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Open BNHA RP: Malevolent Shadows DISCUSSION


Previously 5DigitNeb
Wait nvm... ok I don’t wanna bring my body manipulation oc here... buuut at the same time I do. Man, I can’t think of any more original quirks.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Also like how electricity is based off wattage, water is based of pressure so they should be way more closer. Final thing, I hope you guys understand... KONO IS LITERALLY GONNA PUNCH PEOPLE AND STAB THEM WITH MULTIPLE SPIKES AT THE SAME TIME. He can do that right now!
D-development? Nani? How does one develop MHA characters. They just get rekt and be like “I’m culler than before now lol”

Well, Asami is gonna be a story of gaining confidence and self worth with herself and trying to overcome her insecurities in comparison to her peers.


Previously 5DigitNeb
I just fear we're gonna rush to make our characters stronger too quickly, if we have proper balance & pacing than it's all fine to talk about both I suppose.
(Currently only uses one part of power that is literally visible to anyone)
I agree, we uhh, need to stop making our characters brag about how OP they are. (Well that’s mostly mark but I’m bragging about mine but he isn’t but... idk)


Previously Swirled
Well how should I develop Jorino, he did have some self doubt, but that' pretty much it, what should I do?
Probably easier for me because I had a basic idea of what kind of character arc I wanted for Asami upon her creation. A shy meek who gradually gains confidence and self worth. Though with various road bumps.

I'm sure you all can come up with something.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Probably easier for me because I had a basic idea of what kind of character arc I wanted for Asami upon her creation. A shy meek who gradually gains confidence and self worth. Though with various road bumps.

I'm sure you all can come up with something.
You overestimate me


Previously Swirled
You're right, lemme think of something, I'm sure I'll come up with a character arc that' more than mediocre.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Yeah I have for Mark, at least a rough idea. But we need to start getting close to ending the day soon, and onwards to out of class stuff
OH I WONDER WHO SAID THIS. Jk everyone knows. It was mark i mean he’s too perfect to not be the only reason anything good happens , I’m joking I’m joking
I think Haruna is gonna get some development in something around feeling worthless compared to others because of how useless she thinks her quirk is later on? I don’t know. Because it’s limited due to her not having much knowledge about what her quirk can do? It’s the middle of the night and I may need to get some sleep. So I don’t know?


Previously 5DigitNeb
Kono: *runs up to me* CREATOR YOU IDI-
Me: *puts hand in front of oc*
Kono: WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?! *starts disappearing*


Previously Swirled
I just realized that Jorino has as much personality as water has taste, so, TIME TO GIVE HIS WATER SOME TASTE! Also, he may or may not experience some form of hormones in his character arc.

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
I agree that Parker is totally and completely overpowered right now, he's so much stronger than everyone else. However, he also has pretty much no growth room. This is as strong as he can be really. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Previously Swirled
I edited the raw power list, then I will give potential and versatility of their quirks(how many situations they can be used in)

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Parker on top looks good. But there’s a few problems still: Haruna hasn’t been removed from the top five, Mark’s description said definitively top five but he’s six lol, and I’m not sure if we wanted to move Ryan, because I think manipulating Predators would be weaker than manipulating Tidalwaves, Beams of light, or electricity storms.
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