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Private/Closed Bootleg Bros. Ultimate - The Muspell Campaign


Previously Gamingfan2
Shovel Knight
Shovel Knight's attack missed as Navarre swiftly backed off. The Scarlet Sword moved liked the wind, leaving Shovel Knight considering his options. Thankfully, Navarre took a moment to answer his question, but his answer made Shovel Knight feel sick.

"-There is nothing we can do to resist. They tells us to kill, so we kill."

Shovel Knight's grip on his Shovel Blade tightened as he processed the "contract" he spoke of.

"So this is the work of a curse!" Shovel Knight concluded as Navarre leapt back. "Who has you under their spell?"

Navarre leapt forward as Shovel Knight stabbed his weapon into the ground, shoveling out a large pile of snow that briefly obscured him. The warrior swiftly dodged to the Knight's side to strike, but he would find Shovel Knight had vanished. There were no traces of the knight...save for a dug out hole in the ground.
Higher up the hill and behind Navarre, the burrower popped out of the snow. With his left arm, he pointed his Flare Wand at Navarre. The red gem flashed as it blasted a fast moving fireball, and Shovel Knight carefully aimed for a second one depending on how Navarre moved!
Akira Tadokoro

Confidence returned on the delinquent's face, having disabled one of the more imposing threats. And, because luck wasn't going his way today, that meant he got attacked close up right after.
And he couldn't exactly blame his attacker for being mad, what with the low blow.
"Wait, you're up-" Akira barely moved his arms up in time, pulling back for a glancing blow that threw Akira off for a second. "Gah!" A grunt, followed by Akira retaliating with two punches. They were rough, marking the lack of a trained technique but rather experience on the streets, with power behind them. After throwing those out, Tadokoro moved to duck past the Ax-Fighter and get behind him.

"I've got you now...!"
Feel The Heat
Within a second, Akira's psychic powers flared up again, waving hands up and down as 4 image copies spread out diagonally from him. In the latter half of that moment, they transformed into a misty ring...
Which BURSTED into a circle of blue flames, attempting to burn through the soldier before the flames disappeared as quickly as they appeared.

After launching this, Akira looked down at his arms. Blood was back.
"Shit..." He'd have to heal that later. Or find a doctor.
Seeing Bennett charge towards him, Merric raised his hand and performed a quick incantation. Winds whipped around him, creating an area of higher air pressure around the mage. The winds acted as a shield, reducing the power Bennett's explosive attack that struck Merric. Still, the wind mage was blasted back by the strike, sliding back several feet in the snow. He kept his footing, staring down Bennett through the red halo that floated around his head.
"You should have just stayed down." Merric warned Bennett. "I'm sorry."

The tornado around Gazpacho began to die down. The mage opened his tome once more and gestured to the adventurer. Winds whipped around Merric, and he fired another Excalibur attack at Bennett!

Caeda felt the shift of weight as the Crow's hookshot grappled onto her Pegasus. The Princess turned in the saddle, and with a quick swipe cut through the hookshot. She pulled on the reins of her Pegasus, stopping and turning her mount around in one quick motion. The winged horse took to the air, using its wings to leap towards the Crow. Once more, it attempted to crush the Crow beneath its hooves. Caeda anticipated the Crow to dodge the attack, and was ready to have her Pegasus move after the Crow so she could slash at them with her Wing Sword.

Navarre stared in shock at the hole in the snow that was now before him. How was it possible for a person to burrow that fast?! That was no magic. The first fireball struck Navarre in the back, knocking the Myrmidon forwards. He turned to face Shovel Knight once more, easily sidestepping the second fireball. He shrugged at Shovel Knight's question.
"Loki. General Laegjarn. General Laevatein. King Surtr. Were you not listening to what I said before? The leaders of Muspell." Navarre said. He raised his sword, and a green energy began to glow from it. "I've spoken enough. The time for words is over. We settle this with our blades. Blazing Wind."

Navarre raised his Killing Edge, and swiped it in front of him twice. The green energy burst out from the blade, and suddenly Shovel Knight was surrounded in a maelstorm of razor wind. So massive was the storm, a few blades of wind also shot towards Bennett! In an instant the winds dispersed, and the Scarlet Sword was upon Shovel Knight once more. He slashed at Shovel Knight, attempting to overwhelm the knight with sheer speed!

Minerva and her wyvern lay in the snow, still fast asleep. The ax fighter in combat against Akira was blasted back by the ring of fire. This time, the soldier would not be getting up.

From her spot on the hill, Loki continued watching the battle. These warriors from another world were putting up quite a stiff resistance. Her troops were nearly thoroughly decimated, only the heroes were left. Fakemon was nowhere to be seen. Either he was having fun just watching the fight, or had enough fun doing something else. Perhaps he had gone back to torment Princess Fjorm...

Loki's thoughts were interrupted as she felt a constrictive force around her throat. Her eyes widened as she was lifted off the ground by it, it was as if she was being choked! She was quick to locate the source, that smoldering young man with the energy sword and scar. Loki smiled at Anakin.
"My my, so forward!" Loki said to Anakin, her voice clear. It was as if she wasn't being choked at all! "At least take me out to dinner first, dear."
The tactician waved her staff, and a ring of glowing symbols appeared around Loki. The crystal at the end glowed a dark purple. Dark purple mist rose out of the ground around Anakin. It quickly surrounded the Jedi Knight, and detonated in a dark purple energy blast!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


His head tilted slightly to the side, conveying confusion at the unexpected response to his force choke. Anakin relinquished his hold, glancing down as purple mist began to rapidly rise around him. The gravity on his body was great, but he would not be overwhelmed so easily.

Focusing the force onto himself, Anakin was lifted quickly from the mist - just as it erupted.

Carried by the force, he left the gravity well and tucked into a roll, springing immediately up from it to close the distance rapidly toward Loki, dragging the tip of his lightsaber through the snow, leaving a glowing trail through it as the snow was vaporized.

“Sorry sister, that wasn’t my intention,” the jedi replied, springing forward over the woman to land on her other side to pull her attention away from his allies. They were making quick work of the nightsister’s lackeys, but if he could keep her from focusing on them...

That frustration still lingered inside, and Anakin found it strange how much easier that force choke had been to access. It was almost as though the dark side of the force... was stronger here...? That was a disturbing thought.

“How about we try dancing, instead?” Anakin asked, spinning his saber as he moved toward Loki.


Previously mallard
Little Crow
HP- 6/6
MP- 5/6

The Crow saw Caede's blade wind up, and quickly put together what she was swiping at. With a tug, the chain speedily reeled in just before it was snapped. The Crow came to discover that the gravity effect on him had worn off as he shot past the pegasus and landed face-first in a pile of snow. He soon plucked his noggin from the ice, just in time to witness another attempt on his life in motion. He dodged to the side to avoid an equine end, but the enemy had wised since their battle had begun.

The Reaper was caught by Caede's blade, and a small shower of black plumage dotted the otherwise white landscape- with Little Crow himself being knocked back into the snow as well. He got up, hurt, yet far from beaten. The bird's expression showed that he wasn't pleased, and could be considered agitated. He held his wings to his side, and between the feathered appendages energy began to pool. The spell sucked in the surrounding snowflakes into low orbit around a volatile cyan orb. The power of the magic alone turned the ice crystals it collected into cool water.

Harnessing the (relatively) awesome power of this spell, the crow first aimed this attack at Caede, but, at the last second, spun on his talon to lob the shot at Loki's feet! It traveled quick as an arrow, and upon impact with the frosty earth, it would detonate with stone-shattering power. If Anakin happened to be caught in the blast, he would find himself unharmed, as since this spell was upgraded, it gained the ability to differentiate ally and enemy.

HP- 5/6
MP- 3/6


Previously Blatant Mokery
Nikki Prez
Nikki was huffing as she remained elbow-deep in her bag, cursing herself for not being as organized with her items as Rosemarie. She was navigating around two years worth of trinkets- she had a separate pouch for spare Pokeballs, she really needed to do the same for potions. Climbing back onto Gazpacho, she tried to get a sense of how damaged he was. The slashes of wind had been unforgiving, but to Nikki’s relief, the bird seemed to have fight left in him, spreading his wings once again and staring intently at the wind mage in the distance, beak raised in disapproval.

Bennett was attacking the enemy to protect both her and Gazpacho, but in turn, he was about to be on the receiving end of a second tornado attack. Considering he hadn’t taken the first one very well, Nikki knew she needed to intervene, and she knew exactly how she needed to do it, taking a deep breath. The first part of the strategy had been set in motion already.

“FORWAAARD!” she let out a war cry, prompting the Windrome to rush forth, his talons stomping down into the snow as he hurried in the direction of the mage.

The truth was, Gazpacho wasn’t much of a ranged attacker- in fact, he didn’t have a single ranged attack in his arsenal. But he also didn’t have to- in this moment, all they had to do was intercept this guy’s attention, stomp forward threateningly to bait him- for right behind Merric, something was rising up from the snow in stealthy fashion. It was none other than Skyr, fresh off of bulking up with her earlier Power-Up Punch, the shy Pokemon’s arm pulled back and accumulating frost crystals. A nasty Ice Punch was coming directly toward Merric, assuming the combination of Skyr’s sneaky approach and Nikki’s approaching distraction proved effective.
Akira Tadokoro

Akira glared at the taken down warrior, turning away and getting a good look at the rest of the fight. There was three direct threats still awake and fighting, with Loki in the background against Anakin. Good, kept her off the rest of them. So, Akira had a choice to make - Assist the blue Shovel Knight against a red swordsman, get the pegasus knight off of the little Crow, or fight off a mage, as reaching Loki and Anakin seemed out of the question. The sleeping wyvern knight - Dragon knight? Akira really didn't know - would probably wake up soonish, too, so acting fast was pivotal.

And act quick he did.
A dash forward, first. It seemed the weight was gone, thankfully. The chosen focus was towards Little Crow's fight. Leaping forward, he threw out a blow towards Caeda with a jumping punch! Upon landing, this would be followed by placing a hand on the Crow's head.
"Get it together!"
Healing Touch
Psychokinetic energy flowed, benefitting the Crow slightly with a healing touch. Then, a head turned to Caeda. "Hey! Come at me, asshole! I'll knock you clean out!" It was certainly a boast, one Akira intended to back up. He was prepared to summon his Guardian Angel if harmed again, and went to try and get up closer to Caeda. Unfortunately, seeing as she was on a large steed, this would be difficult at best. So, he'd supplement the approach with a use of Behind You, once more taking a notable second to charge before unleashing copies which turned to sleet cutters - Targetting the mind for a frightening effect.


Previously Gamingfan2
Shovel Knight

The man seemed to tire of his questions. It looked like Shovel Knight got all the information that he could from Navarre.
"Very well." Shovel Knight agreed with a nod. "You have my thanks."
Green energy built around Navarre's blade, before being thrown forward as he slashed twice. The energy spawned a tornado of harsh winds around the Knight, crescent projectiles flying in from all directions. Shovel Knight reached into his inventory, gripping onto a heart-shaped locket just as they began to whip and strike his armor.
Navarre attacked the instant the maelstrom dispersed, but would see his sword phasing through Shovel Knight, who had become a pale, ghostly white! The effect faded fast though, so Shovel Knight would swiftly punish Navarre with rapid stabs of his shovel before finishing with an uppercut! At the same time, the Phase Locket lost its shimmer, and he turned back to normal.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

"You should have stayed down." His opponent told him.

"My dads didn't raise a quitter." Bennett responded, wiping some snow off his nose with his thumb.

Bennett had a pretty good guess what was about to happen. As winds began to concentrate, Bennett lit up his blade. When the blade of wind was cast his way once more, Bennett threw his blade, whirling through the air! The blade hit the wind slash, piercing through it and popping the tornado attack early, encircling nothing in particular. The sword kept going, swinging circularly as it threatened to slash against it's target whilst cloaked in flames.

Meanwhile Gazpacho, Nikki, and Skyr all pitched in to help fight him off as well, going in to close range combat. Thats when something strange began to occur. A hand like imprint appeared on their foe's back, glowing purple. A small twinkle of light came from it before-


An outrageously sized explosion engulfed Merric and quickly washed over towards the approaching Nikki and her pokemon companions. Bennett's sword was thrown back, sticking itself in the icy dirt. The wide explosion began to form a mushroom cloud, giggling heard from inside of it.

"Fake Fake Fake Fake!" A voice uttered, giving off a tone to mock the sound of laughter itself. "I'm laughing so much my stomach hurts!"

As the smoke began to clear, a tall jester like figure with a long blue cape entered the scene, the innards of the cape littered with knives on threads. Their mask was curled up in an ever present smile and their crescent shaped eyes seemed forever happy.

Bennett winced as the smoke blew past. Checking his body to see if he had any damage on him from the explosion, he was relieved to find none. Right when he thought he had a lucky break and was to rush and check on Nikki, two blades of wind whirled from his peripheral, slicing against his arms and legs, forcing him to the ground with a pained groan.

"Ack...! Just my luck..."
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Muspell Forces


The Wind Mage face-planted into the ground next to Bennett. Despite the incredibly violent explosion that had detonated on his back, he seemed relatively unharmed. Just slightly battered and singed. The red halo around his head glowed brighter and brighter, before suddenly breaking apart with the sound of shattered glass. Merric gave an exhausted smile to Bennett.
"I'm... so sorry." He said. "I had... no idea."
The mage began to fade, turning more and more transparent.
"You have to stop them. Stop Muspell..." Merric said. He faded out completely, the only thing remaining was the imprint in the snow he was laying in.


"Merric! NO!" Caeda cried. She attempted to slash at the Crow once more, but Akira had joined the fight. The psychic struck her, but Caeda was able to keep her balance and not be dismounted. She was to distracted to notice Akira's boast, instead staring in horror at the smoldering crater where her ally once stood.
"Fakemon! Why?!" Caeda cried. The red halo around her head pulsed, and Caeda turned her focus back to her fight at hand. Akira's psychic attack struck her, and the Princess winced in pain.

Out of the corner of her eye she sensed it. An enemy, sneaking up behind her! Caeda quickly turned her Pegasus around, only to find that there was nothing behind her. A trick!
"Gah!" Caeda yelled with frustration. The Pegasus lashed out with its powerful hind legs, attempting to kick both Akira and Crow. "I told you! You need to retreat! Flee!"


The Myrmidon's sword passed right through the Shovel Knight!
"What?! An after-image?!" Navarre said. He turned to try to find where Shovel Knight had gone, only for the Knight's ghostly form to attack him! The Knight landed a few blows, with Navarre able to dodge and parry a few even in his surprise. The uppercut was a clean blow, sending the Scarlet Sword sliding black. Navarre was breathing heavily, but he grinned.

"I'm not done yet." Navarre said. Once more he charged at Shovel Knight. His speed had increased dramatically, moving like a red blur! The energy from the red halo trailed behind him, leaving red particles floating in the air. The Myrmidon seemed to attack Shovel Knight from all sides! One moment he was in front of the knight, the next behind him, the next besides him, each attack slashing with his Killing Edge!

Minerva & Ax Fighter #3

The sound of the explosion jolted Minerva and her wyvern awake. Instinctively, she grabbed her poleax and in a moment was back on her wyvern. At the same time, the last ax fighter that tried to fight Anakin was also awakened. Minerva surveyed the battlefield. Things were looking bad. Merric was defeated, Navarre in a rough spot. Caeda was dealing with two enemies at once, and Loki was being attacked by the swordsman. The Ax Fighter ran towards Anakin. Producing a Hand Ax, they threw it at the Jedi Knight. Minerva took to the sky on her wyvern.


“How about we try dancing, instead?" The Jedi asked. Loki laughed, making no move to ready herself for close combat as Anakin approached.
"You claim it wasn't your intention, and now you are asking me to dance? My dear, your intentions are crystal clear. Sir, I do not even know your name." Loki said.

With a plop, the Crow's grenade landed at Loki's feet. Her eyes widened, and a purple aura quickly surrounded her. The bomb detonated, blasting Loki back. She slowly stood up, looking down at her torn and ragged clothes. The concussive blast had rattled her, but she was still able to fight.
"Finding good help nowadays is always so difficult." Loki muttered. As if on que, Fakemon showed up and detonated Merric.

"Fakemon!" Loki called out in fake irritation. She waggled her finger at the digimon. "What have I told you about exploding Contracted Heroes?"
The trickster's fake irritation quickly melted away into a mischievous smile.
"Aw, I just can't stay mad at you. Look at that face!" Loki said, and turned her attention back to Anakin. "Sir Knight. As much as I would love to dance with you, it seems as if another maiden is looking to... "cut in"."
Loki pointed behind Anakin, just in time for Minerva and her Wyvern to swoop down towards the Jedi! Minerva swung her poleax at Anakin, with the power of her descending wyvern behind the attack!
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Previously turnt3chGodh34d


“You claim it wasn't your intention, and now you are asking me to dance? My dear, your intentions are crystal clear. Sir, I do not even know your name,” Loki said.

Just then, the grenade landed at her feet, and she looked down at it. Anakin couldn’t hide back a sly smirk etching across his face. “Anakin,” he said, and the grenade detonated, blasting the nightsister back in a huff. The jedi stepped through the momentary cloud of smoke it left behind, rotating one of his shoulders as he continued to approach Loki, whose attention had turned to her pet - while another axman charged at the general.

Loki turned, carrying with her another taunt - and Anakin could heed the thinly-veiled warning through humor. He used it himself, often enough. The ax throw from the axman came moments before Loki’s warning followed through, and the jedi casually waved his hand at waist-level. The ax suddenly jerked in the air, redirecting toward Loki’s skull as Anakin turned early, a moment before the nightsister had even pointed, and witnessed the approaching threat.

Anakin dove into a rapid sideways roll, snow spraying about, slashing upward with the saber on the other side of Minerva’s swing - and on the other side of her fell beast. The saber was intended to cut right through the creature’s opposite wing at the base.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Fakemon & Bennett

"But they always make the best sounds when they feel so betrayed!" Fakemon joked, making light of Merric's seeming demise. "What an unsightly marvelous thing!"

The cries of Caeda only seem to make him laugh louder, holding his belly as he practically fell over in amusement. During this, Bennett reached out towards Merric fading form, suddenly realizing what was happening. These guys were being puppeted around. Those halos were some sort of control device. Seeing Fakemon mock the sacrifice of his own ally while they faded away struck a chord inside the adventurer.

"He was on your side! He put his trust in you...!"


Fakemon tilted his head, Bennett grunting to stand on his feet, his sword still missing. The clown was quick to tear apart people in its path for the sake of amusement, be them friend or foe. The fact that they endangered his life, Nikki's life, and ended Merric's all for the sake of a cheap laugh made Bennett's passion burn bright.

"We aren't toys to be played with! Merric wasn't either!"

Bennett broke out into a run, ready to punch Fakemon square in the face. The deception based Digimon didn't move, waiting for Bennett to be nearly on top of him before quick stepping back, putting their index finger to the back of Bennett's fist and putting pressure on it. This made Bennett tip over and lose balance, their momentum keeping them going as they began to trip. Before he could hit the ground, Fakemon grabbed his ankle.


In a streak of red digital code, Bennett and Fakemon both disappeared.

Fifty feet up in the air, Fakemon and his captured pyro user reappeared, the clown floating in the air. Bennett struggled in his grip, not understanding what was going on, stil discombobulated from the one-two Fakemon preformed. Fakemon gave a little giggle before he opened both his hands wide.


Without Fakemon gripping him anymore, Bennett began to spiral downwards towards the ground, flailing his hands about in the air.



Previously Blatant Mokery
Nikki Prez
Nikki shielded herself with her arms as best as she could as the blast pushed forward- Gazpacho thrusting himself into a more upright position, puffing his powerful chest out to further defend his trainer, letting out a frustrated squawk from the heat and shock of the nearby explosion.

When things died down, she immediately climbed further up Gazpacho’s back to a better vantage point, looking toward Skyr. The poor Pokemon had been right behind Merric before being obligated to back up at the sight of the strange mark- having just been a second away from delivering her Ice Punch, but for obvious reasons, it hadn’t worked out.

“Lili…li…” the Pokemon managed to mumble, hovering around in a daze and with clear signs of heavy damage, perhaps even seconds away from fainting entirely. Nikki held out the Ghost-type’s Pokeball, recalling Skyr so she could take a rest. Gazpacho was going to need similar treatment soon, but Nikki didn’t feel like she could afford to recall him, not yet.

She had little time to process what was happening. The mage seemed to be…
Was he dead??

The crazed, jester-looking fellow seemed to be pretty proud of that. Nikki swallowed, knowing full well that Merric had been the enemy, but… she would’ve felt a whole lot better about just seeing him get KOed by Skyr’s Ice Punch.
Come to think of it… there were quite a few people dying in this battle, weren’t there…?
“What a freak show, you are…! You’re even creepier than she is…! And she's like, the mama of all megaweirdos!” Nikki huffed, pointing over toward Loki as her struggles with Anakin and The Crow unfolded- Nikki was visibly offput by Fakemon’s existence, and that was BEFORE he suddenly took Bennett, and… disappeared.


Nikki looked all around, taking a few seconds to scan the horizon before she turned her attention skyward. Bennett was struggling against Fakemon’s grasp, and it wasn’t hard to see what the aforementioned freak show’s plan was. Tightening her grip on the giant bird’s back, Nikki pointed up toward the sky, leaning up and down frantically to put some urgent pep in Gazpacho’s step.

“Catch! Catch ‘im! Catch 'im like he's the last sack of spaghetti noodles in the world- just NOT with your beak!!” she directed. The bulky bird exhaled in acknowledgment, pushing himself off of the ground with his mighty talons and a series of wingbeats, soaring beneath Bennett to catch the blonde and save him from a painful, and bitterly cold landing.
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Previously mallard
Akira showed, up pat the corvid on the head, and healed his wounds! With a gleeful thumbs up, Little Crow was off again, leaving Akira to deal with the horse kick on his own. Not abandoning him, as the crow figured the human could handle himself, but with Anakin busy, no one was attacking the puppet master of them all. Once she was out of the picture, the battle would be won... right?

On his way over there, a small door appeared next to him, hovering alongside as he ran. It was a grey, wooden door with a metal bird door-knocker attached to the front. He gingerly opened the door as he went, tossed his Reaper Sword inside, and then felt around inside for a moment... Once he felt it, he quickly pulled out an ancient sledgehammer, crackling with electricity.

The door disappeared in a shimmer of light, and the Reaper closed in on Loki. He leapt forward, rolled through the snow, and then swung the hammer downwards- right onto the witch's leg. Not only was the blow powerful enough to produce a small shockwave on impact, but if it struck, it would deliver a powerful surge of electricity to Loki's body. Even if it were avoided, as long as she was still nearby, a small bolt would lash out at her for some chip damage.

HP- 6/6
MP- 3/6


Previously Gamingfan2
Shovel Knight
Shovel Knight struck The Scarlet Sword back. The man seemed close to falling, but his grin made it clear he had no intention of giving.
The warrior dashed at Shovel Knight, his speed increased to the point where he was a streak of red. The Scarlet Sword stopped in front of Shovel Knight, slashed with his sword, and almost immediately moved to attack from another direction.
The Blue Burrower struggled to keep up, but did not lose his cool. He blocked the first strike with his weapon, but couldn't turn around fast enough and was struck in the side by Navarre's blade. Shovel Knight's stance remained firm, and when Navarre appeared again for the third strike, Shovel Knight had put what looked to be a large horn to his mouth.
In time with Navarre's slash, Shovel Knight gave a hearty blow into the War Horn, the magic amplifying the sound to a ridiculous degree. It would blare around Shovel Knight as a mighty, all-encompassing shockwave that would not only blast Navarre but the surrounding snow sky high, raining lumps of it over the arena!

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Bennett & Fakemon

As the ground grew closer into view, a battered Nikki and Gazpacho rushed to Bennett's aid. Carefully and quickly saving the boy from a more abrupt fate. Bennett had to catch his breath, looking around him quickly to gain a grip of the situation.

"Nikki! Gazpacho! You guys are alright!" He exclaimed in relief. "That explosion looked like it took it out of you guys...ngh."

Grasping a healing wound on his shoulder with a grimace, Bennett opened one of his cringing eyes to search upwards, but it appeared Fakemon was now missing from his previous location. What? Where did he go??

"Megaweirdo? I Looooove it!"

Fakemon appeared right in front of Nikki, inches away from her face. With a giggle, he manifested something in his right arm, holding it up for her.

"Hold this, I'll be back!"

He dropped what was in his hand on the back of Gazpacho - a cartoonish looking dumbbell with a big "500lbs" posted on the side of it. The sudden increase of weight was to try and anchor the stressed avian to the ground and quickly send them struggling downwards. Meanwhile, Fakemon warped out again in a streak of red.

Tens of feet Shovel Knight now, Fakemon applauded the snow move that was utilized by him, the snow lumps raining down. But it could be spicier! He generated three pink lumps from his cape, thrusting them into the mix. Mid air, the lumps manifested and replicated, taking the form of the snowballs...but the field grew bigger. And bigger. Snowballs were raining everywhere! A few hit the ground, one falling into a clump of snow while another one exploded in a plume of smoke. There were explosives and mixed in with the snow!

"Oh how I love a white Christmas!" Fakemon gleefully exclaimed. "Almost makes me want to cry lemon juice!"
Akira Tadokoro

How didn't he see him coming, was what Akira questioned himself on when he realised what had occurred while he was attacking the pegasus knight.

Another had appeared, monstrous. Some kinda damn jester, those weren't good news in this sort of scenario. Like clowns in sewers, for example. And the freak outright murdered his own ally, drawing appropriate attention naturally. Akira himself, was distracted enough in noticeable anger, to not really capitalize on the effects of Behind You, meaning that the hind kick from Caeda's pegasus staggered him and made him skid back in the rougher snow.
Guardian Angel
A hand wave for a counter, and the Guardian Angel was summoned yet again for another attack. Afterwards...

"Something you should know about me," Wiping away the blood from his nose with one hand, Akira stood up straight. "I don't give up easy. And if you can't get out of my way against that sick bastard, then I'll have to beat you."
Moving forward once again, Akira reared a fist back, a golden glow on it as it took a single moment to charge.
Holy Smackdown!
Launching forward with Akira's momentum, the punch launched - Empowered by psychic energy - straight towards Caeda. If the blow landed, not only would it hit far harder than previous individual attacks, but it could also apply a stunning effect, which Akira was counting on as he dove past the pegasus knight right after.

Bennett had been dragged to the skies, but it looked like Nikki was attempting a rescue herself. Of course, then the freaky Jester decided to mess with more of the group, culminating in..

"Oh, for the love of-" A giant snowball almost landed right on him, prompting Tadokoro to duck out of the way. Luckily, it wasn't quite an explosive one, so Akira grit his teeth and glared. "Stop right there, asshole!"
Cold Day In Hell
Stomping a foot to the ground, Akira took another two moments to charge, before 4 images split out from him - Front and back. These images seemingly began to freeze, before exploding into ice spikes seemingly bursting from the ground! While the area of effect would potentially catch one or two of his allies too...It became apparent it didn't seem to affect them - Because the spikes were more of a psychic influence, than anything else. Alongside decent damage attached, enemies struck by them would also have their speed lowered.
Minerva & Ax Fighter #3

The wyvern recoiled, screeching in pain as its wing was cut clean off! Despite the grievous damage to her beast, Minerva was unphased. The Princess of Macedon swung her poleax at Anakin, keeping impressive control over her beast as it thrashed about in agony. The wyvern snapped at Anakin, its razor teeth threatening to impale the Jedi Knight! As Minerva and her wyvern attacked Anakin, the final Ax Fighter joined in as well. The fighter attempted to flank Anakin, slashing with his own Hand Ax at melee range.


The trickster laughed as Anakin fought Minerva and the Ax Fighter. A simple tilt of her head was all it took to evade the redirected hand ax, and she turned her attention to the new threat charging her. The Little Crow. She smiled, not moving as the bird man charged her. He dove into a roll, swung his hammer! But the weapon phased through Loki, as if the woman wasn't even there! The illusion vanished, and Loki appeared behind the Crow.

"Aren't you adorable! Tell me, if I put you in cage, would you sing for me?" Loki asked the bird. She grabbed him by his wings, and with surprising strength swung the Crow around! There was a flash of light, and the Crow suddenly found himself looking at an exact copy of himself. The Not-Crow let go of the Little Crow, staggering back as if dizzy. It shook his head, and pointed at the Little Crow with a surprised squawk! It readied its sledgehammer, mirroring Little Crow's movements exactly.


The blast of the horn sent Navarre flying back! He fell into the snow, the sword clattering to the ground. He got to a knee, breathing heavily and holding his side.
"Gah... Beaten like this. I suppose I can't complain..." Navarre said as explosions began to go off all around him. He scowled at Fakemon, and the red halo around his head began to glow. It glowed brighter and brighter, and suddenly with the sound of shattering glass, it broke apart. The Scarlet Sword began to fade, and he nodded to the Shovel Knight.
"Well fought. Listen. Only by besting the Contracted Heroes can you break their curses." Navarre explained. He smirked. "Farewell, knight of the shovel. I hope we meet again."

Navarre faded away, his curved sword remaining in the snow.


Caeda turned her Pegasus around, just in time to parry the Guardian Angel's attack with her own sword. Akira charged at her, his fist glowing, and Caeda pulled up on her Pegasus' reigns. The winged horse took to the air, evading the powerful punch by flying over the psychic. She watched in awe as Akira used another one of his psychic abilities and called forth massive spikes of ice! Just as she had avoided the Holy Smackdown, Caeda was flying high enough to evade the ice spikes. She grimaced as she overlooked the battlefield, watching as Navarre was defeated as well.
"Navarre..." The Princess whispered.

Caeda decided to continue her fight with Akira. She swooped down on her Pegasus, attempting a fly-by slash attack against the psychic!


Previously turnt3chGodh34d


The wyvern crashed, its rider redirecting to its other side to swing at Anakin again - easily deflected by a simple spin of the lightsaber, and Anakin leapt over the creature’s snap, flipping to land on the nape of its neck. As it thrashed, he wobbled on the spot, trying to maintain his balance. Despite this, he maintained a skillful defense, swinging the saber to deflect any more strikes from the woman - though the jedi was much too close for a poleax to be effective, and her limbs likely weren’t a good lightsaber deterrent.

Stabilizing himself, Anakin gripped his fist, using the force to suddenly pile immense weight upon Minerva, threatening to drive her through the spine of her wyvern as it would feel the pressure as well. The knight swiped with his lightsaber - not at her, but at the not-so-sneaky axman who’d charged from behind. His weapon was cleaved through like buter, the saber moving on to pass through his neck as well. Anakin didn’t even look in his direction, eyes locked on Minerva as he kept the force pressure on.

“You’ve lost, you just don’t know it,” he told her. “I know Loki is not your leader. Where is your real boss?”

He moved the saber’s blue edge to point it at Minerva’s throat, holding it dangerously close. Any slight and dangerous movement would threaten to end her. He was expecting her to act in self-preservation.


Previously mallard
The attack went straight through the witch! A ruse?! The crow turned around just in time to be plucked out of the snow and swung around, disorienting him. He had dropped his hammer, as Loki turned into a direct replica of him! As the doppelganger let go, Little Crow stumbled back and shook off the dizziness, just as his copycat did. Then, he was quick to dive and retrieve his weapon, before he whirled back around to face the mirror image.

He was confused as his every move was followed. Was this Loki, or was this him? The Reaper squinted and glared, circling and cocking his head as he inspected the impostor. Snowballs fell around them, which the avian took note of. What he didn't expect, however, was when a nearby snowball exploded, sending him tumbling back down the hill.

HP- 5/6
MP- 3/6