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Dagr hurdled the tree, taking off in a run.

"Oh, come on JJ! Imitation is the highest form of flattery, flattery!" Dagr called over her shoulder. Jevil launched the heart missiles. Something new! Dagr skidded to a stop next to the destroyed pile of gears, before kicking up the largest one and using it as a shield to block the first Heart Missile. The 'Wings of Fast Defense' decended, blocking the remaning three missiles. This Jevil was quick, real quick. He was avoiding all of her attacks, even when she was using her special moves. Maybe she could try something else, hyping him up and seeing if he'll make a mistake that way.

"Meh, still pretty boring. 3 out of 10." Dagr said. The giantess pirouetted, before turning and sticking out her tounge. "Blehhh!"

Dagr turned and dashed into the woods, moving between the scarlet trees for cover.
