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Dead account

Previously Super Lazy Man
Jack got startled by this sudden quake, although, thinking it could be his teacher's quirk, yawning and standing up, his theory was correct "isn't it like.. four in the morning? " he asked, seeing as the sun hadn't made it's way up yet

Kitsune Kiara

Previously Keen Kitsune
Aurora woke up to what seemed like an extremely short earthquake. She was thrown into the air when it happened and started flying immediately. She had never been scared of those before since she could just take off into the air. However, she was half asleep now and didn't know which way was civilization. It seemed to have stopped momentarily, so she lowered herself to stand on the floor. She fumbled around for a few moments before finding the clock. "F-four o'clock A.M.?" she gasped. She heard movements out front, and it seemed like she wasn't the only person affected. Well of course not an earthquake would affect multiple people.

She reached for her brush and pulled it through her hair a few times until it was untangled. Thankfully, she had been able to take care of all her necessities yesterday. However, she didn't remember the way to the bathroom. "Oh well, I'll just go later," she said as she looked for some clothes. She found some suitable ones and put them on. She put on her ankle-boots and headed outside. She wasn't sure who to talk to, if she should to anybody, and what they were doing today. She glanced over and saw Himari standing there. She subtly began edging away from the lava-girl, hoping that she wouldn't get burnt today.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Everyone seemed to have the same reaction so far except for Asta. It's not that he couldn't wake up in an emergency it's just that he doesn't want to. This came to the point of even Ms.Agsaki coming to wake her up. Poor Ms.Agsaki, she doesn't get paid enough for this. Still a little drowsy, Asta lazily got dressed, keeping one key to his outfit the same. His hoodie.

After all, that happened Asta went outside only to be startled by seeing a bunch of tired students like himself. One person who stuck out to him was Aurora. She occupied herself with keeping her distance away from Himari. "Are you scared of her?" Asia asked.
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Kishi watched the others around him wake up, the boy equipped a soft smiled as he rolled his shoulders back. The first thing he noticed was Ciel, was the boy crazy? Ciel almost immediately began exercising after waking up, were the battles the night before not enough? Kishi couldn't help but chuckle at Ciel's dedication, he wasn't class rep for nothing. A cheerful seeming voice in from behind Kishi caused the boy to spin around and face whoever was addressing him. Of course, Kishi no longer saw Seo as an opponent- though he was aware he had caused some degree of damage to the boy. Kishi shifted uncomfortably before applying a genuine smile "Good morning." Kishi grinned back to Seo. Kishi never was one to find social situations awkward, he found that being open and friendly tended to solve most problems. "Oh yeah, for sure. I'm so glad I got to do it. You were a great opponent, thank you for being so strong and pushing me harder." Kishi added before extending his hand for a handshake, "I don't think we've ever formally introduced ourselves." Kishi smiled, avoiding the topic of Seo's injuries. "I am Kishi Dentai, it's nice to meet you. I hope that we can meet again on the battlefield, maybe on the same team next time." Kishi stated contently.

Zuron looked towards Ciel before rolling his eyes and turning away. Ciel's words echoed in his head momentarily, the male spoke of never giving up and looking towards the future- yet he was the one who forfeited the battle. Sure, it was for Kat- but still, he lost. Why was he still working so hard? If your not at the top now, you're never going to be there. Zuron silently lowered his gaze to the floor, his muscles were sore- he could feel every heart beat. Zuron's mind kept coming back to the vivid memories of his defeat, he scowled as he slid down the tree and into a sitting position.

Mr. Hami waiting until most of the students were awake before sharing his plan. "Oh, that's not necessary." the man stated gruffly as he watched Ciel complete some exercises. "It's gonna be a hard morning. So those of you complaining now better toughen up because it's only going to get worse from here." Mr. Hami rose his voice slightly as he continued. A board appeared from the floor beneath him, and on it was an order of courses written down (the one on the discussion thread). "We today, we are going to go on a little trip. It's a 10 mile course in total, we can have breakfast once finished." the man leaned back against the board and let out a bored huff as if to signal he was done talking.
Ms. Agsaki almost immediately took over, "This is a team acitvity, though some of you may be more physically fit than others- the mos important thing is that those in the front of the line are helping to push those in the back of the line and vice versa. If we finish and it turns out that anyone fell behind, we will all be running the course again. Remember, friends, hero business is not a one-man activity." Ms. Agsaki smiled.

Dead account

Previously Super Lazy Man
Jack hated this new activity "restart if someone falls behind? What the heck is wrong with these people? !" He thought as he wasn't tired anymore , so he stretched to get a little bit more fit for this course


Previously SwiftSwoobat
Seo nodded in response, then took note at the people who got up. Hoshi opened her eyes and sprang up immediately doing stretches. Seo looked away in embarrassment. "Ah... the best time to get up is before the sun!", she said, which 99.999999% of people would disagree with it. It looked like she forgot where she was, due to her memory being quite terrible. She, of course, went by Zuron. She probably forgot the fight, too. I guarantee one day she'll forgot all of us!

Hoshi smiled with passion until their teacher mentioned 'if someone fell behind we'd all start over again'. Her mind raced with panic. What if it's me? Will everyone hate me? Wait.. then I will be surrounded with a toxic atmosphere... Oh lord, I'm supposed to be a villain? Is this how the starts aligned? I knew it... She sulked, waiting for the course to start. When Jack asked what was wrong with her future self, she got even more worried and sad and basically every negative emotion.

Kitsune Kiara

Previously Keen Kitsune
Aurora jumped up and almost screamed as she suddenly heard Asta's voice. She hadn't seen him when she had done her scan of the people. "You scared me," she mumbled. "And to be honest, I guess I am," she said turning to face him. She heard the teacher telling them what they were about to do and sighed in frustration. "This may sound weird, but I'm starting to believe yesterday was way easier than what's about to come," she said glancing around for Fuyuki. "Do you think it's a good idea if we find Fuyuki then us three stick together?" she asked as she continued to look around. Sure the teacher had said for everybody to stay together, but some of her classmates were just plain scary to her. On the contrary, she had just met Asta and Fuyuki yesterday, but she had a good feeling about them.
Ciel nodded at his teachers' words, they were right about heroes not being a one man job. Plus, they had to run a course together, while making sure that nobody fell behind. That was quite the task, but Ciel had a strategy in mind. Walking over to the teachers, Ciel faced his fellow students. "Class 1-B, I have a proposition. In order to effectively do these exercises, I suggest that whoever believes that they're less physically active, stay in the front. Whoever, believes they're well suited for this kind of activity, stay behind those in the front, at all times. I, on the other hand will be in the back, just as a supervisor of sorts. This way nobody gets left behind and there will be no restarting." He paused and looked at the class. "Everybody okay with this?"
Fuyuki woke up at the same time like everyone else did, but somehow it took a bit longer for her to get ready. It was most likely, because of the early awakening, but she got up non the less. She was just in time to hear her teachers explain the days activity and it sounded exhausting. She looked around to see that nearly all of her classmates were already done and noticed both Aurora and Asta not too far away. As she walked closer to both of them she could hear more and more of their conversation. She wasn't sure what they were talking about before, but the first thing the light brown haired girl heard was. ' we find Fuyuki then us three stick together?'.
"I'm here, but what are you guys planning? Isn't this supposed to be like a whole class activity?"

Kumori had been up for a while. Even before the teachers came to wake her and her classmates up. She did sleep well, but she just had randomly awakened and couldn't fall asleep. She put her clothes on and readied her hair to her usual hairstyle. She couldn't help but think about yesterdays battles. She didn't especially think about her loss, but rather everyone else's quirks and tactics. The quake did surprise the spider girl, but she suspected that it came from Mr.Hamikaru. Kumori did spend a few more minutes in before Ms. Agasaki came over to tell the spider girl to get up. Hearing the days plan didn't surprise her much. She knew that the day was going to take a lot of energy, but she was ready to do what she was instructed to do to reach her goal.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Coming close to a very horrific situation with any girl in class would be an issue but when they're about to scream... You run for your money. Good thing Aurora didn't scream, Asta dodged a bullet. "I'm sorry I scared you." He said in advance. When she moved onto say yesterday was easier, Asta didn't understand. He had no memories of the battle but he had assumed they lost. "Your probably right about that." Sooner or later he would have to investigate that part of his life. Then she started to talk about planning. Usually, he was down to earth with that kind of stuff but her plan to was to stick together. He had nothing against but then she also said Fuyuki should join them. This plan was practically a 50/50. They were all going 10 miles but he had faith in them. "That's fine, I think we all know each other enough that we can travel together and not get hurt." Suddenly a wild Fuyuki appeared. Asta practically jumped 5 feet in the air when she spoke. Now he knew how Aurora felt.

Kitsune Kiara

Previously Keen Kitsune
"It's okay," Aurora said as she spotted Fuyuki coming toward them. She smiled at Fuyuki and waved before as she watched Asta leap into the air. "Wow," she said, watching his descent. "You practically flew, good job," she said giggling. "And about the staying together part, I don't mean that we go off on our own. We still travel with the group, just in a little mini-group of our own," she explained hesitantly. "It's a bummer that we can't use our quirks though, do you think we'll have quirk training tomorrow or maybe later today?" she asked, her mind already wandering.

Nombre De Usuario

Previously JesusoChristo
Himari was shocked at the teachers words, it was a very, very, very long destination, and you gotta run, her mind broke with this thought, and she looked at her crumbling arm, she took her jacket, hid her arm inside of it, and tied her hair in a ponytail, she was even in more shock, when she heard one of her teachers say 'if someone fell behind we'd all start over again', she was getting tired only because of these words, but kept her brain and body active, the whole class is going to be together,... what's the worse that could happen.
Kat had somehow managed to sleep through the earthquake Mr. Hami had caused, but was woken up by Ms. Agsaki gently shaking her awake. Rubbing her eyes and yawning, Kat slowly sat up and hazily watched the other students get up as well. What...? 10 miles? Before breakfast? Restarting? Kat slowly got to her feet, stretching and looking around. Well... If it was to make her a better hero... Not to mention Kat had been wanting to exercise and work out more to get stronger. But at four in the morning? Kat listened to Ciel's preposition, and nodded drowsily in response. In an attempt to wake herself up a bit more, Kat splashed some water in her face. Looking around the camp once again, this time Katlynn spotted Kishi.
"Hey..." Kat said, approaching the boy. "Good morning. Sleep well?"


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Things have been cleared well with one of the girls. The way Aurora put it, they were going to be supporting the whole group from the side. Which was fine but it didn't seem likely anyone was going to fall behind. "Alright, thanks for clearing things up." He said. As for quirk training, he would only assume it would be later on in the day. Both teachers were making them work pretty hard but could they get a break? "I think quirk training will be later on in the day. Also if we're our own group sticking close by the larger group I don't wanna carry you again." He said laughing.
Zuron huffed at the teacher's explanation, his quirk would've been perfect for such an opportunity. How irritating. However, the boy was in fine shape as it is- his quirk required daily exercise in his use of it. His gaze fell upon Ciel, who's proposition was actually well thought out. Zuron, who's mind had been too jumbled to think straight ever since his loss, let out a sigh. What if he just quit now? All of this stuff was so stupid and pointless, and he clearly wasn't anywhere near where he was supposed to be at this point. As Hoshi walked past Zuron, the boy hesitated before shooting his hand out and grabbing the girls forearm. His grip just a bit to tight, Zuron stopped Hoshi from walking as he locked eyes with her. "If the rules to the battle were different. If one person could faint and there teammate would still be able to battle, would you have taken that hit for me?" Zuron asked in a low voice.

A sparkle grew in Kishi's eyes as he listened to Ciel's proposition. His admiration for the other boy may have doubled in that moment- how could anyone take leadership so easily and come up with a full-team plan so quickly? Distracted, Kishi didn't notice Kat until she started talking. Kishi's lips curled into an excited grin as he noticed the girl, his heart seemed to lift off. Honestly, he couldn't help but notice the way his body felt lighter when he was around Kat. "Oh yeah! Thanks for asking, the ground's not memory foam, but I slept like a baby after yesterdays battles." Kishi chuckled. "I tried to talk to you after the tournament, but I think everyone was too tired to function properly. Good job. I mean, I couldn't really watch you- but I heard you took on Zuron." Kishi stated with a shrug. The boy looked back towards the board before giving a faint smile, "This looks tough. I think we can pull through it though, I hope you don't mind that I stick near you." Kishi added. He couldn't help but feel like the girl was talking to other people and making friends, yet here he was doing the opposite. He felt comfortable around Kat, wasn't much more to it. Honestly, most the people at the school had some serious problems.

Ms. Agsaki smiled with joy as Ciel stepped up and instructed the class, Mr. Hami seemed to just want to begin already. "Alright then, Mr. Iridine. I'll let you lead the charge, go whenever you are ready- Mr. Hamikaru and I will be waiting at each checkpoint to make sure nobody gets injured and that you are heading the right direction." the woman smiled before gesturing to the woods were the students were supposed to start.
"Leave it to me." The student boldly responded to his instructor. For once, Ciel felt like he was actually the class rep. A strange feeling came over him as the teacher allowed him to instruct the class, but the fact that everybody was finding their place within the class also played a part in it. A slight smirk plastered itself on the young man's face, as he watched most of the students getting along with one another. Although now wasn't the time to admire the class, they had to get down to business, realizing that, the boy's face turned stiff as he gave out the next set of instructions. "Right then! Break out into two groups, the people who think they're incapable form on the left of me. While the people who believe they're capable form on the right of me." The student didn't want to make anybody feel uncomfortable, so he had to do something in order to make it not seem like a personal attack on anyone.
"Remember class, it doesn't matter what you can or can't do by yourself, since believe it or not but you're not alone anymore. We're all a team now, every single one of us here today. Think of us as one body, if one part doesn't function the whole organism will collapse." The boy stopped for a moment, trying to think of a way to bring his point into view. "What I'm trying to say is, everyone here is a crucial part to this class, but you don't have to do everything alone. So if you think you're incapable, just do your best and we'll pick you back up when you fall down." The words didn't come out quite as he intended it, but he hoped that it at least helped them understand that they're a team and not enemies that just happened to be placed in the same situation. "Anyway, once you're all set, you can start at your own volition but be sure to stay in formation. I'll be in the back of course, so I'll be the last to head out." He stated before he let out a small friendly smile. "Good luck, class. You can do it, so don't feel pressured by the idea of restarting."
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Dead account

Previously Super Lazy Man
With Ciel's words, Jack walked to his right, "honestly, who could hav thought he would have made a good class rep?" He thought, stopping when arriving, "i don't think he even wanted to be class rep in tye frist place. .." he thought again

Kitsune Kiara

Previously Keen Kitsune
Aurora giggled along with his laughter but there was a faint blush visible on her cheeks. Admittedly, that wasn't her one of her best moments, in fact, it was one of her worst cases of daydreaming. She actually wasn't slow she could've kept pace that time, her body was built for fast speeds in the air, but she could still run on land. It was just the durability that was her downfall. As long as she took breaks and watched where she was going, it should be fine. She listened to Ciel words and pondered. "Where do you guys want to stand?" she asked.

Nombre De Usuario

Previously JesusoChristo
Himari was delighted, finally someone responsible was in charge for once , hearing Ciel's words, she hurried to Ciel's right, waiting, she saw jack there, she moved away a little further from jack, and hummed a little tune while waiting, and asked "so when are we gonna go?" Himari just wanted to get this over with, she looked inside her jacket, and saw her crumbling arm inside, she thought to herself, "how am i gonna do this course with my condition like this?".


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
This decision was quite simple, it was the right. Both Aurora and Fuyuki were capable when they wanted to be. Plus it would be the most efficient for Asta. "I think we should go to the right if that ok with all of you?" He asked.

Kitsune Kiara

Previously Keen Kitsune
Aurora nodded. "I'm fine with it, what about you Fuyuki?" she replied. She noticed that Fuyuki was being quiet, but maybe she was just preparing herself mentally. She glanced up at the sky, finally realizing that the sun hadn't risen yet. She couldn't recall any days in which she woke up this early before. I'll have to remember to do it someday, it really isn't that bad.
Kat nodded, thinking back to her fight with Zuron. It really had been a tough fight... Zuron had totally outclassed her, but at least she had been able to hold her own. Looking at the group, Kat watched as the students began to line up in if they felt capable and if they didn't. Now, Kat considered herself pretty athletic. But she had never ran 10 miles before! The most she had ever pushed herself to do was five, and even then she had felt exhausted after that. So it didn't take her long to make a decision.
"Well, you don't have to stick with me if it'll slow you down." Kat said, then smiled at Kishi. "But I'll admit it would be nice to have a friend to keep company with."
Kat then began to make her way over to the left of Ciel.
"Yeah, Zuron... He's really strong. I'm just kinda glad I lasted as long as I did, and managed to get a hit in..." Kat said to Kishi. "But, uh... I do feel kinda bad about that fight, though."
Kumori shifted her gaze towards Ciel, as he started to take charge of the class. Honestly Kumori didn't mind that the class had a leader every once in a while. She only picked up the necessary info of Ciel's plan when he explained it, which was mostly go in front if you are bad at physical activities or go back if aren't, and brushed off everything else as unnecessary. The spider student thought for a few seconds where she should go, but finally decided to go to the back. She wasn't necessary good at sports or anything like that, but she did pass with slightly above average grades in her old school. Kumori was slightly nervous, as most of her classmates, but she didn't show it and carried her usual blank expression as she got into position to the right of the class rep.

Fuyuki had started to mentally prepare herself for the ten mile exercise. She listened to as Ciel spoke and then to both Asta and Aurora. She thought that the class rep's plan was well thought out and the words of encouragement really helped. Her train of thought stopped as Aurora what the light brown haired girl was going to do. Both Asta and Aurora thought that they should go to the right. Fuyuki wasn't sure if she was capably enough, but she wanted to go to the same side as the two people she actually knew.
"Um... Yea sure," She replied. You could hear a slight doubt in her voice, but you could see it way clearer on her face.


Previously SwiftSwoobat
Hoshi looked over to Zuron, and remembered the events of the battle directly. "Oh...", she looked to the ground, then up again," Of course! I didn't care if I won, but I know you did. Because we were battling alongside each other, it would've been the right thing to do!" It was almost like she shifted mindsets for a bit, as she returned to her state of panic shortly after.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Asta suddenly felt really energize, to the point of walking. Their group seemed to be prepared and Asta couldn't hold back. "Alright if both you gals are ready... I think we should get going, it's a long walk in the park." He said enthusiastically. While waiting for a response Asta did a few stretches to get his body in shape.
Kishi smiled at Kat walked to the left side. Honestly, he doubted he'd be able to keep up with the right side. A flush of relief came over him as Kat chose the same side he would have. He listened the the girl's words intently and nodded along with them. "He's strong." Kishi repeated Kat's words before shrugging, "Yeah, a lot of our class mates are really strong. It's kind of embarrassing sometimes." the boy gave an awkward chuckle. "But I know it'll help those who are weaker, and give them more room to grow. Don't forget, you're not too weak yourself. My face certainly won't forget it." Kishi chuckled as he remembered his fight with the girl. Kat's last sentence cause Kishi to furrow his eyebrows, "Feel bad for what?" Kishi asked. It was just an exercise, everyone was fighting everyone else- she shouldn't feel bad about hurting someone. Yet, Kishi couldn't imagine Kat doing anything worth apologizing for either.

Zuron seemed to think about Hoshi's words as he released his grip on her arms. It still seemed so stupid, so meaningless and irresponsible. But Hoshi was serious when she spoke, actually she was rather nonchalant about the topic. Did it really matter so little to her? She'd put her own dignity aside to help his pride? Or was she just so weak that she had nothing to protect in the first place? Zuron scoffed at the girl and crossed his arms over his chest, turning away dismissively. But, out of the corner of his eye Zuron caught the panic in Hoshi's expression. The male didn't change the tone of his voice or lighten his expression as he added towards Hoshi, "How are you sweating already, we haven't even started. Relax, for god's sake, and you'll do fine. If there's one thing I know about running, it's that you can't do it with your muscles all tight like that. Trust yourself, ease up- unless you want us to have to run the whole course twice." Zuron muttered. His words were either insulting or encouraging, depending on how one took them- but he clearly didn't want that conversation to continue. Zuron walked away form Hoshi without a word, standing reluctantly on the right side of Ciel.


Previously SwiftSwoobat
Seo was wandering around in his thoughts, daydreaming to everyone around him. He was thinking that consolation brackets were just an excuse to make people not feel bad if they lost, though it wouldn't matter in the long run because everybody cheers for the actual winners. He snapped back into reality, and looked around him. Wait... this would be a good time to make some actual friends! He turned over to Kishi, hopefully not distracting him. "Um... Do you... maybe want to be friends?", he regretted saying that as he might think poorly of him, now. He eased away from that idea and started to feel calm again.

Hoshi actually took Zuron's advice for a change and started to think positively about this. She was the tallest person in this class if she remembered correctly, so why was she worrying? She could travel longer distances for each step, so she actually would have the upper hand. She eased down and focused on the area in front of her.
Kat shifted uncomfortably, taking a moment to think before responding.
"Well, it's just... I know that compared to the others in our class, my quirk isn't that strong. I mean, it didn't have that many offensive qualities. I knew that was the case even before coming to this school. So I knew that if I was going to win when I fought, I was going to have to take any advantage I could get. That meant sneak attacks, targeting weak points, even fighting dirty. And that's kinda what I did for my fights. In the first one, I got the drop on Camden and hit him in the back of the head with a metal rod. It dropped him like a sack of potatoes! I felt so bad about it, even after he got up and walked it off. Then, when I was fighting Zuron... I started off just trying to target his legs. And when that worked, I tried to keep up the pressure by targeting his ego and trying to insult him, make him angry. I pretty much called him a bully and a failure as a hero." Kat bit her lip and glanced away for a second, before sighing and turning back to Kishi. "I've never said a word to him before. I haven't even properly met him! I don't know anything about him, but still the first thing I do is try to tear him down. Even if it was just to try to distract him for the fight... I feel like I went to far. It just... Didn't feel like a very heroic thing to do."
Kat sighed and glanced away again, leaning against a nearby tree. Jeez, it was too early in the morning to be thinking such thoughts.
The boy looked to his left and to his right as if he was doing some silent roll call, once he verified everybody's positions he nodded and was ready to finally begin this long journey. He hoped everyone was okay with him taking the lead, as he really didn't have the confidence that a leader needed yet. Nonetheless he couldn't show that side to his fellow classmates or else they might lose confidence as well, and well, that wouldn't be good for anybody. The dark haired boy faced the course ahead of him, this was the beginning to a 10 mile expedition. Could he really inspire hope to his class for that long? Tch, no use worrying about it.
"Alright, I hope you guys got prepared both physically and mentally. We're going to begin on the count of three. So get into positions now or once we start running." The boy waited for a little while after the statement, most likely for anyone who changed their minds or were getting into position. "Okay. One- two- three... Begin!" Said Ciel as he got into position, ready to follow after the rest of the class.
Kishi let out a sigh as he looked towards Kat- it was complicated. His eyebrows furrowed in sympathy and he tried as hard as he could to find some sort of consolidating words, but he just couldn't figure out what the say. He didn't need to resort to such tactics, he had Jack after all- but what if he did? Would he? Kishi always imagined what it would be like to fight for his life, of course he'd do whatever he could- but this was different, it was just practice. Did she have to go to such an extent? Honestly, the situation perplexed the boy- he found he couldn't answer any of his own questions. "I- mean. I don't know. I guess it depends how much you want to win-" Kishi sentences were brief and broken, it was clear he was lost. He wanted so dearly, however, to help his friend. Kat glanced away and simultaneously, a familiar voice popped up form behind Kishi. Honestly, he was glad to hear it- he needed time to think about what to say to Kat.
Seo's words took a moment to register with Kishi. It was sort of a weird proposal- to just ask like that. Kishi's bright gaze wandered slightly, he could've sworn he saw Seo hanging out with others before. Kishi furrowed his brows before shrugging with a grin "Of course!" Kishi gave a thumbs up knowing that it was pointless to try and think about nay of Seo's other relationships or an ulterior motive to becoming his friend. Kishi locked eyes with Seo, a moment of intimacy to prove that Kishi wouldn't take his friendship lightly, "It would be awesome to get to know you- and your quirk of course. You like frogs, huh?" Kishi ended his talk with a light giggle at his last sentence. "You can hang out with us, that is if your willing to be in the group." Kishi added, glancing over towards Kat before smiling back at Yoshisuki. When Ciel suddenly gave the count down Kishi inhaled a deep breath of air and smiled to himself. Then, 'BEGIN' the words left Ciel's mouth but sort of stunned Kishi for a moment. After a few second Kishi looked at both Kat and Seo before offering a shrug- their group was supposed to be in a front. With long, yet sort of slow strides, Kishi took off and began the course.


Previously SwiftSwoobat
Yoshisuki felt free from a chain of embarrassing childhood friends and Zuron, letting out a positive vibe. When Ciel yelled begin, Seo took off as well, trying to keep up with Kishi's group. Seo... wasn't very good at running. He felt pressured to keep going ahead while everyone in the back was directly behind him. He didn't really know the positions of everyone, but that's what it felt like.

Hoshi, on the other hand was actually extremely good at running. She was in the front, as originally she planned to go quite slow, but it was on the contrary. She needed to drop back into the back line, so she slowed down, trying to go for a clearing to which she could. It might appear as if she was giving up, but he was far from that.
Katlynn glanced over at Kishi as he attempted a response. It looked like even he didn't know what to say. He turned and began talking to another student, the shapeshifter. Kat looked towards the trail ahead and began to stretch, loosening up for the endeavor ahead. Just then, Ciel called out for the students to begin. Kat took a deep breath and started off after Kishi and Seo, making sure to keep a steady pace while also not pushing herself too hard. This was going to be the longest distance Kat had ever ran, and she had the feeling that it wasn't going to be a simple flat course with rolling hills. No, knowing the teachers (well, more of Mr. Hami), there was probably going to be some intense parts to this course. Kat knew this was going to be exhausting, but didn't want to burn herself out in the first five miles. So she kept a steady pace.

Nombre De Usuario

Previously JesusoChristo
Hearing Ciel's word, Himari began walking behind, well not too far behind, she kept her distance away from Ciel, as she thought he might get angry if she fell behind, and then they'll have to start over again, a few minutes after walking, Himari began to run, this was a very long distance to run, thus thinking that maybe she'll get exhausted from this, this thought only made her performance worse, it made her anxious, and there was no way to do this the easy way.

Kitsune Kiara

Previously Keen Kitsune
Aurora watched as Fuyuki looked skeptical. "Don't worry, we're all in this together and I'm sure you're more than capable," she said. She stretched lightly as she waited for the teachers to tell them to go. She was surprised to hear Ciel announcing for them to start running, but she complied. She started jogging as she did a few calculations. She slowed down and picked up speed as she ran, usually looking at the ground but glancing up occasionally at Fuyuki and Asta. This is such a long distance and it's only the first obstacle. However, this'll be wonderful training and I could benefit from this greatly.
The crowd sort of moved as one. For the first time since the villain attack, Kishi felt like everyone was working together. His spot in the front of the line slowly dropped until he was behind 2 or 3 people, but still keeping a good pace. It was actually easier than Kishi thought it would be. The occasional glance backward to offer Kat and Seo a smile was the only thing that moved Kishi's bright orange gaze form it's fixed spot ahead of it. Kishi's strides were long, his feet adapted over time and while, at first, he stumbled over the twigs and rocks; he was slowly getting the hang of things and the run was rather smooth for a long time.
Kishi couldn't possibly have known how long he had run for, or how much longer he had to go. But it was rather suddenly when the boy was struck with all sorts of problems. First a cramp, a stitch in his side that the boy ignored at first. Kishi winced slightly- why now? It's not like he was running fast, of course, this would happen to him. Kishi slowed a few steps before a huff from behind reminded him that he wasn't alone, the boy caught up to his earlier spot and decided to suck it up. It wasn't until the stinging sensation in his side began, that Kishi felt tired. He was finally aware of his breath, deep and heavy- and his rapid heartbeat. Kishi closed his eyes momentarily and pushed himself harder- this was just the first step? How could they just throw the students into something like this? He was going to die. Kishi kept shaking his head, his pace changing abnormally as he kept slowing down and then speeding up in a cycle. Kishi no longer could see the road or the backs of the people in front of him, he couldn't focus on anything except the throbbing in his side. The ground grew soft under Kishi's feet, and he stopped suddenly, hardly able to catch his breath, when one of his feet sunk slightly and his shoe got stuck in the mud. Kishi looked up with a loud sigh, ahead of him was a wide flowing river; he had completed the first part of the course.

Zuron looked up at Ciel, the others began to ran. The boy waited for an extra moment, glaring at the students around him before he let out an exasperated sigh. What a pain. It seemed like a truly pointless exercise. And yet, who was he to complain- he was just as bad, if not worse than every other student around him. He did belong with them, doing their pointless exercises- getting nowhere because he doesn't have what it takes to be a hero. Zuron growled at himself and clenched on fist grinding his teeth as he had no other way to express what he felt- the growing feeling inside himself that he couldn't describe if he tried. Zuron huffed before he picked up near the back of the line when he first began Zuron felt the surge run through his body to go fast. He wanted, badly, to use his quirk- though that would be cheating. Honestly, it had been a while since Zuron exercised without his quirk. It felt sort of uncomfortable, his muscles begged to release the energy stored inside of him. Zuron ran with the group easily, after a while of telling his body to just man-up and deal, his eyes wandered the skies for something to do. The boy narrowed his eyes as the group ahead of him was all stopped "What the hell is wrong with you?" Zuron growled as he pushed past a few bodies before snarling at the river.

Chunky Ramen

Previously Canadian_Fish
Camden was absolute trash at running, and he knew it. So from the moment he set foot past the cursed start line, he began sweating profusely. He felt lost in this crowd of people a foot above him. He would trade his quirk for any other quirk right now, his quirk required him to run while staying tense in order to not 'noodle', a difficult task.
But to pull through, he had to think of what was ahead of him. Not focus on the present, but stare down his dreams and chase them.
I want to be a hero, too. I can't stop and trip now. In order to move on, I have to take nothing and turn it into the best thing. That's what all of us have to do right now.

He repeated the line and lines like it to himself, again and again, but even so, a thought and wishful thinking couldn't help him here. He could barely see from the sweat, and he had short and cut-off gasps for air. His body begged for mercy, and his heart was hammering its way out of his chest. But yet he told himself that if he stopped or tripped, he might not get back up again. He was almost glad for the rips in his shirt from the battles yesterday, and his jacket was missing.
In the end, he pulled through the first part. And when the crowd stopped, he was able to breathe right again. This was an accomplishment, even if it was just making it to the river.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
This would be the moment where the narrator says "without hesitation Asta started running as fast as he could" but he didn't. He hesitated, he had fear, he choked. It wasn't the run that was making him scared, it was the people. What if he didn't live up to the expectations they had set for him? What he couldn't make the 3 miles at all? Emotions took control of him until he saw everyone start running. It was like relief came crashing down so he began running too. Every now and then Asta took a deep breath in, only to start choking on-air or trip. In the end he still came to the same conclusion as everyone else.
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Dead account

Previously Super Lazy Man
Jack took a deep breath before he started to run "alright. .. i, am too tired for this crap" he thought as he finally started to run, keeping a steady pace and inhaling deeply everytime he got tired ((that works for some people)) , until, they reached a lake "so we have to go through ?" He said, as he straight up jumped in and started to swim across

Nombre De Usuario

Previously JesusoChristo
Himari was getting tired of running, she needed water, and then god gave her what she wanted, a wide lake about a mile long, she smiled, while crying inside, swimming was the 2nd thing she hated in the whole universe, number 1 was "Fuyuki", this thought made her realize, what if Fuyuki jumped in and the water turned cold then it turned into ice. This thought made her scream... internally.


Previously SwiftSwoobat
Hoshi eventually went to the back row, lessening her stress. However, it appeared the two rows concept was falling apart. She was cooling off in a sense, though she was having a hard time keeping up the pace. A thought that made her snicker was if she purposely fell behind, ruining everyone's (probably) fun time! Though, no one was having fun, so she dropped it. Seo was already panting like a deer when she looked over. He felt like an elephant was sitting on his chest after a while, and was starting to lag behind. Not before long, he realized he was about to be outran. He used his remaining energy to boost ahead back into his original position, though he was clearly not in shape. His lungs felt swollen, though they weren't, it felt like it.