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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros 4

The superpower pokémon changed directions once Black Knight started shooting his energy attacks, avoiding the first few. However, Terrorpin’s energy beams complicated things. Machamp grabbed a nearby boulder with one hand, then another with a different hand. He pointed one towards Terrorpin to block the blasts, and another towards Black Knight to block the magic spheres. After the attack was over, he discarded the boulders by throwing both to the side.

Now that the duo’s barrage was over, it was Machamp’s turn. The four armed brute punched the ground again, sharp spikes emerging from under Black Knight. While he did this, Machamp continued to run towards him, closing the distance fast.
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Previously Manu456Alola

"Looks like I'm not the only one grappling around!" Rebellio commented as he reached his destination, kicking off a wall and towards Chief. With a swing of his scythe, he would try to slice through the Spartan's grappling line in hopes of taking that movement option away. Whether he succeeded or not, he would then come crashing down and slam his weapon into the ground, small chunks of earth scattering upon impact. This would hopefully force Chief off him, keeping him from abusing his close-range prowess.

Throwing out another crimson wire to grapple, Rebellio decided to enter the nearby Forerunner structure, moving quickly along his thread as he entered a dark hallway. Once there, Chief would recognize a familiar sound: the Adept's Gatling gun revving up. A flurry of string energy bullets came his way, Rebellio taking advantage of the enclosed space to make it harder for the Spartan to reach him.


With Tethi having been knocked down momentarily, Copen took the chance to reload his Bullits, small silver batteries being ejected from his boots, replaced with new ones. A strange beetle hovered in the air, glowing blue, though he wasn't sure what its purpose was. Seeing as Tethi would also be inside its area of effect, he doubted it would be anything harmful. Tethi eventually got back up, ready to attack again.

"That all you got?!" She exclaimed, swinging one of her longer range weapons around.

"There's more where that came from!" Lola shot back, switching EX Weapons once again. Choosing Hailstorm Blade once again, the icy blades swung at the bolas to deflect it, Copen opening fire on Tethi again as his companion kept him safe. Once he got the opportunity, he would leap over to his opponent and attempt to tag her again, in which case Lola would activate Stellar Spark and encase her in an electric field. Otherwise, he would jump away and keep attacking from afar.
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

A chuckle...?

The astounded ape smirked. Specter remembered his handiwork in the machine not too long ago. He could see that without his master here, he was beginning to express himself. The shackles of servitude severed from one to an unworthy master. Was this not what true beauty was?

"Metal...what is your wish?" Specter murmured to himself.

Now that he was free...what did he aspire to do? It was a new world for him. One full of possibilities. As he reigned in his monkeys, he watched with earnest to what Metal would do. Perhaps his fighting style shall give birth to a dim, albeit illuminating light upon the psyche of the chrome hedgehog.



"No biggie sweetheart, just tell 'em to my newest album, m'kay~?"

She gave him a wink, obviously wanting to generate more income using him while getting popular at the same time. Maybe she was more cut out for the celebrity field rather than fighting? Though, no one dare say that to her face, else face scalding water.

Upon seeing the icy blades deflect the bolas, Tethi took the opportunity to switch to her crossbow, trying to counter the shots Copen was taking.

"Stalemate-woah!" Tethi was about to say, before Copen began to leap towards her. With quick thinking, she tried to activate the green gale, but was tagged just before she fired it. While she was able to launch the green gale at Copen still, Stellar Spark still activated, encasing the seedling in an electric field, getting a shocked cry from her. Luckily, Khepri got the water barrier formed in the small area around Tethi in that moment, meaning that although she was in the electric field, the water barrier would hopefully prevent outside attacks....er, for the most part.


"Okay, miss!" Axe quickly agreed to do that, partly understanding that if he tried that back home he'd sound crazy. He also had no idea what an album was, but that was a question for another time.


Yuga was watching the 'confrontation' between Chun Li and the weird...host guy. Seemed like a perfect topic to start a manipulative conversation with once that was done, he had decided.


Previously Kid_Nukas
It was obvious that the duck at least understood what Thief had said, as it rushed towards the gate to start their duel. Thinking about it, the duck wasn't the strangest thing he had come across, especially when compared to some of the monsters of the dungeon, he just expected these opponents to be more... normal. Either way, he followed the duck into the portal to start their battle.

As he was entering the arena, it was shifting around them into a large, open expanse with trees and a large lake. Immediately the duck dove into the water, obviously he was already ready to fight, so Thief had to act fast. He activated his dice roll, ready to allocate his dice wherever he thought they would fit best. His first roll was very helpful, with three sixes, a three, and a one. He took one of the sixes and picked the lock on it, splitting it into 3 different dice; a 4 and two ones. He immediately took the two other sixes and used them to summon his poison slingshot. He shot four poison sludge bombs into the lake hoping to smoke the duck out of what seemed to be his element. He also allocated the 3 into his leather armor slot to give him some protection for what was to come.

Black Knight
Black Knight watched as Machamp punched the ground, but was ready for his attack after seeing it the first time. He used his shovel as a pole vault and launched himself backward, avoiding the spikes, to give him a bit of time to react to the charging brute. As Machamp got closer, he dug his shovel in the ground and threw some sand and dust in Machamp's face, hoping to blind him temporarily as he got out of the way of the fast-moving behemoth.

Meanwhile, Terrorpin was focused on trying to get unstuck. He fired off another energy blast before tucking in his shell and spinning to clear any debris keeping him in place.
The pokémon watched with curiosity as Black Knight avoided the Stone Edge. Looks like that wasn’t going to work a second time, at least not as a starting attack. As sand was thrown in his face, Machamp growled in annoyance. In response, he punched the ground with two fists (the lower ones), causing a shockwave and forming a crater, throwing up several debris and hopefully Black Knight himself. Machamp then reached out blindly, grabbing a large piece of rock. The original plan was to use this as a weapon, but now that his vision was starting to come back, he could see the bright purple beam coming towards him. He used, once again, the boulder to block the beam.

This was getting old. Machamp turned towards the edgy cosplayer and rushed towards him once again, punching the ground in the process. While this looked like it was gonna be another Stone Edge, it was actually a feint. Black Knight then jumped away again because he thought it was another Stone Edge. Machamp then grinned and grabbed the knight by the foot, slamming him into the ground brutally. Machamp laughed triumphantly, putting his bottom hands on his hips, while his top arms were flexing. He backed up a bit and awaited Black Knight’s next move.


Previously Kid_Nukas
Black Knight
Black Knight groaned as he started to get up again. His armor protected him somewhat, but there's no amount of armor that can just protect you from being brutally slammed into the ground. Luckily, Terrorpin wasn't going to take this lying down. As soon as he saw Machamp grab Black Knight, he started charging, closing the distance quickly. Black Knight noticed this and threw another shovel of Sand in Machamp's face. This interrupting his obvious boasting would hopefully anger the brute and keep the attention off of the rampaging shielded rhino.
The pokémon growled and spit out some of the sand, glaring at Black Knight. Machamp roared and lifted his arms above his head, ready to finish the knight—

Before he was pinned by what felt like an exploding bulldozer. Machamp looked at Terrorpin, who had more power than anticipated. Machamp punched the side of the monster, to no effect. They crashed through a row of stalagmites. Machamp growled and grabbed Terrorpin by the horn, then lifted his legs up to the beast’s head and pushed off, flipping the opposite direction that Terrorpin was charging, taking the deformed Blastoise with him and slamming him into the ground, just like his master.

Machamp looked over at Black Knight, who was now about 30 meters away. He began to run towards him, not liking the distance they were at.


Previously Kid_Nukas
Black Knight
Black Knight didn't waste any time when Terrorpin slammed into Machamp, he immediately started charging up his sphere attack again. He made sure to keep an eye on them as they barreled down through the cave as he knew how dangerous it would be if he lost track. Once Terrorpin was flipped, he knew he would be out of time soon, luckily by the time Machamp was halfway back, he had had plenty of time to charge up enough. He let loose a barrage of about 25-30 magically charged metal spheres in Machamp's direction. He ran to the right after letting them loose, to see if he could find some cover behind a stalagmite while Machamp was dealing with the barrage.

Terrorpin in the meantime was stuck, he had trouble flipping over by himself, but he was able to shift his weight in his shell enough to spin around and face Machamp again. While he couldn't flip over, he could fire off 2 energy blasts in order to create a sort of pincer attack against Machamp.
The four-armed brute punched the ground, several large stones appearing in front of him as protection against the magic spheres. They were strong, but the stones held without much issue before sinking back into the ground. He then looked behind him to see Terrorpin release more energy beams. Machamp responded by leaping high up into the air, causing the beams to go soaring past and destroy some stalactites instead.

Machamp landed on the ground once again, although he brought back a souvenir from the ceiling: a stalactite. This makeshift weapon gave Machamp some more range and also allowed for a potential block. The pokémon resumed his charge towards Black Knight, taking the stalactite with him.
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Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Master Chief
The line was severed as Rebellio made haste to try and prevent Chief from closing the distance. He'd clearly come to the conclusion that hand-to-hand combat against the Spartan wasn't ideal. Chief rolled to the ground, whipping out the MA40 and opening fire on Rebellio as he retreated into the Forerunner structure, whipping about the corner to enter the hall beyond. The whirring of the gattling gun came to life as John approached, and bullets began to whiz out.
Chief took this opportunity to slide out his magazine and slap in a fresh clip, before peering about the corner. Rebellio was standing near the end of the hall, in the center, firing his weapon forward, targeting Chief as he took notice of him. Retracting his head from the combat zone, John devised a plan. Along the hall were short off-shoots, segmented by walls, their backs illuminated by the cool blue light of Forerunner electrical, or whatever that was made up of. Seven in total, four on the kid's right, three on his left. The fourth on his left was a ramp downward, leading to another hall that extended northbound to another ramp, leading to the entrance of the Silent Cartographer. Beyond that were a series of rooms, more ramps, halls, and eventually the cartographer itself.

Diving forward with his incredible speed, Chief pulled into the first segment, two bullets having been absorbed by his shields. With another dive, he shot into the second row, the segment on Rebellio's left, drawing dangerously close now as three more bullets were dissipated into Chief's shields. Whipping out a fragmentation grenade, Chief pulled the pin before tossing it up and over where Rebellio was, aiming to draw him forward as Chief dove toward the third row, the segment on Rebellio's right, and nearly right on top of the kid.
"Chief, I... think I've got it."
"Let's hear it."
Kalmiya audibly cleared her throat. "The strands are made up of a bio-energy that feeds on matter and needs it to thrive. Its weakness would be found in the basis of science and matter itself, right? I have reason to believe photon-based weaponry will be devastating for him."
"Hard light." Chief replied, finishing what she was building to, pulling what seemed to be a small silver stick from behind his back, gripping his hand around it. In a flash of light, the blade made of the purest form of light extended out four feet, energy fizzling along its surface, a glass-like hum resonating from it.


Previously Deathstalker62
With that, The Terrarian waved goodbye to Bowie, using his Solar Pickaxe to remove the sign. Flying off with the Vortex Booster on his back, the Terrarian flew close to the tournament board to check who he had to fight.. some thing named Galacta Knight? Well, the Terrarian has fought the brother of an elder god before, this shouldn't be too hard. Spinning around, the Terrarian spotted his opponent, and with one quick swoop he dove toward the gateway, flying into it and waiting for his opponent to get here.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Player select..."

Uratekumon's mecha was hanging onto an overhead pylon, leaving the smaller real body of the imp dangling down, peering down on the crowd.

"Amateurasu? Too culty. Kirby? Too pedestrian. Ranamon? Too Mind numbing. Audrey? Too irrelevant."

The highly judgmental Digimon scanned the selection of characters below. A speed runner like him only chose the most qualifying, meta characters possible. Nothing more, nothing less. Upon nearly completing his scan of faces, one threw him off.

"4'11 Adolescent Human, Male, Age 13, intelligence...oooooh..." The fur covered demon cackled, hoisting his controller up as his eyes narrowed in delight. "Character Selected, Game Start!"

After inputting a command on his controller, Uratekumon's mech suit swung down toward the ground near Merak. The Digimon jeered in his direction upon landing.

"Yo." They simply said. "Greetings ID:702627! I didn't know that they just let any boss be welcome here."

Cocking his head at him not unlike a parrot or similar bird, the gaming enthusiast continued.

"Tell me what's going on in that over standard head of yours, ID:702627!"


Previously Gamingfan2
Galacta Knight
Galacta Knight remained still, almost appeared like a statue save for the darting eyes. He looked up upon seeing his name flash. Without missing a beat, Galacta Knight flapped his angelic wings and glided down into the doorway.
Upon landing, Galacta Knight noticed two things. The area was similar to where he first fought Meta Knight, but it appeared different as well. Secondly, there was a strange looking human standing opposing to him.
Galacta Knight landed, brought up his shield and lance, and prepared to duel.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Leon S. Kennedy
His attack was rendered useless as the world vanished around them... before a single light appeared. Pac-Man was illuminated underneath, the word 'pause' flashing above him. A cup of tea appeared in his hand, which he proceeded to casually sip. He was unaware of Leon behind him, clearly under the impression this was a safe zone where he could chill without consequence.
How wrong he was.

The Pac tossed a pellet in his mouth, and Leon frowned. This smug sumbitch had no idea what he was dealing with. "You know, there's nowhere to hide here." He stated, undoubtedly putting the Pac into a state of temporary shock. He surely had never faced a foe who could exist in the pause menu with him.
"So if you have issues with getting your ass handed to you, let's settle that right here. Right now."
And through the power of Capcom, Leon pulled out a bazooka.
"I will get to my fight once I am finished here. Chun-Li, Interpol officer. You are aware that having children participate in fights is illegal, right? Especially if it is a potentially illegal fighting tournament. I request that Bowie here is exempt from participating in these fights, as he is clearly a minor and easily influencable. How do you plead?" Chun-Li crossed her arms as she waited for a response from the host. She knew that it was probably not going to change anything, but her sense of justice was just too strong to ignore. After all, every child saved was one that did not have to suffer.



Pandora looked at the incoming Metal Sonic without any concern. Moving her remaining two wands in front of her to block Metal's attack, her head pieces fired another salvo of electricity at the hedgehog robot.

@Captain Pokémon


As Dark Matter tried to encapsulate the Rocket Fist, Gemini Black snapped his fingers and opened a black hole, sucking in the fist and spitting it out in front of Dark Matter. Gemini White meanwhile began to block the projectiles with his sword. This fight was one of attrition by the looks of it, and he was not happy about it.



Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Generic Host
He smiled at Chun-Li as she spoke to him, his eyes appearing humored as he intruded the spaces between her words with short chuckles. "Plead?" He asked, giving her side-eye. "Why should I plead? You're the one making a request here, Thunder Thighs. You're the one pleading, my dear, ha ha..." His lips barely moved as he gave the awkwardly-delivered response. "No, see here, your request is denied. Legalities are fragile at best, but we're out of your jurisdiction, no?" Cleverly, he seemed to be turning her offensive against her. "Like a monger, you stomp up to me with a request, asking I adhere to a law that does not apply here. Requesting my plea of defense. Age, gender, species, profession, uh... background, yeah, these are all naught here. I propel the idea of equality, officer. You may be international, but this is the law of multidimensional. I am almost offended you'd come here with thus uh... this moxie and demand a plea from me..." He chuckled, staring unblinkingly at her. "In fact... why don't you fight him, eh? You clearly think he's weak, maybe you even think you need to go easy on him. Hah! Trust me, sweetheart, you wouldn't need to bother... hm... yes! I think some arrangements are in order. It's time to show the protector why everyone doesn't always need protecting, right? How's that sound? Bowie and his Blob versus Interpol Officer Chun-Li. Heh heh... meanwhile Ganondorf's rule 63 self can take on the edgy dementor with a peanut allergy."


Previously Gamingfan2
Dark Matter
Of course the white one would defend. They appeared quite...defensive over their black counterpart. Dark Matter fired, if only to keep them distant, and noticed one snap, with a black hole suddenly opening soon after and absorbing the fist. Strange..
With their goal having essentially teleported away, the shadow blobs converged into the floor in front of the Gemini, creating a goopy wall of darkness.
When the portal opened in front of Dark Matter, they immediately bent back, opening their bottom section into a gaping jaw that snapped over the fist and, upon flipping back, released the fist back to the Gemini, with the shadow wall opening just enough for it to pass.


Previously Manu456Alola

Tethi had been tagged once again. Due to how close he was to his opponent when the Green Gale was fired, Copen was quickly swept up by the attack and sent flying away, taking some more damage from it. Nothing he couldn't handle, though. As soon as he felt its pull weaken and the attack began fading away, the teen performed a Bullit Dash to break free, heading right towards Tethi again.

Stellar Spark was doing its job, but a newly formed water barrier kept her safe from more harm. Every shield has its limits. He thought, unleashing a constant stream of lasers that locked onto the barrier, aiming to weaken it. His EX Weapon would keep shocking Tethi for a few more seconds before its energy ran out, so he had to keep attacking while he could.


"You can't dodge forever...!"

The Falcon kept firing as Chief dove from segment to segment, barely able to avoid Rebellio's barrage as he got closer. A small object was lobbed over his head as the Spartan reached the first segment on his right. He quickly realized what that was: a grenade. With no choice but to leap forward to get out of immediate danger, the Adept disassembled his Gatling gun, glancing to his right and getting a clear look at where Chief was standing.

"Nowhere to run!" Rebellio compacted his thread in the shape of a mace, swinging it directly at the off-shoot the Spartan was hiding in. With the limited space he had to move around in, surely he wouldn't be able to dodge this one!


Just what do we have here...?

Opening his eyes, Merak noticed a strange creature floating down near him. It looked like some sort of monkey with a giant console-like mech stuck to his head, holding a controller in his hands, referring to him as a "boss" and with an ID. This guy shows up right when I'm thinking about gaming, huh? With a yawn, the boy gave the Digimon a bored expression.

"What's on my mind, gamer monkey, is the fact that I don't wanna be here." He replied, closing his eyes again. "Being forced to pwn some people from other universes ain't exactly how I want to spend my time, y'know? Would muuuch rather be vibing at home..." He whined, turning to face the gremlin again.

"Whatever. No one really has a choice here, and it's only a matter of time until that Host guy makes me fight just like those other guys. I take it you're Uratekumon, right? You seem like a tech pro. What's up with that mech on your head?"

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"Don't want to be here? Well then if you want to be easy EXP, I'd be happy to oblige! Bleh-he-he!"

The fur covered imp nasally laughed, despite the fact there was no one laughing with him. Their situation was less than amicable...for all but him, in fact, he reveled in the idea of being able to compete in a gaming tournament to this degree. After all, no one could possible match up to him!

"This is my trusty-mecha-operations-battle-skin: 64! Best gaming software money can't buy! 999 FPS? No Lag? Admin only cheat codes? Child's play! N00bs are so fun to beat around until they cry in lobby! Bleh-heh-heh!!"

His eyes shifted to Merak, his confident toothy grin never fading from his Cheshire like face.

"A gaming event is only as good as their competition." He spoke. "And I plan to make it all the way to the top, despite facing the biggest competition in history! Oh I so do hope you'll be a Nuzlocke, and not another speedrun~"


Previously Manu456Alola

Aw maaan, he's just like that Eden Adept...

"Heeey, it's not like I'm gonna be some pushover. As much of a hassle that this tournament thing is, I want a piece of that 'greatest honor' too. I'm thinkin' that's some sort of wish or a bunch of money... Either way, it's gotta be something everyone here wants, right?" He commented, ignoring the Digimon's boasting regarding his mech.

"Just a heads up: you've got some competition. As a super duper genius, I also know a thing or two about crushing noobs. So that means I'm gonna try... at least a liiittle bit. No speedruns for you, this'll be Hard Mode." He told the creature, deciding to take a look at some of the fights that had already started. Now that he thought about it, one of those guys seemed pretty familiar...


Previously mallard
The yellow football dove underwater to avoid the poison, swiftly swimming over to the other side of the bridge. The sludge bombs weren't enough to effect the entire pond very much, however. The Duck popped out of the water again, and was about to hurl a basic Hydro Pump attack, but then something formed in his brain... an idea? Time to bring the fight down to his level. Psyduck spat the jet of water at one side of the bridge, creating a crater in the wood, not being quite strong enough to cleave through. The Pokémon turned to the other side, doing the same thing. The wood creaked. It wasn't going to hold for too much longer with the two powerful blasts to either side. And to finish his attack off, Psyduck shot a Confuse Ray at the living die.
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Metal Sonic
While Pandora blocked the attack with her wands, this did not concern Metal. He grabbed hold of the two wands and used them to hit back the projectiles that were fired on him. If this attack succeeded, he’d then use V.Maximum Overdrive to deal serious damage to the stunned Pandora. If this did not work, he would fly backwards a few meters and await her next move.

The darkner’s eyelids lowered a bit in boredom/disappointment as Chief and Rebellio left to go play their own game. Jevil turned and floated away from the area to find more lighteners to befriend.

That was when his elf-ish ears perked up as he heard the best word of all: Game. He miraculously pinpointed who said it through the power of epic gaming and flew down towards them. “Greetings, gamers!” The jester said casually and joyfully. “I couldn’t help but overhear! I’m not one to brag, but nobody is better at the game than I!”
@Shen: King of the Mist @ArmedBlue

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The Gremlin gamer's eyes raised in delight at Merak's words. It was cute in a way, but primarily? It was incentivizing. Was Merak finally a gamer that could 1up him? Probably not, but he was willing to believe the idea for now, making it more enthusiastic for the Digimon to win this tournament.

"Eh-he-he! Good! Then when you finally beat up the ads and NPCs in your way, you'll have to fight the final boss-"

Before he could deliver a witty end to his phrase, a sudden junction to an unwanted conversation appeared, in the form of a jester.

"Greetings Gamers!"

Uratekumon snapped out of his roleplay, blinking at the Deltarune secret Enemy. Just what I need, an overrated B Grade Boss. He was about ready to exit to main menu from this conversation when Jevil mentioned one piece of information that stopped him.

"...but nobody is better at the game than I!”

"OhOHoHoHoOhH...is that right?" Uratekumon cocked back to him. "Aren't you the presumptuous one, questioning a player as a played! LOL! ROFL! LMAOOO! What games have you won exactly? The fad of the year award??"


Previously Deathstalker62
Death, Slogra & Gaibon
Death, having been bored by watching the fights, made his way back to the lobby to wait for his match to start. Meanwhile, Slogra and Gaibon turned around upon the response of the midget David and the yellow Goliath, walking away with a look of utter disgust on their faces, refusing to say one more word to the two. When the two thought they were out of hearing range, Gaibon suprisingly spoke up, revealing his voice to be a much deeper pitch than Slogra, with a slight gargle added to it and, of course, the demonic tone to it that Slogra also had.

" Bah! If we had known there'd be 'blessed' creatures here, we wouldn't have wanted to approach those disgusting things with a ten foot claw. "
" Yeah, you said it Gaibon.. oh, my lord! Welcome back. I assume the fight between the two creatures was of little interest? "

" You speak of the truth, Slogra. Though, I will note that the floating black mass would make an excellent soldier of my liege's Army of Darkness. Now, what did you two learn? "

And with that, Slogra and Gaibon reported to Death all that they could have examined in this short amount of time, and when they were done with the report.. Death reeled back with his humongous scythe and slashed through his goons, causing them to burn up and disappear as their souls were caught on his scythe, which Death promptly harvested and absorbed to re-summon them to the next battle.
(@Shen: King of the Mist @Psymallard feel free to have Daruk and Kumamon watch this happening.)

The Terrarian, upon seeing his opponent enter the arena, was asked to select a map. Well, what an easy choice! The Terrarian simply expressed a tree from his home world in an emote bubble. Upon this, the stage of the arena was changed.. and became the Corruption, full of spike-like structures, some of which resembled teeth, some others that were overpopulated with spiky thorns. But, most of all, there were crevices all around in the ground, cracks in the earth as if within the asphalt of road tiles, that lead to one large tunnel underground where the Shadow Orbs lay, taking in the sins committed in the world of Terraria and converting it into more corrupted essence with which they spread more of the Corruption to the world, until it all eventually would crumble, wither and rot.

..well, there was one thing good about the Corruption. It was that funky music that always came on when the Terrarian entered it. It made all the World Feeders, Corruptors, Slimers and Dark Mummies somewhat bearable.

To start the battle, the Terrarian did not launch an attack. Instead, the Terrarian tossed out smoke bombs - which, true to their name, looked like actual, spherical bombs with unlit fuses that emitted smoke. The Terrarian tossed out multiple around himself to make himself invisible to Galacta Knight, as if preparing a stealth attack. However, in secret, the Terrarian used their mini-map as a guide to teleport into a small cave using his Rod of Discord, then using his Defender's Forge to quickly place down five tombstones and a water candle.

Immediately upon placing down the fifth, the sky darkened and clouds of ominous mist rolled up into the arena, indicating that the mini-biome that was the Graveyard was now in effect and, with the added effect of the water candle, monsters from both the corruption and from the night would start swarming the place in no time.

Activating his vortex armour's partial invisibility feature, the Terrarian swung his Stardust Dragon Staff, casting out a one-segmented Stardust Dragon that flew toward Galacta Knight through the ground below, having summoned it after having counted up exactly six seconds after using the Rod of Discord. The Terrarian teleported back up, planning on taking out his Sniper Rifle to aim a shot at Galacta Knight using an Ichor Bullet, hoping the Stardust Dragon would prove a long enough distraction to provide enough time for a clear shot. @Gamingfan
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Previously Gamingfan2
Galacta Knight
As soon as the announcement was given, Galacta Knight took to the air, hovering above the area and quite literally looking down at the terrarian...wherever they were. Aside from their flapping wings and darting eyes, they remained completely still during all of terraria's tricks, his eyes unreadable as they took in the changes around.
Including the dragon as it flew from below. Galacta flapped, evading it. It came back for another pass, to which Galacta responded by flying downwards and stabbing into the air. Despite the logic in doing so, he made a gash into the air...at least that was what it looked like. With a quick slash of the lance, Galacta Knight made a rift between this dimension and another, swirling hot pink mess of one, and hid behind it as it opened. It proceeded to enter this world in the most violent way possible, as a powerful laser that flew above like a beacon. However, this wasn't what mattered as the dragon flew towards Galacta, ending up entering the rift, which closed itself soon after.
With that taken care of Galacta Knight flew up, looking around the area for the terrarian. It noticed a few monsters begin milling about below, but it hardly mattered to it as it searched, briefly catching sight of a very transparent blue.
They squinted rather comically.
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The darkner merely stared in amusement as the gamer laughed cheekily before questioning his statement. Jevil blinked idly a few times, his expression not changing very much. It seemed that the jester was sort of just…waiting for the digimon to stop talking.

Once Uratekumon had apparently finished his taunting, Jevil flipped upside down, kicking his feet rather childishly. “Why yes, it is very right!” The darkner said, squinting while his grin widened. “Rather presumptuous of you to assume you are not being played as well.” Jevil stated, flipping right-side-up again and holding his arms out to his side, spinning around like a top. “Everything is a game! We’re all players, and yet we’re all being played!” The jester then flew up close to the gamer’s face, violating all personal space etiquette.

“Also, ‘fad of the year award’ kind of sounds like…an award rather than a game, no?”
@Shen: King of the Mist @ArmedBlue

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The clown shrugged off criticisms like a drunk man shrugging off blows: Clumsily and unpredictably. The console wearing imp however couldn't help but give a snicker. The buffoon was delusional, but after all, the clown wasn't 100% wrong.

"Of course! Everyone here Except myself is a played! That's one thing we can agree on, toys meant to be played with. And if I'm to be frank: the only actual player here is me. So don't worry, I already know the outcome of this game title! Ehe-he-he!"

Ignoring Jevil's side comments, the Digimon chose to skip the dialogue with the A button. After all, everyone here were just constructs from video games. He should really thank the entity that brought him here after this, it was a wonderful playground! If only he could make some personal mods inclusions here and there...

"Sorry n00b, but squeakers like you are only meant to be weeded out by alpha gamers. Can't even say git good, cause your just data, you wouldn't even understand it, HA! Buuuut, if you could crank up your AI tougher, at least make it an entertaining victory for me, nah?"


Previously Deathstalker62
Gotcha. With that thought, the Terrarian pulled the trigger of the sniper rifle when the opportunity arose, and fired an ichor bullet at very high speeds toward Galacta Knight. Not toward just any spot on the knight, however. The Terrarian specifically aimed for the left wing of the Knight, specifically the upper area where the bones would be located, if the Knight had any. However, as if that high-calibre bullet wasn't enough, right out of nowhere, a spinning bone cross appeared next to the Terrarian, flying toward Galacta Knight at less speeds than the bullet, yet still being reasonably fast, coming from the Bone Glove the Terrarian had equipped.

Not idling a moment, the Terrarian deactivated their Vortex Set Bonus and flew up toward Galacta Knight, closing in on them as Terrarian got out the Celebration Mk2. The Celebration Mk2 was a big, purple blaster that, as Galacta Knight would very quickly see, rapid-fired Mini Nuke I's in the form of gray rockets with colourful energy outlines that very quickly flew toward Galacta Knight in an erratic pattern, a few green ones even homing in on the pink warrior. @Gamingfan


Previously Gamingfan2
Galacta Knight

Upon seeing a faint shift, Galacta Knight tucked in their wings, shield at the ready. There was no clang, though they heard a whiz as a bullet flew by. Thanks to having fallen a bit, Galacta also evaded the bone. They briefly flapped back, but chose to continue falling upon seeing the terrarian's new weapon. He dived down and below the terrarian, evading the bullets with only the green ones hot on their....tail?
Nonetheless, Galacta began falling again, though this time they began spinning....a lot. Their forceful twirling created a tornado around them, and Galacta landed onto the floor, catching the attention of nearby monsters. Unfortunately, they all assumed the strange creature was bait, with a brave and frankly, stupid, maggot zombie walking up and slashing at the spinning puffball.
This would be the last thing it'd ever do as it was sucked up and swirled in the vortex around Galacta, who proceeded to move to catch more bodies. The more that were caught, the bigger the vortex became, which meant the more could be caught.
Better yet, the monsters acted like meat shields for the green bullets, tanking the blows as if the nausea wasn't enough. Having caught as much as Galacta could find, they hopped and slammed into the floor. The one tornado split into four monster part, body, and loot filled ones, that spiraled around and closed in on the terrarian.
With that, Galacta began preparing, spawning a number of pink, needle like objects


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Master Chief
John slashed quickly, aiming to sever Rebellio's arm from his torso while he was mid-swing, using his superior combat speed to his advantage. If this succeeded or not, Chief immediately went to slam his boot into Rebellio's torso and crush him against the wall with a judo kick, following with a second slash aimed for the boy's chest all in quick succession.
"A little unnecessary to get that serious on him, isn't it?" Kalmiya asked, a comment which Chief ignored as his free hand grasped onto an inactive plasma grenade attached to his belt.

Darth Revan
There was one being among the crowd who had not moved or spoken the entire time. He had merely observed, absorbing the situation and his opponents in full, concealing his power through any of the various means that he could be seen through. As his gaze traveled across the bracket, he was quick to find out his first victim. A mere brute.
As silent as ever, he finally moved, striding with an air of gravity toward each step he took. The Host watched him as he neared, before giving the force user a wink, and waving his hand, opening another doorway. No words were exchanged as Revan walked calmly through the portal, disappearing.
"Daruk, Daruk Daruk." Generic Host called. "Your opponent awaits you." He stated, gesturing toward the new gateway.


Previously Deathstalker62
Well, those shots certainly didn't land their target, at all. To boot, Galacta Knight seemed to have created a Tornado through the force of their speed, and now seems to be using the monsters as both meatshield and projectiles. The Terrarian had certainly dealt with a little bit of wind before, and now, the Terrarian was ready to put on even more of a show. Unequipping their Ankh Shield, the Terrarian put it below himself, using it as to surf on the winds of the Tornado, with him now protected from having chunks of monsters flung at him from below. Yet, now it was time for the counter offensive. The Terrarian took out a wooden chest and a Key of Night.

Opening the chest and tossing it in the air, the Terrarian used his now free hand to fire out one of his Lunar Hooks, latching on to the chest and pulling it back around, causing it to come crashing down again. However, as it flew down toward Galacta Knight, the Terrarian threw the Key of Night into the chest's path, causing it to be stored in the chest and, as a result, become a Corrupt Mimic that now lunged towards the Knight at much faster speeds than it fell, as the Knight was the first thing it saw.

However, the Terrarian was not done here, not yet. Taking out his Daedalus Stormbow, the Terrarian aimed towards the sky and promptly lit up the blue sky of the day with a shower of holy arrows, a special arrow variant that, upon impacting something, would disappear and cast down two hallow stars, two additional projectiles that did half the damage of the original holy arrow.


Previously mallard
The Goron watched the demons retreat, crossing his huge arms. "I gotta admit, little buddy, I never met a demon smart enough to start yapping."
"Daruk, Daruk Daruk." Generic Host called. "Your opponent awaits you."
The Champion turned his attention towards the gateway Generic Host gestured to. "Well Kumamon, it's time for me to go fight! Wish me luck!" With that, the brute trudged to the glowing gate and was soon enveloped in light. "Please select a stage." This was certainly a new experience for Daruk. But he would oblige the mysterious voice's request. Obviously his choice would be something from the Eldin Region, however, he had his doubts that his opponent would be able to take the heat. Also, Revan had attire similar to a Yiga or Sheikah, and would probably benefit from any hiding places. So, there was one place that made it fair. "Take us to the Maw of Death Mountain!"
Daruk was blinded by a light again, and then appeared at his destination. The Maw of Death Mountain was a landbridge that bisected two shallow 'lakes' that were heated by underground magma courtesy of Death Mountain itself. The bridge sloped upwards to the north, towards two giant rock stalagmites that curved towards each other, almost making a full arc. In the south was a formation that accomplished what the north could not, with a full arc of volcanic rock. The middle of the landbridge fattened out, and to the right of the path was a large boulder.
Daruk started in the south, and Revan in the north. "Alright, little guy. Show me what you've got!"
@Shen: King of the Mist @comic


Previously Gamingfan2
Galacta Knight
The Aeon Hero was surprised. Few faced his tornadoes head on, let alone ride on them. Nonetheless, it faced the strange chest with a stoic slash at it's mouth when it got close, launching it away and taking a sizable amount of health. It almost attacked again, until with a quick arc of a lance, Galacta Knight stabbed his Heart spears into it's gaping mouth, killing it. Galacta looked at the loot it dropped, slashed behind himself, and the resulting rift deleted the remains.
Galacta was nothing if not thorough.
As they flew away, Galacta Knight saw the meteor shower of arrows falling. He had nowhere to run.
At least, that was what most people would think.
However, Galacta simply began spinning again. Sure enough, the four tornadoes closed into the middle and became a massive one again. Galacta had spun right into the middle of it. He allowed some nearby arrows to get caught, resulting in some monsters getting stabbed and hit with stars. As they came from above, some arrows made a course towards the terrarian as well.
Once they kept it up for a bit, Galacta suddenly paused and spread their wings, dissipating the tornado forcefully. Monsters and loot flew everywhere, some off the stage and some returning to their underground graves.
Galacta located the terrarian and released a laser from his lance tip.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Darth Revan
He did not move.
The land around them continued about its usual routine. The water on either side of them bubbled along, undisturbed.
Then, there was movement. The slightest tilt of the head, barely even noticeable. Accompanying it was a crumbling sound, echoing along the maw like thunder, rumbling as a cascade of rock and dirt fell from a boulder, easily five times Daruk's size, lifted into the air.

With the same twitch as before, nearly impossible to notice, the boulder flung toward Daruk with a roar, pushing against the air around it in visible fashion as the water around them began to froth and excite, bubbling aggressively now all while Revan stood there, his masked turned in the direction of Daruk.

Yuga had no idea what a 'rule 63' was, but felt highly insulted. Also, worried now, since he didn't know who his new opponent was...for someone who needed to prepare so much, not knowing was a fear he couldn't afford.


"Well, I need to go now, Miss Ranamon, I need to make sure I won't embarrass myself when fighting later, after all. Thanks for your time!!" The young flame-haired boy said as an excuse to not bring himself into any more awkwardness as he slowly stepped away to try and think of anything he could use during the fight.


Just as the water barrier seemed to fall from the constant lasers, Tethi fully recovered from the Stellar Spark as it finally ended, sighing in relief.

"Phew, close one. Thanks, Khepri." She whimpered to the beetle, before grinning.

"Alright, now you're going down!" She yelled to Copen, before thrusting her crossbow upwards like a point, a slightly orange aura appearing around her; Great Tree Breath, a technique which temporarily empowered Tethi and nearby allies, had finally become ready for use.

(OOC: Thought some music being thrown on could be neat)

The boost in mind, Tethi fired off several shots from the crossbow, both directly at Copen and between where she figured he could dodge to, only stopping to reload every second shot, finishing with a much larger shot.

"Now, take this!" Tethi put her hands together, charging energy. It took a couple of seconds but soon, right out of her hands, launched Green Gale. But stronger.

Green Gale has three stages, I've only been trying basic...Level 3 might just do it! - Tethi had thought to herself. This 'level 3' Green Gale was much larger, around 2 to 3 times larger, hard to tell at the angle Copen was at in comparison, and much, much, faster. Plus, it was a completely different colour: Golden instead of Green.
Though she was confident, however, Tethi still made sure to be careful, switching back to her leafblade just in case.


Previously mallard
The Goron Champion
The guy didn't seem like the talkative type. Nor the type to move much, apparently. But then, Revan made a slight movement with his head, and with it a boulder rose, that's weird. Daruk took out his Boulder Breaker, and as he did, the boulder came flying. He swung his mighty club at the giant boulder, meeting it head-on. Cracks shot through the stone, and Daruk slid backwards dozens of feet from the force, but still applied force against the attack. Then, Daruk found his footing and stopped it completely. With another swing of his weapon, he shattered the boulder into pieces. The Goron grimaced. This wasn't gonna be easy if this guy could just throw around rocks that size effortlessly. He took out his Sheikah Slate and swung it upwards. At the zenith of the swing the tablet produced a small blue orb, and as it descended, Daruk smacked it at Revan with his club. If it came within range of the force user it would detonate, but if the man avoided it, it would not.


Previously Deathstalker62
Reaching for his Ankh shield, the Terrarian quickly came to learn that the Daedalus Stormbow was a mistake. However, that really wasn't much of a problem for the Terrarian. Re-equipping the Ankh Shield, the Terrarian downed a Teleportation Potion, his first potion of the battle, and was teleported to a random spot beneath the stage - in the tunnels of the Corruption's crevices. There, the Terrarian drank a Builder Potion and a Swiftness Potion, now rising the Potion Counter to 3, in order to very quickly set up traps while he was out of sight of his opponent.

Pressure plates were set up, invisible wires and actuators were placed, statues were placed and painted to camouflage into the background ebonstone walls, traps were put down, actuated and painted as well.. the Terrarian, through the increased block placement of the Builder Potion, quickly made the tunnel and lower area of the crevice into a death trap.

Then, with the wave of the Stardust Dragon Staff, the Terrarian re-summoned the one-segmented dragon to lunge at Galacta Knight through the ground as a distraction while the Terrarian flew up one of the crevices, chugging down a Hunter Potion and a Wrath Potion, increasing his damage by 10%, allowing him to see enemies by them being highlighted for him and reaching his maximum count of Potions. When the Terrarian flew out of the Crevice, he was able to spot Galacta Knight through the Hunter Buff and went to use his Piranha Gun, which fired out three mechanical piranhas that flew toward the Knight, aiming to latch on to him and continuously damage him.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
As to be expected, the creature shattered the boulder. Unexpectedly, it had tools. Primitive, yet tools nonetheless. A slate of stone, utilizing outdated tech no doubt considered to be magic by the brute.
The small blue orb shot its way toward Revan, who still did not move as the bubbling water around them reached its boiling point, and suddenly burst upward on either side of them, spinning into a rapid twister that consumed the orb of light, detonating it prematurely in the torrential force before the stream jetted toward Daruk.

With a calm and deliberate demeanor, Revan reached under his black cloak, conjuring two metallic rods from within, and finally moved, beginning to walk down the path toward Daruk as his ebony cape billowed out behind him, the mask of his face betraying no emotion.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

It didn't take long for the demons to make their exit stage left while the ever eccentric host called out Daruk's name...three times? It looked like the rock giant's turn was up.

"Well Kumamon, it's time for me to go fight! Wish me luck!"

Kumamon beamed in response, confident that a big tough guy like Daruk would win. "Will do!"

Kumamon wasn't just gonna let this slide though. He hopped into the archway right after Daruk! Instead of ending up on the ground with the pair, he found himself hovering far above the action on a platform, seemingly designed for watchers. Kinda trippy...!

Looking down below, it looked like the battle was in full swing. Daruk swung a club at an incoming Boulder that smashed to bits upon the giant's brawn. Staring in awe, Kumamon raised a cheer for his friend.

"C'mon Daruk! Show this bully what you got!"

The battle was just heating up...literally, as steam erupted around the competitors. But if he wasn't wrong...was it acting with a mind of his own? This caution turned to shock as it proved this fact, turning into a twister that blocked the Gordon's attack? Is he...a water themed guy?

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