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Yami Bakura

The dark spirit paused, and slowly looked around the room once again. He pondered Neph's words, but was quick to shake them off.

"Did you know, monster..." Yami Bakura said. "That within the plaza of this tournament, there is a sparring area? A very curious addition, seeing that Master Hand was quite specific that any fighting outside of the tournament would be met with elimination. Then again, the contestants that were using it were already out of the tournament."

"Could it be, that Master Hand doesn't care what those who have lost the tournament do?" Yami Bakura asked with a grin. "No, I think we won't be seeing any meddling from that creature here. You are the one out of your depth here, monster."

The dark spirit drew a trio of cards off the top of his deck.

"Shall I read your fortune? Let's look." Yami Bakura said. "First, your past."

The white haired teen revealed the first card. It was a monster card, one depicting a cheerful, pink, spherical fairy with wings.

"Ah. The Tenderness monster." Yami Bakura said. "Your past was a happy one, yet difficult. Your circumstances forced you to learn the value of patience, and temperance."

Yami Bakura revealed the second card. It was another monster card, one that depicted a powerful tan-skinned woman with long red hair.

"Now your present. The Empress Judge. You have gone through an incredible journey, gaining power and accomplishing great deeds. You've become an incredibly powerful warrior, destroying all who stand in your way. But look. It's been drawn upside down. You've lost something recently... Something before this tournament, that has caused you to lose your title..."

Yami Bakura looked to Neph, holding up the final card.

"Let's see what your future has in store..." The spirit said.
