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Private/Closed Boku no Hero Academia RP

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
Sorry I ended the exam so abruptly, it was getting too hectic. Also I'm gonna decrease the size of the classes so that we can all be in one class without random filler students.

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
There are currently 7 of us, so I'm gonna make it 6 classes of 10. That leaves room for anybody that wants to join. Any objections?
Alright, this is the teacher's form

Name: Amaiya Woods; The Telekenitic Hero: Gravitack
Gender: Female
Age: 32
Personality: I'll make one up in the RP :p
Appearance: Long black hair, brown eyes, and wears very sophisticated clothing (and by I mean sophisticated, I mean seductive. Have fun with that). 6'02" feet, and has the same figure as Midnight.
Quirk: Telekenisis (is basically able to control any form of matter or energy, but all she can do is make them float, or stop moving). The draw-back is that she can only use her telekenisis on an opponent for 5 minutes, so she has to be smart with how she uses it.

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
Is everybody fine with a timeskip to the morning of class? The first day will probably be teacher introductions and something alone the lines of "I want you all to be able to work together so shoe everyone your quirk." Or something like thay.
So our teacher is basically Midnight with telekinesis? XD
Is everybody fine with a timeskip to the morning of class? The first day will probably be teacher introductions and something alone the lines of "I want you all to be able to work together so shoe everyone your quirk." Or something like thay.
I'm fine with a timeskip. Should I be the one to commense it, or will you @Top_Smug_ ?
Ohh no! I totally was late seeing this, and wanted to join but didn't have time at the moment. Is it alright with you if I hop in around now, @Top_Smug_ ? (After I post a character sheet, of course? If not, that's alright.) Would I just mention that my character was lowkey throughout the exam, timeskip, etc?
Awesome, thanks.


Akize Momoto

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Appearance: (Similar to Profile Picture) Shaggy, ashy blonde hair, and a golden-hued eye color. He has light skin, and is decently lean in muscle, but not the biggest of kids around his age. He is 5'6 in height and of 125 lb. |Normally wears Academy uniform in school of course, or a casual sleeveless grey hoodie and joggers outside of school|

Personality: Akize can be a bit of an over-lax, show off kind of person. He likes to impress people whenever he can and make people smile. He is an overall nice person, most of the time putting other's needs before his own - something he tries to make sure to keep consistent in order to fulfill his desire to be a Pro-Hero.

Quirk: Copy Quirk :: Akize is, able to copy anyone's quirk for up to 10 minutes. The stronger he gets and the more he is able to master his quirk, he would be able to last for more time, and possibly copy more than one quirk at a time.

He can only copy after coming in physical contact with whoever he wishes to adapt a quirk from. The quirk can only be used for up to 10 minutes at first, and he can only copy one ability at a time. The more he rapidly uses his quirk, the faster his body is drained of stamina and endurance.

-Due to his quirk being based off of physical skill, Akize has trained to be very limber and competent in hand-to-hand combat.

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
Honestly, I don't have a ton planned... The one thing I thought of was having the class all go out to eat or shop or something and have villians plan on blowing up the area so we have to stop them. No idea when that's gonna be though.
Ok. I was sorta thinking it might be a good idea to introduce the villains starting of small rather than all at once like the show did. A random encounter makes sense.
So just posted this is a smaller thingie that Top_Smug_ put up and already accepted, here you go.

Name: Kabe Hansheru

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Personality: Kabe is always anxious and afraid, seemingly of everything. He doesn't like talking to people and does best to not be noticed. He is also a a massive germophobe, more the reason for him not liking to make contact with anybody.

Appearance: Kabe has drooping mauve hair, along with a uniform that's too large and fatigue-ridden eyes. In his Hero costume, Kabe has a simple white blanket covering him with holes cut where his eyes would be to see.

Quirk: Isolation
Kabe is able to remove himself from the flow of the universe, essentially becoming invisible, inaudible, intangible, etc. There's no way to trap him, and he takes up no physical space. Kabe can also make himself visible to chosen people, but keeping the form up can cause him to lose his ability to see temporarily.

Other: He's gotten the nickname 'Haisha', meaning loser.
Ok, everyone. I was hoping that all of us could lose to the androids. And that, like at the end of the year or something, the students face the androids again to see how far they've gotten.
I was just making a suggestion as to how they could still all lose even after Parker's huge thing he did.
Yeah, I know. I already had it planned out, though, but I'll try to incorporate your idea in there as well.

I just haven't posted anything because I wanted to make sure it was okay with everybody else if their character loses the fight.