropping the temperature in the gym several degrees. Faint traces of purple ghost-like energy laced the wind as it hit the large rock-type, powerful enough to send it sliding back against the ground. Attack only seemed to intensify as time went on, so much that Rampardos had to lean into it with a strong stance to keep from being blown over. It was the strongest Fida had ever seen the attack be she realized as she saw the stands rock and some spectators exchanging worried glances as they hugged themselves against the cold; the lights swayed above everyone's heads. Kieran looked perfectly worn out at a glance, but the glint of determination in his eyes seemed only to suggest that he was powered up.

"Icy Wind!"


Kieran beat his wings quickly and powerfully, creating an Icy Wind that made his earlier attempts that day during training seem silly. The temperature dropped even lower and ice was forming in the air within seconds.

The blast of fire met with the burst of wind head on, pushing against the other. The wind only seemed to make the flames grow bigger and more powerful, so much that Kieran stopped and fluttered off to the side, allowing the fire to blow past him in a surge of heat. Kieran tried the same attack from a different angle, taking advantage of the still going wind current to quicken the speed of his attack. Ice was already forming on Rampardos' body.

"Charge with Take Down!" Roark ordered, more in an attempt to break the mold the ice was forming than to actually attack. Pieces of ice cracked and came off, but others were still intact in places around the Rock-types body.

"You charge too, with Steel Wing!"

With a leer the dark-type took wing towards Rampardos at a greater speed than was seen before. Wings outstretched, he avoided the wild ramming of the dinosaur's head and swooped down to the monster's leg. The force of the attack paired with the pain effectively brought Rampardos down, sliding and rolling across the arena.

"Assurance again!" Fida said, body fully pumped with adrenaline.

The crow pokémon climbed up on the air before taking another dive at Rampardos, this time with the aura surrounding his whole body as he starting to spin like drill. The attack hit with a burst of dark energy in all directions and driving the ancient-pokémon into the floor, creating an indent. As Kieran flew off back towards Fida he all together lost consciousness. Running forward, she caught her bird before he hit the ground.

She smiled her Fida-smile at her bird, cradling him in her arms, before turning her attention to Rampardos and Roark. Much to her surprise and relief, Rampardos did not rise from where it lay in the middle of the ruin that was Roark's arena.

The Gym Leader smirked. Returning his rampardos as he walked across the battlefield and stopped directly before Fida. "I think you won," he said, getting to one knee so that he was eye-level with her. "It was a very exciting battle, you should be proud."

"Thank you..." Fida blushed, still holding Kieran in her arms.

"I present you with this gym badge, congratulations," he pulled out a small object from his pocket, presenting it as the Coal Badge, a clean and shining gleam reflected off of its surface.

"T-thank you," Fida repeated, bowing her head and taking the badge. She held it up and stared at it were her cloudy-gray eyes. "Look, Elvia," she whispered before turning her attention to the unconscious bird in her arms. The girl wanted to find her companions in the stands and wave at them, but ran out of the gym as the applause began.

Rushing through the glass doors of the center she returned Kieran and gave him along with Rin and Magnemite to Nurse Joy who seemed to be waiting for her, probably because there was no more noise coming from the gym. The woman took them while eyeing Fida with an expression that simply read, "Well?"

In response Fida showed the nurse her badge. Nurse Joy smiled and gave a short nod before turning around and doing whatever she needed to with the pokémon she was given. Fida glanced about the room before walking to an empty corner of it and sitting down upon the couch that was there.

"We did it," she said out loud and closed her eyes as she sat waiting for her friends.

OOC:Stupid Word killed my post, jamming all the paragraphs together. If I missed spacing one or two or ten, sorry XD
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Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
Glenn slid in across from her, noticing her new companion. The little Budew regarded him for a moment before turning back to Aria, a little bit confused.

"Yes, this is Rose." Aria replied, pointing at the Budew. "Rose, this is Glenn." Aria put her hand down on the table, at which the Budew hopped up into it. It felt a little weird to have a small moving plant in her hand, but nevertheless, Aria lifted it towards Glenn, letting Rose look at him more closely. After a little bit Rose gave a little bow and wiggled happily, obviously showing she liked Glenn. Aria smiled at this, turning her head to see Fida come in.

Fida introduced herself to Rose as well, gaining another bow and happy wiggle from the little creature. Rose seemed to be sociable, at least to Aria's friends. She could only imagine what the little Grass type might do against her enemies.

"So how were the mines, Glenn?" she said to him after they had all grabbed some dinner. "Anything interesting happen?" Light conversation was always a good thing in her opinion, and she was thoroughly interested in what Glenn would have to say. She listened to his reply, noticing that Fida seemed to be quiet and nervous. No wonder, thought Aria, she's going to be taking on Roark soon.

"After Seamus gave a spectacular display battling little Rose here, I went back to the cave and had them spar for a little while. Ferny learned Ember as well as successfully mastering Rock Smash." she said all of this proudly, an air of confidence about her. "After Fida's battle, I have no doubt we'll be training our PokéMon some more."

After they all finished their dinner, they all headed towards the gym, Aria and Glenn sitting together on the sidelines. Other people crowded around them to watch the Gym battle, and aria didn't blame them. Probably one of the more exciting things to do in this world, she thought to herself, before focusing her eyes on the battlefield. This was where she would learn more about the mysterious girl named Fida and her companions.

The battle that transpired was spectacular. Fida brought out a Magnemite, clearly a type disadvantage, but with her stellar display she managed to take down the Geodude without much problems. The Vileplume choice was a good one, making clean work of the humongous Onix. However the strange PokéMon named Rampardos was more of a challenge for the Vileplume. Fida finished off the battle with a Murkrow, and albeit the hilarious size difference, the two PokéMon seemed almost evenly matched. However, Fida won the battle in the end, earning a cheer from Aria, as she was thoroughly impressed with the skill the girl exemplified.

After the stands cleared out, Aria walked behind with Glenn. Her heart was still beating like mad from the excitement of the battle, a small grin plastered on her face. It caused Aria to think more about her strategy, what she would be doing to win against Roark. So many thoughts rushed through her head, thinking about how type advantages might not be as important as she originally thought among other things, but one idea seemed to stand out above the rest.

"Glenn," she began, blushing a little bit. "Perhaps we can train together. Whether that be through our PokéMon teaching each other a thing or two or perhaps having a battle, I would like very much if we could focus our abilities together to better ourselves for our upcoming challenges against Roark."

With that said and done, Aria simply waited for his reply, her heart beating quickly for an entirely different reason this time around. Probably having something to do with the prospect of spending alone time with Glenn.
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StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
With dinner done and his PokeMon reclaimed from the nurse after being healed, Glenn followed Fida and Aria to the Gym, Metalica and Siegfried walking by his side. Glenn found it surprising that the Rotom did not immediately siphon its way into the guitar the moment it was released from the PokeBall - but after a while, he realized it wasn't that surprising. Siegfried, he believed, decided to heed Steven's advice to Metalica as well - and learn by observing. Glenn wasn't certain what would the Rotom be observing - but he had a hunch that it wasn't Roark's PokeMon that the Plasma PokeMon found interesting in potential.

Roark seemed to have a flair for dramatic introductions - either that or it was a standard part of the Code of the Gym Leaders, Chapter 2, Verse 13: "Thou Shalt Make A Dramatic Entrance When A Challenger Appeareth" or something.

He seemed like a formidable trainer - but Glenn had a feeling, in spite of not knowing the young girl for long, that Fida was quite a formidable trainer on her own right.

This would be an interesting battle. Glenn found himself tuning out all other noises - and focusing exclusively on the battle. He smiled a little when he noticed both his PokeMon were trying to mimic him and single out the sounds of the battle against the background cacophony of people.

The first round began - and Roark sent out a Geodude. Typical, Glenn thought, Chapter 3, Verse 1337: "Rock Gym Leaders must have at least one Geodude and possibly an Onix, so decreeth the Holy Laws of Dirt.". To Glenn's surprise, Fida countered with a Magnemite.

Interesting. A battle of opposites. Glenn thought, making a mental note. Steel conquers rock but ground conquers both. What's she playing at?.

Defenses. was the first answer that came to mind as the girl appeared to be focusing on raising the Magnemite's defenses - something that proved to be wise as the Geodude, apparently, knew Fire Punch.

The flurry of Charge Beams that followed seemed to make no sense. Electricity had no effect on ground-types. A little spark caught his attention as he turned his eyes to the its origin - the Rotom intensified its glow, shooting the trainer a meaningful look.

It's powering up? Glenn seemed to convey the thought to the Rotom, as the creature nodded, turning its eyes back to the battle, focusing intently - it was clear that the Rotom was observing the battle with more than just its eyes - but also with its ability to sense electric fields. He shot a look to Metalica, who seemed to be concentrating on the Magnemite as well - perhaps attempting to make sense of the increase in the electric-type's power.

And the increase in power culminated in a flurry of special attacks - Swift and Mirror Shot - that took the Geodude out of the game.

The gym leader sent out an Onix in response, making Glenn grimace. The Holy Laws of Dirt win again, he chuckled.

Even though it was still functional, the Magnemite seemed pretty banged up - so it came as no surprise to Glenn that Fida recalled it and sent out something else - a Vileplume. There was an odd air of coldness to the grass-type that he couldn't quite place. If the trainer didn't know better, he could have sworn he was looking at an ice-type.

This battle was considerably shorter than the battle before it - though Glenn could not help but be thoroughly impressed at the Vileplume's apparent affinity for status restoring moves - and even more impressed by the creature's icy Hidden Power. There was something beautiful but deadly at the sight of the vanquished Onix - a once-mighty serpentine dragon of the earth, entangled in a cage of vines, succumbing to the bitter, glacial embrace of winter. Even the spheres of icy energy seemed to resemble an aurora.

A little shiver passed through Glenn as in the depths of his mind, the scene took a slightly different twist - a musical one. He will have to take the time to sit down and compose this when he had some time for his music.

... It all came to an anticlimactic end when the Rampardos appeared and made short work of the once-victorious Vileplume. The melody in his mind shattered into cacophony as the explosion of Solarbeam and Zen Headbutt happened.

A creature of this size and bulk should NOT have been so fast. Talk about using your head.

Fida's next choice was a Murkrow - the image seemed almost comical - a massive pachycephalosaurid-theropod cross with a predatory grin facing off a tiny black bird with a hat - that seemed to have an "Oh, is that all?" expression plastered all over its beak. Glenn knew Murkrows were birds with an attitude, but THIS much attitude surprised even him.

And it seemed that the Rotom has taken a particular interest in the bird - especially as it seemed to use a whole assortment of devious tactics, evading the Rampardos' assaults while attacking key areas with Steel Wing and a wide array of dark moves.

Then the wind began. Glenn did not even seem to notice the cold as his mind was entirely -transfixed- on the attack. The ghostly howl of the wind - it almost seemed as if it had a life of its own - wailing with the rage of at thousand lost souls. Inspiration struck him again.

He wasn't the only one excited about the attack - The Rotom seemed to flare up ecstatically as the Ominous Wind attack seemed to trigger something inside it - its own inspiration, perhaps. Glenn thought about the Double Team incident earlier on, in the mines. Could it be used like this?

The final movement of the battle embedded itself in his mind almost as much as the Onix's fall. A last-ditch assault from both combatants, charging forward at great speed, the Murkrow going for the legs and knocking the great beast down, finishing off with a burst of darkness. Both of the combatants were down, but Fida still had her Magnemite.

She has won - against the odds, with PokeMon that seemed to be a bad match-up to the gym leader's - but she won.

The final chord played out in Glenn's mind as his mind slowly returned to the real world as the crowds began to drain. He may have been taken in by the beauty of the battle and the music it made in his mind, but he has made many worthy observations - and with them - realizing that he had to make this battle count. He only had two PokeMon with him. If he lost both in this battle he would be forced to forfeit the match. He should probably train more before taking on Roark.

Aria's question seemed to be an answer to his thoughts.

"I think that's a great idea, Aria." Glenn smiled at the red-haired female "I think Sieg and Metalica got a few ideas from watching this battle - they should probably try to practice them. And with a team as diverse as yours is shaping out to be... maybe we could unlock a few new moves together. Although first thing's first, I think we should go and congratulate Fida for her victory. And let her know we're going to do some more training. What say ye?"

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
Glenn told Aria that her idea was great, which caused her to swell with pride at being complimented by her leader. She nodded in agreement at his statement about their PokéMon learning things from each other, thinking about all the possibilities of the things they could learn from each other. At his suggestion to go congratulate Fida, she smiled broadly, skipping her way towards the PokéMon Center.

She spotted Fida sitting on one of the couches, walking her way over to the girl. She could still sense the presence of the Mismagius around the girl, wondering a little at the power that it had. However, she realized that wasn't what she was supposed to be focusing on at this moment.

"That was a spectacular battle, Fida." she said honestly, smiling her genuine smile. "I am thoroughly impressed at your expertise and congratulate you on your win." She stood back up straight, mulling some thoughts over in her head as she palmed the chrome pink PokéBall that held Rose.

"Glenn and I are going to go train together for a while." she stated first, before continuing her thought. "I have decided that after my PokéMon have gained more strength through this manner, I will be the next to take on Roark. Hopefully later tonight."

She then swiveled towards the front desk, her little speech finished. A mixture of confidence and nervous feelings ran throughout her system as she collected her PokéBalls from the Nurse. She took a deep breath to steady her emotions, letting out Seamus to allow him to perch on her shoulder, and Voltron to walk by her side.

She headed back towards Glenn afterwards, simply smiling at him in anticipation of their training session together.
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StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
"What she said." Glenn smiled at the young girl "That was one hell of a battle there. Really inspirational... And do pass that message on to your team - they were amazing over there. Congratulations, Fida."

He nodded, then stretched. "Well, then. As Aria here said, we'll be off to do some training. From this battle it seems like we're going to need it."

He turned to Aria and smiled back "Well then, let's go."


They made their way to Route 207 - as it seemed like a good place to train in terms of terrain diversity and proximity to the city. Soon enough they found themselves in a little rocky field nestled by the mountains around them. It seemed like a lovely place to train. Afternoon was fading, and already the sun was beginning to set. It already seemed like it was going to be a gorgeous one.

Glenn liked sunsets. He couldn't help it. They did something to the artist in him.

Now, though, he had to focus that inspiration on the coming battles.

"Alright, then." he said, with a little smile to Aria "I think we've both noticed Roark is not to be taken lightly. He's got a lot more diversity under his wing than I believed - so we're going to need all the advantages we can get. This made me think... Metalica learned something over at the mines which I think could help Ferny."

He pointed at one of the large rocks, nodding at Metalica. The Mawile seemed to snap into focus, as if charting out the rock in her mind - and suddenly, broke into a dash, a leap, and a somersault, bringing her jaw-like horns down on the rock like an axe, shattering it almost cleanly in two.

"That was a Brick Break attack." he said with a proud grin "Metalica learned it by observing Machops at work in the mines. I think that Ferny might be able to learn it from observing her..."

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
Route 207 was just north of town, adding for convenience and judging by the look of it, the area had a diverse mixture of tall grass and rock. Aria looked on at the sunset a little bit, her eyes that usually looked to be crimson glowing their true amber color in the light.

Aria turned her attention to Glenn as he talked to her about how Roark must not be taken lightly. He then showed her that Metalica had learned a new technique while they were in the cave. Aria watched as the little Steel type effortlessly sliced the boulder in two with her Brick Break attack, and Aria clapped her hands together in glee.

"Yes, Brick Break is more powerful than Rock Smash... It is similar, but Rock Smash is more of a wild technique while Brick Break has more focus." Aria explained this to no one in particular, before nodding her assent. She let Ferny out of his PokéBall, smiling at the little monkey.

"Please observe Metalica as she uses the Brick Break move, and try to learn it yourself." Aria motioned towards the Mawile when she said 'Metalica' so Ferny would know who she was talking about. After she was finished with that, she let out Rose again, thinking to herself how she'd like to change the appearance of the chrome pink ball later on.

"Alright. Since Seamus would be in considerable danger from Rock types, I am going to keep him out of this battle." the bird on her shoulder chirped in a little bit disappointed way, but Aria pet him in reassurance.

"Don't worry, you'll be able to fight with me in other battles, I'm sure. For now, please spar a little bit with Rose. But don't hurt her too much - I know you'll be learning Wing Attack soon and Grass types are weak to Flying types." With all of that said, she turned her attention finally to Voltron.

"As for you, I will be trying to teach you Iron Tail as a last resort move." As Ferny was becoming adept in Fighting moves and Rose was a Grass type, Aria had it between Seamus and Voltron to learn a Steel type move. Noting that it was a Rock type gym, Aria knew that Seamus would have a clear disadvantage, thus leaving Voltron as her last resort.

So she set off pointing to rocks for Voltron to hit his tail with. The poor little lion cub flinched with pain at first, letting out small mewls in complaint. After a while the little Shinx got used to the pain, still trying to chip away at the rocks with the edge of its shuriken-like tail. Surely if that got steely enough, it would be quite painful.

She looked over at Ferny to see his progress. He was monkeying around a little bit with Metalica, sending a Taunt out towards the little Steel type. Aria growled slightly, at which Ferny perked up, looking towards her. Aria glared at him enough for him to look frightened, before he turned back to focus on trying to learn Brick Break. Aria smirked a little bit at this, impressed with her control over her companions.

She turned her head to the sparring between Seamus and Rose for a little bit. As she wished, when Seamus looked ready to use Wing Attack, the bird directed the attack to a nearby boulder instead of at the Grass type, his wings crashing into the rock and leaving him to make a pained chirp. Not too long after that, Rose opened her bud again to release a yellow-ish powder onto the poor little Starly, causing Seamus to stop in his tracks at the electric shocks running through his body. Stun Spore, Aria reiterated in her mind Could be very useful in my upcoming battle.

"Alright you two. That's enough." She returned Rose to the regenerative ball, and opened the item ball she had put the kit into. She brought out a Paralyze Heal and sprayed it on Seamus, releasing the poor bird from its electric prison. The bird cooed at her in relief, at which Aria simply smiled.

Voltron was still trying to learn Iron Tail, beginning to chip away a little of the rock that he was bashing his tail into. At one point it looked like he was collecting electrical energy, causing his fur to crackle with the power of it. Charge, she thought, looking a bit grim, Not very useful right now.

She looked back over at Ferny, who seemed to have taken her previous glare quite seriously. With one great swipe of his hand, he managed to split a boulder in two, earning a cheer from Aria. He practiced his new move over and over, just to make sure he had it down pat.

"I suppose that will do for now." she said, looking at the small scratch Voltron had made in the boulder. He was so close to learning the move, she wouldn't be surprised if he learned it in the gym battle. She returned everyone to their PokéBalls, and smiled appreciatively at Glenn.

"Thank you very much for helping me train, Glenn." she said honestly, a small blush on her cheeks. He had done a lot to help her today, and she was glad for their time together.

"We should go back to the center, so I can rest my PokéMon some more before the big battle." Thinking about the big battle sent another nervous feeling throughout her, and it showed a little bit. she shivered slightly with all of the emotions passing throughout her, giving a worried glance towards Glenn.

Nevertheless, she shook her fiery mane of hair with some of the confidence she had left, and turned back towards the PokéMon Center.
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StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Glenn Hendrix gazed up at the beginnings of the sunset for a little while, sending an encouraging little smile to Metalica as she was attempting to teach the little monkey the technique. He was amused for a moment at the thought that both his new friends had nearly full teams - and all he had at the moment was Siegfried and Metalica. For a moment, he pondered searching for a fighting-type PokeMon to capture and train briefly, simply to have a backup in case Metalica and Siegfried both fell - but somehow, it didn't feel right. These were living creatures - he preferred to avoid taking away their freedom if he could. If he was to catch a PokeMon, he wanted to make sure it would be a companion for a lifetime, not a momentary strategic decision.

For a moment he thought of the obnoxious 10-year-olds who were all for collecting every single species of PokeMon as if the creatures were nothing but trading cards or action figures. He was thankful that he didn't have to deal with any of those yet - and that both his travelling companions seemed to, at least, genuinely care about their teams.

Fida had at least five of the creatures with her: Elvia, her ever-present guardian Mismagius. Kieran, the Murkrow with an Attitude. Rin, the mysterious, icy Vileplume. And of course, the strange little Magnemite and its companion. Whether or not the girl had a sixth member to her team, Glenn did not know yet. Somehow, though, he had a feeling that he would find out sooner or later. Fida told the gym leader she started early. Glenn wondered briefly how early was early. The young girl was a complete mystery to him - a mystery he had hoped would at least partially solve itself as their journey continued.

And as for mysteries, Aria seemed to have many of her own. She began her journey on the same day as he did - and already she had four PokeMon to call her own. Ferny, the firey litle Chimchar. Seamus, the loyal Starly. Voltron, the young Shinx and Rose the Budew, the female trainer's latest capture. Already, the girl seemed to have a form of control over her PokeMon that seemed rather surprising. There was also something in the way she talked... Something... poetic. He could not describe it otherwise. She was certainly not an ordinary person - but Glenn didn't seem to mind. After all. Being out of the ordinary made people interesting.

As Metalica was focused on teaching Ferny Brick Break, Glenn figured that while Aria is training the rest of her team members, he should probably focus on training with Siegfried. The Electric-type seemed to have its own ideas though - watching Kieran's preformance with the Ominous Wind attack inspired the Rotom to learn the move itself. In attempt to mimic the flaps of the bird's wings to create a gust of wind, the Rotom seemed to direct some of its semi-solid core into its lightning tendrils as it rotated, vaguely changing its shape as it went into a wild spin. Ghostly afterimages danced in the Rotom's wake again as they did when the creature used Double-team - except that this time, they were directed upwards, funnelling into the vortex of air, getting caught in its currents. A chill slowly formed in the air as the afterimages in the vortex seemed to disintegrate from a blur of orange and blue into violet wisps, emitting what sounded like synthesized screeches that faded gradually into faint whispers on the wind. The attack dissolved into nothingness as the Rotom ceased its spinning and embedded itself in the earth, sparks dancing as the Electric-type discharged the excess rotation-generated energy harmlessly into the ground. Soon enough, the Rotom levitated again - and tried again. As the training session continued, it took less and less time for the Rotom to muster the technique. Glenn couldn't help but be impressed.

Every once in a while he shot a look towards Metalica - smirking a little as he noticed the Mawile seemed to completely ignore the little primate's taunts, and the trainer's response to her Chimchar's "Monkeying Around". Glenn couldn't help but twitch a little when he noticed the almost terrified reaction by the monkey. The girl, clearly, had a killer glare.

Soon, it was all over - Ferny seems to have mastered Brick Break, and Aria seems to have decided that now would be a good time to take a break and let her PokeMo recover prior to her upcoming battle with Roark.

She thanked him for his assistance, to which he replied with a "You're quite welcome." and a smile. He nodded at her as she said that they should return to the PokeMon Center - not failing to notice the fact the girl seemed to be under a certain amount of stress.

"I think you'll do just fine, Aria." he said as the girl shook her head and turned to leave and head towards the PokeMon center - though whether or not she heard him, he did not know.

"Well, guys?" Glenn turned to Metalica and Siegfried with a smile. The Rotom, in response, syphoned itself into Glenn's guitar again - clearly, he had enough practice for today. The Mawile made her way over to the trainer's side and emitted a little sequence of chirps, causing the trainer to smile and lightly scratch the Mawile's head, right at the point her horns began. While she herself didn't get to do much training on anything beyond Brick Break it was clear that she refined the technique even more. Perhaps after Aria's battle, he would return here with Metalica and continue practicing her electricity manipulation. If he was to take on Roark next morning, he wanted to be prepared.

The trainer and the Mawile that walked by his side turned to head for the PokeMon center themselves, shooting one last look to the sunset. This was a very eventful day - and it wasn't over yet.

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
With some more encouragement from Glenn, Aria calmed down a little bit, simply walking into the center to give the Nurse her PokéMon. She explained that they needed a short rest, as she would be taking on the Gym soon. The Nurse simply nodded in understanding, and took the PokéBalls to regenerate them quickly.

Aria was going over strategies in her head, merely silent while she was waiting. She would have Glenn and Fida watching her from the sidelines, cheering her on. But that also caused feelings of wondering how they might react if she lost. She didn't want to lose, especially not with her leader watching.

It wasn't long before the Nurse called out to her, telling her that her PokéMon were ready. She took a deep breath as she collected the PokéBalls, calming her nerves as best as she could. She steeled herself and walked out of the PokéMon Center, Glenn and Fida in tow.


"I am Aria Terra, and I challenge the Gym Leader Roark to a match." she called out with an icy tone, Seamus resting atop her shoulder. The lights came on soon afterwards, and it was so much different actually being on the gym floor rather than watching from above. People who had stayed up late were siphoning into the stands, as if waiting for this very thing to happen.

Then she saw Roark, standing directly across from her, looking the same way she had seen him look during Fida's battle. The gray mining uniform, the white gloves, the short fringe of his cherry-brown hair coming out from underneath his red construction hat. His eyes peered at her from underneath his glasses, boring into her eyes like any confident gym leader would. She stared right back at him, finding her fire beginning to coil up inside of her yet again, her glare matching his perfectly as if she was mimicking him in a way.

"I accept." he replied, in his smooth but loud tones. "The battle will be three versus three and there is no time limit." Of course, like any Gym Leader, he would reiterate his rules to whomever challenged him.

"As you wish." she replied, her ice-cold demeanor beginning to crumble underneath her fiery personality. Her eyes glowed their true amber color under the light, making her seem all that more intimidating. However, Roark did not crumble beneath her stare, simply smirking back at her.

"Well then, as per tradition I will start first... Go!" he said, throwing out his first PokéMon. The Geodude appeared before her, crying out its challenge. Without blinking, Aria shook her fiery mane of hair, throwing out the chrome pink PokéBall that held Rose within.

"A strategically sound choice, that Budew. However, you'll find I am no pushover, Aria Terra." he said to her, still with a confident gleam as ever. "Geodude, Mud-Slap!"

"I am no pushover either, Roark. Stun Spore." retorted Aria, as the Geodude started to gather mud in its hands. The Geodude flung the mud, but Rose was smart enough to run forward and dive so the mud flung right past her. She slid right up underneath the Geodude, expelling the yellow spores onto its body before running back towards Aria, turning around to see the paralysis start to take effect.

"Smart move," complimented Roark, "But if you think that will stop me, think again. Geodude, Dig!" Despite the newly obtained paralysis, the Geodude started digging a hole for itself, burrowing beneath the gym floor.

"Growth." Aria commanded, watching Rose expand in size slightly as the Geodude tunneled beneath the Grass type.

"Rock Polish!" commanded Roark, casually crossing his arms again as the grinding could be heard underneath them again. Aria recognized this strategy from earlier, knowing what would come next.

"Rose, pay attention to your surroundings." she hinted towards the Grass type, who nodded in affirmation and looked like it was concentrating on something.

"Fire Punch!" came the anticipated call, at which Rose tried to jump out of the way of the quickly ascending Geodude. However she was rocketed into the air riding atop the Geodude, who didn't have a flaming fist. The paralysis made the joints of the Rock type stiffen, indicating it had just kicked in to stop the potentially lethal attack.

"Absorb!" shouted Aria, at which Rose jumped up, only to flip upside down. The bud part of its head clamped around one of Geodude's arms, the Rock type crying out in pain as some of its nutrients were drained into Rose's body. It looked almost as if the Budew was trying to amplify the strength of the attack. Could it be?

"Rollout." said Roark, at which Geodude started spinning very quickly, launching Rose off of its body. The small Grass type flew back onto the ground, sliding backwards toward s Aria before getting back up again.

"Growth." called Aria again, causing Rose to appear even larger. However it wasn't long before the Geodude came spinning back in her direction, causing Aria to need to think fast.

"Jump to dodge, then use Absorb again!" she called, at which Rose was all too happy to obey. The little Budew jumped up in the air just as the Geodude was rolling under her, fipping over in the air to open its bud towards the Geodude again. This time instead of plunging back down to try to latch on, Rose shot out a vine that hit the rolling mass, stopping the Geodude in its tracks as it called out in pain again. This Absorb definitely looked more powerful than the last. The Geodude slumped to the ground, fainted from the power of both super-effective attacks.

"Impressive. We're just getting started, though." Roark said without skipping a beat. He returned his Geodude, still with a confident smile. He threw out his next PokéBall, releasing the colossal rock snake that Aria had anticipated.

"Onix, Screech!" he called, at which Aria covered her ears before the large Rock PokéMon emitted an ear-splitting screech. Rose was blown back a little bit by the sheer force of the attack, shivering slightly afterwards as she lowered her defenses.

"Rose, try Mega Drain!" called Aria, at which the little Budew climbed up to the top of the largest rock, jumping up before opening her bud again. The vine shot out and latched to the Onix's horn, the Grass type pulling itself forwards as the attack started to come into effect. The Onix roared in pain as the Grass type attack shocked through its body.

"Onix, Dig!" cried Roark in retaliation. The big Rock snake plunged towards the Earth, the Budew still tightly latched onto its horn. It burrowed beneath the ground, only to come up a few moments later, flinging Rose into the air to come crashing back down in front of Aria. Rose fainted, causing Aria to pull out the chrome pink ball again to return her defeated PokéMon.

"No wonder you are a Gym Leader." said Aria, a soft growl in her voice. "Nevertheless, as you said, we are just getting started. Go, Ferny!" she called, throwing the PokéBall marked with the fire symbol. The little fire monkey popped out.

"Hmm, a Chimchar." Roark observed, before steeling himself yet again. "Onix, Rock Slide!" The large rock snake smashed the ground with its tail, causing rocks to be hurled towards Ferny.

"Ferny, get in there and use Brick Break on the joints!" retorted Aria. The quick little fire monkey dashed forwards, avoiding the rocks being hurled in his direction. With a great leap, he landed a Brick Break attack right on the Onix's tail joint, causing it to call out in pain again. However, that was not the end for the rock snake.

"Earthquake!" came the call, at which the Onix smashed his tail into the ground again to cause a rumbling throughout the entire floor. However, Ferny had grabbed the tail before hand, simply riding it as it crashed down, and jumping off as the tail came back up, some damage done to the poor little fire type.

"Again!" called Aria, at which the monkey simply smirked, crashing another Brick Break right into the midsection of the Onix, causing it to come crashing down to earth, making a lot of dust and debris fly into the air. After it all cleared, Ferny was dancing around triumphantly at Aria's feet, the large snake behind him clearly unable to continue.

"You've trained your companions well." remarked Roark as he returned Onix to its PokéBall. "However, you'll find I've trained my last one especially well. Go, Rampardos!" he said, releasing his final team member. The large fossil PokéMon towered over the small Chimchar, leading Aria to think of the earlier battle with Fida's Murkrow.

"Taunt." she quickly commanded, knowing Roark might use a move to buff the Rampardos' power beforehand. The little monkey stuck out his tongue at the Rampardos, making rude noises at it which caused the large fossil to become angry.

"Alright then, use Zen Headbutt!" called Roark, and the large fossil dashed towards Ferny with its head lowered. However this was what Aria was anticipating, a small smirk coming onto her face.

"Roll out of the way and use Brick Break again." she called casually, and she was met with an expedient response. The little monkey jumped and did a little roll just as the Rampardos dashed past, coming around behind the fossil to crash another well placed Brick Break into the creatures back. Though the Rampardos looked a bit pained, it reared up again afterwards, even angrier than before.

"Rock Slide!" Roark called again, and this time some of the debris that was caused by Rampardos smashing its tail down hit its mark. The small fire type came catapulting back towards Aria, just barely standing up after the super-effective attack.

"One last time." she called, at which the monkey rolled around to the back of the fossil PokéMon again, landing another Brick Break on the back of the creature. Now the Rampardos looked almost as badly effected as Ferny did, causing Aria to nod her approval.

"Rock Tomb!" came the anticipated call from Roark, causing the Rampardos to hurl some boulders in Ferny's direction. One hit its mark and sent Ferny to the ground again, causing the little fire monkey to go down. Aria returned him to his PokéBall, and brought out her last resort.

"Go, Voltron!" she said without missing a beat, the electric lion cub bursting forth to pounce on the Rampardos, clamping its teeth onto the nearest limb. Aria chuckled slightly at Voltron's antics, knowing that it was a prelude to a Bite attack.

"Get up high, Voltron." she called to him, at which he sought out the tallest rock on the battlefield and raced towards it. The little lion cub climbed atop it, giving a confident glare towards the Rampardos.

"Earthquake!" called out Roark, albeit with a bit of a desperate tone. He wanted to finish this match fast to get his win, but Aria would have none of it.

"Jump, and use Iron Tail!" she commanded, and just as the Earthquake tremors got the the little lion cub, he jumped into the air, doing a little flip over the head of the Rampardos before its tail shined with promise, the shuriken part of his tail coming down to drag along the Rampardos' back, the attack finally striking true. With another cry of pain and a severely damaged back, the Rampardos keeled over, Voltron still standing despite the damage done to him from the Earthquake. Aria had won.

She heard the crowd erupt in cheers for her, a broad smile plastered on her face. Roark returned the Rampardos and adjusted his hard hat, a little smile still pulled onto his face. He walked towards Aria, producing from his pocket a brand new Coal Badge.

"Your aggressive style reminds me a little bit of myself." he said, his glare softened from before as he looked on at Aria. "That was an impressive battle there, Aria. You earned this." He held out the badge, which Aria politely took from him, smoothing it over in her hand.

"Thank you, Roark." she replied, her smile turning to a friendly one as she pocketed the badge. "You are a worthy opponent and an exceptional gym leader." She held out her hand towards him, which he gladly took, shaking it in congratulations and perhaps a little of friendship.

Aria recalled Voltron before she left the Gym to hed back towards the PokéMon Center. At the front desk she met the eyes of the Nurse, smiling and producing her new gym badge. The Nurse smiled in approval, taking the PokéBalls that Aria handed to her. After that, Aria sat down at a nearby table, Seamus deciding to flutter down on top of it to sit in front of her, leaning up to nuzzle her and give her a chirp of congratulations.

Aria simply smiled back, relaxing into the comfy couch as she waited for her friends to arrive. She took out the badge case that she had obtained, placing the Coal Badge into the first slot, marking the true beginning of her journey throughout the PokéMon League.
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StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
"Well, that was awesome." Glenn murmured to himself as he made his way to the PokeMon center. Aria's battle was almost as impressive a sight as Fida's - especially in the light that she began her journey on the same day he did. The female's intense training for the past day was really apparent in the results of the battle. The trainer could not help but smile when he thought of the end of this particular battle.

The contrast in battle styles between Aria and Fida couldn't have been more apparent. If Fida's battle inspired images of something almost opera-like in his mind, Aria's was a rapid-fire shred-guitar solo - complicated in its own way, some times more intense than other, but mostly aggressive.

And it earned her an impressive victory.

He spotted Aria easily as the door to the PokeMon Center opened. He made his way to her with a grin.

"Lovely battle there, Aria." he smiled "Congratulations."


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
"I knew you'd win," came a voice through a purple PokéGear device. Fida was in her room, having gone there shortly after Glenn and Aria left for some extra training. She kept silent as she held the multifunctional gadget to her ear, looking out the window from which orange light flowed into her room with glazed gray eyes.

"You ok?" the voice asked again.

Blinking furiously, she shook her head a bit. "Yeah, I'm fine, Sem." The girl called him, informing the boy of her win. She had also called the Aquaises, who were equally as proud.

"Give me a call when you get to Eterna," he replied, completely changing the subject, though with a tone that suggested he didn't quite believe her.

"Sure," she nodded. "I'll talk to you later."

"Hm," she heard him smirk. "Later."

The line clicked and Fida closed the device, moving from the window to take a seat on the bed. Sighing, she looked over at the blue PokéDex on her nightstand and took it into her hand, running her fingers across the top. She felt a stir in the air around her; Elvia flooded the girls mind with more positive thoughts, such as the win itself, and Glenn and Aria applauding with everyone else who watch, to an image of the Coal Badge is it also lay on her nightstand.

Smiling, she got up again and looked out the window, the sunlight turning her pale skin an almost equally stunning orange. In the light of the sunset she saw her two companions walking back to the center; Aria having an intense expression. Quickly, Fida grabbed a sweater and vanished. She saw the floor rush up to her head and past it as she phased through it at an angle, leaving her in the downstairs hallway. Fida passed through another wall and became visible again right as she turned the corner into the lobby, picking up her pokémon from the nurse as Glenn and Aria walked in.

She waited with them while Aria's pokémon were being restored to fighting-fit conditions and wishing her good luck before they all set out to the gym.


For the battle Fida had released the magnemite, they keeping each other company as they watched the battle along with everyone else. Fida was thoroughly impressed with Aria, she having only started days ago, had very firm control over her well trained pokémon; Ferny taking on Onix being the thing the stuck out most in her mind.

She smiled at the young woman after she and Glenn had returned to the center, bowing her head a bit as she said congratulations as well. The only person left to battle Roark was Glenn, and Fida was intently interesting in seeing how he would do, especially with only two captures under, or rather, on his belt.
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Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
"Thank you both very much." replied Aria, with a smile. She was most happy that Glenn approved of her win, being her leader and all. Seamus hopped back onto her shoulder, chirping at all of them gleefully.

"Seamus is happy for all of us." she said, as if translating what the bird had chirped at them. She smiled at Fida, in congratulations again, and then looked to Glenn.

"I'm sure we're all anticipating seeing you battle, Glenn. You'll probably be training some more tonight, yes?" she questioned, with another smile on her face. This one seemed almost reassuring in a way, like she was trying to comfort him.

"I'm sure you'll do just as great as we did. I'm here for you if you need anymore help training your team of two before your big battle." With that said, Aria picked up her room key from the front desk, which she quickly pocketed.

"I'm assuming you want sleep tonight, so I look forward to watching you battle Roark in the morning." She turned towards the phone monitors to the side, typing in a familiar number. She waited as it rang, before the screen flashed on, displaying a woman's face.

The woman on the monitor had purple hair tied back in a bun, clipped back stylishly with a black hairpin in the shape of a bat. Her face was pale, but she wore eyeshadow, mascara and lipstick that made her seem like she had a regal sort of air to her. She peered at Aria with eyes that shone with a magenta prominence in them, her upper half also displaying a darker purple than her hair.

"Hello, Mother." said Aria, in a vehement tone, as if she wished she didn't have to do this at all.
"I have called to inform you that I have won my first gym battle." Seamus chirped at the woman cheerily, as if confirming Aria's story.

"How nice." replied the woman, just as snidely as Aria had been talking to her.
"Following in your father's footsteps as you said you would. I can only hope that you won't end up the same way."

Aria balled her hands into fists, her knuckles turning white from the pressure that she was giving her hands. She didn't like to talk about her father's death. Being around that many Rock Slides had given her enough reason to reminisce about him. She didn't need to hear the same old stuff her overprotective mother fed her.

"I will be fine, because my PokéMon are at least loyal to me." she spat in retort, remembering the story they had told her. Her father's partner wouldn't listen to him, went on a rampage, and finally caused his death.

"You never know when those wild creatures may go rogue. Your father trusted his partner as much as you do yours, and look where he ended up." That was the last straw. Aria's knuckles cracked, and although she tried to hold her tough demeanor, a single tear rolled down her cheek.

"Goodbye, Mother." she replied, and she watched the screen go black before hugging Seamus close to her body. The bird simply nuzzled her in reply, affirming her that he would protect her as much as he could.
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StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
With Aria heading off to pick up a room key, Glenn nodded at Fida, smiling. "I think I'm going to pick up a room and head out to do some more training. I've got a couple of ideas I want to work on. I'll probably be back late — so I'll say goodnight in advance."

And with that, he made his way to the front desk to pick up a room key of his own. He vaguely noticed Aria making her way to the vidphones as he turned to leave the PokéMon Center, Metalica still by his side. He had a feeling the Mawile preferred to stay out in the open, and who was he to deny her?


Night fell on Oreburgh City.

He made his way out of the city as fast as he could, taking in the chilly night air as he made his way back to the field on Route 207. He smiled to himself when he realized this field was far enough from the city for him to be able to see the stars. It also meant it was far enough for him to be able to sit down and play his guitar a bit.

He found himself a nice rock to settle down on and unloaded the guitar case off his back, opening it and taking the guitar out.

"Hey, Sieg, mind giving me some time with it?" he chuckled softly, the Rotom forming into the twin streams of energy and releasing itself, forming and turning an expectant look to its trainer, emitting a little array of synthesized-sounding noises.

"Alright, you two." Glenn smiled "I've got my own training to do… And while I am, I want you two to focus on the upcoming match. You've seen Fida and Aria's battles. They have an advantage we don't — they have more than three PokéMon. All I have is you two — so we've got to make this count."

He shot the Mawile a meaningful look. "Metalica, you're my lead in this one — We need to take Geodude and Onix out - or at least take Geodude out and put a major dent in Onix. Geodude's major strength is that Fire Punch maneuver... Keep it out of the ground as much as you can. Onix seems to like Earthquakes. A lot. So, we need to find some way to get over that ground weakness of yours. I have a hunch that electricity is the key, as crazy as that sounds."

He then turned to the Rotom, who seemed to snap to attention, turning him a look that could only mean "I'm listening."

"Sieg, I want you to focus on Rampardos — that's the most major threat. The big lizard has a head and it knows how to use it — so if you're going to mess with its head, do so from a safe distance. Focus on range."

Taking the guitar into his hands, he struck a chord — an E - just to see if the guitar was tuned. It was.

"Alright, guys. Let's hit it!"

He started slowly, with a few deep, low bass notes, setting a base to the rhythm. Then came a few high notes, setting into a frame. Slowly, he constructed a riff that grew more and more complex, becoming louder as it intensified. And as his mind was carried by the melody — he couldn't help but notice something.

Metalica and Siegfried seemed to be following the melody.

As the theme intensified, so did the Rotom's swiveling became faster, and sparks seemed to dance around Metalica as she seemed to attune her mind to minute electric fields all around her, a bright azure field of electricity taking hold of her form, sparking from point to point along her body... He had an odd hunch… And he had to test it.

He launched a single jarring chord and the Mawile seemed to emit a screech as she thrust her arms forward, launching a high-voltage beam of electricity at the Rotom. He broke the chord into a quick series of notes and saw — to his amazement - the Rotom swiveling around itself, taking in the Charge Beam attack and wrapping it around itself like a scarf, augmenting it with its own electricity. Another chord, and the Rotom launched its own Charge Beam — its power augmented by the Mawile's — back at the Mawile. Three chords rising in tone and the Mawile caught the Charge Beam and redirected it into her fists, throwing a devastating Thunderpunch into a rock, shattering it to tiny pieces, little sparks dancing between the pieces of shrapnel.

Glenn grinned brightly as he brought his melody to a pause, taking a look at the two PokéMon.

"I don't know what THIS was." He said "But I think I know EXACTLY how we're going to win this."


The morning air was crisp, and Glenn Hendrix seemed to be supercharged as he walked into the gym. He held Metalica's PokéBall in his hand, and smirked a little at the darkness.

"'Morning." He called out "Name's Glenn Hendrix, and I'm here to Rock. In more ways than one. Roark, I challenge you!"

The lights flared up again — revealing the arena and the Gym Leader that stood opposite to him — looking as refreshed and energetic as he did in the battles against Fida and Aria. This was the third time he's seen them do that — and Glenn couldn't help but think that for such a great performer on the battlefield, Roark sure could get better lighting people.

"Good morning. I accept." The gym leader replied "The battle will be three versus three and there is no time limit."

"Your gym, your rules." Glenn grinned "I'm afraid that I only have two PokéMon myself, but I'm sure they can handle your three, if that's okay with you."

"You're a confident one." The gym leader grinned in return "I'd like to see you back that up on the field of battle. As per tradition… I'll start this battle off with Geodude!"

There it was again, the Geodude. Defying gravity as Geodudes often did. Glenn seemed to size up the opponent, an almost predatory gleam appearing in his eyes for a moment.

"Alright, Metalica. Let's rock!" he said, casting the PokéBall into the air. The sphere snapped open, red energy coalescing into the Deciever PokéMon's form on the battlefield. Her eyes closed, her mind in focus.

"Let's get this started with Mud-Slap!" the Gym Leader called out — and the battle officially began.

"Iron Defense!"

Flailing an arm like a windmill, the Geodude dug its hand into the ground, flinging globs of mud at the Mawile. Without a moment's hesitation, the Mawile did a 180-degree turn. Like a strange tall shield, the Mawile's jaw-horns took on a more radiant metallic sheen as the biometal was fortified with more minerals. The mud-slap attack impacted, splattering harmlessly against jaw-horns.

"Interesting." the gym leader said "Guess I have to do better than that. Okay, Geodude, give it a Rock Slide!"

"Iron Defense again until the barrage stops!" Glenn commanded, and the Mawile's jaw-horns glistened even more with the glow of metal as the Geodude gathered his attack, launching rocks into the air and slamming them with a fist to shatter them into a great avalanche. The Mawile, in response, dove to the ground, covering her body with the metallic shield of her jaw-horns, channeling more and more minerals into them. The clashes of rock against metal were loud, but in the end, when the rock barrage relented, the Mawile remained relatively unscathed.

"Your Mawile has impressive defenses, but that won't protect you forever. Geodude, Dig!"

"Not this time you don't." Glenn grinned "Metalica, Bite and hold on to it!"

And the Mawile sprung to action, doing a 180-degree turn yet again and charging forward at the Geodude, which already began to make a dive for the ground. But the Mawile was slightly faster — and with a powerful twist and a snapping of her jaws, the Geodude had no where to run, the Mawile's jaw-horns clamping down on its rocky body like a vice, the sharp fang-like growths along their edges glowing faintly with an ominous dark aura.

The gym leader grinned "You walked right into it, you realize. Now how are you going to get out of this Fire Punch?"

"Who nose, Roark?" Glenn grinned "Metalica, Sweet Scent!"

Just as it seemed that Geodude's fists seemed to explode into flames, the Mawile emitted a little squee as some kind of vaguely pinkish fluid jetted in a fine aerosol from glands at the base of her jaw-horns directly into the face of the captured Geodude, and an intoxicating aroma filled the air. From a distance it would have been relaxing. Alluring. But to the Geodude, who was currently caught in the grip of the jaw-horns, it was completely overwhelming. The scent was assaulting the rock-type's senses, overpowering them — and the flames around its fists sputtered and died as the creature desperately tried to get its bearings….

"Now!" Glenn called out, bringing his hand down in an arc — and with a swift whiplash-like motion the Mawile thrust her head downwards, slamming the Jaw-horn — and the Geodude caught within it — powerfully on the ground in front of her. There was a loud, metallic clang and a sickening crunching noise as the Geodude's rocky shell cracked like a nut hit by a 10-ton hammer.

The Mawile pulled her head up, shaking her jaw-horn a bit, and snapped it open, allowing the Geodude to flump out of its grasp like a discarded rag doll. Deep cracks ran along the creature's shell and chips of rock and dust vaguely dislodged from its body — but it was clearly still alive and breathing.

But it wouldn't be fighting this battle anymore.

"How's that for a snappy comeback?" Glenn grinned.

"Impressive." Roark said, returning the Geodude its PokéBall. "So it seems you have a solid offense alongside that defense. But let's see how you fare against Onix!"

As the rock serpent materialized on the ground, bellowing out its cry of challenge, the Mawile relaxed her muscles, breathing in, focusing her mind on the hum of the electricity running through the gym. The lights flickered softly as a faint aura of lightning seemed to encompass the Mawile's form, her body becoming a conduit for the electric field, drawing extra power into her…

The gym leader smirked.

"Onix, Earthquake!"

The trainer's eyes locked on the serpentine creature as it moved, observing its motions. The creature swung its tail, slamming it against the ground, triggering a shockwave. As he felt the beginnings of the first tremors, the trainer narrowed his eyes and grinned, as if expecting this.

"Metalica…" he raised his hand slowly up like a conductor signaling the orchestra to play more loudly."Ride the lightning!"

It was as if the Mawile was waiting for that signal. Suddenly, the aura of azure electricity flared brightly, and the Mawile leaped off the ground, arms stretched to the sides, lightning arcing between them. Then she brought her hands down, launching rapidly upwards.

"Magnet Rise. Clever move there, Glenn." Roark said "But the ground is not the only thing you should worry about when tangling with an Onix! Stone Edge!"

With a loud bellow, the Onix seemed to become surrounded by rings of sharpened stones, its eyes glowing a bright blue as it launched them directly at the Mawile. The little Steel-type veered sideways and up in a spiraling path, attempting to evade the sharpened rocks - several of the shards grazing the Mawile's fur.

"Now, Metalica! Dive and use Brick Break!" Glenn commanded, and the Mawile went into a wild somersault, electric sparks still arcing around her as she used the energy of the Magnet Rise attack to gain more momentum with her dive.

"Not this time! Onix, Dragonbreath!" Roark commanded, and the serpentine PokéMon obeyed. Twisting its body, the rock-snake turned its head to intercept the Mawile's flight path, opened its mouth and spewed forth a stream of what appeared to be turquoise-green flame — or perhaps air laced with energy.

Not that this could stop the Mawile's momentum — her air-speed was already far too high. As her charged body cleaved through the stream of energy she curled up even tighter and rolled faster — until finally she smashed into the Onix's head powerfully. The Rock-type screeched in pain and frustration as the Mawile rolled down along its body and off its tail to hit the ground in a crumpled heap, her body twitching as she attempted to stand up, fighting off the effects of Paralysis.

"I expected you to do that. It's what I would have done too." Glenn grinned.

"So you made sure your Mawile will be in a position where it would still hit even if paralyzed… Smart move." Roark nodded "But I'd like to see your Mawile fly its way out of this now… Sand Tomb."

The Onix's eyes developed the bright blue glow again, as the ground underneath the Mawile seemed to disintegrate into fine sand, the little steel-type screeching as she felt herself sinking, finding herself waist-high in the trap before she could even move out of the way.

Now Metalica was caught in a way that seemed almost hopeless. Her body both paralyzed by Dragonbreath and trapped by Sand Tomb, it appeared to Glenn that there was little he could do.

"Just hang in there, Metalica…. And use Iron Defense as much as you can." Glenn commanded, and the Mawile nodded, wincing as the sand trap seemed to deepen, causing her to sink even further. She closed her eyes, sending her body into an almost meditative state, struggling against the numbness in her body to better disperse the minerals throughout the biometal of her form, bolstering her defenses.

"Aww, you're no fun." Roark raised an eyebrow, chuckling "Not going to attack? Well, let's make things more interesting, shall we? Onix, Curse!"

There was a moment of silence as the Onix's eyes seemed to glaze over, its motions becoming more and more sluggish — as sinister looking swirls of crimson and purple aura seemed to slowly entwine around the rock serpent's form. The creature was now moving as if within a dream, although the raw power that emitted from the creature now seemed to suggest that in its dream it was at least the size of the world and with the strength to crush even Arceus within its mighty shelled coils.

The battlefield seemed to be at a stalemate for a while — the Mawile, slowly sinking, was bolstering her defenses to the best of her ability while the Onix seemed to be drawing more and more energy onto itself, the more energy it drew, the more soulless its eyes appeared to become.

And Glenn was watching. He noticed the gym leader appeared to be waiting for something, though what it was he was waiting for — that was anybody's guess. He turned his eyes to the Onix as it moved in its dreamy fashion — and something clicked in his mind as he stared at it. There was a certain pattern in the Onix's coiling motion. It was subtle, but it was there. A systematic repetition. A rhythm.

His mind flew into his listening mode, tuning out the crowds, the atmosphere, the gym leaders, even the air itself. All he could hear now was the slow sinking of the Mawile in the ground, the vague flow of ominous energy around the Onix… And the minute sounds made by the grinding of rock against rock as the Onix's body segments rubbed against each other. And he couldn't help but notice that there was something missing. A sound that wasn't as sharp as the others.

There it is. he thought when his eyes sought out the origin of the anomaly — and found it. A crack in the Onix's shell, not too far from the head — making a gap between segments wider than it should have been.

A perfect spot to aim an attack. He found himself memorizing the creature's motion patterns, the exact moments where that particular segment gap will be open — a stitch in the armor that could take a certain attack that he had in mind…

Then a new noise caught his mind as his head flew back into the real world. Roark was grinning.

"Now, Onix! Dig and Rock Polish!" the Gym Leader pointed, and the Onix emitted a deep bellow and plunged into the ground in a corkscrew-like motion. There was a ripple in the earth as the Onix's figure slowly moved under the ground, the sounding of rocks grinding and crunching echoing through the gym as the rock-type's motions became faster and faster and faster, occasionally breaching out of the sand and diving in again, moving in circles that closed rapidly in on the trapped Mawile — up to her neck in sand by now — like a shark circling its prey.

"Game over." Roark announced, and the Onix — now polished so finely it almost looked like a streamlined bullet of rock wrapped in red and purple energy tendrils — burst out from underneath the Mawile with impossible speed, knocking her up to the air in a massive wave of sand.

It seemed to happen extremely quickly, and yet extremely slowly at the same time. The Mawile emitted a deep cry of pain — the Onix's curse raised its attack and defense sharply — certainly enough to counter Metalica's continuous Iron Defense. The Onix's Rock Polish countered the debilitating effects of the curse on the serpent's speed - and it seemed that with a super-effective attack like this, the Mawile's fate was sealed.
But Roark did not take one thing into account. Sure, the Onix's shell was more powerful than ever - but polishing a rock had its drawbacks. If a flaw existed, it would be enhanced. Emphasized. And rising tempo or not, the Onix's melody was still the same melody.

One… Two… Three…

"The gap! Sixth link down from the head! Now!" Glenn commanded, and the Mawile's paralyzed body burst into a vivid orange glow.

The grin on Roark's face faded.

The Mawile smashed into the Onix at the precise moment the gap in the creature's armor revealed. Rock shrapnel was flying everywhere as the gigantic beast toppled over like a pillar hit by a wrecking ball, raising a cloud of dust that seemed to almost blanket the arena for a moment.

When the dust settled, it was clear that the Onix was down and out — and that the little Mawile's Iron Defenses paid off, as she was still standing — barely, shakily, but still standing. Glenn smiled to himself, his little gamble paid off.

Facade was an odd move that Glenn's father was quite fond of - A move that had great power indeed — provided its user suffered from a status condition, turning a potential loss into a win. A great part of his training session that night involved developing the exact right angle of rollover when paralyzed, and teaching the Mawile that particular attack. And it worked like a charm.

Roark returned the Onix silently, nodding at the trainer.

"Very perceptive and resourceful. This battle definitely gave me something to think about. But I think it's about time we finish this, right?"

"Bring it on." Glenn grinned.

Roark nodded, releasing his Rampardos onto the battlefield, the dinosaur-like PokéMon roaring out a cry of challenge.

Without a word, Glenn took Metalica's PokéBall off of his belt and returned her into it, smiling. "You've done great, Metalica." He said softly, and placed the ball on his belt.

Then he did something unexpected.

The trainer removed the guitar case off his back, and set it on the ground gently, opening it. He reached inside and pulled out the guitar contained within, holding the instrument up and slinging its strap on his shoulders. He locked his eyes on the Rampardos, and then on the Gym Leader.

"Alright Siegfried." He said, striking a chord. "Let's rock."

The guitar burst into light as an ominous riff echoed through the gym — but this was not Glenn's doing — the Rotom emerged from the guitar slowly, a stream of sparkling energies, ending its short introduction theme as his form coalesced, locking its gaze on the Rampardos for a moment, before a gradual rotation on its side.

"That's a… unique… replacement for a PokéBall." Roark said, obviously surprised.

"You haven't seen anything yet." He grinned.

"Well then." Roark said "Let's start this off with Zen Headbutt!"

And Glenn's fingers plucked the first strings.
He began with a slow rhythm, almost like a heart-beat. One bass note repeated twice, slowly picking up the pace as once again, the Rampardos' domed head glittered and glistened with the blue nimbus of a psychic attack, flowing across its curves.

The Rampardos charged into the Rotom — but the Rotom was no longer there. An afterimage dissolved as the Rampardos hit it.

For indeed, ever 'pulse' of two notes, the Rotom moved, leaving a ghostly image in its wake. And the pulses became faster and faster until finally, there was a ring of Rotom afterimages all over the Arena.

"Stalling for time again?" Roark said, raising an eyebrow "This will not do. Rampardos, you see, has a special quality… its Mold Breaker ability will negate your Rotom's Levitation, making it weak to what I am about to unleash next! Rampardos, Earthquake!"

Glenn smirked as he wove a new theme into the rhythm — a little, seemingly random, almost discordant sting. As the Rotom continued swiveling, its shadow clones in its wake, it took on a bright purple glow, the clones following suit. Soon enough all the Rotoms on the field were glowing, and suddenly, there a near-simultaneous blast of swirling purple rays illuminated the room. Only one of the attacks was not illusory — but whichever one it was, it hit the Rampardos — and it hit it bad.

The Headbutt PokéMon couldn't even register its trainer's command as its mind was assaulted by afterimages. The Rampardos charged blindly forward, completely failing to notice a boulder directly in its running path. The large creature tripped, rolled to the ground and then stood up. It was convinced it was under attack — and Glenn's strumming began to take the nature of a hunting song.

The Ring of phantom Rotoms grinned predatorily, swirling faster and faster.

"Try another Earthquake!" Roark called out — but it seemed as if Glenn anticipated that as well. He struck an E chord and made it waver in the air a little. Sparks danced between the shadow clones, all reaching out a lightning tendril in unison and slashing the Rampardos with it from afar, discharging a weak electromagnetic wave. The dinosaur screeched as the Thunder Wave attack took effect, the collective assault on its senses intensifying even more. Between confusion and Paralysis, the Rampardos was completely lost in its own mental world, just waiting for the next attack.

"Rampardos, snap out of it!" Roark called out "Zen Headbutt, and run across the entire field if you have to. Take them out one by one, you'll hit the real one at SOME point!"

The Rampardos charged blindly, its charge being far slower than it could have been, its muscles still fighting the electricity coursing towards them.

Too slow. Glenn thought, as he shifted the melody a whole octave up and playing faster. As the Rampardos charged, its head glowing a radiant blue, the ring followed, keeping the monster as close to its center as possible, spinning more and more rapidly. The Rampardos charged again, in the opposite direction — and Glenn shifted the melody an octave down. Even though the confusion was clearing out of the Rampardos' head, the paralysis was still in full effect, and soon enough, the Rampardos found out that its muscles are not obeying its commands.

That was when Glenn burst into a rapid fire solo, rising slowly in voltage. Lightning tendrils from which there was no escape lashed out — Shock Wave attacks - striking the Rampardos from multiple angles, sapping its strength. Whenever the Rampardos even tried to charge, the melody would simply change and the Rotom would move with it. And if it was fast before — the pace it reached now was bordering on bloody madness.

Glenn knew it too — he felt himself sweating, his concentration slowly fading as he was concentrating on the melody moreso than on the battle — and he knew he had to finish this quickly.

Roark seemed to share the sentiment.

"This is it, Rampardos. We're taking this little ghost down! Give it an Earthquake it'll never forget!"

The Rampardos, mustering the last of its weaning strength, proceeded to leap off the ground.

Glenn struck a sharp jarring chord.

And as the dinosaur's feet came smashing on the earth, unleashing the wave of tremors, Glenn burst into a rapid, elaborate and ominous melody that seemed to float across the entire battlefield. The Rotom — and all its shadow clones — now swiveling so rapidly that you could not tell where one ended and where the other began, emitted a high-pitched, synthesized sounding wail, transferring parts of their mass into their lightning tendrils, becoming a small swarm of tiny whirlwinds, picking up and becoming a huge whirlwind. The shadow clones shattered, breaking into wisps of purple spirit energy and being absorbed by the vortex. And the vortex grew, seeming to draw in all heat from the gym — and particularly from the Rampardos trapped in its center. The wind wailed loudly, overpowering even Glenn's guitar. The ground was trembling like it was nobody's business, but the Rotom was far from the ground, spinning in its own vortex, sparks flying from the creature's body as the rapid dynamo effect supercharged it…

And at last, as the earthquake subsided, the Rotom came to an abrupt halt right above the Cranidos's head… And slammed onto it directly, discharging all the electricity it built up in one blindingly bright blast.

The melody faded.

The Rampardos collapsed to the ground, completely petrified, electricity running from point to point on its body, its eyes wide open.

The Rotom rolled away weakly, its aura of lightning dissipated, its body seemingly completely solidified. There was a vague flicker of a lightning tendril as the Rotom seemed to draw the excess electricity from the rock-type's body into itself, allowing the larger creature's muscles to relax and a faint glow to appear around itself. The Rampardos emitted a low growling-purring noise that sounded almost like it had congratulation and gratitude in it, and the Rotom responded with a silent buzz of approval, as the two PokéMon fainted, side by side on the battlefield.

Glenn collapsed to his knees, breathing heavily. What an exhausting way to battle he thought exhausting, but effective.

There was a moment of silence as the trainer placed the guitar back in the case, rose to his feet, closing his eyes and catching his breath. He heard — out of the haze, the sound of a PokéBall — the gym leader returned his fallen Rampardos. His eyes still closed, he pointed Siegfried's PokéBall to where he vaguely remembered the Rotom was, the sound of energizing and reabsorption confirming the creature's return.

Then, he opened his eyes, slowly, lifting his head up to look at the gym leader straight in the eyes.

"Now that." Murmured Glenn "Is what I call a battle."

"I'll say. I've faced quite a number of challengers before but never anything quite like this." Roark said, a little grin on his face "Using music to command your PokéMon. There's something you don't see every day. This is one battle I'm going to remember for a long time."

"Yeah… So am I." Glenn said "That Onix of yours is really something."

"Thank you." Roark smiled, and presented the trainer with a small badge "Now, I believe that I owe you this. Oreburgh City Gym's Coal Badge. You've certainly earned it."

"Thank you, Roark. Have a nice day." He smiled, and saying so, he closed his guitar case and slung it back over his shoulder. Taking a look down to the two PokéBalls hanging on his belt, he couldn't help but feel a wave of pride in his partners wash through him. He won. His first gym badge.

Glenn took off in the general direction of the PokéMon center, a grin plastered on his face. Now, the sooner he'd get his partners healed up, the sooner he'd be able to celebrate with them.
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The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
After Aria's win, Fida was restless and thought it would be a while before she could fall asleep that night. Instead of wasting time she would be awake anyway, she figured she could do some moonlight training. The girl slipped into a bathrobe and but her sneakers on, not bothering to change out of her pajama top and bottoms.

"Come on, Elvia," Fida said, walking straight through the wall and being gently let down from the second story to the ground. Besides being her best friend; having Elvia around had its perks, and some were just too fun for Fida not to enjoy.

There were many empty spaces of land between buildings, and this was especially the case with the center. Going out to the back of the center, the girl made sure no one was around. The air around her blurred and bulged away from her, forming into the mismagius.

Elvia was the strongest of Fida's pokémon and the girl did pay attention to other partners more than Elvia when it came to training. However, this didn't mean that she didn't train with Elvia at all.

Fida sat cross-legged on a flat stone and cleared her throat. Making sure no one was around she turned to Elvia and said, "Let's hear Perish Song." The city was very quiet at night for some reason. The sound of construction machines and large trucks had stopped hours ago, the workers out with friends or at home with their families. The moon hung high in the sky and a cool breeze kissed at Fida's bare neck and face.

Slowly, and very quietly at first, Elvia began to emit a low note. It sounded rather pretty, not raspy or screechy as some people might expect. The tune kicked up, going a bit quicker but with quieter notes. It had a very melancholy melody, but that was something you expected with something called Perish Song. It went from melancholy to utterly mournful, but Elvia still retained a pristine, beautiful voice. The night seemed to slow down even further as Fida looked around, passively gazing into glowing windows and at groups of people out and about; she couldn't help but start to feel a little sad. The last note faded into silence. It wasn't very long, but it couldn't be when it had to be sung on a battlefield.

Fida nodded. "Very good, and pretty," she told her ghost. It was pretty too, though it was also definitely something she didn't want to hear too often; Elvia seemed to understand. Fida leaned back on the stone, supporting herself with her hands and she pondered the list of moves that Elvia had yet to master. She had memorized them all at this point, which made it very easy to pick something that could prove useful later on.

When she thought about the next gym leader they would face, Gardenia, Fida knew that it would be a good idea to have a way to take care of status problems, especially when they had to go through Eterna Forest. Luck favors the prepared.

"Let's try Heal Bell," Fida suggested, returning to her previous sitting position. Closing her eyes she could immediately feel Elvia's mind touch hers. Fida embrace the link and found herself falling through a vast blackness towards an enormous ball of light with Elvia at her side. As they neared the orb they saw that it was comprised of many tendrils of an assortment of colors. Many of these strands responded to Elvia, offering themselves to her freely, but others still lay tightly coiled.

Fida and Elvia got closer, inspecting some of the colorless strands of power; they pulsed at the touch. A good majority of the strands were white, so it was hard to pick which one it was that they were looking for. The duo looked over each one until a faint ringing was heard, more like a memory actually, echoing in their minds, a soothing chime.

"That's it, Elvia," Fida said. Elvia pulled at the thread, loosening it from the tightly woven ball and pulling it.

Fida opened her eyes, rushing herself back to the outside world, and looked at Elvia as she concentrated. Chanting was a thing that mismagius were known to do, though Elvia herself didn't do very much of it. It didn't surprised Fida when her partner began singing in a matter of moments. This time a soothing and uplifting hymn, it brought a smile to Fida's face. The ghost-type's voice cracked mid-song, forcing Elvia to do the process over, but within fifteen minutes was performing it flawlessly.

"I think that's enough for today, Elvia," the girl smiled and yawned. Dutifully and despite a protest or two, Elvia carried the girl back up through the wall and into her room.


"C'mon, Magnemite!" Fida shouted. It was the next morning, a bit early. She was standing out in front of the center with a stopwatch application on her PokéGear. The magnet pokémon was doing laps around the building, it's partner whizzed about Fida's head. She had plenty of more training to do with Magnemite, and one of those areas was speed. The girl knew that magnemite and it's evolutionary line weren't very quick; she had even found out that the last in the line, Magnezone, were typically slower than magneton. This didn't really discourage Fida, though, she had heard that a Johto Gym Leader had a magnemite that was famous for its speed, and she intended for hers to be equally so.

The magnemite zoomed around the corner and passed Fida, she clocked it, seeing that the lap was faster than the last, though the steel-type had been at it for a while now and looked sufficiently beat and in need of a recharge. She waved him in and returned them both. Thoughts of Glenn's upcoming battle flooded her mind as she jogged into the center for breakfast, thoroughly excited to see how he would do.


The girl definitely wasn't disappointed. She marveled at Metalica's endurance and ability to to take two very strong opponents after only being recently captured and her accident. Even more impressed was she by Glenn and Siegfried's performance. The rotom had effectively defeated the rampardos without even taking a hit.

A grin spread across her face as she stood and clapped for Glenn as he left the building. Fida followed after him with Aria as soon as she could, making her way out of the stands and out the door. She quickened her pace to catch up with him, shouting a congratulations. As soon as she caught up she reached up to touch his shoulder. "That was great," she complimented.
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Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
Noticing that the others had already wandered off, Aria was left to her own devices. Mournful emotions passed through her mind as she moved towards one of the tables, the excitement of her win drowned out by thoughts of her father. The Nurse gave her a concerned expression, but as the supposed Joy clones were more of vets, not much of an exchange was had.

Aria saw the door to the Center slide open, to give way to two dark figures making their way into the place. Both of them were mostly black, but it was apparent that the larger one following the human figure was a Charizard, known to be one of the rare forms of it. The trainer of the beautiful best appeared to be wearing a hooded trench coat clasped together with a sort of a skull clip.

Pale hands came up to lower the hood, revealing brown hair cascading around it and cold green eyes peering over a pair of glasses. The woman seemed to peer around for a bit before going up to the counter to do her business, then promptly sitting down at Aria's table for no particular reason. Aria was thoroughly intrigued by this, not to mention the rare Charizard b the woman's side.

"I am Ame, and this is Charles." replied the woman in a voice velvety enough to almost counteract her cold stare, as if she had read Aria's mind. Come to think of it, just being in the presence of this woman sent shivers down Aria's spine, the same sort of sense she got from being around spirits.
"You seem to have a depressed aura about you." said Ame, in an inquisitive tone. The question in her voice was obvious, and Aria felt compelled to respond, to unload her worries onto this complete stranger.

"I'm Aria, and this is Seamus." she began, motioning towards the bird resting in front of her.
"I won my first gym badge today, but when I told my mother, she was kind enough to inform me that my father died because his partner didn't listen." A few more tears threatened to brim out of her eyes, but she held her composure.

"So not only do you have family issues, but you are mistrusting your partners a little bit." summarized Ame in a matter-of-fact sort of tone. Although it was slightly aggravating, Aria realized she was essentially right and simply nodded in response. Ame looked to her colossal companion, and they shared a nod between them, as if they had just exchanged dialogue, before Ame turned back to Aria with a smile.

"There is a way to bond with your partners, you know. Charles and I have something called a mind-link. It happens between partners, often of the Psychic or Ghost type, but as well as those who feel particularly close to one another." She seemed very knowledgeable about the subject, at least, and Aria's curiosity was definitely piqued.

"Now, Aria... who of your team do you feel closest to?" Ame asked her, a hinting tone prominent in her voice. Aria stopped to think for a bit about all the members of her team, and her conclusion was pretty much instantaneous. She thought about the nights she had feeling frightened or alone and one companion had been there for her no matter what so far.

"Seamus." she responded, at which the small bird gave a joyful chirp. However, Aria was thinking about what Ame had just said. Theoretically, she could create a mind-link with any of her PokéMon if she felt close enough to them.

Then Aria had a light bulb moment. Maybe if I try hard enough, she thought, I can create such a link with Seamus, and be aware of his thoughts. Ame smiled then, as if aware of the epiphany that Aria had come to.

"Clear your mind, and allow yourself to flow freely into the mind of your partner." Ame said this with a tone of finality, as if she was ending the conversation. She stood to leave to go to her room for the night, Charles loyally following afterwards.

Aria looked to Seamus, who seemed to look very willing to participate in the new challenge. Aria stood from her seat and Seamus flew to her shoulder again, sitting vigilantly as she walked towards their room for the night. New thoughts and ideas started running through her mind as she closed the door behind her and sat on the edge of her bed. Seamus fluttered down to sit beside her, chirping questioningly.

Clear your mind, and allow yourself to flow freely into the mind of your partner. she thought, closing her eyes and calming her thoughts. After she was certain that there was nothing else on her mind, she pushed her thoughts outwards, expanding them, feeling for another source of energy.

Soon she felt a familiar presence nearby, the one of her bird companion. She imagined her energy as crimson tendrils, and his as a deep grey. They seemed to extend outwards to each other, getting closer to touching. As they got closer to touching, a pushing sensation came through Aria's mind, as if the tendrils were struggling to resist the connection.

After a while, the tendrils of energy calmed themselves, stretching further outwards, until they finally touched and entwined around each other. The beginnings of the bond between them were already beginning to form, so Aria sent out a test thought. Hello.

Hello, Aria! called back a different voice, sounding very cheerful and almost melodic in nature. The masculinity of it still rang through, implicating that the voice was indeed her feathery comrade. Even though we've been together such a short time, I feel very loyal to you. I am happy that we could start a bond, as it shows trust between both parties!

I'm happy too. she thought, before the tendrils of energy pulled themselves back into herself, her mind coming back into her own. She shed a few more tears, but these were more of joy, as she found that she could truly trust her companion now.

With that done, she felt a bit exhausted from everything that had happened that day. She fell asleep, hoping tomorrow would be a better day.


Aria woke again to the chirping of her companion, and she decided to get back into her nicer outfit of the white shirt and jeans. Today was a special day for her leader, one that she absolutely refused to miss. She grabbed her breakfast and quickly ate it, collecting her other PokéMon shortly afterwards, excited to see Glenn's gym battle.

She followed after Glenn and fida and sat back up in the stands again, watching as the battle began. As it went on, she found herself worrying many times for Metalica's health, but was thoroughly impressed by the prowess that the Steel type had gained through her training with Glenn. Aria cheered as Geodude and Onix went down at the hands of the small Steel type, and watched to see what Glenn would do against Rampardos.

Siegfried would be the one to take on the colossal fossil, and Aria thought it to be quite appropriate. She watched as Glenn controlled his partner purely through the means of his electric guitar, the Rotom avoiding the Rampardos like it was nothing. Aria cheered as Siegfried brought down the beast, applauding with everyone else in the stands as Glenn was awarded his badge.

She made her way out of the bleachers, walking back slowly although she was very excited. She wanted to make sure Voltron could keep up with her, but the little Shinx seemed fine walking at her normal pace. She came into the center after Glenn, a broad smile on her face.

"My congratulations to you and your partners, Glenn." she said cheerily, her proud smile as genuine as it got with Aria. She was truly impressed that he had won out over Roark even with just his two partners, but then they had been trained by her leader. Seamus gave a chirp towards him as well, at which aria smiled at the small bird, then looked back to Glenn.

"Seamus says congratulations, too." she reiterated, again as if she understood his chirping, but now she had almost good enough reason to.
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StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Glenn made it to the PokeMon center as quickly as he could, handing his two PokeBalls to the nurse - She did not even need to ask how did the battle go - the aura of triumph Glenn seemed to radiate was enough.

He took a seat and waited for the nurse to finish whatever it is she had to do to Siegfried and Metalica.

His two travelling companions caught up soon, congratulating him for his win. He smiled at them both.

"Thank you. All three of you." he chuckled softly, nodding at the little bird perched on Aria's shoulder. Then, he proceeded to pull out his electronic town map and league guidebook, taking a few looks at some things, finally setting the map on the table and pointing out locations as he talked.

"Alright. So, now that we have Oreburgh out of the way, we need to figure out our next destination. The next Gym is up in Eterna City, north of here. It's never that simple though - the route leading up is designated a cycling road. Meaning it's rather off limits to us - or at least to me, seeing as I don't have a bike." he blushed a little "The other way to Eterna is quite a roundabout way - goes back to Jubilife, then up through a tunnel into a little town here, named Floaroma. Might be a good place to rest up to the next leg of the journey.... Then we follow Route 205 through Eterna Forest. Might take a day or two to get through, that one, it's quite a large one, but the path leads directly out and into Eterna City... Looks like quite a way to go... I'll probably be setting off as soon as my PokeMon are back to full health. If you guys are coming there with me... do any of you have any things you want to do before we get going?"


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
"I'm ready, just let me get my bag," Fida responded.

Setting off for her room she quickly grabbed her bag, scanning about the room and under the bed to make sure she got everything. Slinging the pale lavender bag over she shoulder she made her wait out of the room and back to the front desk.

"Thank you," she said while giving her key back to the nurse. Nodding to Glenn, she took a seat and released the magnemite. She noted to herself that her magnemite seemed much less excitable now than it was, meaning it was at least used to being around other people. Perhaps she'll send the second back home after they arrive in Jubilife.

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
"I have everything I need." replied Aria, patting her bag and Seamus a little bit when he cooed at her. All her PokéMon were healed up, and they had all had their meal. She still had plenty of her healing agents left from the kit she had bought a long time ago. She held up her finger, remembering something as she walked back towards the counter.

"Did the woman with the black Charizard already leave?" she asked the Nurse out of curiosity. The Nurse's expression automatically lightened, as if remembering the rare specimen and his female trainer coming in the previous night.

"Yes, they left this morning," the nurse quipped, "Ame does a lot of jobs all over the PokéMon world according to the database, so it's no surprise she was merely stopping by."

"Ah, I see." Aria looked a bit disappointed that she couldn't have said goodbye or even give her thanks to Ame. The woman had really taught her a valuable lesson, one her father had surely never learned himself.

"However, she left you a nice gift." said the nurse, as she pulled out a PokéBall from under the desk. It glittered beautifully in the light even though it was pure black, with a red ring around the top part of it with golden edges. The center of the ball was a golden colour instead of the regular white, and around the rim of the golden center it was painted a nice contrasting silver.
"I believe this is a Luxury Ball." said the Nurse. "It is supposedly known for causing a PokéMon to become more friendly towards you."

Aria simply smirked a little bit in reply, thinking about how it was a perfect gift. She took the Luxury Ball from the Nurse and said thank you before returning to the group. It was certainly an item Aria could remember Ame by for all the time that she had on this Earth.

"All right, now I'm set to go." she said to her companions, a slight shiver running down her spine at the realization that they would have to pass through Jubilife again.
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StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
"Well, it's settled then." Glenn said, and the three set off again.


The journey back to Jubilife was largely uneventful. Siegfried was playing appropriate background music (at least, what it -thought- was appropriate) from the guitar. Metalica was walking by her trainer's side, chipper as ever. There were no particular encounters along the tunnel or the route after it - and by the time the evening came, the trainers were back in Jubilife City.

"Well. Here we are. We should probably rest up and head out to Floaroma early in the morning. I get the feeling at least a few of us would like to spend as little time in this remarkable city as possible."


The Last of the Snowmen
Former Administrator
The whole way back to Jubilife Fida concerned herself with more speed training for Magnemite. He would linger back for a certain distance and then the girl would time how fast it took for him to catch up with them. It wasn't the best method and she got some irregular results, but all in all it was doing the job. The other magnemite spun around her head, eye wide open but unmoving as it orbited.

At a certain point during the day Fida let Kieran out as well, and had Magnemite chase the bird, much to the murkrow's discontent. He figured the best way to exact revenge was to simple fly fast enough that Magnemite could not keep up, taunting as he did it. Pursing her lips, she returned the bird after a few minutes.


Once in Jubilife Fida checked out another room in the center, her new room being only a bit down the hall from where she stayed only a few nights ago. Her only plan for the night was to continue training Magnemite.

She raced him to the northern gate, which opened up to the route they would be taking in the morning. Magnemite actually beat her there, which made her proud. His mechanical parts whirred with energy. "Ok," Fida said, expelling a breath of hair in preparation for the next few hours. "We're going up against a Grass-type gym pretty soon. I want you in the battle," she started to explain. "We're going to keep focusing on speed and start working on your power, and we're going to try to get you to learn a new move."

Fida sat down on the grass, motioning for Magnemite to hover closer to the ground. "We're going to try to learn Signal Beam. Signal Beam shouldn't be too hard..." Fida trailed off. "It's like your electricity, but this time it's only light. I think I'm going to teach you Flash first, so you know how to make the light, and then we'll try to make you focus it into an attack."

"Maaagnemite," he croaked, moving up and down in the air, the only way to show a nod.

"So," Fida sat up straighter, wondering if she was going about this the right way. It was a machine after all, not a living creature. It had thoughts and emotions but overall its an entirely different kind of being. "Close your eye and focus," Fida instructed. "Try to make light, but without making electricity."

Magnemite hovered almost unmoving, focusing on his trainer's instructions and trying to perform the move. Sparks sputtered after a few moments then stopped, more came alive some seconds later. It was silent then for a few minutes, the only sound being the various nocturnal creatures and the hum of Magnemite's body. He was working very hard, Fida thought, who sat with utmost patience.

There was a burst of something then, it was too fast for the girl to see. Then streams of lightning came to life between the poles of his magnets and remained steady. Fida was about to say something when Magnemite's entire body began to glow, amplifying the light from the electricity and reflecting it off his metal shell. This lasted for a few moments and then stopped.

Fida smiled, seeing how Magnemite had thought better than she had, using electricity's light and amplifying it. With better practice she realized he would be able to do this when any light source that was nearby, though Flash wasn't usually much use during the day unless you wanted to blind someone. He could use his own electricity in a place with little or no light, say a forest or a cave, or anytime at night.

"Good!" Fida exclaimed. This kept on for the continued time that Fida had allotted for training. Because Magnemite could naturally make light on his own, it wasn't a difficult move to get the hang of at all, and was soon able to keep up the Flash for quite a long time. As time progressed she bet that he would be able to hold the Flash indefinitely and have better control over it; focusing the light and intensity of it, among other things.

At the end of the session Magnemite looked like a lit light bulb, his entire body shining. Fida returned him for a good rest and walked back to the center. Glenn said they would be leaving early, so she made sure to get enough rest.

Dwayna DragonFire

2014 Little Cup Champion
They headed out right away, without very much happening along the way. Fida looked to be trying to raise the speed of her Magnemite as they were walking along, probably to help comabt for the nest gym battle.

It was nightfall when they reached Jubilife again, causing Aria to let out a small whimper. We have to stay there again. she thought, another shiver running down her spine. She reluctantly walked through the door of the center that now haunted her nightmares.

She approached the desk and remained looking away from the Nurse as much as possible. As soon as she was handed her keys she quickly made her way to her room again. Another restless night under the roof of that... thing.

She hugged Seamus tight to her chest, falling into an uneasy slumber as they waited for then next day to come. As Glenn had said, the less time spent here, the better.