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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros 4


Previously mallard
So he was throwing around water as well as rocks, huh? That's fine, water didn't hurt as much as a giant boulder. Boulders were tastier, however. Daruk slammed his mighty club into the ground, embedding it there, and raised one meaty hand to the torrent of boiling water. He held steadier than last time, only being pushed back a couple inches. "That felt good. Nothin' like a soak in the hot springs of Death Mountain. You should try a hot spring after we're done with all of this, little guy. It does a body good, especially after a brawl!"
The champion looked up at the sky, where he found Kumamon looking down on him. Daryl gave a small wave, appreciative of his friend to act as an audience for him.
The brute soon turned his attention back to the battle at hand, putting away his Sheikah Slate with one hand while lifting the Boulder Breaker with his other. He stomped towards his enemy as well, suspicious of the small metal rods, but hopefully he wouldn't have to find out what they did. "Your magic is pretty strong, little guy! I might not have much magic, but I can sure hit things hard!" With that statement, the giant swung his weapon and started to spin. "Here I come!" The Daruk top spun towards Revan now, his Boulder Breaker's unreasonable mass combined with the impressive speed it was being swung at made for a nigh-unstoppable attack.



Previously turnt3chGodh34d
His march was slow, though not aloof. The force user was taking his time not through confidence, but through a build-up of energy. The brute seemed to be under the impression they were in a friendly scuffle. Never once in Revan's long life had he ever bothered with such frivolous things. The light bent to his every whim just as much as the dark. If the beast decided he was a hard-hitter...
"Sure about that?" The voice that emanated from behind the beskar mask was cold. Strained even, as though speaking was something the user rarely did anymore. A voice to send shivers down the spines of those who knew and feared the legendary name of Revan. The Revanchist. Revan the Butcher. Darth Revan. The Prodigal Knight. Many a name, though he personally cared little for any.

Just before Daruk's weapon was about to slam into the side of Revan's head, the force user's arm shot upward, and Boulder Breaker seemingly slammed into an invisible barrier. Revan's arm shook with the force of holding up such a barrier, but he was far from deterred. The crackle of plasma burst to life as a crimson blade emerged from the metal rod in Revan's right hand, which he proceeded to attempt and slash against Daruk's chest with surprising speed, a violet blade bursting into existence from the rod in his left hand mid-swing, allowing him to spin and stab outward, propelling the force with his attack. Even if the beast's skin wouldn't be so breakable, the force would attribute to establishing more pain.
A few sparks of electricity seemingly danced across Revan's fingertips.


Previously Gamingfan2
Galacta Knight

The holy knight seemed to sag as the terrarian disappeared again. Of course, he was one of those fighters. Predictably, it sent off another dragon minion, to which Galacta responded with his same trick, and the dragon found itself in another dimensional rift. It blasted the floor below destroying a few traps. Galacta pointed his lance, summoning four alternate meta knights.
...Unfortunately Axe Knight, Javelin Knight, and Mace Knight all fell victim to the traps below, which was noted. Only Trident knight remained midair thanks to it's jetpack. And even it had a quick end with the mechanical piranhas.
Meanwhile Galacta flew even higher, staying out of their range as he pointed his lance downward. He shot another laser, this time beaming in the crevices the Terrarian liked hiding in. He dragged the laser through them, leaving a trail that promptly exploded in pillars of fire, destroying more traps as Galacta tried to flush the Terrarian out.


Previously Deathstalker62
The Terrarian had managed to fly out of the crevice with a dash from his Master Ninja Gear before being struck by the exploding laser of Galacta Knight's.. but, even this situation is something that the Terrarian would use this to his advantage. Getting out the festive Elf Melter flamethrower, the Terrarian fired not just at Galacta Knight, but also at the trees, vines and grass below, creating a large veil of smoke in the area which the Terrarian used to activate his Vortex Armour's stealth boost again. Taking a moment to land, the Terrarian equipped the Elf Melter in one hand to keep it firing and creating more smoke, taking off again in the process. The Terrarian used the other hand to swing the Lunar Portal Staff, creating a portal above Galacta Knight that would fire a continuous laser at him as to make the Knight think he was gonna use it as a distraction to strike him again from the front.

In truth, the Terrarian exchanged the Lunar Portal Staff and the Elf Melter with two sticks of sticky dynamite. Now lowering himself toward the burning ground, the Terrarian went to fire out his Lunar Hook for a boost and used a second dash to move behind the Knight, the Terrarian still being able to see him through the smoke thanks to the Hunter Buff. Then, when the Terrarian was behind the Knight, the Terrarian simply flew close with a third dash and tossed the two sticks of sticky dynamite at Galacta Knight at almost point-blank, just before taking off into the air and using another dash to gain some distance.


Previously mallard
Vah Rudania's pilot

As Daruk's attack was blocked, a shockwave rattled the earth, causing miniature landslides off of a few of the cliffs in the vicinity. The goron had a confused look plastered over his face, nobody's been able to stop that attack before. But he couldn't think now, as a lightsaber slashed across his chest, slicing his blue sash and heating his heavy chain one, but also leaving a shallow, instantly cauterized scratch across his chest. "Ah!" Revan then spun around and stabbed at Daruk, which the goron responded to by slamming his fists together. And orange shield appeared, deflecting the second attack entirely. This was his ace in the hole, his ability that put him above any natural warrior. This was Daruk's Protection. "Ancient weapons, huh? And not normal ones, either. Those ones are hot!" Suddenly, the champion threw his hands outwards, and the shield expanded like a shockwave to knock his opponent back. Then, the shield faded away, and the goron put away his weapon. "Get ready, little guy!" With that warning, Daruk curled into a ball, and rolled forwards at high speeds, aiming to barrel into his foe.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The beast wasn't wrong. Lightsabers were among some of the most ancient weapons in a galaxy far, far away. Constantly improved upon, but always just as deadly. Either this brute had skin like a Rancor, or somehow... this realm lessened the destructive potential of the sabers. This was the conclusion Revan came to as Daruk released a shockwave, successfully knocking the force user back, who stood rigid as he slid a few feet before coming to an abrupt halt.
He hadn't been expecting the creature to roll into a ball, but judging from the unusual proportions of this thing, it didn't seem too unbelievable now that he was seeing it in action.

Daruk made to collide with Revan, who flicked his wrist in response, and a portion of the earth in front of him sprouted up, forming a ramp that Daruk would probably roll up and over on, soaring above Revan, who detached this new ramp to immediately fling it toward the brute, more electricity crackling along Revan's fingertips.


Previously Gamingfan2
The Aeon Hero
Galacta Knight squinted as his vision became obscured. Smoke, of course.
Of course, sometimes the most complicated strategies involve the simplest counters. Galacta Knight briefly charged and, with a slash of his lance, released a tornado that began absorbing the flames, alongside the ensuing smoke. The swirling wind crackled with fire and smoke, with some more unfortunate monsters joining the fun. Galacta proceeded to use their shuttle loop to dive down deep, evading the dynamite and keeping the laser on their trail until Galacta made it under the crevices, where the laser can't penetrate. Galacta summoned another quartet of alter knights, which actually survived thanks to the lack of traps. Some straggling monsters tried attacking again, but the knights kept them at bay.
With that, Galacta flew a bit higher and blocked the ensuing laser, using his shield of reflect the beam away. Javelin Knight and Trident Knight followed suit, hopping and jetting up respectively.
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Previously Manu456Alola


The energy blade sliced through Rebellio's arm like a hot knife through butter, the severed limb converting into string and disappearing upon hitting the floor. The surprise and pain this move brought left him vulnerable to Chief's ensuing onslaught, ending up with his back against a wall, trying to catch his breath, his chest's armor sliced open thanks to that last slash. After a moment, his halo extended down, converting him into his fiber and getting him out of that dangerous situation.

The hallway was silent for a few seconds before Rebellio showed himself again, this time hanging from a string attached to the ceiling, looking down on Chief. "You... got me good right there." He told the Spartan, string shooting out from where his arm used to be. It took the form of a new one, though he doubted it would help him stay in the battle for long. That sword was tremendously effective; a couple more hits from that and he'd be down for good. He'd have to defeat him before that happened.

"You're giving it your all, so it's only fair I do so too. Let's end this!" Letting go of his thread, the Falcon quickly fell, becoming string yet again before he could reach the floor. The entire seemed to dim, as if signifying that Rebellio was about to launch a large-scale attack. One would be right to think that.

The strings of fate that bind us together lead to the same end, in a sea of red!

"Crimson-Death-Thread!" The Adept's voice echoed. After a moment, Chief would be able to see a thin, flashing red line stretching throughout the hallway, intersecting with his location. No matter the Spartan's actions, a crimson string would shoot out along the telegraphed location, aiming to capture him. Two more strings would then appear on Chief's new location. Then three. Rebellio was slowly increasing the attack's complexity, his thread coming from multiple different angles, all trying to ensnare him. To top things off, a crisscross pattern would finally cover the half of the hallway Chief was standing in.


"Careful, Boss! I think she just got some kind of power boost!" Lola warned as the orange aura enveloped Tethi.

"Will keep that in mind." Copen frowned as the girl aimed her crossbow at him again. Thinking fast, he performed a Bullit Dash to his right, somewhat surprised to see Tethi preemptively fire a shot towards his destination. He had no choice but to bring an arm up to block it, the arrow becoming lodged in his armor. Chances are she'll try the same thing again...

Another shot came his way, prompting him to leap sideways. His prediction was proven correct as his opponent fired another shot towards his new position, allowing him to simply use his third Bullit to dash the other way safely. Then came another Green Gale. Or maybe it was a Golden Gale now, given its new color. Either way, it was approaching quickly. Taking a moment to reload his Bullits, he switched to Twintail Bunker once again, aiming to repeat his earlier dodging strategy.

The drills made out of blonde hair extended downwards and launched Copen high into the air- unfortunately not high enough to clear the Green Gale. The cyclone's pull prevented him from getting away immediately, causing him to take some considerable damage from it. After a few seconds, he finally managed to break free, Bullit Dashing in Tethi's direction at max speed. Twintail Bunker's drills extended once more, aiming to strike the girl from the front, while Copen himself bounced off of the ground in front of her, going right over her and attempting to tag her from behind.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Master Chief
"Of course he can generate more limbs."
Kalmiya's comment was said in such a way, John couldn't help but be reminded of Cortana. The sass and moxie in her tone was uncanny, Rebellio reappearing to make a comment about giving it his all, before dissipating into the thread again. The energy sword was effective at countering his unique ability, being a photon-heavy item. Plasma weapons would prove extremely effective here as well, though none lay nearby. He'd seen a forgotten plasma pistol near the corpse of an Unggoy before the battle had commenced. It probably wouldn't be too bad an idea to retrieve the weapon.

A moment of respite happened upon the Spartan, an ominous feeling hanging in the air. Rebellio fully intended to 'end this', as he'd said. It was as though the world began to slow, adrenaline pumping through John's system. "Chief, look out!" Kalmiya called, but the Spartan was already in motion, side-stepping a string that lodged itself into the far wall, embedding into the Forerunner metal.
His eyes narrowed at this as he turned his head, noticing a second thread aiming for him. Spartan Time in full effect, John slashed cleanly with the blade, severing both the first and second threads in a single swipe, only for a third to make itself known more quickly than the last.
Another clean cut rendered it useless, but a fourth struck, faster and sooner than prior threads. The situation became abundantly clear.
"I have an idea." Chief stated, slashing the fourth wire and side-stepping a fifth. "I'm all ears, Chief." The AI responded briskly. "Release an EMP pulse from my suit's shields soon." He stated.
"How soon?" He could hear the uncertainty in her voice. "You'll know." Was his conclusion as a sixth wire was cut and a seventh dodged, but it was becoming clear that one would hit their target eventually. The suit's EMP would do more than disable most electronic devices nearby, a pulse from his shields would send an outward projection of photons, enough to spare the Spartan in a moment most dire.

An eighth wire was cut, a ninth dodged, before John winced, feeling a thread pierce through his exposed undersuit in his side, the thread striking through to lodge into a wall. He cut an incoming tenth thread, only for another to strike through his shoulder under his armor from above, striking into the floor.
The metal rod fell from Chief's hand, energy sword disabling for only a moment as his off-hand caught the weapon, and two more threads were severed as it ignited, only for a third thread to strike up and through his thigh, another through his shoulder, many striking into his armor, but failing to pierce all the way through. In a matter of seconds, he was caught in a web of crimson threads.
The blade deactivated as John made an audible grunt of pain, the threads holding him in place.


Previously Manu456Alola

I've got you now...

Chief was locked in place. Rebellio reappeared a small distance in front of him, seemingly hovering. More of his thread formed between the two fighters, taking the form of a large crisscross pattern about twice Chief's size. "Farewell!" The Adept exclaimed, leaning back for a moment in preparation for his finishing move.

Suddenly, the Falcon launched forwards, his string swirling around him to form one last creation: a drill. The crimson construct enveloped his body, spinning ferociously with the intent of piercing through the Spartan in one go. It was clear Rebellio fully intended to finish the fight.
"So basically, you're saying 'I can do what I want.' Gotcha, next time I do not need the theatrics." Chun-Li said as she strode away from Generic Host, giving Bowie an apologizing smile before entering the arena. If the reward for this tournament was as good as was said, then she might be able to stop this whole tournament for the rest of eternity.

@comic @Nukas

"I liked you better as a swordsman, if I am completely honest." Gemini Black let himself drop to the ground, avoiding the rocket fist before it exploded and regrew on his arm. "Now then, shall we?" Turning his rocket fist into an electrified sword, Gemini Black awaited Dark Matter's move as Gemini White tried to attack Dark Matter from behind.



Pandora looked at Metal Sonic, intruiged by their fast reactions. Letting the two staves that Metal was holding vanish, the Witch created a large ice doll and made it chase after Metal via bouncing before creating another wall of staves around her, this time making sure to electrify them. This opponent was not someone to underestimate, and she could very well lose this match if she was not careful.

@Captain Pokémon


Previously Gamingfan2
Dark Matter
Dark Matter remained floating, seemingly unreactive to Gemini Black's words. He felt the negativity, the contempt, of the white counterpart flying behind himself. It closed it's single eye sagely.
"We shall."
And with that, Dark Matter split. It almost appeared that it was cleaved in two by White Gemini, but the halves fixed themselves, and were clearly still alive. Both immediately leapt into action, with one dashing towards Black Gemini with its own glowing sword and releasing a rainbow shockwave. The other pointed its weapon, shifting their wall of darkness towards White Gemini, where it would try to encase and restrain it.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Master Chief
A burst of energy jettisoned from the Spartan's armor, light and energy crackling outward in every direction as his shielding burst to do one simple thing. The energy severed the threads holding him in place as Rebellio launched his final attack, John's shields down, leaving only his armor to protect him. His armor, and his ingenuity. Without his shields up, the Spartan was incapable of locking his armor, which would take the full brunt of the attack and barely budge, though temporarily locking Chief into position for a moment. Instead, he had to rely on his armor. Rebellio's position worked, as the drill slugged into the chestplate. Had he still been locked in place, he was sure that Rebellio would have claimed victory. Fortunately for John, while the drill did pierce through his armor, it sent him hurtling back out of the structure.

"Was getting our asses kicked part of the plan?" Kalmiya cried as Chief slammed his elbow against the ground, skidding to a stop- only to kick off from the platform, flipping through the air as he unloaded a clip from his AR in Rebellio's direction. As usual, the stoic Spartan had no response to give his AI companion as he landed against the ground, dirt and earth spraying up around him, and his gaze traveled to the nearby Unggoy corpse, plasma pistol still lying by its cold, dead hand.
His sternum was stinging, Rebellio's attack having left quite the impact, but the biofoam in the MJOLNIR suit was handling that, filling his wound with a temporary foam to prevent blood loss and infection. Slapping the AR to his back, John grabbed the plasma pistol, his HUD diagnosing its battery life. 67% charge. That would be good for four or five overcharge blasts if he rationed the battery.
"So it was part of the plan. Huh. Honestly I could have calculated about thirty different scenarios that didn't involve you getting hit by that drill."
"Give me the rundown when this is over." Chief replied, preparing for a final stand-off with Rebellio.

Well, no helping his potential fear. Besides, with his magic, nothing could beat him, Yuga had decided to tell himself, wandering towards the arena for his fight. Upon entering his archway, he heard an automated voice. Something about a designated map, choosing a location. Odd, why would they give him a shot at a home field advantage?

"Lorule Castle, throne room." The first location he could find to mind. He felt like the surroundings were changing, but waiting for his opponent to show.


Uh oh.

So, Copen had taken an arrow to the arm immeadiantly. Good, that could help her out. Bad news; He not only avoided the more powerful shot, but tanked Level 3 Green Gale.

"So much for that plan-" Tethi began to say, only to need to quickly roll to the side to avoid a strike from the front. Jeez, how many weapons did this guy have?? It was putting her to shame... Of course, her dodge roll left her open to the tag from behind, sending more...er, she wasn't sure what those were, at her. Growling, she turned as fast as she could manage to block with her leafblade, thankful for her boost helping her defenses too. Now that she had a chance to make another move, she attempted to go for a short combo attack: Two light slashes, followed by a heavy attack - A combination which ended with a spin attack that could launch out a small, but fast, projectile right at Copen. Following up on that, she quickly dodge rolled backwards to create some distance between the two again.
The jester laughed out loud at Uratekumon’s brash and incorrect statements. Who did this guy think he was? He was so sure of himself, acting like he was the only one who truly knew what was going on.
“This would be funny if it weren’t so sad, sad! You truly believe that you are free, don’t you? Hehehehe, you have no idea how wrong you are.”
As the gamer continued to make rather annoying video game analogies, Jevil finally seemed to lose interest.
“Well, that certainly is a shame, because you sir are a delight!” Jevil said in response to the imp’s ‘alpha gamer, squeaker, etc” statement, the sarcasm apparent.
“Well, if you’re not going to listen or learn, I have nothing more to say to you, friend!. You’re rather…vexatious anyway.” The darkner said before cartoonishly floating past the imp, going over to the other gamer in the plaza. “And what of you, friend?” He said to the chair-bound adept.
@ArmedBlue @Shen: King of the Mist

When Leon pulled out a bazooka, Pac-Man jumped up in alarm, waving his hands in a “wait hold up!” motion. The pause menu around them warped away and they were back in the maze, the archway next to them. Pac-Man didn’t feel like dealing with rockets today, so he walked through the archway, vanishing. It seemed that Leon had won by default.

Metal Sonic
The blue droid stared at the snowman-like projectile. Was this a joke? Metal stood still for a moment, then blasted off at blazing speeds towards the ice doll. He crossed his arms in front of him, then blasted straight through the ice doll, leaving a gaping hole in it. He landed once again, sliding forward a bit, staring directly at Pandora all the while. He had rendered her attack pointless in a matter of seconds. He brushed some snow off of his shoulder before shooting a beam out of his chest at Pandora.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Leon S. Kennedy
Pac-Man surrendered upon seeing the bazooka. In truth, Leon's finger had already squeezed the trigger, but it seemed the power of Capcom wasn't exactly a reliable one. This bazooka had no explosives to fire. The Pac clearly didn't know that as he took them out of the pause menu and retreated through the archway, making it clear he'd forfeited the match in Leon's favor, who frowned as he tossed aside the bazooka. It clattered loudly to the ground, and the man shook his head. "Shoulda pulled that out earlier." He muttered, rotating his shoulders for a moment and glancing down at the tear in his leather jacket. "Maybe then this five hundred dollar jacket wouldn't be so ruined."
In reality, it was his own fault it was ruined, wearing a five hundred dollar jacket to a fight with a sentient cheese wheel. Whatever, he'd won through intimidation, even if that wasn't necessarily his goal.

With a sniff, Leon followed Pac-Man through the archway. The Mansion Maze dissolved away, replaced by the void as a fanfare of music played from nowhere, signifying Leon's victory.

  • The Winner: Leon S. Kennedy!
  • The Loser: Pac-Man!
He flipped his hair from his eyes as he emerged from the gateway after Pac-Man, which sealed behind him. Leon paused for a moment, before calling out. "Hey, Pac!" He grabbed his previous opponents attention. "If it makes you feel any better, I thought you did pretty good. For a pizza slice." He offered it as a joke, accompanied by the smallest of smirks, once more signifying how Leon showed his respect to more than just his friends. "Maybe next time we'll get to be on the same side of Matilda." He patted his weapon, offering Pac-Man a nod.

"Ugh." The Generic Host said this loudly, loud enough to simply drone out other conversations. "I simply abhor cowards. Pathetic to forfeit a match. No fun in that at all, you know...?" The Host shook his head, staring at Pac-Man. "No ambition, even less intrigue. Heh... It'd be funny if I just... didn't send you home, wouldn't it? Eh? Funny if you... spent eternity as a thrall. Oh, don't mind me, just spouting... silly ideas..." The curl of the Host's lips seemed to suggest otherwise.


Previously mallard
The rolling goron soared into the air, the device of his liftoff coming right after him. The ramp smashed into his stone-covered back, doing minimal damage. He landed with a thud and unrolled from a ball. "Hmm... You're a tricky one! I dunno how I'm gonna take you down just yet, but I'll figure it out!" With that, he tried something new, by throwing his Boulder Breaker at his enemy. The power of the throw trailed a gust behind the weapon that disturbed the water on either side of the bridge.


Previously Deathstalker62
Death, seeing his opponent enter the archway, had promptly followed suit, ready to get this battle- nay, this event of prey struggling to fight back against its predator - started. Hearing a voice speak up to ask for a map, Death did not need to think long and hard to choose a destination. With his deep, bone-chilling voice, Death spoke up.
" My Liege's Keep, inside the highest area of its Clock Tower. "
With that, Death remained hovering mid-air, Scythe at the ready, awaiting for the stage to take effect and, more importantly, for his opponent's first move. (@Fraseandchico I'll leave the stage morph up to you.)

Though Galacta Knight cleared the flames and smoke, as well as taking shelter from the portal within a crevice of the Corruption, the Terrarian was far from unable to hitting the Knight. Because, unlike the last time he was here, the opportunity to reveal his ace weapon was here. His old weapons de-materializing, the Legendary Zenith manifested into the Terrarian's hand as he held it up for mere dramatic effect.

Then, the Terrarian lowered the Zenith as he went back on the ground again, de-activating his armour's set bonus again. Then, the Terrarian simply went to point the Zenith to where Galacta Knight was, the Hunter's Buff still active. Suddenly, the Zenith vanished into a white light as, moments after, sword after sword begun manifesting behind the Terrarian. Each was a sword used to craft the Zenith, each powered up with devastating damage.. and each very rapidly phasing through blocks to repeatedly, unrelentingly slash at Galacta Knight.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
"You will try..." The force user replied as a portion of the earth shot up before him, and Boulder Breaker slammed into it- shattering the barrier and bursting a cloud of dust around it. There was no sound of boulder breaker making a landing or hitting another target. Simply silence. With vigor, the cloud of dust parted with a gust of wind, Boulder Breaker sailing back toward Daruk, just as fast as it had been hurled by its owner, if not faster.

Revan walked from the cloud, hand raised as he propelled the weapon with the force. To top it off, the electricity crackling around his fingers made itself known. Violet lightning surged from his fingertips, arcing through the air fast as light, engulfing Boulder Breaker- and its destination -in the purple force lightning. "You will fail."


Previously Gamingfan2
The Aeon Hero noticed a bright flash of light, and flapped backwards until he was out of range of the portal beam, allowing his shield to drop and see the sword the Terraria held. It was then his eyes widened as it split and flew at him, slashing and dicing the unfortunate knights he left behind. As soon as the swords flew at him, Galacta knew he couldn't shield them all at once.
So he flew.
Galacta flew as fast as he could, becoming a streak of white as the blades flew behind. Galacta couldn't help but feel he was being slowed down somehow, but ignored it and stabbed into the floor, once again piercing the fabric of space casually. He flew up, dragging his lance through the air and enlarging the rift, arching until they created a large crescent. Galacta flew past it before it opened up. The massive scar in reality released a truly massive laser directed to the terrarian. Even if it did nothing to the Zenith, the rift swallow up the swords should they have followed the Aeon Hero.


Previously Deathstalker62
Though Galacta Knight opened another rift, the Terrarian already knew what was about to happen. So, with the Zenith gathering back in his hand and being un-equipped, the Terrarian suddenly leapt up using a dash of his Master Ninja Gear as a.. broom.. appeared underneath him. However, as it turned out, it was a magic broom with which the Terrarian flew up and away from the incoming cosmic blast. The Terrarian closely followed Galacta Knight, taking out his Zenith again. The Terrarian squinted his eyes and the moment the Knight would stop to look or attack him, the Terrarian would then fire out all four hooks of his Lunar Hook - two toward Galacta's wings and two towards his feet. But, regardless if his hooks would grapple the Knight and cripple him or not, the Terrarian used his Zenith again to swing around Galacta Knight as a means to cut off his escape routes and make it more possible for him to get caught. And if the Terrarian did manage to catch Galacta Knight, he'd then re-direct the Zenith swords at the Knight and shred him while his hooks kept him immobile.


Previously Gamingfan2
Galacta Knight
Galacta Knight flapped away from the rift, still attempting to keep distance from the terrarian. A look behind himself showed the terrarian hot on their...heels(?), undeterred. They released the same attack, which seemed to be arcing towards his path, while four hooks were directed directly towards him.
So, Galacta spun.
The hero of yore began twirling midair, once again creating a vortex around himself. The tornado caught the hooks before they could grab their original target, causing them to spiral around Galacta Knight . Not only that, but once the hooks were pulled to their max distance, they pulled Galacta into close quarters with the terrarian. Galacta extended his lance as he spun, slashing at the terrarian


Previously Deathstalker62
So, with his hooks gone and Galacta Knight coming towards him, the Terrarian.. didn't panic. In fact, it was very beneficial to him. Because, while it may seem like a problem for a guy with ranged weapons to come into close quarters.. it really depended on the type of weapon the Ranger used. So, Terrarian unsummoned off his broom and tossed out the base of the Lunar Hook, then using his vortex booster to fly towards Galacta Knight while he prepared as the Lunar Hook itself joined its four hooks in the vortex. With the vacuum of the vortex, the Terrarian flew closer toward his opponent faster than with just his booster. However, just as he got real close and was about to ram into Galacta Knight's lance slashes, the Terrarian pulled out the Celebration Mk2 again. The Terrarian used the kickback of its rocket volley, along with his Vortex Booster and a dash to fly back out of Galacta Knight's reach and simultaneously blast the Knight near point-blank in the face with multiple Mini Nuke I projectiles.
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Previously Gamingfan2
Galacta Knight
Galacta suddenly snapped back as the hooks suddenly lacked any force, dissipating the tornado and sending the hooks flying off. Galacta Knight steadied themself, before catching sight of the terrarian close up. Instinctively, Galacta jabbed towards their head, missing as they backed off slightly. Galacta Knight didn't falter as he saw the gun. Instead, fired an attack of his own, releasing a pink laser on the tip of his lance directly towards the terrarian's point blank gun. The laser exploded the fireworks that the terrarian managed to fire already, their sparks damaging Galacta, but he remained unmoving as the laser fired away.


Previously Manu456Alola

The drills had been dodged, though Copen's plan still succeeded. With the tag reapplied and the triangle reticle appearing around Tethi, another flurry of lasers headed her way. She managed to block them and recover quickly enough to launch an attack of her own, slashing with her blade several times. Copen managed to sidestep the first two swings before being forced back by the heavier attack, though he was unprepared for the projectile that followed. It knocked him back a slight distance and left him open for a bit, but it was nothing he couldn't handle.

Just like that, both fighters were now positioned a decent distance between each other. Best keep up the pressure. Can't let her charge more of those cyclones. With that thought, the scientist prepared yet another EX Weapon: Hydro Zapper. The now purple P-Bits conjured two water orbs based on the Ichor Septima, releasing dual lasers of water from them that headed straight towards Tethi. They wouldn't do much damage, but they had the lowest energy consumption out of all of his EX Weapons. With those projectiles to cover his approach, he took the chance to close the distance again, though still waited for Tethi's reaction before attacking himself.


"So you CAN pierce through that armor, huh?"

Rebellio tethered himself to a nearby tree, flying out of the Forerunner structure after his Special Skill was done. Chief was tough, but not invincible. If he managed to keep it up, maybe he could defeat him!

Chief was quick to counterattack, several bullets heading the Adept's way. Launching his thread towards another tree to his opponent's right, he pulled himself out of the way, kicking off of his destination and heading straight towards the Spartan. "Eat this!" A crimson scythe assembled in his hands midair, Rebellio aiming to slash at Chief before he could fully recover from his prior attack.


The boy had tried his best to ignore the other two and their annoying argument. The clown-like monster eventually spoke directly to him, Merak turning to face him, rolling his eyes. These guys are saying some weird stuff... But there might be something they're not letting in on. At least that Uratekumon dude isn't.

"You keep talking about players and being played... Honestly, I think the 'being played' part is kinda true right now, with that Host guy pulling the strings around here and whatnot. Something you brought up got my attention, though..." He glanced over towards Uratekumon with a bored yet curious expression.

"You said you were the only 'player' around here and how you weren't being played. Sooo if my suspicion's correct, most if not all of the people here are simply media to you, right? That talk about being data and IDs prooobably wouldn't make sense otherwise." He told the Digimon. He'd dealt with an Adept with pretty much the same capabilities back home, so he already had something to go off of.

"It's clear you're not the one in control, the Host is. Wouldn't that make you a 'played' just like us, instead of a 'player'?"

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The unruly gremlin Digimon's smug expression was stifled as Merak said something unexpected of an NPC of his stature. His pupils flicked to the corners of his eye, back at the preteen. He exchanged with him a cold glare. One that could freeze a forest fire instantly. After a few seconds, the frigid personality change reversed for the most part, Uratekumon giving a laugh, albeit not as hearty as before, turning fully to him.

"...Heheheheh...Every player need a game to play. The host develops the game, set up all the NPC's, and let's Player 1 play it. Sure it may be designed by a game developer, but it's needed to be enjoyed, no?"

He lowered his head similar to a predator looking at a harmless prey. His grin stretched from ear to ear as his thin, needle like fingers clenched his controller as he seemed to get invested in the plot.

"Besides! The player is the only true one in control. No matter the difficulty setting, the game is designed for the player to win! That's why i want you to try your best! It's no fun if a game is to easy...!"

Who knows if the host is malevolent, and who cares? He's testing gaming skill, and there's no one better than I! Even if there is no prize and it's simply a trick, it's all worth it to me! An AR game that has substance! There is no way I'm a played, absolutely none!
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Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Master Chief
The kid was persistent, John had to give him that. He was exceeding expectations, enough so that Chief wasn't needing to hold back, as he'd originally assumed he would. The thread struck the tree to his right, and Rebellio was hurtling his way with another of his cheesy one-liners, to which John answered with unparalleled precision, the Spartan raised his forearm, taking the brunt of the strike, scratching into the armor, but not anything like the earlier drill.

In an attempt to use Rebellio's momentum against him, Chief used the same arm he'd used to block the strike, thrusting it forward right toward Rebellio's face as a green glow began to pulse from the plasma pistol, a hum of energy filling the air, and the Spartan's leg made to sweep Rebellio to the ground, using the momentum from this to slam the kid into the ground. If successful, Chief would aim the overcharged plasma pistol for the kids face and releasing the powerful bolt of superheated energy.


Previously Deathstalker62
Though some explosions appeared to have damaged Galacta Knight, it seemed his opponent countered with a beam of pink energy. Upon seeing the Knight prepare another attack, the Terrarian swapped out his Celebration Mk2 with the Rod of Discord. Before he could swing it however, the Terrarian took some damage from the beam before being teleported away, a red '97' appearing above his head - or at least, where his head last was. The Terrarian teleported himself above and behind Galacta Knight, just in-reach to grab his Lunar Hook out of the air and re-equip it. With that, the Terrarian swapped for the Zenith as he fell behind the Knight, manifesting it into energy swords to swing at the Knight, his wings and his lance. To boot, the Terrarian swung his hooks out again before using the Zenith, firing all four hooks at the Knight in an attempt to immobilize him and finally end this battle.
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A liege, that was an important word he had heard his opponent mention. A servant like him, perhaps? Sounded much more loyal to his master...maybe it was a him, Yuga wasn't sure, he wasn't planning on looking over just yet.

Destination Conglomeration: Lorulian Castlevania
The area finished morphing, revealing the dark and eerily familiar room of the highest area of the clock tower of Castlevania, a room where Death had fought more than once. But something was different. There seemed to be a more purple tint to it, even the lighting, and in the background there seemed to be a broken throne. In the center of the room, there also happened to be a lengthy carpet with the image of a flipped set of triangles - Though, perhaps not flipped at some angles: The Lorulian Triforce. Finally, the large clock displayed center stage on the front of the clock tower? Partly torn and ruined, along with much of the walls, though it was still mostly solid at ground level.

"Ah, how...drab. To be expected." Yuga mumbled, stepping forward, finally turning to see his opponent as he studied the room, before pausing.

"Ah, so, this is my opponent? Do try to make this last, I'm itching for the practice." He decided to say, having not been too worried by his foe's skeletal appearance, but more so by the cold feeling the air...like Death itself was in front of him.


"Ngh...still going..." Tethi groaned out as she felt the timer on Great Tree Breath running out: Her buff to everything was gone, crud. Still, she saw the water coming, and quickly brought up her leafblade, choosing to try and deflect them. She was able to deflect a few, but eventually got her own leafblade knocked out of hand.

"What the-?! Ah!" Before she could finish speaking, the water hit. It didn't do much, but by golly was it annoying. It definitely wasn't like water back home, that stuff was always great to seedlings... At any rate, she saw Copen closing the distance and switched to her crossbow again, attempting to return fire with her own shots.


Previously mallard
So the Boulder Breaker was returning, how nice of Revan. Daruk confidently raised his arm to catch his weapon, when, faster than he could react, a purple lightning arced from Revan's fingertips, to the Boulder Breaker, to Daruk. The Goron was enveloped by the purple energy, which distracted him from his weapon for a moment, and a moment too long as the club struck him. "Gaagh!" The brute took a step back, and then another, and then fell backwards.
He lay there for a moment, and then moved to get up. Daruk picked up his weapon as he did so, and stood up with a much sterner face. "Alright, that hurt. It's on, now." And with that, he strode forward, his free hand ready to grab the Sheikah slate if need be.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
There was a brief moment of silence as Daruk recovered himself from the successful attack, during which the earth began to rumble. As the beast rose to his feet, he was met with a sight of intimidation. Revan's arm was raised in the air, and boulders orbited around him like planets, spinning rapidly as they moved. Calmly, Revan stuck his arm outward, hurtling each of the boulders at his opponents, not unlike the original boulder from before.

Beneath his mask, Revan closed his eyes, these chunks of earth merely acting as a distraction as he focused into the force. A chill seemed to sweep through the air as the sky began to darken ominously, energy beginning to pulse off of Revan in waves. This beast was formidable, that much was certain. Even a Rancor could struggle- but nothing was invincible. Revan had conquered armies of Mandalorians, dozens of Jedi Masters, countless Sith Lords. The voices of all those slain cried out to him from beyond the void, but he ignored their calls, pulling on something else, a crimson light beginning to surround Revan.

As the last boulder flew toward Daruk, Revan opened his eyes, pulsing with scarlet power behind his mask. With a spark of plasma, the two blades sizzled to life, and Revan shot forward like a bullet, propelled by his own power and the force as the earth was ripped apart behind him, and he made to collide with Daruk before he had a chance to recover, jamming his blades forward with immense strength to rival even the brute himself.


Previously mallard
The Goron Champion
Boulders again? This foe was just too good at range, Daruk would have to start using his runes to keep up. He snatched up the Slate from his belt as the first boulder was thrown, lifted it up, and the boulder was immediately stopped midair, bound by large yellow chains, the object itself glowing the same color. The chains faded, but the rock remained still, and all of the other boulders smashed into the first one's backside, creating an arrow that pointed straight at Daruk's chest. But with one mighty swing, he reversed its potential momentum entirely, the arrow now aimed dead at Revan. The Goron walked around it, and his foe came flying. In response he brought up his weapon to clash with the lightsabers. The metal of the Boulder Breaker resisted intense heat, and the heat from these laser swords were no different. While they were locked in this clash, Daruk studied Revan's mask. No emotion emitted from this man, it was depressing. But the brute's attention soon shifted to something else: the ringing sound of Stasis almost running out.
Daruk gathered all his strength and pushed Revan back to throw his opponent off-balance, and then clumsily dove to the side, into the hot water of Lake Intenoch. As he did, the previously frozen boulder rocketed towards the force-user, an easy five times faster than how fast Revan initially had thrown it.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
The Prodigal Knight
Violet lightning burst through the air, rock colliding with the energy of the force, and Revan was engulfed in a pillar of dust and flames, an explosion shaking the earth as immense waves of heat rocketed from the blast. Following this, there was a moment of brevity. A silence befalling the earth- but it became clear this wasn't over. No victory fanfare, no announcement...
The earth did not cease rumbling, the waves of heat never ending, for it was not the explosion's doing, but that of who was at its epicenter. A mountain of rubble rose into the air, furious flames billowing around the lone figure who stood beneath it all, one arm raised. The mountain moved to the left, before crashing into the ground as Revan released it, the crimson energy still flowing through his body as he began to walk forward, ignoring the fire that danced and licked at his heels, trying and failing to engulf him.

Just as in the beginning of this bout, his walk was calm and deliberate, almost as though he weren't being pushed in the slightest. From the raging fire he walked, blades extended on either side of him. "A tactic clever for one of your caliber." He spoke, voice as cold as ever, especially in contrast to the heat that engulfed them both, the ground continuing to rumble like an earthquake beneath them. "But not enough. I am the Light. I am the Dark. The Jedi. The Sith."
Pillars of magma burst from the earth on either side of Daruk as Revan continued to walk forward, but the pillars did not aim for the brute. Instead, he used the forced and redirected the streams toward the water around them, erupting the entire battlefield into an impenetrable mist, one that engulfed both combatants, and Revan disappeared from Daruk's sight as massive forms began to swirl within the mist.
"I am Revan." The voice that rang out sounded as though it were coming from all angles around Daruk, and behind the beast a large chunk of rock hurtled toward him, shaved into a blade that made to impale the creature as another similar chunk burst from the mist at another angle, then a third. "And before me... you are nothing."

As a fourth and a fifth made for Daruk, Revan emerged from the mist, violet lightning crackling from his blades as he shot forward with a speed foreign to most in the world Daruk hailed from, the force user feigning a similar strike to his one from before, but instead redirecting at the last moment and making to decapitate his opponent in one fell swoop.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

The aura in the battlefield suddenly went over a dramatic shift of tone. Revan, who though Daruk nothing more than another foe to slice down or some beast now seemed to be giving a shocking effort. Magma flowed and water steamed, and a shiver ran across the ice Warrior's spine. What was this feeling? Could he be...anxious? Snapping out of his own worries, he focused on the fight his friend was caught up in, balling his fists.

"You can do it Daruk! Get out of the way of those things and clobber that guy!!"


Previously Deathstalker62
Well, it seems his opponent does not prefer to attempt the first attack. Which was just fine by Death. Death started by holding his hands up, swapping over to his dark-purple robe, gaining resistance to non-physical attacks. With that, Death held out his scythe and spun it around to the other end of the handle, out of which another blade popped out, just as long as the first one. Then, on the opposite side of both primary blades, smaller scythe blades popped out. Finally, Death lowered himself to the ground and smashed his scythe into the ground behind him, holding on to it with both hands before quickly charging toward Yuga, aiming to slash at him with an upwards slash.


Previously Gamingfan2
Galacta Knight
Galacta Knight landed the blow, shocking the terrarian at the cost of quite a bit of damage to himself. The terrarian disappeared and, know their fondness for attacks from behind, he remained still, cutting off the laser. His mask seemed to darken, initially from the fireworks, before it appeared to spread. Galacta Knight began glowing, before the energy shattered away as black feathers.

The Aeon Hero (Dark)
The Aeon Hero promptly used his Shuttle Loop to sharply maneuver above the Terrarian, evading the hook and temporarily evading the Zenith. With his brief amount of time, The Aeon Hero pointed his lance up, summoning three heart spears that flew down and towards the terrarian in different directions. With that, the Hero had to allow themselves to get slashed by the Zenith.
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Previously Manu456Alola

The moment Tethi's leafblade was knocked out of her hands, Copen lunged forward to take advantage of her temporary lack of a melee weapon. The girl brought her crossbow out quicker than he expected though, resulting in him being struck by another arrow, this time to the chest. The attack did prevent him from counterattacking himself, but Lola and the P-Bits were still able to act.

With plenty of weapon energy to use, the P-Bits launched a ring shaped projectile at Tethi: Vantage Raid. It would bind around her upon impact, restricting her movements and attacks. Successful or not, they would follow up with two swings of Hailstorm Blade before Copen dashed at her, going for another tag while firing more lasers at her.


The Spartan's armor was as tough as ever. The Adept's scythe clashed against his forearm, the weapon simply scratching the armor. That was no big deal, he could simply transform it into a different weapon and stay back-


Rebellio's planning was interrupted by Chief's sudden thrust, making him lose balance. The following leg sweep was successful, and in mere moments, the Falcon was slammed into the ground, plasma gun to his face, with no way out. The soldier quickly fired a green energy blast directly to his face.

Everyone... I'm sorry... Rebellio thought as the projectile made contact, his scythe and crimson halo disappearing. His body was covered in darkness as yellow electricity crackled around him, rays of light beginning to shoot out. He briefly returned to his normal state before bursting into a flurry of feathers with a flash of light, leaving only his Falcon Quill behind, the device falling to the ground.

Fanfare could be heard throughout the area as the stage was slowly consumed by the void.
  • The Winner: Master Chief!
  • The Loser: Rebellio!

"Suuure..." Merak muttered in response to Uratekumon's argument, not exactly convinced by it. "Guess we'll find out if you're right eventually, 'player'." With a sigh, the Adept decided to lay down on the ground. Why bother standing around if he didn't have to?

These guys are sooo weird. Keeping on babblin' about being in control or whatever, you know it's not true. He thought, glancing at each of the gamers before closing his eyes. I'm tired of chatting. I'm gonna devote my energy to doing absolutely nothing. Maybe that'll help time pass by quicker so I can get this tournament thing over with!
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"Ohohohoh, so we're not the only double fighter here. Let's dance! Elec Sword!" Gemini Black turned his rocket fist into a sword that crackled with electricity, sending a shockwave of electricity to clash with the rainbow shockwave. As a cloud of smoke covered the arena, Black dashed forward and lunged at Dark Matter, slashing at the opponent.

White meanwhile stared the dark wall down, not feeling particularly bothered. Letting electricity run through his body, White was a threat to touch now. There were no battle cards that would help him in this situation, but that didn't mean that there was no way out. Detatching his rocket knuckle, he fired the knuckle whilst holding on, flying over the wall before dropping down onto Dark Matter, hoping to take the clone by surprise.


Pandora jumped on one of her staves and flew away from the beam that Metal shot at her, frowning as she drew a circle with her finger. Four electric chains were summoned and were headed towards Metal in a sporadic fashion as the ice doll got repaired, bouncing at Metal once again. "You are strong.... You can be who we are looking for...." Pandora quietly said as her head pieces reconnected themselves to her head. Perhaps, this metal beast could be what she needed to be free again.

@Captain Pokémon


Previously turnt3chGodh34d
Master Chief
"We... we won?" Kalmiya's question was confirmed with the playing of a fanfare, an announcer's voice ringing through the stage as it began to dissipate, vanishing into nothingness. Chief reached down and grasped the quill, looking it over, his suit seeming to repair itself through unknown means, the biofoam fading as his wound sealed. "Oh my God, we won!" Kalmiya cheered. "Did you see that!? That was AWESOME! I've never seen fighting like that before! WAAAAY better than the simulations I watched in preparation for assisting you, and that guy! Rebellio! That kind of technology was- was like MAGIC!"
The Spartan wasn't nearly as enthusiastic about it as the gateway appeared before him, the sight of the quill reflecting off his visor. "Good fight... soldier." He told it, closing his fist around it as gently as a Spartan could, and proceeded through the gateway.

He emerged back in the plaza, garden, whatever it was. Generic Host grinned at him, tossing a wink at the Spartan. "That's better, much better. Yeah baby, hahaha... that's what I'm talking about, that's what it's all about, no? Hehe..."
"Creep." Kalmiya commented as Chief turned away to gaze upon the contestants that remained, discovering that more were missing. It seemed more battles were taking place. Opening his palm, Chief looked down at the quill once more. Was this it for Rebellio? John had seen what happened in the fight between Snake and Ranamon, what she'd been turned into. Now he saw her standing nearby, appearing ruffled. Snake was nowhere to be seen. She'd been revived, so couldn't Rebellio? Chief got the feeling this fight was more about entertainment through violence opposed to death. At least not permanent death.
As Chief looked at it, a light began to surround the feather, golden electricity crackling about it a sit lifted into the air. John took a step back, watching as the quill was engulfed in a shower of light, growing larger and larger, until it all faded, and Rebellio reborn drifted to the ground.
"Whoa." Kalmiya said.


Previously Gamingfan2
Though the smoke obscured its vision, Dark Matter wasn't one to succumb to his own element. It sensed the black gemini's emotions, and dove into the floor, evading the slashes and retaliating with a spike of darkness from below

The other clone pulled the wall back as white gemini leapt over it. However, instead of moving the hulking mass, he simply made it split and rapid fire itself as smaller blobs of darkness towards the midair White Gemini. While the electricity would weaken the blobs, should enough congest over White, they would immobilize them, however temporarily.

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