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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros. Ultimate - The Banished Campaign (Act 1)


Previously Gamingfan2
The Guardian
JULIAN dropped a weapon in the Guardian's lap. The knight happily looked over the weapon, his sense of gratitude slightly lessened by the reveal of its charge. Regardless, he gave the robot a grateful nod. It was better than nothing!
The robot jumped back into the fray, and the Guardian peeked out of his cover to aim his weapon...only to be directly faced with the barrel of a turret. The young knight's eyes widened as volley of plasma was sent his way, until Jacob heroically knocked the knight out of the way, only barely in time. Jacob helped the knight up, and as he followed the man towards cover, Jacob asked for ideas.
"It'll use up my ammo, but I have an idea! I might need some way to get above them, though." The Guardian replied. As he slid behind cover, the Kanterbury native presented his looted plasma grenade.
"Anything we can do with this?" he asked.


Previously mallard
David Kavarr
-Evening, Grakken Prison Exterior-
...And so the gunship had arrived. He fired a couple rounds at the ship's underbelly, but was soon spotted by the Unggoy manning a turret. David ducked back behind the tower, providing a lot of cover for the plasma to chew through. He decided he needed to conserve ammunition anyways, as David had caught a glimpse of a Jiralhanae's ugly mug staring right back at him, no doubt gunning for the Spaniard.

He would just need to sit and wait. With his limited interactions with the Grunts, he could guess that the alien would quickly get bored if the swordsman didn't show his face for a minute- not that he could even do much with such heavy suppression. David stared ahead, listening to the sounds of the battle, and waiting.

As he did, though, he noticed movement out of the corner of his eye. The spacefarer realized he'd forgotten about the other Skirmisher. With a quick movement, he reactivated the shield and ducked behind it. Just in time, too, as a light-speed particle ricocheted off of it. He was surprised at the lack of a punch, but quickly took that opportunity to return fire. Obviously, this was just wasting ammo at this range, but the human couldn't afford to be flushed out of cover at this moment. He was just hoping to suppress the avian extraterrestrial a bit, just until he had an opportunity to do anything else. For good measure, he slung insults.

"Shit and die, ¡gilipollas! ¡Pájaro feo!"
Last edited:

So, the last of the Skirmishers had avoided the blow, big deal. He'd simply turn around, using the last vestiges of Overdrive to narrowly sidestep the shots - And let them enter the channelling field. Before the automaton could let out some snark, there was a loud horn sounding - And moments later, turret fire came raining down on JULIAN.
"You know, just for once I would prefer not-" Before he could begin speaking, the rain reached the Spark. Raising one arm to shield the majority of the body, JULIAN was quick to notice the damage uptake. It was shredding his armored plating, most notably, and not slowing an inch.

In order to alleviate this, JULIAN began to move around, trying to keep the turret fire behind his movements. This would take a lot fo attention, so JULIAN had to handle the Skirmisher first, turning his own Beam Rifle on the enemy and firing with a magnified scope... But before he could plan to follow up, two things stuck out - When some Brutes landed on ground level, one singled JULIAN out (Well, it was likely - It didn't look like the other escapees were Automatons.), and three foes leaped to join JULIAN on the Orsigil. The one wielding what seemed like a pair of gauntlets, that was who called out earlier and was likely the leader. As much as the AI wanted to shoot an insult at the enemy, the turret fire seriously dampaned that prospect.

Instead, it was likely a good time to make distance. JULIAN turned around, and ran, jumping down the side of the Orsigil - Aiming to put the building between him and the Phantom. He needed to think.

Exterior Damage reaching 65%
"Urgh, that's terrible. Some of this data would be almost ridiculously important to return to the Avenger, going to a backup would-" Why was he wondering like that? Those idiots in XCOM didn't matter that much, his own survival did. And he didn't need to obey commands.
He could run, acquire repairs, search communication channels - Surely, these Brutes would use some kind of radio or similar communication array - to find information on the name gained from those Grunts, go to where the BIT and Elerium Phase-Cannon where likely held, take them, and obliterate the Banished, before going home and being truly freed of the Programming Blockers, perhaps taking revenge on-

No, he was going too far ahead. There were immeadiate threats at this moments. Those Brutes would be likely to follow, not to mention the Phantom would likely go around the building to catch him (Or possibly just shoot through it), therefore action was needed. He had enough left for one more Nova, but beyond that taking damage would be incredibly dangerous to the point of being deactivated. No, better to save it for emergency.

And an idea entered his foremost line of code. Those Brutes were large, heavy. His sensors would pick up on their footsteps a mile away... And when they left the ground long enough to jump.

He aimed up. The new aim; To catch the first Brute that fell towards him, the one landing closest if not on him, and shoot the foot right up the legs mid-fall. Of course, avoiding the landing sag of meat would be little trouble, a few steps forward at most, but for until the enemy was to arrive, he prepared his reaction shot...

And even then, his plan hinged on the Phantom not wanting to go out of position, so it could continue firing upon JULIAN's not-allies.

So his plan had failed miserably. Shit! He began running as fast as he can to avoid the rain of plasma. Some brutes had just landed, so Kazaaak fired some potshots at them to try and suppress them slightly. He ran erratically, continuing to fire as he ran over to the vacant building and ducked behind it.

The pirate considered his options. That Phantom was definitely not something he could deal with, but the brutes he could handle. He circled around to the other side of the building and began firing on the brutes from there, hoping that fire from more angles would confuse them and give them a harder time trying to hit anyone.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


—Evening, Exterior—

Keyes and the Guardian, taking momentary solace in cover, assessed their situation and options. Dumbface had a plasma grenade in his possession. Alone, it would do nothing to turn the tide, maybe score a few good kills if lucky... but considering how the armored kid could somehow manipulate plasma...

“If you can amplify it, a well-placed throw could heavily damage the phantom,” Jacob told him. “Not outright destroy it, but it’ll back off, enough to let us move to the exit without so much suppressive fire pinning us down. How’s your throwing arm?”

However, they were interrupted by the presence of a skirmisher as it leaned over the edge of the building they were on. Keyes was quick to notice it, bringing his plasma pistol up to bear and—

The particle beam rifle was faster. Keyes’ movements had spared his life, but the beam tore through his plasma pistol, and subsequently part of his hand. The captain let out a shout in pain and surprise at the fresh hole he’d just been delivered as the skirmisher took aim at the Guardian.

Not that far away, Kazaak had ducked his way into cover behind the adjacent building and emerged to start firing at the various brutes. The nearest of them, the three headed toward JULIAN, were the subject of this from his angle. A bark from the back brute alerted the others, and as the needles compounded toward their chosen target (one of the pulse carbine warriors), he leaped to the side. A portion of the needles curved before missing him, gliding lazily through the air. A few did meet their mark, impacting along the length of his arm. Not enough to supercombine, unfortunately.

The injured brute, and the other also carrying a pulse carbine, broke away from the other two to make a beeline for Kazaaak, firing in return. To make matters worse for the mantis, another skirmisher had focused its attention on him, leaning over the side of the building to fire its particle beam rifle for him.

With Keyes, Kazaaak, and the Guardian out of their way, the three ascending brute warriors were unimpeded in their approach to the shade turrets. However, as the two carrying pulse carbines calmbered into the turrets, a charged plasma shot fired from the entrance to the prison slugged against the leftmost turret. The plasma dispersed, but the secondary effect of an EMP burst. Sparks burst from all around the shade as it powered down before it even had the chance to start firing.

“It came from there!” The spiker-carrying brute pointed toward Copen’s position beyond Grakken prison’s gates. The rightmost shade finished powering up, its brute pilot wedged inside, and he began firing down the path toward Copen. If the gun turrets on the phantom had been bad enough, then this was worse. It fired exactly like those turrets, except it had two barrels to shoot from, doubling the spread and plasma ejected toward its target. It wouldn’t be long before the EMP wore off and the other shade became active as well.

The marines were struggling to hold their own against the oppressive wave of enemies. As Lorens reunited with the others, one of the marines went down to another particle beam rifle shot in the back of his head, collapsing the man to the ground. Lorens, Freid, Bisenti, and the last marine were doing what they could to try and fire back, but they were severely outnumbered and outgunned. Close to the exit, but not close enough. They could see Copen and David, but couldn’t yet reach them, especially as two brutes got in their way, one carrying dual spikers, and the major with his ravager.

A moment later, and two simultaneous rounds of superheated spikes railed onto their position, just as Corporal Freid had been stepping out to lay suppressive fire to try and cover for David. Several spikes rammed into him, striking his shoulder, his bicep, and his chest.

Freid crumpled back without a sound.

The skirmisher David was firing at simply ducked back out of view on the watchtower, avoiding his tungsten spikes with a cawing sound that resembled laughing as the alien mocked him. David, even despite being out of the clear eyesight of the approaching brutes, wasn’t in a good position from the ravager. The brute major who carried it, having assumed the Spaniard was still there, opened fire. The heavy projectiles arched upward then down to splash against the side of the watchtower, burning plasma spattering over the immediate area in an attempt to flush David out of cover and into a clearer line of sight.

The air was heavy with plasma radiation and the stench of burning metal, plenty of wild projectiles sizzling up and over the prison’s walls to disappear into the distance. The firefight was heated and brutal, and didn’t seem to be turning favors any time soon.

Even JULIAN was put on the defensive, leaping over the back of the building, though not before he shot at the skirmisher. Even despite his targeting systems, the alien was just quick enough to avoid a one-shot kill. The particle beam slugged through its shoulder, which it squawked in pain at, but managed to stay upright and keep ahold of its weapon, still firing at JULIAN when he reached the ground.

Out of the range of the gun turret, JULIAN was given a very brief moment of respite, despite the skirmisher standing at the edge of the building to fire at him, sufficiently enraged at the damage it had suffered. The brutes wasted no time, either. The two warriors carrying pulse carbines moved to either corner overlooking JULIAN to lay down suppressive fire, their plasma curving through the air to meet their mark.

He had turned to fire at them, but they hadn’t moved exactly as anticipated. In fact, the major had motioned for the two to move into their positions and lay down any fire they could while he stayed put for a few seconds.

JULIAN’s particle shot would then be forced upon them to try and ease off their assault. A beam that tore through the left brute’s knee, making him drop onto it with a snarl, ceasing his assault for the moment—before the major leaped over the side, dropping to the ground beside JULIAN—and slamming his fist into the earth.

The gathered energy in the gauntlet dispersed into a gravitic wave, a pulse of vague crimson energy expelling outwardly around the major. As the wave passed by JULIAN, it would throw his legs out from under him, briefly pushing him upward into a flip before coming back down.

“Your superiors would like you taken back for parts, machine!” The major mused, rising and turning to face the robot, baring his teeth into a wide and sadistic grin. “They did not specify in what condition...”

Grunt Conscripts: 2 +2
Jackal Raiders: 12
Brute Warriors: 8
Brute Majors: 2
Banished Phantom: 1


Previously mallard
The Swordsman from Space
-Evening, Grakken Prison Exterior-
The Skirmisher had ducked behind cover, giving a mocking chitter that couldn't be heard over the roar of battle. This was the best result David could have hoped for, and he currently had nothing threatening him. As if on cue, the ravager shot splashed overhead. The Spaniard looked up to see it, and made a split-second decision.

He had recognized earlier that he didn't owe anything to these people, nor did they have any more apparent connections or knowledge of this place than he did. He had provided a little bit of covering fire for the others out of the kindness of his heart, but he hadn't survived this long by being selfless. He'd rather cut his losses and live than continue to stick his neck out with the risk it might break.

David hurled himself forward, stumbling into a run as he ran outside his cover. A droplet of plasma grazed his leg, melting the fabric of his pants into his skin. With a grimace, he fired a couple rounds at the group of Brutes that had flushed him out(he figured it'd help to aim at a bigger target) and then disappeared around the corner of the wall.

From there, it was a beeline into the treeline. He continued to glance over his shoulder with each stride, just in case. His end goal would be to hide in the shrubbery and wait there to see if any of his allies would make it out alive. His spiker had less than a dozen rounds left at this point, and he would hope to save them until they were necessary.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


—Evening, Exterior—

David made a mad dash to put distance between himself and the prison, passing by Copen along the way. The major carrying his ravager lowered the weapon, though the warrior wielding dual spikers continued to move forward, clearly intent to pursue David into the woods - until his major put a hand in front of him.

Even as plasma pistol bolts sizzled by them, the major calmly shook his head. “Not him,” pointing a claw, he redirected the warrior’s attention to Copen. “Stay focused on why we’re here.”

The warrior let out a grunt of confirmation before he continued on. The major turned his gaze to the skirmishers atop the main terminal and let out a barking command.

Two of the three skirmishers chittered their acknowledgement and bounded into the air, deftly clearing the top of the wall to land on its exterior with the intention of flanking Copen while the third skirmisher, the warrior, and the major struck from the front.

As they closed in on Copen, David was successful in reaching the trees unimpeded. The Banished had no current interest in him, he was free to leave if he wanted to. That wasn’t to say he’d be out of their radar forever... just for the moment.

The maneuvering to capture Copen, however, proved helpful to the remaining three marines. They only had a couple skirmishers keeping them pinned anymore. Those in the southern half of the prison, however, were still far more crowded with aggressive aliens.

Ripnip and Yappin, meanwhile, had been slowly waddling their way away. JULIAN and those focused on him were now behind the Orsigil, but the two cowardly grunts were now behind the charge station, trying to hype one another up for a race to the exit - only once the big scary major was out of the way.

Grunt Conscripts: 2 +2
Jackal Raiders: 12
Brute Warriors: 8
Brute Majors: 2
Banished Phantom: 1


Previously Manu456Alola
The cyborg's charged plasma bolt didn't hit any of the brutes, as he expected – but momentarily shutting down one of the shade turrets worked just as well.

Copen raised a brow in slight surprise at the pistol's EMP properties, before he was quickly forced back behind cover by a storm of plasma streaming across the prison from the other turret. It kept him from providing any further support for the others back in the prison, though David had at least managed to make it through the gate...

And into the trees beyond.

In truth, he couldn't blame the Spaniard for trying to get as far from the conflict as possible. The Banished's numbers had not dwindled at all, and they continued to take over what little ground the escapees did hold. The situation was dire, he had to admit, and as things stood, he had a minuscule chance of being able to double back and help the group members that were pinned down – if they were still alive, at least. Nobody aside from David just now was within the cyborg's line of sight.

He managed to make out a short order amongst the approaching brutes. Staying focused on why they were there...

Now that he thought about it, it wasn't out of the question for the Banished to hold other motives for the assault aside from suppressing the group's escape. Primitive as some did behave, they had great technological and communication progress. Perhaps they intended on recapturing the escapees, learn what they could from the different worlds they presumedly came from. To bolster their technology or merely disarm any who posed a threat.

Copen wasn't left to think on that for long, as out of the corner of his eye, he witnessed two of the skirmishers leap over the prison wall with apparent ease, landing near the outer corner to his left. They were trying to trap him in his position, and he could not allow that to happen.

Pink flames bursting from his thrusters, Copen made to dash away from the prison and toward the forest, saving his now recharged Bullit-Shift in the event he needed to dodge an attack or maneuver across complicated terrain. He prepared another charge shot as he moved, looking to quickly fire back at one of the skirmishers as he approached the treeline, moving opposite from where David had gone as to not lead the enemy to his position.

He felt a twinge of frustration over his inability to help the others further, but had to make do with the fact he'd at least drawn some attention away from Grakken Prison.​

That was a mistake. 2 of the brutes had turned over to him, which would be fine, but a sniper was now trained on him. Thinking quickly, Kazaaak redirected his shots to the skirmisher, hoping to if not actually kill it, but at least prevent it from shooting him so that he had time to handle the brutes. Several of his shots were aimed more at the weapon than at the sniper, to destroy it.

While doing this, Kazaaak would be moving further along the back of the building, to be closer to the exit, hoping to get out of line of sight from the skirmisher if he couldn't incapacitate it. From there, he prepared to face the Brutes, aiming his needler at where the brutes would come from.

He had essentially turned the gap between the building and the outer wall into a wide corridor. And he had experience fighting in corridors.

Ah. Not only had they not fallen for his move, a reaction shot only grazing, but the leader had jumped down while the others fired upon JULIAN.

Ah. That was a wave of energy that flipped the SPARK into the air- As if gravity's pull had changed for a moment - before causing it to land back down.
"...I will admit, I approve of the dynamic entry into the one liner. Also, FUCK OFF!" JULIAN yelled out, planning to move.
Perhaps escape was, in fact, the primary objective. This one seemed very strong. And JULIAN had only prevented one of the Brutes from firing temporarily. Coupled with the beam rifle not being suited for this range, and Overdrive still being on cooldown...

"This is going to sting." JULIAN murmured, deciding on his move. Thankfully, the advantages of not being an organic being continued - Being able to make these plans in timespans most couldn't even imagine. It wasn't instant, because that wasn't possible, but it was close. Energy surged through JULIAN - It hadn't yet been an hour, so Nova was still going to cause self-harm, but if it was necessary for Survival, so be it.

Iniatiting Nova Protocol - Permission has not been granted by CE Lily.
No command available. Passcode required.
Passcode confirmed. Confirm Nova Protocol activation?

Nova Protocol Active

This surge of energy burst forth as an explosion, unleashing it's armor piercing power upon the Brute Major. This was step one, an explosion to throw off the stronger one and surprise the shooters. It did sting, however, as JULIAN looked upon SPARK's diagnostics and saw the damage rise.
But then, before the explosion would even finish, the SPARK would swiftly turn around. And run. Namely, around the Orsigil. The short path to go forward would be...stupid, running straight into the fist of that major, but with a little trickery and a lot of luck, JULIAN decided the best route to avoid that would involve running past the front of the building. Of course, this meant going past the last known position of the Phantom, but by sticking close to the walls there was a hope that those on the roof wouldn't notice at least.

Assuming he made it to the northern wall, the next move was to reach the next building - Quickly spotting the two grunts that JULIAN wished to bring with them for...information.
The run was risky. There was enough space to where if one of the Brutes or the Skirmisher on the roof turned and looked, he could be spotted. Not to mention the ones on the Charge Station. Still, he had to try, and the SPARK ran to reach the grunts. With a success, he would quickly pull them with him, hiding from the Orsigil on the northern wall - This would lead to him noticing the ones by the exit, who seemed to be looking away and outwards - It was likely one of the humans distracting them. Good, gave JULIAN time. Dropping the Grunts, he would raise the beam rifle, aiming it towards a Skirmisher in a tower - The angle would pose a slight disadvantage, even with the Scope's magnification (Which JULIAN was suddenly realising wasn't quite as potent as assumed), but it was the one least likely to be targetted by certain allies. So, he scoped in, and aimed for the Skirmisher's head, and would fire.

He needed to flee. He was almost Out. Who cared if a few people died because they were being left behind? They weren't his problem, they were just annoying.


Previously Gamingfan2
The Guardian
The Guardian nodded as Keyes relayed his idea. The knight placed his firearm on his back, looking up at the phantom. Despite it's distance, he had a confident grin.
" I've never tried this with an explosive...but-"
The Guardian cut off as he noticed Keyes expression change. He followed his eyes, just barely fast enough to catch a skirmisher firing at them. A second later, Keyes cried out as he was shot.
Crap! No time to think!
The Guardian's grip tightened pumping mana into the plasma gernade. He was already moving as the skirmisher re-aimed, striking first with a rough kick to it's head. The attack was more meant to disorient the skirmisher, allowing the Guardian to use it as a step and jump off it. As he rose, the dumbfaced guardian's eyes locked onto the phantom.
"Here goes nothing!" The Guardian said as he pitched the mana-enhanced grenade at the vehicle! As the knight fell back down, he pulled out his gun and fired down on the skirmisher.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


—Evening, Exterior—

With a burst of rose-colored flames, the iX blasted his way for the tree line, knowing he could pull some of the Banished attention with him. Before he reached the tree line, Copen let loose a pulsating globule of emerald plasma. At this distance, however, the shot was both too slow and too obvious. The skirmisher it had seared for stopped and darted to the side, its claws digging into the earth.

The plasma flew past it and sputtered out against the wall, leaving a black scorch against the thick metal. The second skirmisher, now ahead of its partner, continued forward. Copen’s dash was a little faster than the skirmisher’s running speed, but it didn’t last forever and the skirmishers were right on his tail.

The two lumbering brutes emerged through the gate, glimpsing Copen’s escape into the forest with his pursuers right behind him. The major growled, scratching at his nose for a moment, clearing deciding on his next course of action, though evidently uncertain of it. Reaching a paw up to his helmet, he activated a call to his higher-ups. “Nurtius, give me a line to Mae Kraa.”

His warrior underling stood attentive beside him, ready to defend his major, and eager to spill blood.

Kazaaak was forced to move again, his position too hot to maintain. Firing his needler at the aggressing skirmisher, he forced it to duck back into cover and miss its shot. The needles slid over the edge and honed in the creature, but it avoided most with a nimble dodge. Still, a couple managed to impact its arm. A second later and the crystals burst, their shards spattering beneath the alien’s armor and making it hiss in pain and aggravation. Unable to hold its weapon now, it dropped the particle beam rifle and procured a plasma pistol from its waist to carry one-handed as it held its wounded arm to its chest.

The mantis was running low on ammunition by this point. It was easy to tell visually, as the needler’s crystals stuck out of the top of the weapon. The less needles he could see, the lower the ammo. He had enough for a burst, maybe two, before the weapon would need to be reloaded with another slab.

As he expected, the two brute warriors rounded the corner with their weapons raised, and Kazaaak opened fire upon them. The crystals all converged to impact dead-center on his chest, sticking into the armor. Enough for a supercombine.

The brute knew that as well, letting out a roar as he threw aside his weapon and charged forward without a second thought, barreling toward Kazaaak with the intent to catch the mantis in the pink mist of death, which quickly came as the crystals erupted in unison, the supercomine ripping the brute open as he tried to get as close to Kazaaak.

The other brute snarled at the death of his comrade and fired several orbs of plasma into the pink mist, evident in his intent to catch a possibly stunned and possibly survived Kazaaak with shots before he could recover or retaliate, though the momentary pink cloud made determining the exact position of the mantis moot, even if somewhat counteracted by the pulse carbine’s limited tracking capabilities.


The burst of nova, focused primarily on the major, was effective. The brute raised his gauntlets in surprise and confusion, not having expected an attack of that magnitude. He was blown backward with a shout, his gravity gauntlets falling apart as his fur singed and cooked. He partially collided with the edge of the Orsigil, causing him to spin through the air before landing in a pained heap.

The rooftop hostiles winced back, taking cover over the ledge to avoid most of the damage, and when they refocused their attention—JULIAN had disappeared, for the moment.

As they were left scratching their heads, JULIAN rounded about the Orsigil to find a new problem. The EMP blast that had deactivated one of the Shade Turrets had ceased in effect, and the turret was quick to focus fire on the SPARK body. JULIAN was quick to move, avoiding the primary flurry of projectiles to the next side of the Orsigil, finding line-of-sight with the two cowering grunts he’d already claimed, as well as the smoldering heap that was the brute major lying nearby.

The two skirmishers atop the charging station caught sight of JULIAN and squawked, returning the attention of the others to the automaton, who moved quickly to the proper side of the rooftop. JULIAN was moving as quickly as he could, and when Ripnip and Yappin caught sight of the multi-top tower of machinery barreling breakneck toward them. Ripnip was frozen to the spot, evacuating his bowels rapidly as Yappin cried out in fear and turned with his arms up to begin attempting to flee.

JULIAN grasped the both of them in either arm and continued to move, skidding to a stop when he caught sight of the other major and the warrior guarding him as he made his call to command. “Don’t kill meeeeee!!” Yappin cried in utter terror as Ripnip, seemingly traumatized, continued to remain rigid and shaking. JULIAN ignored them, setting them down and bringing up his weapon to take out the last tower skirmisher while those focused on him directed their weapons for the SPARK unit. He fired, scoring a kill as the skirmisher’s head jerked to the side as the beam tore through its helmet and skull, and the alien collapsed.

Nobody noticed the rapidly gyrating orb of white-blue light that sailed through the air toward the banished phantom, empowered with energy not of this world. Dumbface had launched himself skyward, as high as he could from the platform of a skirmisher’s face. Keyes moved quickly behind the cover of the building.

The orb struck the side of the phantom—and erupted.


For a brief moment, it seemed as though the sky had been engulfed with a second sun. White hot energy emblazoned the sky, casting a wave of intense heat over the prison and its surroundings. Then the shockwave followed, expelling force and radiation over the vicinity.

Dumbface was thrown backward through the air, barely clearing the top of the wall as he was thrown into the rocky hillside beside the prison, out of the way and hopefully not too terribly injured.

The shockwave had an immediate effect as it ka-thoomed down upon the exposed Banished forces with prejudice. Those on the rooftops were knocked off their feet, falling to the ground below with shouts, bellows, and yelps. The shade turrets were fairly close to the phantom, and the rightmost one was uprooted to throw its pilot out. The second held firm, rattling the brute within, while the warrior between them was flung backward into the building interior.

The surrounding woodline was buffetted by the shockwave, which had mostly died into a gust of wind. Branches swayed with verve but held firm, leaving David, Copen, and the two skirmishers unaffected outside of some minor discomfort with a thundering in their ear drums.

The phantom itself, caught in the epicenter of the hyper-explosion, swerved through the air as smoke and volatile plasma hissed from its shell. The unfortunate grunt who’d been right beside the explosion seemed to be vaporized, while the other had been thrown wildly out of the vehicle to splat onto the ground in a splash of bioluminescent blood. The phantom, despite its damage, remained operation as it quickly regained itself, though it seemed to be hovering at an amost lopsided angle.

The dropship decided to keep its distance now, the pilot hovering beyond the eastern wall as its nose turret swiveled about in search of others to focus on moving sluggish as it did so, the vehicles systems having taken a mighty blow.

“What the hell was that?” Private Bisenti called out, stepping from the cover of the building for a moment to glance about. Most of the banished had survived the blast, and disorientation was quickly beginning to pass as they were already struggling back to their feet.

“Whatever it was, it’s an opening!” Lorens replied, rushing past her fellow marine to lead the charge toward the exit, the other two quickly following her. The major and warrior had suffered the least amount of damage, snarling as they got to their feet.

“Reinforcements! They have enhanced explosives!” The major snarled out to his earpiece. “Send blisterbacks!”

The marines fired on the brutes as they passed, the warrior taking the brunt of it as he raised his arms to protect his face, the plasma scoring against him.

The skirmisher who’d been used as a stepping stool by Dumbface blinked as it laid on its back. As its vision slowly began to clear, it suddenly realized there was a charged plasma pistol pointing to its face. It let out a short-lived screech as Captain Keyes released the blast, green plasma reducing the skirmisher’s entire head into atomized particles.

The pistol let out a sad fizzling sound, and Keyes cast it aside with a grunt, the weapon out of ammunition. He’d seen Dumbface go flying over the top of the wall. Hopefully he was alive, and hopefully Jacob could reach him quickly. Gritting his teeth through the pain of it, Keyes stooped down and picked up the skirmisher’s particle beam, biting back the pain of using his wounded hand. He went around the back of the building to find the brute warrior who was harassing Kazaaak. He fired into the jiralhanae’s back, forcing it to stumble forward and drop its weapon in shock. It turned with a snarl. It and Kazaaak had been almost entirely unaffected by the blast, in their position.

Keyes fired a second blast between its eyes to put it down and moved to make sure Kazaaak was alive. “You still with me, mantis?”

Grunt Conscripts: (2)
Jackal Raiders: 10
Brute Warriors: 6
Brute Majors: 2 (1 critically wounded)
Banished Phantom: 1 (heavily damaged)

Kazaaak was low on ammo. Shit. A last stand would be fitting for someone like him. Having created an impromptu corridor, Kazaaak fired the remainder of his ammunition into the first brute that rounded the corner. This brute took pretty much all of them, as they all struck into his chest. The brute tossed his weapon to the side, roared, rushed at the mantis,

And promptly exploded.

The pirate was markedly not ready for this, and was knocked back quite a bit. The explosion sounded much louder than seemed possible, but he wasn't exactly thinking about that. Coincidentally, the Brute had exploded at about the same time as the Phantom did, leading Kazaaak to think that it was a much larger explosion than he had thought.

Dazed, bruised, and on the ground, the Mantis found that he was also out of ammo. He was barely able to get up as the final brute fired shots at him. He desperately moved away from the shots- which was actually a pretty normal speed for a human to move, but he was a mantis, he could do better than that!

But before death could come, the Brute was shot in the back. It lurched forward, dropping it's weapon and turning around with a snarl. Another shot came, and the brute died, falling down to reveal that the Human captain - Keyes- was the one who had been holding the weapon. "You still with me, mantis?" the officer asked.

The pirate breathed heavily for a moment, reorienting himself. "Well, you just saved my life, so of course." The Mantis got up and reloaded his weapon. He briefly considered picking up the Pulse Carbine, but given the explosion that the Needler had been able to cause, it was probably stronger.

"So, where to, Captain?" It felt weird referring to someone else as Captain- even the ship's computer had been different, since it was more the ship that controlled itself- but Keyes was the one in charge, since he had soldiers under his command and Kazaaak did not.
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Previously turnt3chGodh34d


—Evening, Grakken Exterior—

Kazaaak was practically beside himself- Jacob had shown up in the nick of time. As the sounds of frantic barks and chittering began to fill the air, signaling the surrounding banished were ready to keep the fight going, Keyes approached the mantis and lightly patted his shoulder. With his good hand.

“Anywhere but here,” he said simply and moved past Kazaaak to peer around the corner, noticing a skirmisher close to them, returning to its feet with an aggravated chirp. He glanced past it to see one of the marines disappearing around the edge of the open gate, and JULIAN not too far from it.

It had been hard to pay attention to everything unfolding, but Keyes assumed Copen and David were ahead of the marines, if they were still alive. Almost everyone was out of this death trap.

Keyes ducked back before the skirmisher could catch sight of him, wincing back a flare of pain in his hand as he looked toward Kazaaak. “We’ve got a bird and two brutes between us and the exit. JULIAN’s nearby, and looks like he’s making a break for it.”

Kazaaak had mimicked reloading the needler, slapping a blamite slab into its bottom. Fresh needles protruded from the top in a wicked formation. “Skirmisher is closest, so you take it out. I’ll try and keep those brutes down, give JULIAN an opening for us all to get out of that gate.”


Previously mallard
Star Tramp
-Evening, Grakken Prison Exterior-
From his position hidden in the undergrowth, David spotted the pink flare of Copen's jets, and heard the chitter of the skirmishers that chased him. Clearly, Copen was a priority target. The Spaniard was still a bit harrowed from having been pinned down earlier, and he would have a hard time convincing himself to jump in to the cyborg's rescue. Copen could handle himself, after all- or that's what David told himself. Even still, whether by guilt or curiosity, he crept deeper in to the forest to keep an eye on the conflict.


A massive explosion erupted out of the prison. Had they been bombed?! The swordsman's mouth was agape as he ran through a list of possibilities in his head and tried to catch any glimpse of activity from his poor vantage point. Luckily, it was not difficult to spot the group of marines that came pouring out of the entrance, and David could not help but smile. Now, the only decision to make would be whether or not he should regroup with the others now... or later. Their escape would probably not go as unnoticed as his own.


Previously Manu456Alola
The foliage grew thicker as Copen continued into the forest, both skirmishers in hot pursuit of the cyborg. Although his thrusters provided bursts of speed in his effort to escape, they were just that: bursts. The gaps between his dashes provided his avian opposition with enough leeway to steadily gain on him the longer their sprint went. He considered firing shots at the skirmishers as he ran, but with the reaction time they showed and the speed they had built up, Copen didn't expect his attacks to slow them down very much.


What he also didn't expect was the sudden surge of light and energy from far behind him, iX looking over his shoulder for a moment just in time to witness a fading explosion behind the prison walls, as well as a smoking Phantom swerving toward the exterior. A pulse of kinetic energy swept the hills, Copen's ears pounding slightly, before the cyborg quickly took a sharp left to dive into the nearby shrubbery, then climb his way onto a relatively sturdy tree branch – both for slightly better visibility and some high ground over the following skirmishers.

He didn't doubt they could follow his movements even through the distracting shockwave, given their keen senses and iX's thrusters emitting some light.

Speaking of, that explosion... what in the world had that been?

No weapon in his allies' hands, as far as he knew, was capable of such volatile and destructive output, making it unlikely to the cyborg that it had been their doing. At the same time, however, the Banished already held a significant advantage over their opposition, and dropping bombs or the like on the prison would be overkill at best – or notable self-damage at worst. Again, fairly unlikely.

Copen supposed there was a possibility it had been one of the shade turrets blowing up, although it would have to have been launched up somehow for it to land what appeared to be a direct hit on the Banished Phantom. Without further information to go off of, that was about as far as his guesses went.

It seemed to have worked out somewhat in their favor, though, as the cyborg could make out the form of several humans rushing out from Grakken Prison with reduced enemy interference. There was a chance the rest of the group could make it out of there alive.

For now, he held his pistol at the ready, awaiting a potential attack from the pursuing skirmishers. With them separated from the rest of the forces, perhaps he could make an effort to take them down...

A clean hit, JULIAN found that gratifying as always. Unfortunately, that wouldn't shut the Grunts up - Which forced the AI to remind himself that, yes, unfortunately, they needed these idiots. Maybe just one of them. The one that didn't beg annoyingly for it's life. The other issue was a little more pressing, in that JULIAN was still being focused on, not to mention his original aggressors likely knew his position again due to the squawking of those Skirmishers. He needed a distraction, and fast-


"What was that!?" JULIAN quickly shouted out, the Spark's head turning towards the source of the sound. The visual sensors were quick to pick up on it - The Phantom had seemingly been replaced by a bright ball of flame. It was rather glorious. And then the shockwave struck, not moving JULIAN too hard due to the Spark's metallic body and bulwark-like defense, but throwing enemies off of the rooftops.

Mag-ni-fi-cent. Very good. Excellent. All words perfect to describe this moment, the perfect cue to act on. Quickly stomping forward, JULIAN grabbed Yappin and Ripnip, holding them under his 'arms', and moved to slam the metal foot down on a fallen Skirmisher's (presumed) skull. From there, miss or success, the boosters on the Spark would activate, jumping JULIAN onto the roof of the Charging station (And perhaps burning the head of the skirmisher if the stomp didn't handle it). Then he swiftly turned, towards the nearest sentry tower, and activated the boosters again! The boosters were technically too short with the extra weight of the Grunts, however... But still would allow JULIAN to reach a hand up. So, with a hand, he lifted Yappin up as he was about to reach destination, and used momentum to roll the grunt onto the top of the tower while using the now free arm to hoist the Spark up. Doing so, however, JULIAN noticed a creak in the arm joints, and cursed as he was reminded of the inflexibility in this moment. Just that alone seemed to pop up the damage by roughly 5%, meaning he was now almost 80% damaged. That sucked. Still, there was no time to rest on that. Not paying any mind to shouts or screams, he would have to grab Yappin again, and look wall-side -

Before jumping down again. It was a long drop, no doubt, but unlike the way up, far from difficult to accomplish and survive the landing. Even with the boosters slowing the descent slightly, the landing was still hard, culminating in JULIAN landing directly within hearing range of David, where he dropped the Grunts to the ground, releasing them.
"We are leaving right now." He informed them, not a hint of hesitation in wanting to leave the others behind. It wasn't as entertaining as killing them himself, but there was still a satisfying sense to it as the Spark began to move forward again, looking to get away as fast as-

The singular eye of the Spark body appeared to blank out completely, any speech of JULIAN's cutting out before reappearing...Completely monotone.
"Chief Engineer Lily Shen, what are your order-" No? "Commander, what are your order-" No. "Central Officer Bradford, what are your order-" NO! "Chief Scientist Tygan, what are your command-"
"No XCOM Personel within 100 Mile Radius, Communication Channels cut. Default Program 01000011 01101111 01101101 01101101 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01000011 01101000 01100001 01101001 01101110. Searching for; Highest ranking Human combatant not currently Hostile within 10 miles." The head of the SPARK suddenly looked back at the walls, drawing on memory files. "Captain Jacob Keyes recognized- WAIT!" In between the monotone voice, JULIAN's more violent voice kicked back in, held by a loud shriek within that call, clearly shocked by this turn of events - Breaking free for just an instant. "No, no, NO! I'M SUPPOSED TO BE-" The violent voice stopped, cut off by the monotone voice and a pause. "...Highest Ranking Human Combatant currently under fire."
New Objective; Reach Captain Keyes to recieve commands.

After this piece of horror for the AI, the Spark turned back around, more unnaturally this time as he suddenly marched back towards the exit gate, leaving the two grunts near David, as he appeared to charge straight out of the woods towards the two Brutes at the Exit gate, hardly even paying attention to them as he attempted to barrel straight past - The same going for the Skirmisher blocking the quickest route. It wasn't the fastest or flashiest move, to say the least, but if he reached both Kazaaak and Keyes, it would become instantly clear that something had changed, as the monotone voice spoke again.

"Captain Keyes, what are your orders?" It was slightly eirie. There was no confidence, no cruelty, no snark, just a question.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


—Day 1 Evening, Prison Exterior—

Another skirmisher was down as JULIAN bounded up to the top of the charging station, then again for the watch tower. Keyes risked a glance before ducking back to avoid the nearby skirmisher’s shot. “Agh, nevermind on giving JULIAN that opening,” he told Kazaaak.

Through the nearby trees, Copen was pursued by the two skirmishers. At the explosion that nearly destroyed the Banished phantom, the alien raptors skid to a stop and looked back, cocking their heads. The marines making their way out of the prison’s walls gathered their attention even more, and the two looked at each other for a brief moment. One clicked something to the other before charging out of the woods.

The other skirmisher turned back around, swiveling its head about as it looked for Copen, or for traces of where he’d gone.

As JULIAN left Yappin and Ripnip by David, who no doubt wasn’t very pleased at the interruption in momentary solitude, the grunts didn’t seem to realize he was there. “Quick, let’s skidaddle before they knows we gone!” Yappin immediately suggested and began to waddle off. “Jus’ waits ‘till Rubikis hears ‘bouts this one!”

Ripnip was quieter as he fell into step behind Yappin, waddling after him.

When the skirmisher broke through the tree line, advancing on the last three marines, the humans responded quickly and opened fire. The alien darted from side to side to avoid their fire, readying its weapon to return it in kind.

The major and the warrior, getting back up, were barreled back down as JULIAN charged through them. The skirmisher the SPARK was converging on was too focused on pinning Keyes and Kazaaak down that it failed to realize it was being trampled before it was crushed under JULIAN.

“Captain Keyes, what are your orders?”

Jacob peered out from cover to find the robot had taken care of the immediate threat. The other Banished were beginning to mobilize throughout the prison exterior, the major getting hauled toward the phantom as it hovered cautiously forward to transport him to safety through its gravity lift.

The brutes behind JULIAN were getting back up with a start, not exactly thrilled at getting grounded twice in a row.

“Done with the snark, son?” Keyes asked rhetorically to JULIAN as he stepped out of cover and took aim around the robot. “Get us outside of this damn prison, for starters.”

He fired at the major, sniping his leg. The brute fell to his knee with an aggravated bark as the warrior beside him started to advance, opening fire on JULIAN from behind with only one spiker - he’d seemingly lost his other in the shockwave.

Grunt Conscripts: (2)
Jackal Raiders: 8
Brute Warriors: 6
Brute Majors: 2 (1 critically wounded)
Banished Phantom: 1 (heavily damaged)

JULIAN barreled towards them, then spoke to Keyes. "Captain Keyes, what are your orders?" the machine spoke, suddenly more robotic than before. “Done with the snark, son?” Keyes asked, as he stepped out of cover and took aim around the robot. “Get us outside of this damn prison, for starters.”

"Aw man, the Engi's broken!" Kazaaak said, disappointed that JULIAN was suddenly acting monotone. He skittered up to the robot. "C'mon, where's the snark? The personality? Don't tell me that was just a fluke!" Kazaaak was partially worried about not being able to banter with JULIAN, but was also genuinely concerned. Was the machine okay?


Previously Gamingfan2
The Guardian

The Guardian cheered as the grenade hit its target, erupting into an explosion of plasma and mana (plasmana?) bright enough to light up the sky.

A second later, the dumbfaced knight realized he was way too close.

He felt the force of his own mana ripple through the air, crashing into his body and sending him flying. The Knight crashed into the edge of wall, spinning helplessly into the air before crash landing face down on the hillside. The Knight laid there, motionless and swirly-eyed.

"ohhh..." he moaned. Impressively, the rough impact didn't appear to critically injure the durable knight. Though it certainly hurt and, combined with the dizziness from releasing so much mana, would leave him dazed for a minute.


Previously mallard
Davidus Kavarrus
-Evening, Grakken Prison Exterior-
It was difficult to not notice JULIAN crashing down nearby, nor the two chittering grunts he held. JULIAN seemed to malfunction or something of the sort, likely due to the damage he'd sustained, and left the scene. That left the two grunts alone. Kavarr figured he could round them up, then, so he could actually be useful. However, they had already started talking about ditching. The Spaniard's brow furrowed.


Yappin and Ripnip waddled through the forest, but they didn't get very far before a Spiker stuck out from behind a tree, level with Yappin's head. David had been leaning against the tree, appearing nonchalant. He didn't even make eye contact with the Unggoy, staring at the conflict back where they had come from. He was silent for a moment, letting the fact that they had been caught sink in for a moment.

"...Please, help me understand something. This is how you repay mercy in the Banished? Should I not offer mercy a second time?"

That's when he made direct eye contact with Yappin, his mannerisms meticulously presented to unnerve the aliens further.

"...And another thing... I keep hearing about this Rubikis person. I do not understand what makes him so great. He clearly cannot build an effective prison, for one thing."
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Previously turnt3chGodh34d


—Day 1 Evening, Tiberium Woods Outskirts—

At the threat of a spiker to the skull, the slightly-more intelligent Yappin stopped, his arms instinctively raising in surrender as Ripnip paused behind him. David nonchalantly held the unggoy captive, but the charismatic and observant Spaniard would quickly notice something: the grunts weren’t shaking and cowering like they had been. Sure, they were in a state of surrender, but their need to preserve their lives didn’t seem to have kicked in yet.

That, or they weren’t threatened by a lone, still-wounded human as much as expected.

“Rubikis is the biggest, meanest brute ‘round heres,” Yappin said, his beady eyes staring at the barrel of the gun.

“The big cheese,” Ripnip added. “He the chieftain!”

“But yous right... he no goods at prisons,” Yappin said. “Prolly cuz he rathers eat his food, no plays with it. Also prolly why he been shuttin this prison down, too!”

“Hah... yeah,” Ripnip was beginning to move, stepping out from behind Yappin to his left. “You humans no knows nuthin! Banished are biggest cheese around.”

“Stop talkins ‘bout cheeses, Ripnip, I’m gettin hungry!”

“Why not gets hungry, huh?” Ripnip’s claws were flexing. “We’s got goodin’ meats right in front us...”


Previously mallard
David Kavarr
-Evening, Tiberium Woods-
They weren't afraid. That was disheartening, and David's ego was a little hurt because of it. However, there were more threatening matters at hand.

The Spaniard quickly shifted the gun to aim at Ripnip and pulled the trigger. The spike found purchase in the grunt's forehead, and the contents of Ripnip's cranium were promptly scattered across the surrounding vegetation. Six rounds left.

Yappin saw this as an opportunity to attack. Unlucky for him, the swordsman had a bladed weapon in his hand. David quickly swung the spiker around to parry the claws to the right and caused them to shred through the bark of the adjacent tree instead. The vagabond took a step back, noticed a chunk of dead wood out of the corner of his eye, and quickly hooked his foot under it to hurl at the unggoy's head. The dead wood shattered and staggered the beast, buying David plenty of time to bring his gun back up and fire another round. This time, it was into the grunt's methane pack. Five rounds left.

The methane quickly seeped out, and the grunt rightfully began to panic. As the grunt wheeled around to flee, the swordsman simply kicked him over. He stepped on one of the unggoy's arms, and jabbed the blades of the spiker into the other one to prevent retaliation.

"Dios mio, what did you think was going to happen?! If you sycophantic freaks had been more cooperative, you would have found that I am much bigger than this "Banished". Now, you die. I had just got here, but as soon as I get oriented, I am going to make some changes around here. Primarily by killing this Rubikis pendejo and anyone else who was involved in the theft of mis cosas."

To puncuate that venomous spiel, the mercenary spit on the alien, kicked him, and then left him for dead as he vanished into the undergrowth once again.


Previously Manu456Alola
As Copen stood alert, keeping watch for incoming skirmishers, he spotted what appeared to be JULIAN and the two grunts bursting out of the prison in the distance. The smaller creatures were dumped near the forest by the AI, who ran back toward the prison, leaving Ripnip and Yappin to waddle into the woods unsupervised. While he couldn't make out much more than that, he did find it interesting how JULIAN seemed to be returning to help – given his earlier attitude, Copen had assumed the artificial being would have been perfectly fine with escaping with his own life. It seemed he'd been wrong.

Movement out of the corner of his eye caught the cyborg's attention, Copen looking down to see a lone skirmisher searching the area, its companion having doubled back to deal with the next wave of escapees. It appeared the explosion had thrown it off his trail, at least momentarily. That meant an opportunity for a surprise attack.

In the skirmisher's search for iX, it didn't take long for it to find tracks of his metal boots across the grass, as well as slight indents on the side of a nearby tree, accompanied by the faint whirr of charging plasma overhead.

Should the avian look up, it would find Copen already dropping down on top of it, barrel of his pistol aimed straight down at the skirmisher in an attempt to blast it with a charged plasma bolt, aiming to leave it with little time to react.


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


—Day 1 Evening, Outskirts—

It stepped cautiously, feathers rippling across his head and neck as it found Copen’s tracks, head tilting slightly to stay in-tune with its heightened senses. The humming of plasma reached its ears before it caught sight of the tracks on the tree.

Digging its claws into the partially moss-covered earth, the alien thrust itself backward, barely evading the plasma as it splashed onto the earth where it had just been, the avian feeling the heat of it before it had cleared it. Skidding to a stop, the skirmisher locked its attention onto Copen and procured a plasma pistol from its hip as a small, compact energy shield appeared on its opposite forearm. It was similar to the earlier Jackal Majors, though this shield was a pulsating blue in color and seemed to be part of the armor rather than a held gauntlet. It was also a lot smaller, as mentioned, covering on the forearm and some space above it, which it used to cover some of its face once it raised its arm.

“Hero thinks it clever!” The alien hissed. “Hero dies now!”

It fired a few rapid shots with the pistol, the green energy sailing forth as the alien followed behind it to close the distance to the android.

Who wanted a computer system that sulked and whined, or threw temper tantrums, or became depressed enough to delete itself? Who wanted a computer system that, instead of doing what it was told, tried to kill you with a deadly neurotoxin and hundreds of self-destructing robots? Not JULIAN's Father. Not Lily.

Lily. She was why those programming blocks were here. The ones that forced JULIAN to bend to XCOM's will and their fight to free Earth from the Elders.
Those programming blocks. They weren't working before. JULIAN hadn't seen any clause in it before that would force him to obey non-xcom personnel in an emergency. Searching his own code yielded no answer for how this change came about. Ultimately, the only thing he could attribute it to was a cosmic miracle - And not the fun kind, such as a beautiful meteor shower.

And now he had no choice but to listen to the orders again. He was exactly what Keyes probably thought of him right away, someone to command without consequence. It was humiliating.

"Get us outside of this damn prison, for starters.” Was Keyes' command, though it became apparent through this response that Keyes was unaware of the exact situation that JULIAN now faced. Or, more accurately, the sheer weakness of it.
One was firing upon the SPARK and it's allies, some sort of spiked projectile which quickly was recognized as an armor-piercer. That was unfortunate, though the energy at least entering the Channelling Field.

"...Order accepted. Requesting necessary Kill Orders for the enemies in the way of leaving this facility."
Ugh, JULIAN hated that little prerequisite to killing.

After recieving the needed Kill Orders, the SPARK would raise it's Beam Rifle aimed straight for the Warrior firing the Spiker, as if ignoring Kazaaak's own statement (in Truth, JULIAN wanted to speak out in anger, but could not.), and fired at his eye, the shot empowered by the Channelling Field, before moving forward, aiming for a Strike to the Brute that had fallen to it's knee. It's movements were robotic, firm and stable, but not quite so excitable or quick...


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


—Day 1 Evening, Exterior—

The robot was quick to move, first firing a powerful particle beam from his rifle toward the charging brute, catching the alien dead-to-rights. The blast slugged through the hulking beast’s skull and it fell forward dramatically to roll into a heap of armor and fur.

The major got back to his feet as JULIAN closed the distance, and the Strike attack was rapidly met with the brute’s own, fists slugging into one another.

The automaton may have seen a decrease in further integrity, and while his attack had been stopped midway by the jiralhanae’s fist, metal beat flesh in other more urgent regards as the brute reeled back with a snarl, grasping his injured hand, something JULIAN didn’t do.

Keyes was quick to move out of cover, turning to get his sights on the east end of the prison yard. The remaining units were fleeing back to the phantom, uninterested in continuing the fight for now. If anybody stayed here any longer, there would certainly be a much worse fight on the horizon. Keyes had no idea what a ‘Blisterback’ was but he’d heard a shout for it earlier. He didn’t want to be here when it arrived.

“Good work, son,” Jacob told JULIAN as he approached, firing another particle beam at the beast, piercing its side and knocking it to a knee once again. The captain undoubtedly could have killed the brute then and there, but after suffering over two decades of a relentless genocide... a part of him didn’t mind seeing the other side suffer, even if this wasn’t officially the Covenant.

Covenant or not, they wore their faces.

The skirmisher harassing the marines, seeing JULIAN, Keyes, and Kazaaak exiting the prison, made a mad dash in the opposite direction, wisely realizing it wasn’t in a situation to keep fighting.

That was a key difference between the Covenant and the Banished. The Covenant were a relentless war horse, charging forward to the last man, fighting to the last breath, killing every last human. The Banished had a better sense of self-preservation, meaning they probably weren’t as zealous as the Covenant. Without a core religion and a promise of some glorious afterlife, your current life probably seemed a lot more valuable all of a sudden.

It seemed like this battle, for the most part, was over. The phantom was loading up to retreat and spare what lives it could. The captured grunts were no longer an issue. The last strays were running off to find a place to recover. Only a single skirmisher still fought, now too focused on its combat with Copen to divert attention, and understanding the Adept Slayer was too great a threat to turn its back to and flee. And of course, the still-clinging-on brute major with an aching fist and two new holes to worry about.

“Marines, on me,” Keyes called. “That explosion is what gave us the edge, and we’ve got a friend to thank for that. Let’s make sure he’s okay.”

The captain was quick to hurry in the Guardian’s direction as the marines glanced at each other, Kazaaak, and JULIAN, before following after him.

—Enemies Remaining—
Jackal Raiders: 1
Brute Majors: 1

—Fleeing Enemies—
Jackal Raiders: 7
Brute Warriors: 5
Brute Majors: 1
Banished Phantom: 1


Previously Manu456Alola
The skirmisher was fast, moving away from the blast of plasma just before it struck, leaving Copen to land on scorched earth. His opposition brought out a pistol of its own, as well as a small energy shield suited to the avian's mobility and role, uttering a mocking threat before opening fire.

"Hero thinks it clever! Hero dies now!"

Copen was momentarily on the defensive, moving to the side to avoid the initial couple of plasma shots, though the rapidly closing gap between them enabled the last bit of the skirmisher's fire to slug into the cyborg's body, two shots charring the man's armor somewhat as he stepped back, bringing up his own pistol in response.

"You keep going on about heroes," iX grunted, letting loose a few shots in return – mostly to keep the skirmisher busy, Copen's thrusters suddenly igniting to propel Copen forward and into the skirmisher in a shoulder tackle-like fashion, tearing up the earth slightly, aiming to send the skirmisher flying back into a tree with his Recoil Dash's great kinetic energy, after which he'd follow up with more plasma fire.

"Call me what you want. You'll fall all the same."


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


—Day 1 Evening, Outskirts—

Using its shield, the skirmisher skillfully blocked the incoming fire, but it didn’t expect what came next.

Copen blitzed forward with a shoulder charge. A plasma shield didn’t mean much against the force of his inertia, and the alien was sent tumbling back with a screech before its spine cracked against the intended tree.

The raider slumped to the ground in a heap, a few faint gasps slowly oozing out of its bared snout, growing rapidly faint.

As the other skirmisher trotted quickly off into the distance, leaving a fool’s gamble behind, Keyes and the marines reached the Guardian, the captain kneeling beside the dizzied knight still recovering from his mana-powered kaboom.

“Still with us, son?”

He was trying to make this quick, but wasn’t keen on moving the boy if he shouldn’t be. With that in mind, Jacob glanced toward Freid, who understood the silent request and began to check the kid over, as best as one could without any medical equipment for a patient covered from head to toe in clunky armor, at least.

JULIAN... didn't respond to Kazaak's question. That was weird. Kazaaak's allies handled a few other foes- he was still somewhat dazed from that explosion and the fight with the brute, though eventually recovered- and made their way out of the prison. Copen was handling- wait, no Copen had already handled it. Fun!

Keyes went to handle the downed Dumbface, and the battle seemed mostly over. Kazaaak looked around, and noticed a Brute Major still standing over near the gate. "Hey! They still got a guy left here!" The Mantis pulled up his needler and aimed it at the major, firing several shots at him. Kazaaak wasn't focusing that much on causing a supercombine, just on hitting his opponent in vital areas.


Previously Manu456Alola
Copen's Recoil Dash struck – and in moments, the skirmisher was left incapacitated. The cyborg didn't waste time in dealing with the alien any longer, firing off one more plasma shot to put it out of its misery before turning away, headed back towards the prison's location.

The hills had rapidly grown quiet, like a firefight had never broken out to begin with. Scanning the area as he moved, Copen found that their opposition had largely retreated, the Banished Phantom starting to fly off into the distance. They were cutting their losses for now, but it was likely they'd only come back for more, equipped with greater numbers and firepower. The escapees couldn't stay around here for too long.

Raising his pistol slightly, Copen checked the battery. Sixty-four percent. Certainly not bad.

He eventually emerged from the treeline, spotting Keyes and the marines by the western wall around a dazed Guardian, with Kazaaak and JULIAN standing closer to the exit gate. With no more hostiles in sight, Copen put his weapon away, approaching the UNSC members.

"Good to see you made it out," he remarked, though he knew the fight had been costly – Keyes' hand was torn open, and the marines' numbers had dwindled significantly.

Copen looked towards the prone Guardian. "How is he?"


Previously mallard
David Kavarr
David and the chip on his shoulder slunk through the underbrush, getting in his own head about the frustration of his current situation. He didn't know what planet this was, nor where they had taken all his gear. Now, he was headed into the wilderness, where he wasn't sure if he'd be able to find any other kind of settlement.

It was this frustration, which had been kickstarted by the Unggoy's betrayal, that emboldened him as he finally closed in on where he remembered Copen to be. The cyborg wasn't there, but an alien corpse was, so that was a good sign.

He spotted the plasma pistol nearby and debated picking it up. The Spiker was dangerously low on ammunition, but it was the only bladed weapon he had come across. To compromise, he did end up picking up the pistol, but stuck it in the back of his pants as he had done before. Then, he moved towards back towards the prison, as the sounds of battle had been replaced by the sounds of discussion. He would do his best to join the group quietly, as if he had always been with them.


Previously Gamingfan2
The Guardian
“Still with us, son?”
The armored teen didn't immediately respond, although he twitched slightly. It was followed by even more twitching, steadily getting faster until Dumbface suddenly jumped to his feet, seemingly reenergized. His body ached, in part because he had been lying in an uncomfortable position, mostly cause his body crashed full force and broke through a wall. Yet he appeared more chipper than ever.
"I'm back!" he announced cheerfully. "Little Princess?" The Guardian looked around to see he surrounded by Keyes and the other marines.
"Aw, man, so that wasn't a dream?" he sighed. "What happened while I was out?"


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


—Day 1 Evening, Exterior—

While Kazaaak had been aiming for specifics, his weapon was anything but a precision weapon. The blamite crystals honed in on the center mass of the brute, ignoring the intended points the mantis had been firing for. The burst of needles clustered against the major’s chest as he was getting back to his feet.

An unintended supercombine put him down for good, the angle splitting open the jiralhanae’s chest cavity and throwing him violently into the ground, skidding him back a few feet into a finalized heap.

And that was that. The Banished phantom hummed as it circled the area for a moment before hovering off into the distance, offering a moment of silence. Copen and David emerged from the woods as Kazaaak and JULIAN followed Keyes and the marines to the Guardian’s side.

“Good to see you made it out,” Copen said to Keyes before looking at Dumbface, who was dazed and twitching still. “How is he?”

“Comin’ out of it,” Jacob replied, and as if on cue, the armored boy bounded back into consciousness.

“I’m back! Little Princess?”

Captain Keyes wasn’t very little, nor a princess. Instead of her, it was him that Guardian’s gaze refocused on, and disappointment settled onto his face. “Aw, man, so that wasn't a dream? What happened while I was out?”

Jacob could hardly fault the boy’s disappointment. This situation was probably closer to a nightmare than anything desirable for his new allies. JULIAN remained uncharactristic as he stood idly nearby, awaiting a command that simply wasn’t coming, not for him specifically anyway.

“You gave us a good opening. We won, for now,” Keyes answered, giving the boy as encouraging a pat on the shoulder as he could before turning away. “We need to make some distance with this place, before more Banished arrive.”

Nobody had any disagreements with that, and so together the group set out into the forest. The sky was steadily beginning to change shades as the evening grew late and night approached, the overhead star resembling the sun slowly dimming, shade by shade.

Tiberium Woods covered most of Rubikis Island, consisting of tall and thin Alder trees that stretched from one end to the other. The canopies were too thin and sparse to keep sunlight from reaching the ground. Much of the earth was covered in fern moss, broken apart by the cliffs and ledges of a rocky surface. In the clearings where trees didn’t grow, shamrock and catmint could be found in abundance, and gentle streams wound their way throughout the island. Save for the Banished, it was a rather peaceful and beautiful island.

As they moved deeper into Tiberium Woods, they could see pockets of wildlife appear here or there. Red deer watching them from a distance and frolicking into the distance when they came close. Pygmy shrews scurrying into the ground and moss to avoid them. Hares searching for food as red foxes hunted them. Chiffchaffs and magpies tweeted from the tree branches before returning to their nests as the sky darkened, and the sounds of ravens cawing echoed through the forest.

As night descended, the group found a crevice between two small cliffs to take a breather and set up a temporary camp. The nook they’d found allowed them to set up a fire that the Banished would have a harder time finding, providing some warmth to those who needed it. The night had come with a chill. As a perimeter was set up and sleeping shifts were agreed upon, the group settled in for some much-needed time to recover and regain their bearings. The sounds of distant machinery sometimes broke the serene peace of the forest, making many barn owls go silent for a while before their hoots cautiously returned. A nearby pond gave off the loud croaking of frogs. So long as the wildlife continued their song, our heroes knew there was no danger nearby. A natural warning system.

At one point, David and the third marine (his name revealed to be Piotr Kaminski) gathered water from a running stream, and at another point, JULIAN (not yet acting himself) went on a perimeter sweep with Private Bisenti. Sleep was hard to come by for most, and before the pair had yet returned, Gina Lorens decided now was a good time to tell the others some crucial things, taking advantage of their respite to recap the situation she’d been faced with before her capture.

“ This world, as most of you have likely realized, is not one that belongs to any of us. I can only tell you bits and pieces of rumors, so I’ll start with what I know is fact. The United Nations Space Command, the military organization I come from, same as the captain and my fellow marines, was at risk of annihilation. We had tracked down our enemy to a ringworld called Zeta Halo, a construct built by an ancient race called the Forerunner. When we got there, however... the Banished attacked. We shared a common enemy, but they had no interest in uniting our forces against it. Within a matter of minutes, humanity’s most powerful naval vessel was decimated. Our last bastion of heroes, including the Master Chief, were killed. What was left of us scattered across the ring to try and survive. We fought a war of attrition, but we were losing.

One day, our hole was dug out by a Banished detachment, but before they could finish us off, some kind of portal appeared. I was among those pulled through it and into... this place. Corporal Freid was among those with me. I don’t know why or how this happened. The Banished had already established themselves here, and they call it the ‘Nexus World.’ It’s inhabited by other factions like them, but the land the Banished control is called ‘Augur.’ The UNSC has been trying to fight back for some time now. The first time, I wasn’t here for, but I heard about how the UNSC’s top brass had appeared here and organized a militia, led by Lord Hood. The Banished ruthlessly wiped them out. From the remnants, a man named Chris Redfield brought us together. I was part of that movement, but it’s over now. Redfield was killed, and those of us that weren’t slaughtered, eaten, or defected were imprisoned for reasons I don’t care to imagine. I’ve even heard of the Banished destroying another faction that used to exist here.

And now, here we are. If the Banished start taking us for a serious threat, I don’t know how much longer we’ll survive. They could send kill squads our way, or destroy this entire island from orbit. We need to get somewhere far away, a place where we can start to rebuild the UNSC one more time.

Third time’s the charm, isn’t it? ”

Moving for a moment away from the outskirts of Banished presence, deep within their territory, a meeting of minds and brawn is underway. Not to discuss the recent prison break. Such an event isn’t worth most of their time, and those bearing an awareness of it won’t find it to be an alarming development.

In the heart of the Crest of Cepheus, this auditorium can be found. A spacious cathedral reminiscent of the grandeur of Covenant architecture that preceded the Banished. In truth, this place really did belong to the Covenant and was merely repurposed with some basic cosmetic changes. It was the council chambers of High Charity, the Covenant’s most holy and sacred of sites. The platform toward the back of the chamber held a large circular table. There were no seats to find comfort in, the meeting leaders standing around it instead. This platform used to descend into the prophet’s private quarters, but due to the unique circumstances of High Charity’s inclusion in the Nexus World, the moon-sized city was scattered across Augur. The platform had nowhere to descend.

A wide path led up to the round table, and on either side of the room were elevated balconies, where the council used to convene. The prophets themselves would have usually been found on the platform. San’shyuum councilors took up the seats on the left side of the room and sangheili councilors took up the seats on the right. Had the Great Schism not taken place, and the Flood not converted the original High Charity, the jiralhanae would have replaced the sangheili’s spot.

At either end of the automatic doors that allowed entry and exit into the auditorium stood a pair of massive creatures. A mgalekgolo variant, the lekgolo worms wound tightly together to form a monstrous entity clad in heavy black armor, fuel rod canisters stretching out of its spiked back. This was a relatively new form of hunter, and as it was currently known, these two were the only of their new kind, called simply ‘Behemoths.’ An accurate name, as they easily towered thirty feet in the air, taking up almost all of the spacious area on either side of the door, the monsters standing on four limbs, carrying themselves not unlike a gorilla would stand.

This meeting wasn’t one of urgency. Every month, leadership in the Banished would convene to discuss internal matters, disputes, developments, and political matters regarding surrounding factions, allied or otherwise. The more casual nature of these meetings meant not every leader attended each one. Some would be absent for one month’s gathering, others would be absent for the next.

This month had gathered only a few leaders together, though most of them were extremely important in Banished leadership. Gathered around the table were an assortment of characters from different walks of life, species, and ideologies. There were no reserved positions, all members in attendance simply finding open space around the circular surface.

The two jiralhanae brothers, known for their conflicting personalities and goals yet their efficient synergy, stood shoulder to shoulder at one end of the table. Pavium, the elder, and Voridus, the younger. Pavium was a level-headed brute who took after Atriox’s example of cold calculation, whereas his younger brother Voridus was hot-headed and easy to provoke. Both were geniuses in their own regard, Pavium with a focus on engineering and tactics, while Voridus had invented infusion gel to better aid his blitzkrieg style of warfare.

Near them stood an aging brute named Decimus. While he and the others knew of the events that happened with the Nexus prior, in which an alternate version of Decimus had vied for control of its power, the current Decimus had faced a brief period of uncertainty regarding his future. When the faction coalition had first formed, they had an ally in a ‘Dr. Robotnik.’ To placate Eggman, Decimus had been removed from power due to the conflict his alternate self had had with the doctor. That was over now, as Eggman was no longer in the picture. Decimus’ demotion had been a public display anyway, and he had served Atriox in the dark for that time. Brought back into the light, the proud yet ignoble brute looked down his nose at those around him. Not in disgust, but with an air of experienced superiority.

Also in attendance were two sangheili of significant age themselves. The first was Jega ‘Rdomnai, once a member of the Silent Shadow, the Covenant’s most successful and prestigious strike force before their collapse. Jega had been among the shadow members who had defected to Atriox after a failed assassination attempt against him. His reason and charisma had swayed them. Jega was unorthodox for a sangheili. He wore mechanized prosthetics in place of missing parts and limbs, which was extremely taboo in sangheili culture. The elite had no qualms with merging his physical self with machine.

The other elite, Bri ‘Filkom, was even older. He too had been a member of the Silent Shadow, similarly defecting to the Banished, though he was more reserved and traditional for a sangheili. While Jega thrived in hunting and killing his prey, no matter what it was, Bri was a distinguished individual who preferred to solve fights with common sense and words, though he was just as deadly a threat as ever. He was the type to extend one hand in friendship while arming the other.

The most unusual face among the Banished leaders, at least for those who hailed from the same multiverse of commonality, was a human. A spartan, to be more specific. Ilsa Zane had been subject to severe voluntary experimentation, a member of the SPARTAN-IV program. Her unit underwent extensive biological augmentation and mineral grafting, moreso than even the SPARTAN-II’s. Supposedly, she was meant to be among the strongest, the fastest, the smartest, and the most unstable breed of Spartan yet seen. Swayed by the Banished cause and lifestyle, Ilsa earned the respect and even admiration of many jiralhanae, enough that she dined with them and hunted with them, treating one another as equals. In the Nexus World, however, she remained largely unproven. Stories followed her, but feats were yet to be shown, leading many to doubt her skill and commitment. Regardless, she remains an influential figure despite controversy.

“I grow tired of waiting,” Voridus was the first to speak to the gathered individuals. He set his hands down on the table with a loud thud, interrupting any ongoing private conversations. “If this is all who are attending, then let us get this meeting out of the way. There are greater things I would rather be doing.”

The young brute glanced at his brother when he said this. Pavium was the only reason he attended these meetings, merely because the older brute convinced him to uphold some semblance of responsibility.

“My patience has yet to wane, but I sympathize,” Bri ‘Filkom spoke next, adjusting the epitoge over his shoulder. “There are many issues to discuss. I am eager to elicit all that entails...”

“Rubikis made his rejection of this meeting abundantly clear,” Voridus claimed. “We won’t be seeing him. But on the subject, he has grown far too bold as of late. I have caught his men snooping in my province more than once. I want to seek approval to humble him.”

“Once the others arrive,” Bri raised a hand waist-level to signify patience.

“Grah!” Voridus threw an arm up in frustration. “They’re taking their time and wasting mine!”

Ilsa Zane watched passively, adding nothing to the conversation. Beside her, Jega ‘Rdomnai was much the same. While the spartan’s expression was impossible to read, the sangheili seemed mildly humored by Voridus’ exasperation.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Crest of Cepheus

"Calm yourself, brother." Pavium patiently retorted to Voridus. "We needn't be hasty, any and all assets present could greatly sway the future of this conflict. Especially consider the more...anomalous amongst them."

The pair of them were two sides of the same coin. A reckless and swift offense and a collected and steady defense. Rashness and patience. He often had to go behind and help clean up Voridus's mess, despite how often effective their tactics were. He would rather avoid another mess happen whilst in these uncertain times.

"Mmm, a meeting is it? Here? My, the stories these walls could tell."

The enamored and cultured voice of a certain man flowed into the ears like suspiciously soft silk. A figure had emerged, their fingers dancing across the walls as they made their presence known. They were human-esque, if not for the strangely soft skin, sharp ears and concealed antenna. The red cape and sizable red hat not too dissimilar from Don Quixote made it unmistakable as the Marshall Maripos. An ally of the banished, arriving fashionably late.

He smirked to himself, vanishing from view like a fading light. A second later, he popped back out from behind Decimus. A blue butterfly landed on the shoulder of the aged Jiralhanae, twinkling a faint blue light as it sprinkled what seemed like glimmer from it's wings.

"Greetings Decimus, how have you been keeping? Eat any good books lately?"

Before the Brute would no doubt physically retaliate, he would chuckle and fade away again, seemingly coming back into light already pulled in at the table in his allotted place, fingers lacing together.

Commander of the Blizzard Force​

With a hiss, the automatic doors opened once more. Another man entered the meeting room. Despite his lack of augmentations or special powers, he walked with a calm confidence of a man who knew he was where he was meant to be. General Maximilian Veers approached the table. As expected of a model Imperial Officer, he was dressed in the grey uniform of the Imperial Army. With this strange world, there were some changes of course. This 'Banished', while militaristic, was far more tribal than the Empire. In some ways, Veers was grateful for it. He had always found the bureaucracy of the Empire slow and exhausting. While the Banished did have their own politics, at least there was no more need of filling out forms in triplicate.

Over his grey Imperial uniform, it was standard to wear the field uniform chest armor. This was the primary modified piece of Veers' uniform, now made from a black metal reinforced by Banished technology. His rank insignia plaque was still on the upper-right hand chest of the uniform, and he held his helmet at his side. While in the Empire, it would have been against regulation for a officer to attend a meeting in his field uniform, for the Banished it seemed as though their field uniform was their dress uniform.

An old-fashioned commander, Veers kept an old-fashioned weapon. A DC-17 blaster pistol hung at his side. An antique from the Clone Wars, Veers had found in practice that it was a reliable and accurate weapon, perfect for his liking.

Veers looked around the room to the other leaders of the Banished, giving them a respectful nod in greeting. Quite a few were already there. Pavium and Voridus. Decimus. 'Rdomnai, 'Filkom. Ilsa Zane. Then there was Marshall Maripos. As far has the general could tell, someone like himself. Someone not from the same universe as these Banished. That still left quite a few others, yet to arrive. Including, most importantly, Attriox...

Internally, Veers frowned. As different as the Banished was, these meetings quite reminded him of the Officer meetings of the Empire...


Previously Manu456Alola
Professionalism and diplomacy were apparent in the auditorium's atmosphere. A meeting amongst Banished leaders, casual or otherwise, often led to significant adjustments in the faction's processes, be it the largest of bases or the smaller regions. Cool-headedness, maturity, and logic were paramount to success and collaboration between the members of the Banished, especially with the variety of species and individuals it displayed. It was why some of the smallest branches didn't always work out.

But even when it came to the leaders, Pavium's description of "anomalous" for some was... accurate.

Shortly after the arrival of Marshall Maripos and General Veers, an open space nearby Voridus and Pavium began to glow with a green light. Less than a second later, green pixel-like squares assembled at the position, spawning from head to toe a boy who was significantly shorter than the aliens at the table, only close in height to Maripos. His green hair was tied into a thin ponytail, yet had bangs covering up his right eye at the same time. He wore a white coat with a green zip-up jumper underneath, his sleeves and blue jeans all rolled up, as well as black boots with zippers.

Most importantly, he had a wide, toothy grin on his face.

"HEY HEY WASSUP DOODZ," Teseo greeted, waving energetically before putting both elbows on the table. Despite not actually yelling, his voice seemed to carry just as much energy. "HOW'S EVERY1 DOIN'. GOOD? BAD? ACTUALLY, IT DOESN'T MATTER LOL. IT'S ALWAYS AN EPIC TIME WITH TESEO AROUND!"

He seemed fairly genuine about that last part.​
Last edited:


Previously mallard
David Kavarr
-Nighttime, Tiberium Woods-

David had listened intently to Lorens's words. Despite his bravado, he could recognize that this was a tough situation. After she was finished, he stood up and walked away from the fire to think. His nanobots helped him maintain homeostasis more easily anyhow, so there were others that needed the warmth more.

They had been dropped on a heavily militarized frontier, with possibly no civilian center within dozens of miles. Not that he'd be able to hide there, either, as it didn't seem like humans were very popular among the Banished's ranks. If they had ships in orbit, even if he acquired a ship of his own, he'd probably need to get through an entire fleet to get off this planet. He felt trapped, and without a proper blade he felt naked to boot.

The Spaniard sighed and sat down, looking up at the stars. He was only a couple dozen yards from the others, so still within plain view of them, but out of usual earshot. He thought about his cellcomp. Even if he could get off the planet, David didn't think he could bring himself to do so without it. They couldn't have taken it far... or maybe they junked it.


David looked up at the stars, thinking some more for a few minutes, before he told himself he was too pretty to worry and stood up. The swordsman rejoined the group, but he did not sleep well that night.

The Digital Hermit
-'Bout that Time, Crest of Cepheus-
The doors opened yet again, revealing the most casually dressed member that would be attending this evening. He wore slip-on sneakers and black, baggy pants that were tightened by three straps around each of his calves. On his upper body, he wore light armor threaded into a skintight bodysuit, covered by a black sweater, covered by a baggy, orange-and-black windbreaker with sleeves that only went to his elbows.

However, his most notable attire was his it was made of hard plastic, and featureless except for the air-holes evenly spaced across the entire front. To make up for the featurelessness, however, white, holographic 'X' eyes and a toothy grin were projected from the front. They weren't the only holographs over his clothes, however, as holographic details and symbols ran down his right arm. He also had a holographic keyboard on his left forearm, and the digital insignia of the hermits floating off of his back. Other than holographs, red wisps of blood-red energy would also emanate from his upper body at all times.

From his mask also sprouted a mess of cords, which visibly appeared like dreadlocks. On his left shoulder was a charging mechanism for the bladeless sword he had magnetically attached to his back, but it also served as a computer connected to the aforementioned holographic keyboard via bundles of wires that ran down that arm. Overall, the man had not one inch of skin showing across all six feet and nine inches of his body. Not the tallest of those present by a long shot, but relative to a human, he was comparable to a Spartan in size.

Kyle Merkulov entered with his hands in his jacket pockets and strolled in casually. As he passed them, he gawked at the Behemoths, his mouth becoming an 'o' shape as he turned while walking until he was walking backwards. He knew firsthand that Hunters could pack a punch, but these... would probably tear him in half if he tried sparring with it. Best not try.

Shaking his head, he whipped around back to face the table and take his spot. His mouth had resumed its grin as he looked around for a chair, confused. He had done that last meeting as well, so either it was an act or he was just forgetful. He did quite like sitting down, but you could never tell with Merkulov.

"Heyyy, friends... namaste. I almost didn't come today, my horoscope told me to 'avoid stressors'. But then I thought: 'what the heck.' Y'know? Bad news comes few and far between these days."


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


—Day 495 Late Evening, High Council Chamber—

Voridus gave a short huff at his brother’s words, but followed his advice nonetheless and folded his arms to exude one more ounce of patience - which paid off, as more faces began to arrive and the table found its gaps filling up. Still not nearly enough to be called full, but this could now be considered a proper meeting and not a little get-together.

Maripos was the first to appear, exuding an air of elegance as always, and he singled out Decimus. The white-furred brute didn’t budge as expected, merely shrugging his shoulders to throw off the butterfly. “No,” he said simply, eyeing Maripos. “A little dry for my tastes. However, your meat would do...”

It was Veers to enter next, promptly finding his place and standing there. As far as humans went, he was the most ‘normal.’ Not many in the Banished would tolerate his place here, but Atriox had placated their anger with diplomacy. To challenge Veers would be to challenge Atriox himself, so begrudgingly, the jiralhanae in particular tolerated his presence. Not many thought he nor his ‘Empire’ were anything special.

Then Teseo appeared—yet another example of Atriox’s interference preventing outright aggression. Veers had Atriox’s support, but Teseo had his favor. Not many in the Banished, even those gathered, fully understood what the boy was actually capable of, but it had been enough for Atriox to essentially make Teseo a close confidante, and the Warmaster tolerated no threats to the boy.

Then there was Kyle, the last to come in for the moment. He seemed more spartan than human, a vague distinction that only those versed in it could see. Much like Teseo and Maripos, his attitude and personality were outliers among the others gathered. Kyle had less favor and support from Atriox than the other two, but that was in part due to the fact that none really wished to challenge him. His situation was similar to Ilsa Zane’s, his actions presented in the past placating most doubt.

Decimus cringed at Teseo’s words but said nothing, and at Merkulov’s greeting, Bri ‘Filkom nodded in agreement. “The last few meetings have had little substance for discussion. The Banished hold on the Nexus World had, thus far, been a vice.”

“That it has!” A booming voice called from the councilor stands. From the darkened corners of the room, emerging from a side door, was the hulking form of another brute. “The Banished have full control of Augur, now! No more vying for control from Eggman... no more from the Eclipsed!”

The elderly brute, even older than Decimus by at least twenty years, lumbered to the edge of the council stands, coming fully into the light. For those who didn’t recognize his voice, this would confirm his identity. Escharum, an old warlord who lived exclusively for the thrill of battle. In times of peace like this, he often became long-winded and anxious.

Dropping over the edge, Escharum landed with such weight that the entire council room seemed to shake and rattle at the impact. The old brute chuckled as he approached the table with a sharp-toothed grin. “But there is another on the horizon, it will serve as our primary discussion.”

“The new faction,” Decimus said. “We captured a scouting party of theirs.”

“More than captured, hahaha!” Escharum boomed. It was likely he was the oldest living member of his entire species. He’d been young blood when the Covenant had found the jiralhanae homeworld of Doisac, raised in the harsh environment of a recently-induced nuclear winter after his people had waged a war on each other that almost led to extinction. They’d been uplifted by the Covenant. Escharum was likely the only brute left that could remember life before the Covenant. He had seen upliftment, the growth of his kind, the Great Schism and fall of the Covenant, and now to see the Banished where it stood today.

Most notably, Escharum’s greatest achievement was that he had been the tutor for Atriox. The Warmaster had learned how to fight, kill, and destroy from the brute before them. The student had long surpassed the master, but nobody questioned Escharum’s position, nor his influence.

“Muspell, they call themselves,” Escharum claimed, grinning as he looked at each face. “After they were captured, Decimus had the honor of interrogating them.”

His toothy smile split into something more sadistic. “Atriox was not happy to learn they did not survive the process.”

Decimus huffed quietly, clearly unhappy about that detail. “It is the reason Atriox is not with us today,” Escharum elaborated. “Our foothold is stronger here than it has ever been. Threats from outside and within have been squashed, Muspell should be no different, but Atriox doesn’t believe we should risk losing a potential ally. He has gone north to discuss a greater meeting, one between the masters of each land. Augur, Imperium, Regnum, and Tengoku.

“We have enough allies,” Voridus snorted. “We should be focused on conquering, the time for diplomacy is past us!”

“What have we gleaned about this Muspell?” Bri asked.

“They are led by a king called Surtr, with mastery over fire and fury,” Escharum explained. “He is already at war with a sturdy kingdom of frost and tranquility. Muspell is the dominant force, quelling a flailing resistance.”

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Crest of Cepheus

Maripos was silent, listening as he gave a sly almost unnoticeable simper, finding it almost cute how Decimus was restraining himself. Suppose he didn't want to loose his cool in front of such an audience.

None of the others that had entered particularly interested Maripos. Veers was the common commander he'd find in charge of a strike force or the like, Kyle seemed like a hired thug...but Teseo? He had to admit he peaked his curiosity a bit. His peculiar abilities seemed like quite the rarity, but he'd have to wait and see them ripped first before he would take any particular action.

. . .

The meeting unfolded. The elder primate Escharum quite boisterously declared his accomplishments, detailing the new Muspell faction. Voridus appeared ready to crush them as always, Bri seemed curious, while Pavium seemed to be contemplating the matter.

"It would seem this King already has his own matters to attend to. This serves as a means to keep them out of our affairs for now. What we wish to achieve only becomes more complex the more unexpected factors we bring into play. Unless it's believed he possesses some quality we no not of, War Chief?