Name: Haruna Mukanshin
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Height: 5’3”.
Appearance: Haruna is an average height, is lanky in figure, and has brown-black hair. She is usually seen wearing long sleeve shirts and sweaters, jeans, and no shoes when she’s not being a hero or whatever.
Personality: She tends to be kind of rude sometimes; but usually is nice to most around her. Haruna doesn’t like to kill people if she ever will and stuff. Her passtimes include doing art, playing video games, and generally being a complete nerd.
Quirk: Space Manipulation; can enlarge or minimize the size of anything, such as enlarging a person to the size of Godzilla, or shrinking someone to the size of an ant. The few disadvantages are that she can’t do it to herself, and she has a limit to how big or small she can make things. She also has the ability to teleport, though she only found that out recently and has trouble controlling it, usually landing a meter higher than she wants to be.
Hero Name: The Defender
Hero Suit: Haruna’s hero suit is made up of a mask that covers only the eyes and nose, a short cape, a black hoodie with a hood that has a tail (see the Homestuck godtiers,) and a bunch of spiked bracelets. It is that easy and the first time she discovered she had powers like this, she made this outfit and stuck with it ever since.
Other: this is probably a horrible character bio. Also, blue cucumber